Legislative Bill Drafting Commission

     S.        --------

     IN SENATE--Introduced by Sen

     --read twice and ordered printed,
     and when printed to be committed
     to the Committee on

               -------- A.

     IN ASSEMBLY--Introduced by M. of A.

     --read  once  and  referred  to  the
     Committee on

     (Enacts major components  of  legis-
     lation  necessary  to  implement the
     state fiscal plan for the  2001-2002
     state fiscal year)


     2001-2002 Fiscal Plan

                    AN ACT

     to  provide  for  the utilization of
     utility  assessment  funds  (A);  to
     amend  chapter  886  of  the laws of
     1972 amending the correction law and
     the penal law relating  to  prisoner
     furloughs  in  certain cases and the
     crime of  absconding  therefrom;  to
     amend  chapter  261  of  the laws of
     1987, amending chapters 50,  53  and
     54   of   the   laws  of  1987,  the
     correction law, the  penal  law  and
     other  chapters and laws relating to
     correctional facilities  and  earned
     eligibility;  to amend chapter 55 of
     the laws of 1992, amending  the  tax

                                         2                         12020-01-1

     law   and  other  laws  relating  to
     taxes, surcharges, fees and  funding
     and  to  extend the provision of the
     comprehensive  alcohol and substance
     abuse program; to amend chapter  339
     of  the  laws  of 1972, amending the
     correction law  and  the  penal  law
     relating  to  inmate  work  release,
     furlough and leave; to amend chapter
     60 of the laws of 1994  relating  to
     certain provisions which impact upon
     expenditure   of  certain  appropri-
     ations made by  chapter  50  of  the
     laws  of  1994  enacting  the  state
     operations budget and  which  desig-
     nate  the capacity of the comprehen-
     sive  alcohol  and  substance  abuse
     program; to amend chapter 554 of the
     laws    of    1986,   amending   the
     correction law  and  the  penal  law
     relating  to providing for community
     treatment facilities and  establish-
     ing  the  crime of absconding from a
     community  treatment  facility;   to
     amend  chapter 3 of the laws of 1995
     amending the  penal  law  and  other
     laws  relating  to the incarceration
     fee; to amend chapter 79 of the laws
     of 1989, amending the correction law
     and other laws relating  to  release
     and supervision of persons serving a
     definite  sentence; to amend chapter
     907 of the laws of 1984 amending the
     correction law, the  New  York  city
     criminal court act and the executive
     law  relating  to  prison  and  jail
     housing    and    alternatives    to
     detention      and     incarceration
     programs; to amend  chapter  713  of
     the  laws of 1988 amending the vehi-
     cle and traffic law relating to  the
     ignition  interlock  device program,
     in relation to extending the expira-
     tion thereof; to amend chapter 55 of
     the laws of 1992  amending  the  tax
     law   and  other  laws  relating  to
     taxes, surcharges, fees and funding,
     in  relation  to  extending  certain
     provisions  relating  to  release on
     medical parole; to amend chapter 887
     of the laws  of  1983  amending  the
     correction   law   relating  to  the
     psychological testing of candidates,
     in relation to extending the expira-
     tion of such chapter (B);  to  amend

                                         3                         12020-01-1

     the  election  law,  in  relation to
     publishing  proposed  constitutional
     amendments  or other propositions or
     questions, and printing compilations
     of  the election law for transmittal
     to each board of elections at  least
     once each year (C); to amend chapter
     989 of the laws of 1958, relating to
     the  temporary  state  commission of
     investigation,   in   relation    to
     extending  the  provisions  of  such
     chapter;  and  to   repeal   certain
     provisions  of such chapter relating
     thereto (D); to amend the  executive
     law,  the  state finance law and the
     insurance  law,   in   relation   to
     authorizing   the   use   of   owner
     controlled  insurance  programs  for
     certain      public     construction
     contracts and make conforming chang-
     es thereto (E); to amend  the  state
     finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
     assessment  of  collection  fees  on
     debts  owed  to  the  state  (F); to
     amend chapter 268  of  the  laws  of
     1996, amending the education law and
     the  state  finance law, relating to
     providing    a    recruitment    and
     retention   incentive   program  for
     certain active members  of  the  New
     York  army  national guard, New York
     air national  guard,  and  New  York
     naval  militia,  in  relation to the
     effective date thereof (G); to amend
     the military law, in relation to the
     military  funds  of  the   organized
     militia (H); to amend the real prop-
     erty  law,  the general business law
     and the executive law,  in  relation
     to  the  fees  charged  for  certain
     license, registration and commission
     applications and  examinations;  and
     to  repeal certain provisions of the
     general business law and the  execu-
     tive  law  relating  thereto (I); to
     amend the executive law, in relation
     to  the  community  services   block
     grant  program  (J);  to  amend  the
     environmental conservation  law,  in
     relation to fees charged by the Lake
     George park commission (K); to amend
     the   uniform  commercial  code,  in
     relation  to  secured  transactions;
     and  to repeal certain provisions of
     such code relating thereto  (L);  to

                                         4                         12020-01-1

     amend  the education law, the execu-
     tive  law  and  the  penal  law,  in
     relation  to fire safety at colleges
     and universities (M); to amend chap-
     ter 428 of the laws of 1999 amending
     the  executive  law and the criminal
     procedure law relating to  expanding
     the geographic area of employment of
     certain police officers, in relation
     to  the  effective date thereof (N);
     to amend the state finance  law,  in
     relation  to  the payment of general
     purpose local government aid  during
     the  state  fiscal  year  commencing
     April 1, 2001, and every fiscal year
     thereafter (O); to amend  the  state
     finance  law,  in relation to elimi-
     nating a general fund  appropriation
     thereto  (P);  to  amend  the  state
     finance law, in relation to  provid-
     ing   for  the    administration  of
     certain funds and  accounts  related
     to  the  2001-2002  budget; to amend
     the state finance  law  and  chapter
     389 of the laws of 1997, relating to
     the  financing  of  the correctional
     facilities improvement fund and  the
     youth  facility improvement fund; to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation   to   the  debt  reduction
     reserve fund; to amend  the  private
     housing  finance law, in relation to
     housing program bonds and notes,  in
     relation to such funds; to amend the
     state  finance  law,  in relation to
     the court facilities  aid  fund;  to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation to the New York city county
     clerks operations  offset  fund;  to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation to the judiciary data proc-
     essing offset  fund;  to  amend  the
     state  finance  law,  in relation to
     the  New  York   state   collectible
     series  fund;  to  amend  the  state
     finance law, in relation to the Lake
     George park trust fund; to amend the
     state finance law,  in  relation  to
     the sewage treatment program manage-
     ment  and  administration  fund;  to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation  to  the  school tax relief
     fund; to  amend  the  state  finance
     law,  in  relation  to  the criminal
     justice  improvement   account;   to

                                         5                         12020-01-1

     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation to the state  police  motor
     vehicle  law enforcement account; to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation   to    the    biodiversity
     stewardship  and  research  fund; to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation to the New York state wire-
     less   telephone  emergency  service
     account; to amend the state  finance
     law, in relation to the tax proceed-
     ing  fee account; to amend the state
     finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
     drinking  water  program  management
     and administration  fund;  to  amend
     the  state  finance law, in relation
     to the clean water/clean air  imple-
     mentation  fund;  to amend the state
     finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
     vocational  rehabilitation  fund; to
     amend  the  state  finance  law,  in
     relation   to  the  city  university
     stabilization account; to amend  the
     state  finance  law,  in relation to
     the  spinal  cord  injury   research
     trust  fund; to amend the labor law,
     in relation to  unemployment  insur-
     ance   fund;   to  amend  the  state
     finance law, in relation  to  estab-
     lishing  the  additional mass trans-
     portation fund; to amend  the  state
     finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
     court facilities incentive aid fund;
     to amend the state finance  law,  in
     relation to the sale of bonds by the
     comptroller;   to  amend  the  state
     finance  law,  in  relation  to  the
     issuance  of certificates of partic-
     ipation; to amend the judiciary law,
     in  relation  to  provision  of  the
     judicial   training   institute;  to
     amend the public authorities law, in
     relation to sale  of  bonds  by  the
     dormitory  authority;  to  amend the
     public authorities law, in  relation
     to the sale of bonds by the environ-
     mental  facilities  corporation;  to
     amend the public authorities law, in
     relation to the sale of bonds by the
     thruway authority; to amend  chapter
     152  of the laws of 1964 relating to
     authorizing  the   commissioner   of
     general   services  to  contract  on
     behalf of the state with counties in
     the  state  of  New  York  for   the

                                         6                         12020-01-1

     construction of office buildings and
     other  public  improvements  in such
     counties, in relation  to  contracts
     between  the commissioner of general
     services and counties; to amend  the
     public  authorities law, in relation
     to powers of the public  authorities
     control  board; to repeal section 96
     of the state finance  law,  relating
     to  the  grade  crossing elimination
     debt fund; to repeal  paragraph  (b)
     of subdivision 3-a of section 378 of
     the  education  law, relating to the
     state university  construction  fund
     educational    facilities    payment
     account; to repeal section  92-m  of
     the  state  finance law, relating to
     the Lake Champlain bridges fund;  to
     repeal  section  94-c  of  the state
     finance law, relating to the supple-
     mental  jury  facilities  fund;   to
     repeal  section  97-o  of  the state
     finance law, relating  to  the  Pine
     Barrens fund; to repeal section 97-n
     of  the  state finance law, relating
     to the Hudson river valley  greenway
     fund;  and  providing for the repeal
     of certain provisions  upon  expira-
     tion thereof (Q); to amend the state
     finance law, in relation to creating
     a   fund  within  the  general  debt
     service fund  to  be  known  as  the
     revenue bond tax fund, and to create
     a     revenue-supported    financing
     program (R)

       The People of  the  State  of  New
     York,   represented  in  Senate  and
     Assembly, do enact as follows:

                                         7                         12020-01-1

  1    Section  1.  This  act enacts into law major components of legislation

  2  which are necessary to implement the state fiscal plan for the 2001-2002

  3  state fiscal year.  Each component is wholly  contained  within  a  Part

  4  identified  as Parts A through R. The effective date for each particular

  5  provision contained within such Part is set forth in the last section of

  6  such Part. Any provision in any section contained within a Part, includ-

  7  ing the effective date of the Part, which makes reference to  a  section

  8  "of  this  act", when used in connection with that particular component,

  9  shall be deemed to mean and refer to the corresponding  section  of  the

 10  Part  in  which  it  is  found. Section three of this act sets forth the

 11  general effective date of this act.

 12                                   PART A

 13    Section 1. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or  regulation  to  the

 14  contrary,  expenses of the department of health public service education

 15  program incurred pursuant to appropriations from  the  cable  television

 16  account of the state miscellaneous special revenue funds shall be deemed

 17  expenses of the department of public service.

 18    §  2.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of

 19  2001 to the department of  agriculture  and  markets  from  the  special

 20  revenue  funds-other/state  operations  (miscellaneous  special  revenue

 21  fund-339) public service account for the agricultural business  services

 22  program  shall  be  subject to the provisions of this section.  Notwith-

 23  standing any law to the contrary, expenditures  from  the  miscellaneous

 24  special  revenue  fund appropriation, and indirect costs under the comp-

 25  troller's statewide cost allocation plan, shall be  deemed  expenses  of

 26  the  department  of public service within the meaning of section 18-a of

                                         8                         12020-01-1

  1  the public service law and assessed accordingly. Expenditures subject to

  2  assessment shall include those for direct and indirect participation  in

  3  certification  proceedings  pursuant  to article 7 of the public service

  4  law.

  5    §  3.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of

  6  2001 to the department of economic development from the special  revenue

  7  funds-other/state  operations  (miscellaneous  special revenue fund-339)

  8  public service account for the administration program shall  be  subject

  9  to  the  provisions  of  this  section.  Notwithstanding  any law to the

 10  contrary, expenditures  from  the  miscellaneous  special  revenue  fund

 11  appropriations and indirect costs under the comptroller's statewide cost

 12  allocation  plan,  shall  be deemed expenses of the department of public

 13  service within the meaning of section 18-a of the public service law and

 14  assessed accordingly. Expenditures subject to assessment  shall  include

 15  those for direct and indirect participation in certification proceedings

 16  pursuant to article 7 of the public service law.

 17    §  4.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of

 18  2001 to the office of parks, recreation and historic  preservation  from

 19  the  special revenue funds-other/state operations (miscellaneous special

 20  revenue fund-339) public service account under the historic preservation

 21  program shall be subject to the provisions of this  section.    Notwith-

 22  standing  any  law  to the contrary, expenditures from the miscellaneous

 23  special revenue fund appropriations, and indirect costs under the  comp-

 24  troller's  statewide  cost  allocation plan, shall be deemed expenses of

 25  the department of public service within the meaning of section  18-a  of

 26  the public service law and assessed accordingly. Expenditures subject to

 27  assessment  shall include those for direct and indirect participation in

                                         9                         12020-01-1

  1  certification proceedings pursuant to article 7 of  the  public  service

  2  law.

  3    §  5.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of

  4  2001 to the consumer protection board from the  special  revenue  funds-

  5  other/state  operations  (miscellaneous special revenue fund-339) public

  6  service account for the consumer protection  program  for  services  and

  7  expenses  related  to  consumer  protection activities, including travel

  8  outside the state, shall be subject to the provisions of  this  section.

  9  Notwithstanding  any provision of law to the contrary, such expenditures

 10  shall be deemed an expense of the department of  public  service  within

 11  the meaning of section 18-a of the public service law.

