Local Government Assistance

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Local Government Assistance programs provide a range of State aid and assistance for all classes of local governments. Key General Fund-supported programs include the Aid and Incentives for Municipalities (AIM) program, which allocates unrestricted State aid to cities, towns and villages, in addition to the Citizen Empowerment Tax Credits, Citizens Re-Organization Empowerment Grants, Local Government Performance and Efficiency Program, and the Local Government Efficiency Grant program, which provide grants to local governments to encourage increased efficiency, municipal shared services and/or governmental consolidation.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $852 million in All Funds appropriations to fund miscellaneous State aid and assistance programs, including $822 million in General Fund support to local governments under several aid programs and $30 million in Fiduciary Funds to cover contingency appropriation requirements. There is no change in All Funds appropriations levels from the 2011-12 budget.

AIM funding to cities, towns and villages is recommended to be maintained at $715 million. In addition, $79 million in appropriations for Citizen Empowerment Tax Credits, Citizens Re-Organization Empowerment Grants, Local Government Performance and Efficiency awards, and the Local Government Efficiency Grant program are recommended to be maintained.

For more information on this agency's budget recommendations located in the Executive Budget Briefing Book, click on the following link:

Briefing Book – Local Government (PDF)

All amounts are in dollars
Category Available
Change From
Aid To Localities 852,044,300 852,044,300 0 77,345,000
Total 852,044,300 852,044,300 0 77,345,000

Note: Most recent estimates as of 1/17/2012

Click for additional detailed appropriation tables