Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State

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All amounts are in dollars
Sortable Appropriations Data
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 5,914,000 7,945,000 2,031,000 0
Aid To Localities 10,142,000 10,511,000 369,000 3,900,000
Capital Projects 13,500,000 13,500,000 0 0
Total 29,556,000 31,956,000 2,400,000 3,900,000

Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/22/08.


The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) was established in 1975 to develop and implement new energy technologies, focusing on renewable energy sources and energy conservation.

As part of its central mission, the Authority manages energy research, development and demonstration programs, which are funded by assessments on gas and electric utilities. Projects are selected on a competitive basis to promote applied research on State energy problems.

The Authority administers Federal grant programs which help businesses, schools and hospitals implement energy efficiency measures, and issues tax exempt bonds on behalf of investor-owned utilities for capital improvements. The Authority also administers the System Benefits Charge, which supports energy programs for low-income consumers, energy efficiency, energy research and development, and environmental protection. In addition, the Authority administers the Renewable Portfolio Standard program, designed to increase the percentage of electricity used by retail customers in the State which is derived from renewable resources.

The Authority also manages the former nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at West Valley in Cattaraugus County and the Saratoga Technology and Energy Park (STEP) in Saratoga County. Currently, NYSERDA has several clean-energy technology companies located at STEP, and is continuing to work toward bringing in other clean energy technology companies.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $32 million All Funds ($18.5 million Special Revenue Funds; $13.5 million Capital) for the Energy Research and Development Authority. This is an increase of $2.4 million ($2.4 million Special Revenue Funds) from the 2007-08 budget. This net change primarily reflects an increase in funding to update the State energy plan, which was last done in 2002.

The Energy Research and Development Authority is partially funded by assessments on State public utility gross intrastate operating receipts. The 2008-09 Budget recommends approximately $18.5 million in appropriations for the Authority's energy, research and development programs and $13.5 million for ongoing work at West Valley. The authority has a workforce of 257.

2008-09 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
Energy Research and Development Authority, New York State (PDF)