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FY 2019 Executive Budget Legislation

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FY 2019 Executive Budget Legislation – 30-Day Amendments

FY 2019 Appropriation Bills 30-Day Amendments

State Operations Bill

Aid to Localities Bill

Capital Projects Bill

FY 2019 Article VII Bills 30-Day Amendments

Health and Mental Hygiene (HMH) Bill

Public Protection and General Government (PPGG) Bill

Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (TED) Bill

Revenue (REV) Bill

Women’s Agenda Bill

Executive Budget Legislation

FY 2019 Appropriations Bills

FY 2019 Article VII Bills

Freestanding Article VII Bills

FY 2019 Memoranda in Support

Article VII Memoranda in Support

Freestanding Article VII Memoranda in Support

Note: If any problems are encountered with accessing or reading the information in any of the above documents, please contact the Division of the Budget Webmaster.

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