Parole, Division of

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All amounts are in dollars
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 185,569,000 178,392,000 -7,177,000 0
Aid To Localities 49,243,218 15,830,000 -33,413,218 3,208,000
Total 234,812,218 194,222,000 -40,590,218 3,208,000

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Program 2008-09
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
    General Fund 112 102 -10
Parole Operations
    General Fund 2,023 2,009 -14
Total 2,135 2,111 -24

Note: Most recent estimates as of 12/16/08.


The Division of Parole, which consists of the Board of Parole and Division staff, is responsible for preparing eligible offenders to be released from prison, allowing for their release and setting the conditions of release, supervising those offenders in the community, and providing parolees with assistance to help them successfully reintegrate into society.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $194.2 million All Funds ($183.6 million General Funds; $9.3 million Internal Services Funds; $1.3 million Other Funds) for the Division of Parole. This is a $40 million decrease over the prior year which primarily reflects the elimination of the subsidy to local governments for costs in detaining parole violators in local jails. Also, the Division will no longer fund treatment contracts in order to focus its resources on its core mission. It is expected that parolees who were receiving services through these contracted slots will continue treatment in the Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services’ provider network.

The Executive Budget recommends a staffing level of 2,111 FTEs for the Division of Parole, a decrease of 24 from the 2008-09 Budget. This primarily reflects the decrease in court-mandated strict and intensive supervision of sex offender cases and decreased workload resulting from post release supervision litigation. Major budget actions include:

  • Parolee Population Decrease. Approximately 3,000 parolees pending post release supervision litigation will have the supervision term removed from their sentences. Also, the court-mandated sex offender population projection has been updated to reflect the actual population of approximately 100 parolees. Savings are estimated at $2.9 million.
  • Community Supervision Restructuring. A risk assessment tool will be used to identify low risk parolees who can be placed under a less intensive supervision program. The Division of Parole will also restructure the level of supervision of certain parolees who have attended the Willard Drug Treatment Campus or participated in Shock Incarceration. Savings are estimated at $3.6 million.
  • Operational Efficiencies. Conserving resources and materials, making better use of video conferencing equipment, and purchasing equipment only for critical health and safety needs will lower spending by $2.2 million.

2009-10 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Parole, Division of (PDF)