Community Projects Fund Initiatives

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What is the Community Projects Fund and Who Receives Money from It

The enacted State budget typically appropriates money for various grants, awards and contracts with local governments, not-for-profit organizations and community groups. These grants are funded through the Community Projects Fund.

During the fiscal year, the Governor, the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly notify the Division of the Budget periodically of the intended recipient organizations and grant amounts.

At the conclusion of a review period, the State agency that will be in charge of the contract with the grant recipient is authorized to begin processing the grant.

Authorized Community Projects Fund Initiatives

Once funds have been allocated for new or modified grants, an up-to-date, cumulative list is made available on the DOB Web Site in PDF format. The date that the list was created or revised is clearly indicated and the new list supersedes all previous versions.

All approved recipient organizations are listed alphabetically. In addition, the sponsor for each project – the Assembly, Senate or Governor – is displayed, as well as the agency that will be administering the grant contract.

Community Projects Fund grant recipients are listed by the fiscal year of the budget in which the source of funding was authorized. Within each fiscal year, to make it easier to find information quickly, the lists have been separated into five alphabetical groups as well as a group for those recipients whose name begins with a number.

Helpful Hints

A targeted Google Search box is included below so that information can be quickly found when the name of the recipient is known.

There are many ways in which a recipient may be listed. For example, if you are looking for a recipient associated with the Town of Amherst, New York, use the Google Search and enter only the word “Amherst.” Google finds and lists all recipients that have the word “Amherst” in the title, regardless of the order in which it appears (Example of search results for “Amherst”).

Also, search under each fiscal year for a particular recipient. Recipients often are granted funds in different years.

This listing of Community Projects Fund recipients is a record of initiatives funded from authorized appropriations. A recipient’s name appearing on this list does not confirm either that the entity has been paid the grant amount or has even begun the process of applying for the funds through the agency that oversees the contract.

2008 Initiatives (listed alphabetically)
2008: A-E
2008: F-J
2008: K-O
2008: P-T
2008: U-Z
2008: Numeric Listing


2006 Initiatives (listed alphabetically)
2006: A-E
2006: F-J
2006: K-O
2006: P-T
2006: U-Z
2006: Numeric Listing


2005 Initiatives (listed alphabetically)
2005: A-E
2005: F-J
2005: K-O
2005: P-T
2005: U-Z
2005: Numeric Listing


2004 Initiatives (listed alphabetically)
2004: A-E
2004: F-J
2004: K-O
2004: P-T
2004: U-Z
2004: Numeric Listing


2003 Initiatives (listed alphabetically)
2003: A-E
2003: F-J
2003: K-O
2003: P-T
2003: U-Z
2003: Numeric Listing

2008-09 Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)