 12    §  6.  Expenditures of moneys appropriated in a chapter of the laws of

 13  2001 to the department of environmental conservation  from  the  special

 14  revenue   fund-other/state  operations  (miscellaneous  special  revenue

 15  fund-339) utility environmental regulation account shall be  subject  to

 16  the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,

 17  expenditures  from  the  miscellaneous special revenue fund and indirect

 18  costs under the comptroller's statewide cost allocation plan,  shall  be

 19  deemed  expenses  of the department of public service within the meaning

 20  of section 18-a of the public  service  law  and  assessed  accordingly.

 21  Expenditures  subject  to  assessment shall include those for direct and

 22  indirect participation in certification proceedings pursuant to  article

 23  7  of  the  public service law; oil and gas, coal and nuclear regulatory

 24  and planning activities; and small hydropower,  cogeneration,  alternate

 25  energy and electric generation facility sitings.

 26    § 7. This act shall take effect April 1, 2001.

 27                                   PART B

                                        10                         12020-01-1

  1    Section  1. Section 3 of chapter 886 of the laws of 1972, amending the

  2  correction law and the penal  law  relating  to  prisoner  furloughs  in

  3  certain cases and the crime of absconding therefrom, as amended by chap-

  4  ter 452 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

  5    §  3.  This act shall take effect 60 days after it shall have become a

  6  law and shall remain in effect until September 1,  2001  2003.

  7    § 2. Section 20 of chapter 261 of the laws of 1987, amending  chapters

  8  50, 53 and 54 of the laws of 1987, the correction law, the penal law and

  9  other  chapters  and laws relating to correctional facilities and earned

 10  eligibility, as amended by chapter 452 of the laws of 1999,  is  amended

 11  to read as follows:

 12    § 20. This act shall take effect immediately except that section thir-

 13  teen  of  this  act shall expire and be of no further force or effect on

 14  and after September 1,  2001   2003  and  shall  not  apply  to  persons

 15  committed to the custody of the department after such date, and provided

 16  further that the commissioner of correctional services shall report each

 17  January  first and July first during such time as the earned eligibility

 18  program is in effect, to the chairmen of the senate crime and correction

 19  committee, the senate codes committee, the assembly  correction  commit-

 20  tee,  and  the  assembly  codes  committee,  the standards in effect for

 21  earned eligibility during the prior  six-month  period,  the  number  of

 22  inmates  subject to the provisions of earned eligibility, the number who

 23  actually received certificates of earned eligibility during that  period

 24  of  time, the number of inmates with certificates who are granted parole

 25  upon their first consideration for parole, the number with  certificates

 26  who  are denied parole upon their first consideration, and the number of

 27  individuals granted and denied parole who did not have earned  eligibil-

 28  ity certificates.

                                        11                         12020-01-1

  1    § 3. Subdivision (q) of section 427 of chapter 55 of the laws of 1992,

  2  amending  the tax law and other laws relating to taxes, surcharges, fees

  3  and funding, as amended by chapter 452 of the laws of 1999,  is  amended

  4  to read as follows:

  5    (q)  the  provisions  of  section  two hundred eighty-four of this act

  6  shall remain in effect until September 1,  2001  2003 and be  applicable

  7  to all persons entering the program on or before August 31,  2001  2003.

  8    §  4.  Section  10  of  chapter  339 of the laws of 1972, amending the

  9  correction law and the  penal  law  relating  to  inmate  work  release,

 10  furlough  and  leave,  as amended by chapter 452 of the laws of 1999, is

 11  amended to read as follows:

 12    § 10. This act shall take effect 30 days after it shall have become  a

 13  law  and  shall  remain  in  effect  until September 1,  2001  2003, and

 14  provided further that the commissioner of  correctional  services  shall

 15  report each January first, and July first, to the chairman of the senate

 16  crime  victims, crime and correction committee, the senate codes commit-

 17  tee, the assembly correction committee, and the assembly  codes  commit-

 18  tee,  the  number of eligible inmates in each facility under the custody

 19  and control of the commissioner who have applied  for  participation  in

 20  any  program  offered under the provisions of work release, furlough, or

 21  leave, and the number of such inmates who have been approved for partic-

 22  ipation.

 23    § 5. Subdivision (c) of section 46 of chapter 60 of the laws  of  1994

 24  relating  to certain provisions which impact upon expenditure of certain

 25  appropriations made by chapter 50 of the laws of 1994 enacting the state

 26  operations budget, as amended by chapter 452 of the  laws  of  1999,  is

 27  amended to read as follows:

                                        12                         12020-01-1

  1    (c)  sections forty-one and forty-two of this act shall expire Septem-

  2  ber  1,  2001  2003; provided, that the provisions of  section forty-two

  3  of  this act shall apply to inmates entering the work release program on

  4  or after such effective date; and

  5    §  6.  Section  5  of  chapter  554  of the laws of 1986, amending the

  6  correction law and the penal law relating  to  providing  for  community

  7  treatment  facilities  and  establishing  the crime of absconding from a

  8  community treatment facility, as amended by chapter 452 of the  laws  of

  9  1999, is amended to read as follows:

 10    §  5.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall remain in full

 11  force and effect until September 1,  2001  2003,  and  provided  further

 12  that the commissioner of correctional services shall report each January

 13  first  and July first during such time as this legislation is in effect,

 14  to the chairmen of the senate  crime  and  correctional  committee,  the

 15  senate  codes  committee,  the  assembly  correction  committee, and the

 16  assembly codes committee, the number of individuals who are released  to

 17  community  treatment  facilities  during  the previous six-month period,

 18  including the total number for each date at each facility  who  are  not

 19  residing  within  the  facility,  but  who are required to report to the

 20  facility on a daily or less frequent basis.

 21    § 7. Subdivision h of section 74 of chapter 3 of  the  laws  of  1995,

 22  amending the penal law and other laws relating to the incarceration fee,

 23  as  amended  by  chapter  452 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as

 24  follows:

 25    h. Section fifty-two of this act shall be deemed to have been in  full

 26  force and effect on and after April 1, 1995; provided, however, that the

 27  provisions  of  section 189 of the correction law, as amended by section

 28  fifty-five of this act, subdivision 5 of section 60.35 of the penal law,

                                        13                         12020-01-1

  1  as amended by section fifty-six of the act, and section  fifty-seven  of

  2  this  act shall expire September 1,  2001  2003, when upon such date the

  3  amendments to the correction law and penal law made by  sections  fifty-

  4  five  and  fifty-six  of  this act shall revert to and be read as if the

  5  provisions of this act had not been enacted; provided, further, however,

  6  that sections sixty-two, sixty-three and sixty-four of this act shall be

  7  deemed to have been in full force and effect on and after March 1,  1995

  8  and  shall  be  deemed  repealed  April  1,  1996 and upon such date the

  9  provisions of subsection (e) of section 9110 of the  insurance  law  and

 10  subdivision  2  of section 89-d of the state finance law shall revert to

 11  and be read as set out in law on  the  date  immediately  preceding  the

 12  effective date of sections sixty-two and sixty-three of this act;

 13    §  8.  Section  7  of  chapter  79  of  the laws of 1989, amending the

 14  correction law and other laws relating to  release  and  supervision  of

 15  persons  serving  a  definite sentence, as amended by chapter 452 of the

 16  laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

 17    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect

 18  until September 1,   2001   2003,  at  which  time  article  12  of  the

 19  correction law and section 257-b of the executive law, as added, respec-

 20  tively, by sections one and two of this act, shall be repealed. In addi-

 21  tion,  on  such  date  the  amendatory  deletions  and additions made by

 22  sections three through six of this act shall likewise be repealed.

 23    § 9. Subdivision (z) of section 427 of chapter 55 of the laws of 1992,

 24  amending the tax law and other laws relating to taxes, surcharges,  fees

 25  and  funding,  as amended by chapter 452 of the laws of 1999, is amended

 26  to read as follows:

 27    (z) the provisions of section three hundred  eighty-one  of  this  act

 28  shall  apply  to  all persons supervised by the division of parole on or

                                        14                         12020-01-1

  1  after the effective date of this act, provided however, that subdivision

  2  9 of section 259-a of the executive  law,  as  added  by  section  three

  3  hundred  eighty-one  of  this  act,  shall expire on September 1,  2001 

  4  2003;

  5    §  10.  Subdivision  (aa)  of section 427 of chapter 55 of the laws of

  6  1992, amending the tax law and  other  laws  relating  to  increases  in

  7  taxes,  fees and charges, as amended by chapter 452 of the laws of 1999,

  8  is amended to read as follows:

  9    (aa) the  provisions  of  sections  three  hundred  eighty-two,  three

 10  hundred  eighty-three  and  three  hundred eighty-four of this act shall

 11  expire on September 1,  2001  2003;

 12    § 11. Section 12 of chapter 907 of the  laws  of  1984,  amending  the

 13  correction  law,  the New York City criminal court act and the executive

 14  law relating to prison and jail housing and  alternatives  to  detention

 15  and  incarceration  programs,  as  amended by chapter 452 of the laws of

 16  1999, is amended to read as follows:

 17    § 12.  This  act  shall  take  effect  immediately,  except  that  the

 18  provisions  of sections one through ten of this act shall remain in full

 19  force and effect until September 1,  2001   2003  on  which  date  those

 20  provisions shall be deemed to be repealed.

 21    § 12. Section 6 of chapter 713 of the laws of 1988, amending the vehi-

 22  cle  and  traffic law relating to the ignition interlock device program,

 23  as amended by chapter 135 of the laws of 1999, is  amended  to  read  as

 24  follows:

 25    §  6.  This  act  shall  take  effect  on  the first day of April next

 26  succeeding the date on which it  shall  have  become  a  law;  provided,

 27  however,  that  effective immediately, the addition, amendment or repeal

 28  of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation of the  fore-

                                        15                         12020-01-1

  1  going  sections  of  this  act on their effective date is authorized and

  2  directed to be made and completed on or before such effective  date  and

  3  shall  remain  in  full  force  and  effect until the first day of July,

  4   2001   2003  when  upon  such  date the provisions of this act shall be

  5  deemed repealed.

  6    § 13. Subdivision (r) of section 427 of chapter  55  of  the  laws  of

  7  1992, amending the tax law and other laws relating to taxes, surcharges,

  8  fees  and  funding,  as  amended  by  chapter 16 of the laws of 2000, is

  9  amended to read as follows:

 10    (r) the provisions of sections  two  hundred  eighty-six  through  two

 11  hundred  ninety-one  of  this act shall apply to all persons released on

 12  medical parole prior to September 1,  2001  2003, and shall  expire  and

 13  be of no further effect on September 1,  2001  2003;

 14    §  14.  Section  2  of  chapter  887 of the laws of 1983, amending the

 15  correction law relating to the psychological testing of  candidates,  as

 16  amended  by  chapter  15  of  the  laws  of  2000, is amended to read as

 17  follows:

 18    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after

 19  it shall have become a law and shall remain in effect until September 1,

 20   2001  2003.

 21    § 15. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  be  deemed  to

 22  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001.

 23                                   PART C

 24    Section  1.  Section  4-116 of the election law is amended by adding a

 25  new subdivision 4 to read as follows:

                                        16                         12020-01-1

  1    4. The state board of elections shall be deemed to have satisfied  the

  2  requirements of subdivisions two and three of this section by posting an

  3  abstract of the proposed constitutional amendments or other propositions

  4  or  questions,  a  brief statement of the law or proceedings authorizing

  5  such  submission,  a statement that such submission will be made and the

  6  form in which it is to be submitted on the board of elections'  homepage

  7  of the internet, in the week preceding any election at which such amend-

  8  ments,  propositions  or  questions are to be submitted to the voters of

  9  the state; or as soon as practicable after such information is available

 10  provided, however, that, in no instance, shall such information be post-

 11  ed on the internet via the agency's homepage for less  than  seven  days

 12  preceding such election. The aforementioned posting shall be made avail-

 13  able  electronically  at all times until such time as the polls for such

 14  election close.

 15    § 2. Section 4-126 of the election law is  amended  by  adding  a  new

 16  subdivision 3 to read as follows:

 17    3.  The state board of elections shall be deemed to have satisfied the

 18  requirements of subdivisions one and two of this section by  posting  an

 19  amendment to the election law on the board of elections' homepage of the

 20  internet  within seven days after the enactment of such amendment and by

 21  providing compilations of the election law on the internet via the board

 22  of elections' homepage where such compilations shall be available at all

 23  times.

 24    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to

 25  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001.

 26                                   PART D

                                        17                         12020-01-1

  1    Section  1.  Subdivision  4 of section 1 of chapter 989 of the laws of

  2  1958 is REPEALED and a new subdivision 4 is added to read as follows:

  3    4.  The basic annual salary of the chairman of the commission shall be

  4  equal to the salary of the state officers indicated in paragraph (e)  of

  5  subdivision  one  of section one hundred sixty-nine of the executive law

  6  and the basic annual salaries of the remaining  commissioners  shall  be

  7  seventy-nine thousand one hundred ninety-one dollars.

  8    The basic annual salaries of the commissioners of the commission shall

  9  be  increased in accordance with the percentage increases authorized for

 10  officers and employees whose salaries are prescribed by paragraph (e) of

 11  subdivision one of section one hundred sixty-nine of the executive law.

 12    Each member of the commission shall also be entitled to expenses actu-

 13  ally and necessarily incurred in the performance of his or  her  duties,

 14  including expenses of travel outside of the state.

 15    §  2.  Section  13 of chapter 989 of the laws of 1958, relating to the

 16  temporary state commission of investigation, as amended by chapter 15 of

 17  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

 18    § 13.  This act shall take effect May 1, 1958  and  remain  in  effect

 19  until September 1,  2001  2003.

