Medicaid Inspector General, Office of the

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All amounts are in dollars
Sortable Appropriations Data
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 97,995,000 91,839,000 -6,156,000 31,243,000
Total 97,995,000 91,839,000 -6,156,000 31,243,000

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Budget Data Chart
Program 2007-08
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
Medicaid Audit and Fraud Prevention
    General Fund 247 361 114
    Special Revenue Funds - Federal 263 376 113
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 16 0
Total 526 753 227

Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/22/08.


The Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) was statutorily established in 2006 - as an independent entity within the Department of Health - to improve and preserve the integrity of the Medicaid program by conducting and coordinating fraud, waste and abuse control activities for all State agencies responsible for services funded by Medicaid.

In carrying out its mission, the Office conducts and supervises all prevention, detection, audit and investigation efforts and coordinates such activities with the Department of Health, and the Office of Mental Health, Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities and Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services. In addition, the Medicaid Inspector General works closely with the Attorney General's Medicaid Fraud and Control Unit (MFCU) and Federal and local law enforcement agencies.

Budget Highlights

The 2008-09 Executive Budget recommends $92 million All Funds ($36 million General Fund, $56 million Other Funds) to support the operations of the Office of Medicaid Inspector General. This is a decrease of $6.2 million (an increase of $4.0 million General Fund, and a decrease of $10.2 million Other Funds) from the 2007-08 Budget. This net change reflects the costs of new positions, additional resources for technology investments and an adjustment in the Federal appropriation to reflect anticipated spending.

The 2008-09 Executive Budget recommends 753 FTEs for OMIG, an increase of 227 which reflect 75 new staff and the hiring of currently authorized staff. Approximately 48 percent of the positions are supported by the General Fund and the remaining 52 percent are supported by Federal and other funds.

Major budget actions include:

  • New Positions: The Executive Budget adds $5.5 million ($2.7 million General Fund) to support 75 new auditors, investigators and other positions to improve the State's ability to combat fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicaid Program. New staff will be used to enhance OMIG's investigative capabilities, expand audits of rate-based providers, and perform recovery, legal and internal control activities.
  • Technology Investments: The Executive Budget recommends an additional $8 million ($4 million General Fund) to obtain new data mining software products and expand the Card Swipe Program, which allows Medicaid providers to validate the identity of individuals using the Medicaid card.
  • Statutory Enhancements: The Budget advances a series of statutory measures to improve the State's ability to combat Medicaid fraud by providing civil remedies for the misappropriation of Medicaid funds and expanding OMIG's access to tax information and complaints filed under the State False Claims Act.

2008-09 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Medicaid Inspector General, Office of the (PDF)