City University of New York

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All amounts are in dollars
Sortable Appropriations Data
Category Available
Change From
State Operations 1,772,937,607 1,845,568,800 72,631,193 0
Aid To Localities 1,136,570,745 1,210,227,600 73,656,855 0
Capital Projects 265,800,000 1,699,602,000 1,433,802,000 2,621,617,000
Total 3,175,308,352 4,755,398,400 1,580,090,048 2,621,617,000

Full-Time Equivalent Positions (FTE)
Budget Data Chart
Program 2007-08
Estimated FTEs
Estimated FTEs
FTE Change
Institutional Support Services
    Special Revenue Funds - Other 179 179 0
    Fiduciary Funds 11,136 11,276 140
Total 11,315 11,455 140

Note: Most recent estimates as of 01/22/08.


The City University of New York (CUNY) is the nation's largest urban public university system. The City University had its origin in the Free Academy established in 1847 under the auspices of the New York City Board of Education. The University's mission is to provide affordable higher education with a focus on the urban community of New York City.

Budget Highlights

The Executive Budget recommends $4.8 billion ($1.2 billion General Fund; $1.7 billion Fiduciary Fund; $1.7 billion Capital Funds; $145 million Other Funds) for the City University of New York. This is an increase of $1.6 billion ($73 million General Fund; $72 million Fiduciary Fund; $1.4 billion Capital Funds) from the 2007-08 budget. This net change primarily reflects continued growth in personal services, nonpersonal services, fringe benefits and other inflationary costs, major budget actions described below and other measures. The Executive Budget does not assume a tuition increase. Therefore, CUNY's Senior College Tuition Revenue Offset will remain level at $641.4 million, which includes a 2007-08 adjustment to fold in $20 million in tuition revenues resulting from ongoing enrollment growth.

Major budget actions include:

  • New Five-Year Capital Program. The Executive Budget recommends a new $2.8 billion five-year capital investment program for CUNY, which provides for facility and infrastructure improvements at senior and community colleges, consistent with the University's needs and priorities. Funded projects encompass critical maintenance, health and safety, preservation and handicapped access projects, as well as the completion of ongoing projects at John Jay and Medgar Evers College, and the construction of new projects upon approval of the newly established University Capital Projects Review Board.
  • Nursing Programs. The Executive Budget provides $1 million to expand CUNY nursing programs.
  • Energy Costs. The Executive Budget includes a $45 million contingency appropriation outside of CUNY's appropriation schedule to cover extraordinary utility cost increases experienced by the University's Senior Colleges in 2008-09, should they arise.
  • Savings from Innovation and Enhanced Flexibility. The Executive Budget recognizes the flexibility of the Board of Trustees to manage a $16.7 million (2.5 percent) reduction in General Fund support in a manner that is responsive to student needs and University priorities. The Executive Budget also includes Article VII legislation that would enhance CUNY's existing flexibility in the areas of procurement and administration, which will facilitate the cost savings efforts.
  • $50 per FTE Reduction in Community College Base Operating Aid. Funding for base operating aid is reduced by $50 per full-time equivalent (FTE) student, from $2,675 to $2,625 per FTE, to achieve savings of $3.1 million on an academic fiscal year basis.

2008-09 Executive Budget — Agency Presentation
City University of New York (PDF)