 20    §  3.    This act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to

 21  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001; provided,

 22  that the provisions of section one of this act shall be subject  to  the

 23  expiration  set  forth in section 13 of chapter 989 of the laws of 1958,

 24  as amended.

 25                                   PART E

                                        18                         12020-01-1

  1    Section 1.  Section 202 of the executive law, as added by chapter  170

  2  of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:

  3    § 202. General  duties.  The  office of general services shall provide

  4  coordinated or centralized services in support of state departments  and

  5  agencies,   and, as specified,  authorities, municipalities and not-for-

  6  profit  organizations,  hereafter  for  the  purposes  of  this  section

  7  referred  to  as  agencies.  Such  support  services  shall (i) serve to

  8  conserve state resources, (ii) benefit multiple agencies, and  (iii)  be

  9  consistent  with the needs and interests of the agencies receiving those

 10  services. Support services may be delivered directly by  the  office  of

 11  general  services  or by other means which ensure the cost effectiveness

 12  of those services. The commissioner of general services may recommend to

 13  the governor new coordinated or  centralized  services  which  could  be

 14  offered  by  the office of general services, and that would reduce state

 15  or local expenditures and facilitate the mission of  agencies  currently

 16  receiving or which could receive such services.

 17    §  2.    Subdivision  4  of  section 97-g of the state finance law, as

 18  amended by chapter 577 of the laws  of  1988,  is  amended  to  read  as

 19  follows:

 20    4.  The term "centralized services" as used in this section shall mean

 21  and include only (a) communications services, (b)  mail,  messenger  and

 22  reproduction  services,  (c) computer services, (d) gasoline and automo-

 23  tive services, (e) renovation and maintenance services, (f) purchases of

 24  electricity from the power authority of the state of New York, (g)  real

 25  property  management  services,  (h)  building  design  and construction

 26  services, (i)  parking  services,  (j)  distribution  of  United  States

 27  department of agriculture donated foods to eligible recipients, pursuant

 28  to  all applicable statutes and regulations, (k) distribution of federal

                                        19                         12020-01-1

  1  surplus property donations  to  all  eligible  recipients,  pursuant  to

  2  applicable  statutes  and  regulations   and ,  (1) payments and related

  3  services for lease purchases and installment purchases by or  for  state

  4  agencies  and  institutions  for  personal  property  purposes  financed

  5  through the issuance of certificates of participation . , and (m) insur-

  6  ance and risk management services. The services  defined  in  items  (a)

  7  through  (h) of this subdivision shall be provided to state agencies and

  8  institutions  only. ;  provided,  however,  such  limitation  shall  not

  9  preclude  the  commissioner  of  general services from providing related

 10  expertise, advice, consultation and services to other persons  or  enti-

 11  ties in a manner incidental to the purposes described therein.

 12    § 3. Subsection (c) of section 2504 of the insurance law is amended to

 13  read as follows:

 14    (c) This section shall not, however, prevent an officer or employee of

 15  this  state,  or  of  any public corporation or public authority, or any

 16  person acting or purporting to act on behalf of such officer or employee

 17  from providing, for individual public construction  projects  having  an

 18  actual  or  estimated  total  value,  exclusive  of insurance and surety

 19  costs, of twenty-five million dollars or more  or  for  multiple  public

 20  construction  projects  having  an  actual  or estimated total aggregate

 21  value, exclusive of insurance and surety costs, of fifty million dollars

 22  or more, all  insurance  policies  or  surety  bonds  required  by  such

 23  contract  without  reimbursement  from  the contractor or subcontractor.

 24  Nor shall it preclude such officer or employee of this state, or of  any

 25  public corporation or public authority, or any person acting or purport-

 26  ing to act on behalf of such officer or employee from requiring that the

 27  contractor  or  subcontractor provide a credit in its bid which reflects

 28  the amount the bidding contractor or subcontractor would  otherwise  add

                                        20                         12020-01-1

  1  if  it provided its own insurance as required in the bid specifications.

  2  For purposes of this section, public construction projects shall include

  3  projects which are characterized by phases, segments or component  parts

  4  relating  to a site or sites which are constituent elements of a govern-

  5  mental program or function, or which relate to a unitary system or which

  6  are constituent elements of a definable infrastructure,  but  shall  not

  7  include  the  bundling  together  of disparate or functionally unrelated

  8  projects for the purpose of exceeding any threshold  set  forth  herein.

  9  The  procurement  of  insurance  and  surety contracts related to public

 10  construction projects authorized hereby shall be performed in accordance

 11  with article eleven of the state finance law when the owner is  a  state

 12  department  or  agency.    Provided  further that this section shall not

 13  prevent the exercise by such officer or employee on behalf of the  state

 14  or  such  public corporation or public authority of its right to approve

 15  the form, sufficiency, or  manner  of  execution,  of  surety  bonds  or

 16  contracts  of  insurance  furnished by the insurance company selected by

 17  the bidder to underwrite such bonds or contracts. Any provisions in  any

 18  invitation  for  bids,  or in any of the contract documents, in conflict

 19  herewith are contrary to the public policy of this state.

 20    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to

 21  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001.

 22                                   PART F

 23    Section  1.  Subdivisions  1,  5,  6 and 10 of section 18 of the state

 24  finance law, as added by chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, are amended  to

 25  read as follows:

                                        21                         12020-01-1

  1    1.  As  used  in this section: (a) "state agency" shall mean any state

  2  department,  board,  bureau,  division,  commission,  committee,  public

  3  authority, public benefit corporation, council, office, or other govern-

  4  mental  entity performing a governmental or proprietary function for the

  5  state;  (b) "debt" shall mean any liquidated sum due and owing any state

  6  agency which has accrued pursuant to law or through  contract,  subroga-

  7  tion,  tort  or other cause of action, except a liability resulting from

  8  taxes or other impositions administered by  the  state  commissioner  of

  9  taxation  and  finance,  regardless  of  whether there is an outstanding

 10  judgment for that sum;  and  (c) "debtor"  shall  mean  any  individual,

 11  business, or other entity, which is not a state agency, municipal corpo-

 12  ration or district corporation, having a debt with any state agency; (d)

 13  "liquidated"  shall  mean an amount which is fixed or certain or capable

 14  of being readily calculated, whether or not the underlying liability  or

 15  amount  of  the  debt is disputed; and (e) "outstanding debt" shall mean

 16  the amount set forth in the billing invoice  or  notice  mailed  to  the

 17  debtor,  together  with  late  payment  charges  and  interest, less any

 18  payments made by or on behalf of the debtor.

 19    5. In addition to the charges referred to in subdivision four of  this

 20  section,  and  unless  provided  otherwise by contract, statute or regu-

 21  lation, a debtor that fails to make payment of a debt  subject  to  this

 22  section within ninety days of receipt by the debtor of the first billing

 23  invoice  or notice may be assessed an additional collection fee charge ,

 24  not to exceed twenty-two percent of the outstanding debt which is  owed,

 25  by  a  state  agency   to  cover  the  cost  of processing, handling and

 26  collecting such debt; not to exceed twenty-two percent of the  outstand-

 27  ing debt, which collection fee shall be added to and payable in the same

 28  manner  as the outstanding debt.  The assessed collection fee charge may

                                        22                         12020-01-1

  1  not exceed the agency's  estimated  cost  of  processing,  handling  and

  2  collecting such debt.

  3    6.  Any  interest  or  late  payment charges assessed pursuant to this

  4  section shall be paid upon notice and demand and shall  be  treated  and

  5  collected in the same manner as the original debt which is due and owing

  6  and  shall  be  collected  by  a  state  agency  when  such agency deems

  7  collection to be  administratively  practical  and  cost-effective.  Any

  8  collection  fee  charges assessed pursuant to this section shall be paid

  9  upon notice and demand and shall be collected by  a  state  agency  when

 10  such  agency deems collection to be administratively practical and cost-

 11  effective.  In any action brought by or on behalf of a state  agency  to

 12  recover  an outstanding debt, a demand for collection fee charges may be

 13  set forth in the statement of damages sought.

 14    10. Every state agency to which this section is applicable is  author-

 15  ized  to  enter into written agreements with any debtor under which such

 16  debtor is allowed to satisfy liability for payment of any debt,  includ-

 17  ing any interest imposed by this section on that portion of such debt as

 18  to  which  an extension is granted, in installment payments if the state

 19  agency determines that such agreement will facilitate collection of such

 20  liability. Provided  futher   further,  that  where  such  state  agency

 21  determines  that  immediate  collection of the debt would jeopardize the

 22  debtor's fiscal viability and thereby pose a  hardship  to  the  public,

 23  such agency shall offer to enter into a written agreement to temporarily

 24  defer  collection of the debt, collect the debt on an installment basis,

 25  or make other reasonable arrangements to reduce  such  hardship  on  the

 26  public of collecting the debt.

 27    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall apply to any

 28  action or proceeding currently pending or commenced after such date.

                                        23                         12020-01-1

  1                                   PART G

  2    Section  1. Section 5 of chapter 268 of the laws of 1996, amending the

  3  education law and the state finance law relating to providing a recruit-

  4  ment and retention incentive program for certain active members  of  the

  5  New  York army national guard, New York air national guard, and New York

  6  naval militia, is amended to read as follows:

  7    § 5. This act shall take effect January 1, 1997 and shall  expire  and

  8  be  deemed  repealed  five years after it shall have become a law  March

  9  31, 2006; provided that any person who has begun to receive the benefits

 10  of this act prior to its expiration and  repeal  shall  be  entitled  to

 11  continue  to  receive  the benefits of this act after its expiration and

 12  repeal until completion of a baccalaureate degree or cessation of status

 13  as an active member, whichever occurs first.

 14    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to

 15  have been in full force and effect on and after March 31, 2001.

 16                                   PART H

 17    Section  1.  Subdivision  5  of  section  183  of the military law, as

 18  amended by chapter 141 of the laws  of  1988,  is  amended  to  read  as

 19  follows:

 20    5.  a. Fifty per centum of all  All moneys paid as rent as provided in

 21  this  section,  together with all sums paid to cover expenses of heating

 22  and lighting, shall be transmitted by the officer in charge and  control

 23  of  the  armory  through  the adjutant general to the state treasury for

 24  deposit to the miscellaneous special revenue fund -  339  armory  rental

 25  account.

                                        24                         12020-01-1

  1     b.  The  balance  of such moneys paid as rent shall be transmitted to

  2  the adjutant general who shall hold the same  until  the  first  day  of

  3  April  next  ensuing  and he shall then apportion and divide the same to

  4  and among all the units of the  organized  militia  located  within  the

  5  state  in  proportion  to  the  number of officer and enlisted personnel

  6  assigned strength on the preceding  March  thirty-one  as  certified  in

  7  accordance with regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. Such moneys

  8  so  apportioned  and divided shall become a part of the military fund of

  9  each such unit and shall be in addition to and not in diminution of  any

 10  amount  constituting  the  military  fund  of such unit according to any

 11  other provisions of this chapter.

 12    c. Any unobligated balances remaining in the military funds  of  units

 13  of  the  organized militia at the end of any fiscal year shall be trans-

 14  mitted through the adjutant general to the state treasury. 

 15    § 2. Subdivision 1 of section 221 of the military law, as  amended  by

 16  chapter 141 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:

 17    1.  The military fund of a unit of the organized militia shall consist

 18  of the sums paid to the adjutant general as prescribed in this  section,

 19  the  fines  paid  pursuant  to  the sentence of a military court and the

 20  moneys recovered from property losses and paid as provided by this chap-

 21  ter  and the share of armory rentals credited to such fund  as  provided

 22  by this chapter . Such fund may be created by the receipt of moneys from

 23  any of the above sources.

 24    §  3.  This act shall take effect on the same date as the reversion of

 25  subdivision 5 of section 183 and subdivision 1 of  section  221  of  the

 26  military  law  as  provided  by section 76 of chapter 435 of the laws of

 27  1997, as amended by section 1 of chapter 19 of the laws of 1999.

                                        25                         12020-01-1

  1                                   PART I

  2    Section  1.  Subdivisions  9,  10  and 11 of section 441-a of the real

  3  property law, as added by chapter 61 of the laws of 1989, are amended to

  4  read as follows:

  5     9. Except for changes made on a  renewal  application,  the  fee  for

  6  changing an address on a license shall be ten dollars.

  7    10   9.  Except for changes made on a renewal application, the fee for

  8  changing a name or for changing the status of  a  real  estate  broker's

  9  license  shall  be  one  hundred  fifty dollars.  The fee for changing a

 10  salesperson's name shall be fifty dollars.

 11    11  10.  If a real estate salesperson shall leave  the  service  of  a

 12  real  estate  broker, the real estate broker shall file a termination of

 13  association notice on such form as secretary may designate.  The fee for

 14  terminating the  record  of  association  shall  be  ten  dollars.   The

 15  salesperson's  license  may  be endorsed to a new sponsoring broker upon

 16  the establishment of a new record of association filed with the  depart-

 17  ment  of state.  The fee for filing a record of association shall be ten

 18  dollars. 

 19    § 2. Subdivisions 1 and 1-A of section 441-b of the real property law,

 20  subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 324 of the laws of 1998 and subdivi-

 21  sion 1-A as amended by section 12 of part B of chapter 411 of  the  laws

 22  of 1999, are amended to read as follows:

 23    1.  The  fee  for a license issued or reissued under the provisions of

 24  this article  entitling  a  person,  co-partnership,  limited  liability

 25  company  or  corporation  to  act  as  a real estate broker shall be one

 26  hundred  fifty  seventy-five dollars. The fee for a  license  issued  or

 27  reissued  under the provisions of this article entitling a person to act

                                        26                         12020-01-1

  1  as a real estate salesman shall be  fifty   sixty  dollars.     Notwith-

  2  standing  the  provisions  of  subdivision seven of section four hundred

  3  forty-one-a of this  article,  after  January  first,  nineteen  hundred

  4  eighty-six,  the  secretary  of  state shall assign staggered expiration

  5  dates for outstanding licenses that  have  been  previously  renewed  on

  6  October thirty-first of each year from the assigned date unless renewed.

  7  If  the assigned date results in a term that exceeds twenty-four months,

  8  the applicant shall pay an additional prorated adjustment together  with

  9  the  regular  renewal  fee. The secretary of state shall assign dates to

 10  existing licenses in a manner which shall result in a term of  not  less

 11  than two years. 

 12    1-A. The fee for a person to take an examination offered by the secre-

 13  tary  of  state  pursuant to this article shall be  fifteen  twenty-five

 14  dollars.  Fees collected by the department of  state  pursuant  to  this

 15  article  shall  be deposited to the credit of the business and licensing

 16  services account established pursuant to section ninety-seven-y  of  the

 17  state finance law.

 18    §  3.  Subdivisions  2,  3 and 5 of section 446-b of the real property

 19  law, subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 61 of  the  laws  of  1989  and

 20  subdivisions  3 and 5 as amended by chapter 805 of the laws of 1980, are

 21  amended to read as follows:

 22    2. The application for such license shall be filed in  the  office  of

 23  the  secretary of state on such forms as the secretary may prescribe and

 24  shall be accompanied by a fee of four hundred thirty-five dollars.

 25    3. When the apartment information vendor maintains more than one place

 26  of business, he shall apply for and the secretary shall issue a  supple-

 27  mental  license  for  each branch office so maintained upon payment of a

 28  fee of two hundred  fifty  seventy-five dollars  for  each  supplemental

                                        27                         12020-01-1

  1  license   so   issued.  Supplemental  licenses  shall  be  conspicuously

  2  displayed in each branch office. The display of an  expired  license  by

  3  any  person,  firm,  partnership  or  corporation  is a violation of the

  4  provisions of this article.

  5    5.  Any license granted under the provisions hereof may be renewed for

  6  one year by the secretary upon application therefor by  the  holder,  in

  7  such  form  as the secretary may prescribe, and payment of a two hundred

  8   fifty  seventy-five dollar fee for  such  license.  The  secretary  may

  9  dispense  with  the requirement for the filing of such statements as was

 10  contained in the original application for license.

 11    § 4. Subdivision 5 of section 69-o of the  general  business  law,  as

 12  amended  by  chapter  575  of  the  laws  of 1993, is amended to read as

 13  follows:

 14    5. There shall be an examination fee of  fifteen  twenty-five dollars.

 15    § 5. Section 69-r of the general business law, as amended  by  chapter

 16  575 of the laws of 1993, is amended to read as follows:

 17    §  69-r.  Fees.  1. The fee for a license to engage in the business of

 18  installing, servicing or maintaining  security  or  fire  alarm  systems

 19  shall be two hundred twenty-five dollars plus an amount to be determined

 20  by  the  division  of criminal justice services to cover the cost of the

 21  division's fingerprint search and report. For each renewal thereof,  the

 22  fee shall be one hundred twenty-five dollars plus an amount to be deter-

 23  mined  by the division of criminal justice services to cover the cost of

 24  the division's fingerprint search and report.

 25    2. The fee for taking an  examination  under  this  article  shall  be

 26   fifteen   twenty-five dollars; provided, however, that if the applicant

 27  qualifies for a license as the result of such examination, the fee  paid

                                        28                         12020-01-1

  1  for  the  privilege  of taking such examination shall be included in the

  2  license fee for the license issued to him thereon.

  3    3.  The  fee  for  issuing a duplicate license in substitution for one

  4  lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be twenty-five dollars.

  5     4. The fee for changing a name or address shall be ten dollars.

  6    5  4.  The fees hereinabove set forth  shall  be  those  for  licenses

  7  issued for the license period of two years or fraction of such period.

  8    §  6.  Subdivision  5  of  section  74  of the general business law is


 10    § 7. Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subdivision 1  of  section  74  of  the

 11  general  business  law,  paragraph  (a) as amended by chapter 324 of the

 12  laws of 1998 and paragraph (c) as amended by section  7  of  part  B  of

 13  chapter 411 of the laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:

 14    (a)  The  application  shall  be  accompanied by a non-refundable fee,

 15  payable to the department of state for the use of the  state,  for  each

 16  certificate  of license, as hereinbelow enumerated, issued to the appli-

 17  cant, if the applicant be an individual,  of  four  hundred  thirty-five

 18  dollars  for a license as private investigator or a fee of three hundred

 19  thirty-five dollars for a license as watch, guard or patrol  agency,  or

 20  if  the  applicant  be a firm, partnership, limited liability company or

 21  corporation, a fee of five hundred thirty-five dollars for a license  as

 22  private  investigator or a fee of four hundred thirty-five dollars for a

 23  license as watch, guard or patrol agency.

 24    (c) The secretary of state shall receive a non-refundable  examination

 25  fee of  fifteen  twenty-five dollars from each person who takes an exam-

 26  ination  to qualify for application for licensure pursuant to this arti-

 27  cle. Fees paid to the department of state pursuant to this article shall

                                        29                         12020-01-1

  1  be deposited in the business and licensing services account  established

  2  pursuant to section ninety-seven-y of the state finance law.

  3    §  8.  Subdivision 2 of section 89-ddd of the general business law, as

  4  added by chapter 557 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

  5    2. Upon original application for a license to operate  as  an  armored

  6  car carrier, the applicant shall pay an application fee in the amount of

  7  three  hundred  thirty-five  dollars.  Upon  application  for  a license

  8  renewal, the licensee shall pay a renewal processing fee in  the  amount

  9  of three hundred thirty-five dollars.

 10    §  9.  Subdivision 7 of section 89-rrr of the general business law, as

 11  added by chapter 557 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

 12    7. An application processing fee of  fifty  sixty dollars  and  a  fee

 13  pursuant to subdivision eight-a of section eight hundred thirty-seven of

 14  the  executive  law,  and  amendments thereto, for the cost of the divi-

 15  sion's full search and retain procedures, which fee shall be remitted by

 16  the department to the division for deposit by the comptroller  into  the

 17  general fund.

 18    §  10.  Subdivision  1 of section 89-m of the general business law, as

 19  added by chapter 336 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:

 20    1. Registration cards shall expire two years from the date of issuance

 21  or last renewal as the case may be. Not less than sixty  nor  more  than

 22  ninety  days  prior  to  the expiration date of a registration card, the

 23  department shall mail to each registrant  at  his  last  known  address,

 24  notice  of  renewal  and a registration renewal form. Registration cards

 25  shall not be renewed unless not more than sixty  nor  less  than  thirty

 26  days  prior  to the expiration date of the registration card, the holder

 27  submits to the department, a  registration  renewal  form  sworn  to  or

 28  affirmed  by  the  holder  under  the penalty of perjury together with a

                                        30                         12020-01-1

  1  biennial renewal fee in the amount of  twenty-five   thirty-six  dollars

  2  payable  to  the department and a certificate certifying that the holder

  3  has satisfactorily completed the  required  annual  in-service  training

  4  courses as prescribed by the commissioner pursuant to subdivision one of

  5  section  eight  hundred  forty-one-c  of  the  executive law. Unless the

  6  department determines the existence  of  facts  which  would  constitute

  7  cause  for  denial,  revocation  or  suspension of the registration card

  8  pursuant to this article, it shall renew the registration  card.  Denial

  9  of renewal hereunder shall be reviewable by an administrative hearing as

 10  set  forth  in  section  seventy-nine of this chapter. The  twenty-five 

 11  thirty-six dollar biennial renewal fee collected by the department shall

 12  be deposited to the licensing examinations services account  established

 13  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of section  97-aa  ninety-seven-aa of the

 14  state finance law. Notice that a registration card has  expired  or  has

 15  not  been  renewed pursuant to this section shall be given by the secre-

 16  tary to the holder of such registration card and to the  security  guard

 17  company by which such holder was employed at the time of such expiration

 18  or non-renewal.

 19    §  11.  Section 386 of the general business law, as amended by chapter

 20  249 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

 21    § 386. Fees. 1. Every manufacturer of new or  used  bedding  and  each

 22  repairer-renovator  or rebuilder of bedding shall pay a registration fee

 23  of one hundred  fifty  seventy-five dollars to the department of state.

 24    2. Every person engaged in the sale of used bedding shall pay a regis-

 25  tration fee of one hundred twenty-five  dollars  to  the  department  of

 26  state.

 27    § 12. Section 409 of the general business law, as added by chapter 509

 28  of the laws of 1992, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 341 of the laws

                                        31                         12020-01-1

  1  of  1998  and subdivision 3 as amended by section 9 of part B of chapter

  2  411 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

  3    §  409.  Fees.    1.  The  non-refundable fee for an application for a

  4  license to engage in the practice of  nail  specialty,  waxing,  natural

  5  hair  styling,  esthetics  or cosmetology, shall be  twenty  twenty-five

  6  dollars initially and for each renewal thereof the fee shall be  twenty 

  7  twenty-five dollars; the fee for a temporary license  and  each  renewal

  8  shall be  ten  fifteen dollars.

  9    2.  The  fee  for  an appearance enhancement business license shall be

 10   thirty  thirty-five dollars initially and  thirty  thirty-five  dollars

 11  for each renewal thereof.

 12    3.  The  secretary  shall  receive a non-refundable examination fee of

 13   fifteen  twenty-five dollars from each person who takes  a  written  or

 14  practical  examination pursuant to this article. Fees collected pursuant

 15  to this article shall be deposited to the credit  of  the  business  and

 16  licensing  services  account  established  pursuant to the provisions of

 17  section ninety-seven-y of the state finance law.

 18    4. The fee for issuing a duplicate  license  certificate,  in  substi-

 19  tution for one lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be ten dollars.

 20     5.  The fee for changing a name on an appearance enhancement business

 21  license shall be thirty dollars.

 22    6. The fee for changing the address on a license shall be ten dollars.

 23    7  5.  The fees herein set forth shall be those  for  licenses  issued

 24  for the license period of two years.

 25    §  13.  Subdivision  2  of section 421 of the general business law, as

 26  added by chapter 402 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:

 27    2. Upon original application for  a  license  to  operate  as  a  coin

 28  processor, the applicant shall pay an application fee, in such amount as

                                        32                         12020-01-1

  1  may  be determined by the secretary, not to exceed three hundred thirty-

  2  five dollars.   Upon application for a  license  renewal,  the  licensee

  3  shall pay a renewal processing fee in such amount as shall be determined

  4  by the secretary, not to exceed three hundred thirty-five dollars.

  5    §  14.  Section 440 of the general business law, as amended by chapter

  6  61 of the laws of 1989, is amended to read as follows:

  7    § 440. Fees. 1. The fee for a license to engage  in  the  practice  of

  8  barbering  shall  be   twenty   twenty-five dollars and for each renewal

  9  thereof the fee shall be  twenty  twenty-five dollars.

 10    2. The fee for a license to conduct a barber shop  shall  be   thirty 

 11  thirty-five dollars and for each renewal thereof the fee shall be  thir-

 12  ty  thirty-five dollars.

 13    3.  The  fee  for taking a written or practical examination under this

 14  article shall be  fifteen  twenty-five dollars.

 15    4. The fee for the registration or the renewal of the registration  of

 16  an apprentice shall be  ten  fifteen dollars.

 17    5.  The  fee  for  issuing a duplicate license in substitution for one

 18  lost, destroyed or mutilated shall be ten dollars.

 19     6. The fee for changing a name on a license shall be thirty dollars.

 20    7. The fee for changing the address on a license shall be ten dollars.

 21    8  6.  The fees hereinabove set forth  shall  be  those  for  licenses

 22  issued  for  the  license  period  of  two years.    Notwithstanding the

 23  provisions of subdivision one of section  four  hundred  thirty-nine  of

 24  this  article,  after  January  first,  nineteen hundred eighty-six, the

 25  secretary of state shall assign staggered expiration dates for outstand-

 26  ing licenses that have been previously renewed on June thirtieth of each

 27  year and such licenses  shall  thereafter  expire  two  years  from  the

 28  assigned  date  unless  renewed.  If the assigned date results in a term

                                        33                         12020-01-1

  1  that exceeds twenty-four months, the applicant shall pay  an  additional

  2  prorated adjustment together with the regular renewal fee. The secretary

  3  of state shall assign dates to existing licenses in a manner which shall

  4  result in a term of not less than two years. 

  5    §  15.  Subdivision 1 of section 750-g of the general business law, as

  6  added by chapter 526 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:

  7    1. The fee for a license to engage in the business of operating a  pet

  8  cemetery  or  pet  crematorium shall be one hundred  fifty  seventy-five

  9  dollars. For each renewal thereof, the fee shall be one hundred   fifty 

 10  seventy-five dollars.

 11    §  16.   Subdivision 3 of section 750-g of the general business law is

 12  REPEALED and subdivisions 4 and 5 are renumbered subdivisions 3 and 4.

 13    § 17. Section 797 of the general business law, as added by chapter 599

 14  of the laws of 1998 and the opening paragraph as amended by chapter  133

 15  of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

 16    §  797.  Fees.  The  secretary  shall receive the following fees to be

 17  deposited into a special revenue fund - other entitled the "hearing  aid

 18  dispensers account" for the implementation, operation and enforcement of

 19  this article:

 20    1. a nonrefundable fee of fifty dollars from each person who takes the

 21  required examination or any component thereof pursuant to this article;

 22    2.  for an individual certificate of registration, one hundred  fifty 

 23  seventy-five dollars and for  the  renewal  of  such  registration,  one

 24  hundred twenty-five dollars;

 25    3. for a business certificate of registration and renewal thereof:

 26    (a)  for  a  business  certificate  of registration for each permanent

 27  business location with ten or less employees, one hundred  fifty  seven-

                                        34                         12020-01-1

  1  ty-five dollars and for the renewal of such  registration,  one  hundred

  2  twenty-five dollars;

  3    (b)  for  a  business  certificate  of registration for each permanent

  4  business location with more than ten employees, two hundred  twenty-five

  5  dollars  and  for  the renewal of such registration, one hundred  fifty 

  6  seventy-five dollars;

  7    4. for a temporary certificate of registration,   thirty   thirty-five

  8  dollars  and  for the renewal of such registration,  thirty  thirty-five

  9  dollars;

 10     5. for filing a change of business address or change of name  of  the

 11  registrant whether individual or business, ten dollars;

 12    6  5.  for a duplicate certificate of registration, ten dollars;

 13     7   6.  except fees associated with a temporary certificate of regis-

 14  tration the fees set forth shall be those for registrations issued for a

 15  period of two years; and

 16     8  7.  employees of a not-for-profit corporation  doing  business  in

 17  this state who are required to register pursuant to this article who are

 18  not otherwise engaged in the dispensing of hearing aids for profit shall

 19  be exempt from payment of the registration fee required by this section.

 20    §  18.  Subdivisions  3  and 9 of section 131 of the executive law, as

 21  amended by chapter 171 of the laws of  2000,  are  amended  to  read  as

 22  follows:

 23    3.  The  secretary of state shall receive a non-refundable application

 24  fee of  sixty  seventy dollars from applicants  for  appointment,  which

 25  fee  shall  be  submitted  together with the application. No further fee

 26  shall be paid for the issuance of the commission.

 27    9. The county clerk shall receive a non-refundable application fee  of

 28   sixty  seventy dollars from each applicant for reappointment, which fee

                                        35                         12020-01-1

  1  shall  be  submitted together with the application. No further fee shall

  2  be paid for the issuance of the commission.

  3    §  19.  Subdivision 12 of section 131 of the executive law is REPEALED

  4  and a new subdivision 12 is added to read as follows:

  5    12. The secretary of state shall receive a non-refundable  examination

  6  fee  of twenty-five dollars from each person who takes an examination to

  7  qualify for application for a commission as a notary public pursuant  to

  8  this article.

  9    §  20.  Paragraphs  a  and  d of subdivision 1 of section 160-f of the

 10  executive law, as amended by chapter  397  of  the  laws  of  1991,  are

 11  amended to read as follows:

 12    a.  An  application fee for certification and licensing of two hundred

 13   fifty  seventy-five dollars.

 14    d. A fee for recertification or renewal  of  license  of  two  hundred

 15   fifty  seventy-five dollars.

 16    §  21.  Subdivision 1 of section 160-hh of the executive law, as added

 17  by chapter 49 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

 18    1.   The membership of the fund  shall  be  composed  of  all  central

 19  dispatch  facilities.  Each central dispatch facility shall be required,

 20  as a condition of doing business within this state, to pay  the  depart-

 21  ment  a  two  hundred  twenty-five  dollar annual fee for the purpose of

 22  registering as a member of the  fund  and  receiving  a  certificate  of

 23  registration. Such sums shall be used by the department for the adminis-

 24  tration  of  this  article. The initial registration fee shall be due no

 25  later than ninety days after the effective date  of  this  article.  The

 26  department shall have the power to assess an additional fee against each

 27  registrant  in  the amount necessary to provide it with sufficient funds

 28  to cover its expenses in performing its duties pursuant to this article.

                                        36                         12020-01-1

  1  The department shall provide the fund with an  updated  list  of  regis-

  2  trants on a monthly basis.

  3    §  22.  This  act  shall take effect April 1, 2001; provided, however,

  4  that section eighteen of this act shall take effect on the same date  as

  5  section 2 of chapter 171 of the laws of 2000 takes effect, as amended.

  6                                   PART J

  7    Section  1.  Subdivision  2  of section 159-e of the executive law, as

  8  amended by chapter 710 of the laws  of  1983,  is  amended  to  read  as

  9  follows:

 10    2.  "Eligible entity" shall mean any organization which was officially

 11  designated as a community action agency or a  community  action  program

 12  under the provisions of section two hundred ten of the economic opportu-

 13  nity  act  of  1964  for  fiscal year 1981, unless such community action

 14  agency or a community action program lost its designation under  section

 15  two  hundred ten of such act as a result of a failure to comply with the

 16  provisions of such act. Such eligible  entity  shall  have  a  governing

 17  board which is constituted so as to assure that one-third of the members

 18  of  the board are elected public officials, currently holding office, or

 19  their representatives,  to be selected by the chief elected officials of

 20  the state or local government or combination thereof,  who  possess  the

 21  authority  to  designate  an  eligible entity pursuant to this article, 

 22  except that if the number of elected officials reasonably available  and

 23  willing  to serve is less than one-third of the membership of the board,

 24  membership on the board of appointive public officials may be counted in

 25  meeting such one-third requirements . At ; at  least  one-third  of  the

 26  members  are  persons chosen in accordance with any democratic selection

                                        37                         12020-01-1

  1  procedure which assures maximum feasible participation of  poor  persons

  2  residing  in  the  area  to  be  served  by the eligible entity; and the

  3  remainder of the members are  representatives  of  interest  groups  and

  4  private  organizations  within the community to be served, including but

  5  not limited to social service agencies, educational institutions,  busi-

  6  ness, industrial, labor, law enforcement, and religious organizations.

  7    §  2. Section 159-i of the executive law, as amended by chapter 338 of

  8  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

  9    § 159-i. Distribution of funds.  For federal fiscal year two  thousand

 10  one  at   At  least ninety percent of the community services block grant

 11  funds received by the state shall be distributed pursuant to a  contract

 12  by  the  secretary  to grantees as defined in subdivision one of section

 13  one hundred fifty-nine-e  of  this  article.  Each  such  grantee  shall

 14  receive  the  same proportion of community services block grant funds as

 15  was the proportion of funds received in  federal  fiscal  year  nineteen

 16  hundred  eighty-one by such grantee under the federal community services

 17  administration program account numbers 01 and 05 pursuant to section two

 18  hundred twenty-one of title II and for migrant and seasonal farm  worker

 19  organizations  pursuant to section two hundred twenty-two of title II of

 20  the economic opportunity act of 1964, as amended,  as  compared  to  the

 21  total  amount  received  by all grantees in the state, under the federal

 22  community services administration program  account  numbers  01  and  05

 23  pursuant  to  section two hundred twenty-one of title II and for migrant

 24  and seasonal farm worker organizations pursuant to section  two  hundred

 25  twenty-two  of  title  II  of  such  act in federal fiscal year nineteen

 26  hundred eighty-one.

 27     For federal fiscal year two thousand one the   The  secretary  shall,

 28  pursuant to section one hundred fifty-nine-h of this article, retain not

                                        38                         12020-01-1

  1  more  than  five percent of the community services block grant funds for

  2  administration at the state level.

  3     For  federal  fiscal  year two thousand one the  The remainder of the

  4  community services block grant funds received  by  the  state  shall  be

  5  distributed  pursuant  to  a  contract by the secretary in the following

  6  order of preference: a sum of up to  one-half  of  one  percent  of  the

  7  community  services  block  grant  funds received by the state to Indian

  8  tribes and tribal organizations as defined in this article, on the basis

  9  of need;  community action agencies  eligible entities established   in 

 10  subsequent  to federal fiscal year nineteen hundred eighty-three;  coun-

 11  ties which do not have a community action agency in existence  and  seek

 12  to  establish an organization which is consistent with the objectives of

 13  an eligible entity; limited purpose agencies which had received  funding

 14  during federal fiscal year nineteen hundred eighty-one under section two

 15  hundred  twenty-one, section two hundred twenty-two(a)(4) or section two

 16  hundred thirty-two of title II of the economic opportunity act of  1964,

 17  as amended;  and community based organizations.

 18    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that

 19  the amendments to subdivision 2 of section 159-e and  section  159-i  of

 20  the  executive  law  made  by sections one and two of this act shall not

 21  affect the expiration of such sections as provided by section 5 of chap-

 22  ter 728 of the laws of 1982, as amended, and shall be deemed  to  expire

 23  therewith.

 24                                   PART K

                                        39                         12020-01-1

  1    Section  1.  Subdivision  2  of  section  43-0125 of the environmental

  2  conservation law, as added by chapter  617  of  the  laws  of  1987,  is

  3  amended to read as follows:

  4    2.  The  following annual fees to be paid to the commission are hereby

  5  established:

  6    (a) Dock, wharf and mooring fees. The owner of a dock, wharf or  moor-

  7  ing  within  the park used for non-commercial residential purposes shall

  8  pay an annual fee of  twenty-five  thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.

  9  The owner of a dock  or  wharf  within  the  park  used  for  commercial

 10  purposes  shall  pay  an  annual  fee of  two  three dollars and  fifty 

 11  seventy-five cents per linear foot for each such dock.  The owner  of  a

 12  mooring  used for commercial purposes shall pay an annual fee of  fifty 

 13  seventy-five dollars for each mooring. New docks constructed for commer-

 14  cial use after the effective date of this section shall pay a first time

 15  fee of  five  seven dollars and fifty cents per linear  foot  and   two 

 16  three  dollars  and   fifty  seventy-five cents per linear foot annually

 17  thereafter.

 18    (b) Boat fees. In addition to the registration required by the  state,

 19  any  mechanically  propelled  boat or vessel with ten horsepower or more

 20  and any non-mechanically propelled boat or vessel eighteen feet or  more

 21  in length used within the park shall have an annual permit issued by the

 22  commission.  The  fee  therefor  for boats twenty feet or less in length

 23  overall shall be  twenty  thirty dollars; for boats twenty-one to  twen-

 24  ty-five  feet  in length overall,  twenty-five  thirty-seven dollars and

 25  fifty cents; and for boats over  twenty-five  feet  in  length  overall,

 26   twenty-five   thirty-seven  dollars  and  fifty  cents and  five  seven

 27  dollars and fifty cents for  each  foot  by  which  the  length  overall

 28  exceeds  twenty-five  feet;  for  boats  over twenty-five feet in length

                                        40                         12020-01-1

  1  overall outfitted for overnight use,  twenty-five  thirty-seven  dollars

  2  and  fifty  cents and  twenty  thirty dollars for each foot by which the

  3  overall length exceeds twenty-five feet.  The commission may establish a

  4  one  week  use  permit  for  eleven  dollars  and twenty-five cents. The

  5  commission may establish a one day use permit for  five   seven  dollars

  6  and fifty cents for any mechanically propelled boat or vessel  with less

  7  than twenty-five horsepower  or nonmechanically propelled boat or vessel

  8  subject to the annual fee.

  9    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to

 10  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001.

 11                                   PART L

 12    Section 1. Subsection 2 of section 1-105  of  the  uniform  commercial

 13  code,  as amended by chapter 471 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read

 14  as follows:

 15    (2) Where one of the following provisions of this  Act  specifies  the

 16  applicable  law,  that  provision  governs  and  a contrary agreement is

 17  effective only to  the  extent  permitted  by  the  law  (including  the

 18  conflict of laws rules) so specified:

 19    Rights of creditors against sold goods. Section 2--402.

 20    Applicability  of  the  Article on  leases  Leases.  Sections 2-A--105

 21  and 2-A--106.

 22    Applicability of the Article on Bank Deposits and Collections. Section

 23  4--102.

 24    Governing Law in the Article on Fund Transfers. Section 4-A--507.

 25    Letters of Credit. Section 5--116.

                                        41                         12020-01-1

  1     Bulk transfers subject to the Article on  Bulk  Transfers.    Section

  2  6--102. 

  3    Applicability of the Article on Investment Securities. Section 8--110.

  4     Perfection provisions of the Article on Secured Transactions. Section

  5  9--103. 

  6    Law  governing  perfection, the effect of perfection or nonperfection,

  7  and the priority of security interests and agricultural liens.  Sections

  8  9--301 through 9--307.

  9    §  2. Subsection 9 of section 1-201 of the uniform commercial code, as

 10  amended by chapter 321 of the laws  of  1983,  is  amended  to  read  as

 11  follows:

 12    (9)  "Buyer  in ordinary course of business" means a person  who  that

 13  buys goods in good faith  and , without knowledge that the sale  to  him

 14  is  in violation of  violates the  ownership  rights  or security inter-

 15  est  of  a third party  another person in the goods  buys , and  in  the

 16  ordinary  course from a person, other than a pawnbroker, in the business

 17  of selling goods of that kind  but does not include  a  collateral  loan

 18  broker.  All  persons  who  sell minerals or the like (including oil and

 19  gas) at wellhead or minehead shall be deemed to be  persons .  A  person

 20  buys  goods  in  the  ordinary course if the sale to the person comports

 21  with the usual or customary practices in the kind of business  in  which

 22  the  seller is engaged or with the seller's own usual or customary prac-

 23  tices. A person that sells oil, gas, or other minerals at  the  wellhead

 24  or  minehead  is a person in the business of selling goods of that kind.

 25   "Buying"  A buyer in ordinary course of business may  be  buy for  cash

 26   or ,  by exchange of other property, or on secured or unsecured credit,

 27  and  includes receiving  may acquire goods or documents of title under a

 28  pre-existing contract for sale  but does not include a transfer in  bulk

                                        42                         12020-01-1

  1  or as security for or in total or partial satisfaction of a money debt .

  2  Only  a  buyer  that  takes  possession  of  the goods or has a right to

  3  recover the goods from the seller under article 2  may  be  a  buyer  in

  4  ordinary  course of business. A person that acquires goods in a transfer

  5  in bulk or as security for or in total  or  partial  satisfaction  of  a

  6  money debt is not a buyer in ordinary course of business.

  7    §  3. Subsection 32 of section 1-201 of the uniform commercial code is

  8  amended to read as follows:

  9    (32) "Purchase" includes taking by sale, discount, negotiation,  mort-

 10  gage,  pledge,  lien,  security interest, issue or re-issue, gift or any

 11  other voluntary transaction creating an interest in property.

 12    § 4. Subsection 37 of section 1-201 of the uniform commercial code  is

 13  REPEALED and a new subsection 37 is added to read as follows:

 14    (37)  "Security  interest"  means  an interest in personal property or

 15  fixtures which secures payment or performance of an obligation. The term

 16  also includes any interest of a consignor and a buyer of accounts, chat-

 17  tel paper, a payment intangible, or a promissory note in  a  transaction

 18  that  is  subject to Article 9. The special property interest of a buyer

 19  of goods on identification of those goods to a contract for  sale  under

 20  Section 2-401 is not a "security interest", but a buyer may also acquire

 21  a  "security  interest" by complying with Article 9. Except as otherwise

 22  provided in Section 2-505, the right of a  seller  or  lessor  of  goods

 23  under  Article  2 or 2-A to retain or acquire possession of the goods is

 24  not a "security interest", but a seller or lessor  may  also  acquire  a

 25  "security interest" by complying with Article 9. The retention or reser-

 26  vation  of title by a seller of goods notwithstanding shipment or deliv-

 27  ery to the buyer (Section 2-401) is limited in effect to  a  reservation

 28  of a "security interest".

                                        43                         12020-01-1

  1    §  5.  Subsection 3 of section 2-103 of the uniform commercial code is

  2  amended to read as follows:

  3    (3) The following definitions in other Articles apply to this Article:

  4    "Check". Section 3--104.

  5    "Consignee". Section 7--102.

  6    "Consignor". Section 7--102.

  7    "Consumer goods". Section  9--109  9--102.

  8    "Dishonor". Section 3--507.

  9    "Draft". Section 3--104.

 10    §  6.  Subsection 2 of section 2-210 of the uniform commercial code is

 11  amended to read as follows:

 12    (2)  Unless  Except as otherwise provided in  Section  9--406,  unless

 13  otherwise  agreed,  all rights of either seller or buyer can be assigned

 14  except where the assignment would materially  change  the  duty  of  the

 15  other party, or increase materially the burden or risk imposed on him by

 16  his  contract,  or  impair  materially  his  chance  of obtaining return

 17  performance. A right to damages for breach of the whole  contract  or  a

 18  right  arising out of the assignor's due performance of his entire obli-

 19  gation can be assigned despite agreement otherwise.

 20    § 7. The section heading of section 2-326 of  the  uniform  commercial

 21  code is amended to read as follows:

 22  Sale  on  Approval and Sale or Return;  Consignment Sales and  Rights of

 23                     Creditors.

 24    § 8. Subsection 2 of section 2-326 of the uniform commercial  code  is

 25  amended to read as follows:

 26    (2)   Except  as  provided  in  subsection  (3),  goods  Goods held on

 27  approval are not subject to the claims of the  buyer's  creditors  until

                                        44                         12020-01-1

  1  acceptance;  goods  held  on  sale  or return are subject to such claims

  2  while in the buyer's possession.

  3    §  9.  Subsection 3 of section 2-326 of the uniform commercial code is


  5    § 10. Section 2-502 of the uniform commercial code is amended to  read

  6  as follows:

  7    Section 2--502. Buyers Right to Goods on Seller's Insolvency.

  8    (1)  Subject  to   subsection  subsections (2) and (3) and even though

  9  the goods have not been shipped a buyer who has paid a part  or  all  of

 10  the  price  of  goods  in  which  he  has  a  special property under the

 11  provisions of the immediately preceding section may on making and  keep-

 12  ing good a tender of any unpaid portion of their price recover them from

 13  the seller if:

 14    (a)  in  the  case  of goods bought for personal, family, or household

 15  purposes, the seller repudiates or fails to deliver as required  by  the

 16  contract; or

 17    (b)  in  all cases, the seller becomes insolvent within ten days after

 18  receipt of the first installment on their price.

 19    (2) The buyer's right to recover the  goods  under  paragraph  (a)  of

 20  subsection (1) vests upon acquisition of a special property, even if the

 21  seller had not then repudiated or failed to deliver.

 22    (3)  If the identification creating his special property has been made

 23  by the buyer he acquires the right to recover the  goods  only  if  they

 24  conform to the contract for sale.

 25    § 11. Subdivision 3 of section 2-716 of the uniform commercial code is

 26  amended to read as follows:

 27    (3)  The  buyer  has  a  right of replevin for goods identified to the

 28  contract if after reasonable effort he is unable  to  effect  cover  for

                                        45                         12020-01-1

  1  such  goods  or  the  circumstances reasonably indicate that such effort

  2  will be unavailing or if the goods have been shipped  under  reservation

  3  and  satisfaction  of  the  security  interest  in them has been made or

  4  tendered.  In the case of goods bought for personal, family or household

  5  purposes,  the  buyer's  right  of  replevin vests upon acquisition of a

  6  special property, even if the seller had not then repudiated  or  failed

  7  to deliver.

  8    §  12. Subsection 3 of section 2-A-103 of the uniform commercial code,

  9  as added by chapter 114 of the laws of  1994,  is  amended  to  read  as

 10  follows:

 11    (3) The following definitions in other articles apply to this Article:

 12    "Account". Section  9--106  9--102(a)(2).

 13    "Between merchants". Section 2-104(3).

 14    "Buyer". Section 2-103(1)(a).

 15    "Chattel paper". Section  9--105(1)(b)  9--102(a)(11).

 16    "Consumer goods". Section  9--109(1)  9--102(a)(23).

 17    "Document". Section  9--105(1)(f)  9--102(a)(30).

 18    "Entrusting". Section 2-403(3).

 19    "General intangibles". Section  9--106  9--102(a)(42).

 20    "Good faith". Section 2-103(1)(b).

 21    "Instrument". Section  9--105(1)(i)  9--102(a)(47).

 22    "Merchant". Section 2-104(1).

 23    "Mortgage". Section  9--105(1)(j)  9--102(a)(55).

 24    "Pursuant to commitment". Section  9--105(1)(k)  9--102 (a)(68).

 25    "Receipt". Section 2-103(1)(c).

 26    "Sale". Section 2-106(1).

 27    "Sale on approval". Section 2-326.

 28    "Sale or return". Section 2-326.

                                        46                         12020-01-1

  1    "Seller". Section 2-103(1)(d).

  2    §  13.  Section  2-A-303  of  the uniform commercial code, as added by

  3  chapter 114 of the laws of 1994, is amended to read as follows:

  4  Section 2-A-303. Alienability of Party's Interest Under  Lease  Contract

  5                     or of Lessor's Residual Interest in Goods; Delegation

  6                     of Performance; Transfer of Rights.

  7    (1)  As  used  in  this  section,  "creation  of  a security interest"

  8  includes the sale of a lease contract that  is  subject  to  Article  9,

  9  secured transactions, by reason of Section  9--102(1)(b)  9--109(a)(3).

 10    (2)  Except  as  provided  in   subsections   subsection (3) and  (4) 

 11  Section 9--407, a provision in a lease agreement which (i) prohibits the

 12  voluntary  or  involuntary  transfer,  including  a  transfer  by  sale,

 13  sublease, creation or enforcement of a security interest, or attachment,

 14  levy,  or  other  judicial  process, of an interest of a party under the

 15  lease contract or of the lessor's residual interest  in  the  goods,  or

 16  (ii) makes such a transfer an event of default, gives rise to the rights

 17  and  remedies  provided  in subsection  (5)  (4), but a transfer that is

 18  prohibited or is an event of default under the lease agreement is other-

 19  wise effective.

 20    (3)  A provision in a lease agreement which (i) prohibits the creation

 21  or enforcement of a security interest in an interest of party under  the

 22  lease  contract  or  in  the lessor's residual interest in the goods, or

 23  (ii) makes such a transfer an  event  of  default,  is  not  enforceable

 24  unless, and then only to the extent that, there is an actual transfer by

 25  the  lessee  of  the lessee's right of possession or use of the goods in

 26  violation of the  provision  or  an  actual  delegation  of  a  material

 27  performance  of  either  party to the lease contract in violation of the

 28  provision.   Neither the granting nor  the  enforcement  of  a  security

                                        47                         12020-01-1

  1  interest  in  (i) the lessor's interest under the lease contract or (ii)

  2  the lessor's residual interest in the goods is  a  transfer  that  mate-

  3  rially  impairs  the  prospect of obtaining return performance by, mate-

  4  rially  changes  the duty of, or materially increases the burden or risk

  5  imposed on, the lessee within the purview of subsection (5) unless,  and

  6  then only to the extent that, there is an actual delegation of a materi-

  7  al performance of the lessor.

  8    (4)   A  provision in a lease agreement which (i) prohibits a transfer

  9  of a right to damages for  default  with  respect  to  the  whole  lease

 10  contract  or  of  a right to payment arising out of the transferor's due

 11  performance of the transferor's entire obligation, or (ii) makes such  a

 12  transfer an event of default, is not enforceable, and such a transfer is

 13  not  a transfer that materially impairs the prospect of obtaining return

 14  performance by, materially changes the duty of, or materially  increases

 15  the  burden  or  risk  imposed on, the other party to the lease contract

 16  within the purview of subsection  (5)  (4).

 17     (5)  (4) Subject to  subsections  subsection (3)  and   (4)   Section

 18  9--407:

 19    (a)  if a transfer is made which is made an event of default under the

 20  lease agreement, the party to the lease contract not making  the  trans-

 21  fer,  unless  that party waives the default or otherwise agrees, has the

 22  rights and remedies described in Section 2-A-501(2);

 23    (b) if paragraph (a) is not applicable and if a transfer is made  that

 24  (i) is prohibited under a lease agreement or (ii) materially impairs the

 25  prospect of obtaining return performance by, materially changes the duty

 26  of,  or  materially  increases  the burden or risk imposed on, the other

 27  party to the lease contract, unless the party not  making  the  transfer

 28  agrees  at  any time to the transfer in the lease contract or otherwise,

                                        48                         12020-01-1

  1  then, except as limited by contract, (i) the transferor is liable to the

  2  party not making the transfer for damages caused by the transfer to  the

  3  extent  that  the damages could not reasonably be prevented by the party

  4  not  making  the transfer and (ii) a court having jurisdiction may grant

  5  other appropriate relief, including cancellation of the  lease  contract

  6  or an injunction against the transfer.

  7     (6)   (5)  A  transfer  of "the lease" or of "all my rights under the

  8  lease", or a transfer in similar general terms, is a transfer of  rights

  9  and,  unless  the  language  or  the circumstances, as in a transfer for

 10  security, indicate the contrary, the transfer is a delegation of  duties

 11  by  the  transferor  to  the  transferee.   Acceptance by the transferee

 12  constitutes a promise by the transferee to  perform  those  duties.  The

 13  promise  is  enforceable  by either the transferor or the other party to

 14  the lease contract.

 15     (7)  (6) Unless otherwise agreed by the  lessor  and  the  lessee,  a

 16  delegation of performance does not relieve the transferor as against the

 17  other party of any duty to perform or of any liability for default.

 18     (8)  (7) In a consumer lease, to prohibit the transfer of an interest

 19  of  a  party  under the lease contract or to make a transfer an event of

 20  default, the language must be specific, by a writing, and conspicuous.

 21    § 14. Subsection 2 of section 2-A-307 of the uniform commercial  code,

 22  as  added  by  chapter  114  of  the laws of 1994, is amended to read as

 23  follows:

 24    (2) Except as otherwise provided in  subsections  subsection (3)   and

 25  (4)   and  in Sections 2-A-306 and 2-A-308, a creditor of a lessor takes

 26  subject to the lease contract unless :

 27    (a)  the creditor holds a lien that attached to the goods  before  the

 28  lease contract became enforceable ;

                                        49                         12020-01-1

  1    (b) the creditor holds a security interest in the goods and the lessee

  2  did  not  give value and receive delivery of the goods without knowledge

  3  of the security interest; or

  4    (c)  the  creditor  holds  a  security  interest in the goods that was

  5  perfected (Section 9--303) before the lease  contract  became  enforcea-

  6  ble .

  7    § 15. Subsections 3 and 4 of section 2-A-307 of the uniform commercial

  8  code is REPEALED and a new subsection 3 is added to read as follows:

  9    (3)  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  Sections  9--317, 9--321 and

 10  9--323, a lessee takes a leasehold interest subject to a security inter-

 11  est held by a creditor of the lessor.

 12    § 16. Paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of section 2-A-309 of the  uniform

 13  commercial code, as added by chapter 114 of the laws of 1994, is amended

 14  to read as follows:

 15    (b)  A  "fixture filing" is the filing, in the office where a mortgage

 16  on the real estate would be filed or recorded, of a financing  statement

 17  covering  goods that are or are to become fixtures and conforming to the

 18  requirements of Section  9--402(5)  9--502(a) and (b);

 19    § 17. Paragraph (a) of subsection 3 of section 4-208  of  the  uniform

 20  commercial code is amended to read as follows:

 21    (a)  no  security agreement is necessary to make the security interest

 22  enforceable ( subsection (1) (b) of  Section 9--203 (b)(3)(A)); and

 23    § 18. The uniform commercial code is amended by adding a  new  section

 24  5-117-a to read as follows:

 25  Section 5-117-a. Security Interest of Issuer or Nominated Person.

 26    (a)   An issuer or nominated person has a security interest in a docu-

 27  ment presented under a letter of credit and any identifiable proceeds of

                                        50                         12020-01-1

  1  the collateral to the extent that the issuer or nominated person  honors

  2  or gives value for the presentation.

  3    (b)    Subject to subsection (a), as long as and to the extent that an

  4  issuer or nominated person has not been reimbursed or has not  otherwise

  5  recovered the value given with respect to a security interest in a docu-

  6  ment  under  subsection  (a),  the  security  interest  continues and is

  7  subject to Article 9, but:

  8    (1) a security agreement is not necessary to make the security  inter-

  9  est enforceable under Section 9--203(b)(3);

 10    (2)  if  the document is presented in a medium other than a written or

 11  other tangible medium, the security interest is perfected; and

 12    (3) if the document is presented in a written or other tangible medium

 13  and is not a certificated security, chattel paper, a document of  title,

 14  an  instrument,  or  a  letter of credit, so long as the debtor does not

 15  have possession of the document, the security interest is perfected  and

 16  has priority over a conflicting security interest in the document.

 17    § 19. Article 6 of the uniform commercial code is REPEALED.

 18    §  20.  Paragraph  (a) of subsection 1 of section 7-503 of the uniform

 19  commercial code is amended to read as follows:

 20    (a)  delivered or entrusted them or any  document  of  title  covering

 21  them  to  the bailor or his nominee with actual or apparent authority to

 22  ship, store or sell or with power to obtain delivery under this  Article

 23  (Section  7--403)  or with power of disposition under this Act (Sections

 24  2--403 and  9--307  9--320) or other statute or rule of law; nor

 25    § 21. Section 8-102 of the  uniform  commercial  code  is  amended  by

 26  adding a new subsection (e) to read as follows:

 27    (e) The following definitions in Article 9 apply to this article:

 28  Cooperative Interest                         Section 9--102(a)(27b)

                                        51                         12020-01-1

  1  Cooperative Organization                     Section 9--102(a)(27c)

  2  Cooperative Record                           Section 9--102(a)(27e)

  3    §  22. Subsection (f) of section 8-103 of the uniform commercial code,

  4  as added by chapter 566 of the laws of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as

  5  follows:

  6    (f) A  commodity  contract,  as defined in Section  9--115  9--102 (a)

  7  (15), is not a security or a financial asset.

  8    § 23. Subsection (e) of section 8-105 of the uniform commercial  code,

  9  as  added  by  chapter  566  of  the laws of 1997, is amended to read as

 10  follows:

 11    (e)  Filing  Except as provided in  section  9--516(e),  filing  of  a

 12  financing statement under Article 9 is not notice of an adverse claim to

 13  a financial asset.

 14    §  24. Subsection (d) of section 8-106 of the uniform commercial code,

 15  as added by chapter 566 of the laws of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as

 16  follows:

 17    (d) A purchaser has "control" of a security entitlement if:

 18    (1) the purchaser becomes the entitlement holder;  or 

 19    (2) the  securities  intermediary  has agreed that it will comply with

 20  entitlement orders originated by the purchaser without  further  consent

 21  by the entitlement holder; or

 22    (3)  another  person has control of the security entitlement on behalf

 23  of the purchaser or, having previously acquired control of the  security

 24  entitlement,   acknowledges  that  it  has  control  on  behalf  of  the

 25  purchaser.

 26    § 25. Subsection (f) of section 8-106 of the uniform commercial  code,

 27  as  added  by  chapter  566  of  the laws of 1997, is amended to read as

 28  follows:

                                        52                         12020-01-1

  1    (f) A purchaser who  has  satisfied  the  requirements  of  subsection

  2  (c) (2)   or  (d) (2)   has control, even if the registered owner in the

  3  case of subsection (c) (2)  or the entitlement holder  in  the  case  of

  4  subsection  (d) (2)   retains  the  right  to make substitutions for the

  5  uncertificated   security   or   security   entitlement,   to  originate

  6  instructions or entitlement orders to the issuer or securities  interme-

  7  diary, or otherwise to deal with the uncertificated security or security

  8  entitlement.

  9    §  26. Subsection (c) of section 8-110 of the uniform commercial code,

 10  as added by chapter 566 of the laws of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as

 11  follows:

 12    (c)  The   Except with respect to cooperative interests, the local law

 13  of the jurisdiction in which a security certificate is  located  at  the

 14  time  of  delivery  governs  whether  an  adverse  claim can be asserted

 15  against a person to whom the security certificate is delivered.

 16    § 27. Subsection (e) of section 8-110 of the uniform commercial  code,

 17  as  added  by  chapter  566  of  the laws of 1997, is amended to read as

 18  follows:

 19    (e) The following rules determine a "securities intermediary's  juris-

 20  diction" for purposes of this section:

 21    (1) If  an agreement between the securities intermediary and its enti-

 22  tlement holder  specifies that it is governed by the law of a particular

 23  jurisdiction  governing the securities account expressly provides that a

 24  particular jurisdiction is the  securities  intermediary's  jurisdiction

 25  for  purposes of this part, this article, or this act, that jurisdiction

 26  is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.

 27    (2)  If paragraph (1) does not apply  and  an  agreement  between  the

 28  securities intermediary and its entitlement holder governing the securi-

                                        53                         12020-01-1

  1  ties  account  expressly  provides that the agreement is governed by the

  2  law of a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction  is  the  securities

  3  intermediary's jurisdiction.

  4    (3)  If neither paragraph (1) nor paragraph (2) apply and an agreement

  5  between the securities intermediary and its entitlement holder  does not

  6  specify the governing law as provided in paragraph (1),  but   governing

  7  the  securities  account expressly  specifies  provides that the securi-

  8  ties account is maintained at an office in  a  particular  jurisdiction,

  9  that jurisdiction is the securities intermediary's jurisdiction.

 10     (3)  (4) If  an agreement between the securities intermediary and its

 11  entitlement  holder does not specify a jurisdiction as provided in para-

 12  graph (1) or (2)  none of the preceding paragraphs apply, the securities

 13  intermediary's jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in  which   is  located 

 14  the  office identified in an account statement as the office serving the

 15  entitlement holder's account is located.

 16     (4)  (5) If  an agreement between the securities intermediary and its

 17  entitlement holder does not specify a jurisdiction as provided in  para-

 18  graph  (1)  or  (2) and an account statement does not identify an office

 19  serving the entitlement holder's account as provided in  paragraph  (3) 

 20  none  of  the  preceding paragraphs apply, the securities intermediary's

 21  jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in which  is located  the chief  execu-

 22  tive office of the securities intermediary is located.

 23    §  28.  Section  8-113  of  the  uniform commercial code is amended by

 24  adding a new subsection (c) to read as follows:

 25    (c) A contract or modification of a contract for the sale or  purchase

 26  of  a  cooperative  interest is void unless the contract or some note or

 27  memorandum  thereof,  expressing  the  consideration,  is  in   writing,

                                        54                         12020-01-1

  1  subscribed  by the party to be charged, or by his lawful agent thereunto

  2  authorized by writing.

  3    §  29. Section 8-204 of the uniform commercial code, as added by chap-

  4  ter 566 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

  5  Section 8--204. Effect of Issuer's Restriction on Transfer.

  6    A restriction on transfer of a security imposed by the issuer, even if

  7  otherwise lawful, is ineffective against a person without  knowledge  of

  8  the restriction unless:

  9         (1) the  security  is  certificated  and the restriction is noted

 10             conspicuously on the security certificate; or

 11         (2) the security is uncertificated and the registered  owner  has

 12             been notified of the restriction; or

 13         (3) the  restriction is on the transfer of a cooperative interest

 14             and the restriction is set forth in the cooperative record.

 15    § 30. Section 8-209 of the uniform commercial code, as added by  chap-

 16  ter 566 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

 17  Section 8--209. Issuer's Lien.

 18    A  lien  in  favor  of an issuer upon a certificated security is valid

 19  against a purchaser only if the right of the issuer to the lien is noted

 20  conspicuously on the security certificate or, in the case of  a  cooper-

 21  ative interest, is set forth in the cooperative record.

 22    §  31.  Paragraph  3 of subsection (a) of section 8-301 of the uniform

 23  commercial code, as added by chapter 566 of the laws of 1997, is amended

 24  to read as follows:

 25         (3) a securities intermediary acting on behalf of  the  purchaser

 26             acquires  possession of the security certificate, only if the

 27             certificate is in registered  form  and   has  been   is  (i)

 28             registered  in the name of the purchaser, (ii) payable to the

                                        55                         12020-01-1

  1             order of the purchaser, or (iii) specially  indorsed  to  the

  2             purchaser  by  an  effective  indorsement  and  has  not been

  3             indorsed to the securities intermediary or in blank.

  4    §  32. Subsection (a) of section 8-302 of the uniform commercial code,

  5  as added by chapter 566 of the laws of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as

  6  follows:

  7    (a) Except  as  otherwise  provided  in subsections (b) and (c),  upon

  8  delivery  of a certificated or uncertificated security  to a purchaser ,

  9  the purchaser acquires all rights in the security  that  the  transferor

 10  had or had power to transfer.

 11    §  33. Subsection (a) of section 8-510 of the uniform commercial code,

 12  as added by chapter 566 of the laws of  1997,  is  amended  to  read  as

 13  follows:

 14    (a)  An   In  a case not covered by the priority rules in Article 9 or

 15  the rules stated in subsection (c), an action based on an adverse  claim

 16  to  a financial asset or security entitlement, whether framed in conver-

 17  sion, replevin, constructive trust, equitable lien, or other theory, may

 18  not be asserted against a person who purchases a  security  entitlement,

 19  or  an  interest  therein,  from  an entitlement holder if the purchaser

 20  gives value, does not have notice of  the  adverse  claim,  and  obtains

 21  control.

 22    §  34.  Subsection (c) of section 8-510 of the uniform commercial code

 23  is REPEALED and two new subsections (c) and (d) are  added  to  read  as

 24  follows:

 25    (c)    In  a  case  not  covered by the priority rules in Article 9, a

 26  purchaser for value of a security entitlement, or an  interest  therein,

 27  who obtains control has priority over a purchaser of a security entitle-

 28  ment,  or  an  interest therein, who does not obtain control.  Except as

                                        56                         12020-01-1

  1  otherwise provided in subsection (d), purchasers who have  control  rank

  2  according to priority in time of:

  3    (1)  the  purchaser's  becoming  the  person  for  whom the securities

  4  account, in which the security entitlement is carried, is maintained, if

  5  the purchaser obtained control under Section 8-106(d)(1);

  6    (2)  the  securities  intermediary's  agreement  to  comply  with  the

  7  purchaser's  entitlement  orders  with  respect to security entitlements

  8  carried or to be carried in the securities account in which the security

  9  entitlement is carried, if the purchaser obtained control under  Section

 10  8-106(d)(2); or

 11    (3)  if  the  purchaser  obtained control through another person under

 12  Section 8-106(d)(3), the time on which priority  would  be  based  under

 13  this subsection if the other person were the secured party.

 14    (d)    A  securities  intermediary  as  purchaser  has priority over a

 15  conflicting purchaser who has control unless  otherwise  agreed  by  the

 16  securities intermediary.

 17    §  35.  Article 9 of the uniform commercial code is REPEALED and a new

 18  article 9 is added to read as follows:

 19                                  ARTICLE 9

 20                            SECURED TRANSACTIONS

 21                                   PART 1

 22                             GENERAL PROVISIONS

 23  Section 9--101. Short Title.

 24          9--102. Definitions and Index of Definitions.

 25          9--103. Purchase-Money   Security   Interest;   Application   of

 26                    Payments; Burden of Establishing.

 27          9--104. Control of Deposit Account.

 28          9--105. Control of Electronic Chattel Paper.

                                        57                         12020-01-1

  1          9--106. Control of Investment Property.

  2          9--107. Control of Letter of Credit Right.

  3          9--108. Sufficiency of Description.

  4          9--109. Scope.

  5          9--110. Security Interests Arising Under Article 2 or 2-A.

  6  Section 9--101. Short Title.

  7    This  article  may  be cited as uniform commercial code secured trans-

  8  actions.

  9  Section 9--102. Definitions and Index of Definitions.

 10    (a) Article 9 definitions.  In this article:

 11    (1)  "Accession" means goods that are  physically  united  with  other

 12  goods  in  such  a manner that the identity of the original goods is not

 13  lost.

 14    (2) "Account", except as used in  "account  for",  means  a  right  to

 15  payment  of a monetary obligation, whether or not earned by performance,

 16  (A) for property that has been or  is  to  be  sold,  leased,  licensed,

 17  assigned,  or  otherwise disposed of, (B) for services rendered or to be

 18  rendered, (C) for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued, (D)  for

 19  a  secondary  obligation  incurred  or  to  be  incurred, (E) for energy

 20  provided or to be provided, (F) for the use or hire of a vessel under  a

 21  charter  or other contract, or (G) arising out of the use of a credit or

 22  charge card or information contained on or for use with the card.    The

 23  term  includes  healthcare-insurance  receivables.    The  term does not

 24  include (A) rights to payment evidenced by chattel paper or  an  instru-

 25  ment,  (B)  commercial tort claims, (C) deposit accounts, (D) investment

 26  property, (E) letter of credit rights  or  letters  of  credit,  or  (F)

 27  rights to payment for money or funds advanced or sold, other than rights

                                        58                         12020-01-1

  1  arising  out  of  the  use  of  a  credit  or charge card or information

  2  contained on or for use with the card.

  3    (3)   "Account debtor" means a person obligated on an account, chattel

  4  paper, or general intangible.  The term does not include  persons  obli-

  5  gated to pay a negotiable instrument, even if the instrument constitutes

  6  part of chattel paper.

  7    (4) "Accounting", except as used in "accounting for", means a record:

  8    (A) authenticated by a secured party;

  9    (B)  indicating  the aggregate unpaid secured obligations as of a date

 10  not more than thirty-five days earlier or thirty-five  days  later  than

 11  the date of the record; and

 12    (C)  identifying  the  components  of  the  obligations  in reasonable

 13  detail.

 14    (5)   "Agricultural lien" means an interest,  other  than  a  security

 15  interest, in farm products:

 16    (A) which secures payment or performance of an obligation for:

 17    (i)  goods or services furnished in connection with a debtor's farming

 18  operation; or

 19    (ii) rent on real property leased by a debtor in connection  with  its

 20  farming operation;

 21    (B) which is created by statute in favor of a person that:

 22    (i) in the ordinary course of its business furnished goods or services

 23  to a debtor in connection with a debtor's farming operation; or

 24    (ii)  leased real property to a debtor in connection with the debtor's

 25  farming operation; and

 26    (C) whose effectiveness does not depend on the person's possession  of

 27  the personal property.

 28    (6)  "As-extracted collateral" means:

                                        59                         12020-01-1

  1    (A)  oil, gas, or other minerals that are subject to a security inter-

  2  est that:

  3    (i)  is  created by a debtor having an interest in the minerals before

  4  extraction; and

  5    (ii) attaches to the minerals as extracted; or

  6    (B) accounts arising out of the sale at the wellhead  or  minehead  of

  7  oil,  gas,  or other minerals in which the debtor had an interest before

  8  extraction.

  9    (7)  "Authenticate" means:

 10    (A) to sign; or

 11    (B) to execute or otherwise adopt a symbol, or  encrypt  or  similarly

 12  process  a  record  in  whole or in part, with the present intent of the

 13  authenticating person to identify the  person  and  adopt  or  accept  a

 14  record.

 15    (8)    "Bank" means an organization that is engaged in the business of

 16  banking.   The term includes savings banks,  savings  and  loan  associ-

 17  ations, credit unions, and trust companies.

 18    (9)    "Cash  proceeds" means proceeds that are money, checks, deposit

 19  accounts, or the like.

 20    (10)  "Certificate of title" means a certificate of title with respect

 21  to which a statute provides for the security interest in question to  be

 22  indicated  on  the  certificate as a condition or result of the security

 23  interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a  lien  creditor  with

 24  respect to the collateral.

 25    (11)    "Chattel paper" means a record or records that evidence both a

 26  monetary obligation and a security interest in specific goods, a securi-

 27  ty interest in specific goods and software used in the goods, a security

 28  interest in specific goods and license of software used in the goods,  a

                                        60                         12020-01-1

  1  lease  of  specific  goods,  or a lease of specific goods and license of

  2  software used in the goods.   In this paragraph,  "monetary  obligation"

  3  means  a  monetary obligation secured by the goods or owed under a lease

  4  of the goods and includes a monetary obligation with respect to software

  5  used  in  the  goods.    The  term  does  not  include charters or other

  6  contracts involving the use or hire of a vessel.   If a  transaction  is

  7  evidenced  by  records  that  include an instrument or series of instru-

  8  ments, the group of records taken together constitutes chattel paper.

  9    (12)  "Collateral" means the property subject to a  security  interest

 10  or agricultural lien.  The term includes:

 11    (A) proceeds to which a security interest attaches;

 12    (B) accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, and promissory notes

 13  that have been sold; and

 14    (C) goods that are the subject of a consignment.

 15    (13)    "Commercial  tort  claim"  means  a claim arising in tort with

 16  respect to which:

 17    (A) the claimant is an organization; or

 18    (B) the claimant is an individual and the claim:

 19    (i) arose in the course of the claimant's business or profession; and

 20    (ii) does not include damages arising out of personal injury to or the

 21  death of an individual.

 22    (14)  "Commodity account" means an account maintained by  a  commodity

 23  intermediary  in  which  a commodity contract is carried for a commodity

 24  customer.

 25    (15)   "Commodity contract" means a  commodity  futures  contract,  an

 26  option  on  a commodity futures contract, a commodity option, or another

 27  contract if the contract or option is:

                                        61                         12020-01-1

  1    (A) traded on or subject to the rules of a board  of  trade  that  has

  2  been  designated  as  a  contract market for such a contract pursuant to

  3  federal commodities laws; or

  4    (B) traded on a foreign commodity board of trade, exchange, or market,

  5  and  is carried on the books of a commodity intermediary for a commodity

  6  customer.

  7    (16)  "Commodity customer" means a person for which a commodity inter-

  8  mediary carries a commodity contract on its books.

  9    (17)  "Commodity intermediary" means a person that:

 10    (A) is registered as  a  futures  commission  merchant  under  federal

 11  commodities law; or

 12    (B)  in  the  ordinary  course  of  its business provides clearance or

 13  settlement services for a board of trade that has been designated  as  a

 14  contract market pursuant to federal commodities law.

 15    (18)  "Communicate" means:

 16    (A) to send a written or other tangible record;

 17    (B) to transmit a record by any means agreed upon by the persons send-

 18  ing and receiving the record; or

 19    (C)  in the case of transmission of a record to or by a filing office,

 20  to transmit a record by any means prescribed by filing office rule.

 21    (19)  "Consignee" means a merchant to which goods are delivered  in  a

 22  consignment.

 23    (20)    "Consignment"  means a transaction, regardless of its form, in

 24  which a person delivers goods to a merchant for the purpose of sale:

 25    (A) the merchant:

 26    (i) deals in goods of that kind under a name other than  the  name  of

 27  the person making delivery;

 28    (ii) is not an auctioneer; and

                                        62                         12020-01-1

  1    (iii)  is  not  generally  known  by its creditors to be substantially

  2  engaged in selling the goods of others;

  3    (B) with respect to each delivery, the aggregate value of the goods is

  4  one thousand dollars or more at the time of delivery;

  5    (C) the goods are not consumer goods immediately before delivery; and

  6    (D)  the  transaction does not create a security interest that secures

  7  an obligation.

  8    (21)  "Consignor" means a person that delivers goods to a consignee in

  9  a consignment.

 10    (22)  "Consumer debtor" means a debtor in a consumer transaction.

 11    (23)  "Consumer goods" means goods that are used  or  bought  for  use

 12  primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

 13    (24)    "Consumer-goods  transaction"  means a consumer transaction in

 14  which:

 15    (A) an individual incurs an obligation primarily for personal, family,

 16  or household purposes; and

 17    (B) a security interest in consumer goods secures the obligation.

 18    (25)  "Consumer obligor" means an obligor who is an individual and who

 19  incurred the obligation as part of a transaction entered into  primarily

 20  for personal, family, or household purposes.

 21    (26)  "Consumer transaction" means a transaction in which (A) an indi-

 22  vidual  incurs an obligation primarily for personal, family or household

 23  purposes, (B) a security interest secures the obligation,  and  (C)  the

 24  collateral is held or acquired primarily for personal, family, or house-

 25  hold purposes.  The term includes consumer-goods transactions.

 26    (27)    "Continuation  statement"  means  an  amendment of a financing

 27  statement which:

                                        63                         12020-01-1

  1    (A) identifies, by its file number, the initial financing statement to

  2  which it relates; and

  3    (B)  indicates  that it is a continuation statement for, or that it is

  4  filed to continue the effectiveness of, the identified financing  state-

  5  ment.

  6    (27-a)  "Cooperative  addendum"  means a record that satisfies Section

  7  9-- 502(e).

  8    (27-b)  "Cooperative interest" means an ownership interest in a  coop-

  9  erative  organization,  which  interest,  when  created, is coupled with

 10  possessory rights of a proprietary nature in identified  physical  space

 11  belonging  to the cooperative organization.  A subsequent termination of

 12  the possessory rights shall not cause an   ownership interest  to  cease

 13  being a cooperative interest.

 14    (27-c)  "Cooperative  organization" means an organization which has as

 15  its principal asset an interest in real property in this  state  and  in

 16  which organization all ownership interests are cooperative interests.

 17    (27-d)  "Cooperative  organization security interest" means a security

 18  interest which is in a cooperative interest, is in favor of the  cooper-

 19  ative  organization,  is  created by the cooperative record, and secures

 20  only obligations incident to ownership of that cooperative interest.

 21    (27-e) "Cooperative record" means those records  which,  as  a  whole,

 22  evidence  cooperative  interests  and define the mutual rights and obli-

 23  gations of the owners of the cooperative interests and  the  cooperative

 24  organization.

 25    (27-f)  "Cooperative  unit" means the physical space associated with a

 26  cooperative interest.

 27    (28)  "Debtor" means:

                                        64                         12020-01-1

  1    (A) a person having an interest, other than  a  security  interest  or

  2  other lien, in the collateral, whether or not the person is an obligor;

  3    (B) a seller of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or prom-

  4  issory notes; or

  5    (C) a consignee.

  6    (29)    "Deposit  account" means a demand, time, savings, passbook, or

  7  similar account maintained with a bank.    The  term  does  not  include

  8  investment property or accounts evidenced by an instrument.

  9    (30)    "Document"  means a document of title or a receipt of the type

 10  described in Section 7-201(2).

 11    (31)  "Electronic chattel paper" means chattel paper  evidenced  by  a

 12  record  or  records  consisting  of  information stored in an electronic

 13  medium.

 14    (32)  "Encumbrance" means a right, other than an  ownership  interest,

 15  in  real property.   The term includes mortgages and other liens on real

 16  property.

 17    (33)  "Equipment" means goods other than inventory, farm products,  or

 18  consumer goods.

 19    (34)    "Farm  products" means goods, other than standing timber, with

 20  respect to which the debtor is engaged in a farming operation and  which

 21  are:

 22    (A) crops grown, growing, or to be grown, including:

 23    (i) crops produced on trees, vines, and bushes; and

 24    (ii) aquatic goods produced in aquacultural operations;

 25    (B)  livestock,  born  or  unborn, including aquatic goods produced in

 26  aquacultural operations;

 27    (C) supplies used or produced in a farming operation; or

 28    (D) products of crops or livestock in their unmanufactured states.

                                        65                         12020-01-1

  1    (35)   "Farming operation" means  raising,  cultivating,  propagating,

  2  fattening,  grazing,  or  any  other farming, livestock, or aquacultural

  3  operation.

  4    (36)   "File number" means the number assigned to an initial financing

  5  statement pursuant to Section 9--519(a).

  6    (37)  "Filing office" means an office designated in Section 9--501  as

  7  the place to file a financing statement.

  8    (38)    "Filing  office rule" means a rule adopted pursuant to Section

  9  9--526.

 10    (39)  "Financing statement" means a record or records composed  of  an

 11  initial financing statement and any filed record relating to the initial

 12  financing statement.

 13    (40)    "Fixture  filing"  means  the  filing of a financing statement

 14  covering goods that are or are to become fixtures and satisfying Section

 15  9--502(a) and (b).  The term includes the filing of a  financing  state-

 16  ment covering goods of a transmitting utility which are or are to become

 17  fixtures.

 18    (41)  "Fixtures" means goods that have become so related to particular

 19  real  property  that  an interest in them arises under the real property

 20  law.

 21    (42)   "General intangible" means  any  personal  property,  including

 22  things  in  action,  other than accounts, chattel paper, commercial tort

 23  claims, deposit  accounts,  documents,  goods,  instruments,  investment

 24  property,  letter  of credit rights, letters of credit, money, oil, gas,

 25  or other minerals.  The term includes payment intangibles and software.

 26    (43)  "Good faith" means honesty in fact and the observance of reason-

 27  able commercial standards of fair dealing.

                                        66                         12020-01-1

  1    (44)  "Goods" means all things that are movable when a security inter-

  2  est attaches.  The term includes (A) fixtures, (B) standing timber  that

  3  is  to  be  cut and removed under a conveyance or contract for sale, (C)

  4  the unborn young of animals, (D) crops grown, growing, or to  be  grown,

  5  even if the crops are produced on trees, vines, or bushes, and (E) manu-

  6  factured  homes.   The term also includes a computer program embedded in

  7  goods and any supporting information provided in connection with a tran-

  8  saction relating to the program if (F) the program  is  associated  with

  9  the goods in such a manner that it customarily is considered part of the

 10  goods,  or  (G)  by becoming the owner of the goods, a person acquires a

 11  right to use the program in connection with the goods.   The  term  does

 12  not  include a computer program embedded in goods that consist solely of

 13  the medium in which the program is embedded.   The term  also  does  not

 14  include  accounts,  chattel  paper,  commercial tort claims, cooperative

 15  interests, deposit accounts,  documents,  general  intangibles,  instru-

 16  ments,  investment property, letter of credit rights, letters of credit,

 17  money, oil, gas, or other minerals before extraction.

 18    (45)   "Governmental unit" means a  subdivision,  agency,  department,

 19  county,  parish,  municipality,  or  other unit of the government of the

 20  United States, a state, or a foreign country.    The  term  includes  an

 21  organization  having  a separate corporate existence if the organization

 22  is eligible to issue debt on which interest is exempt from income  taxa-

 23  tion under the laws of the United States.

 24    (46)  "Health-care insurance receivable" means an interest in or claim

 25  under  a  policy  of insurance which is a right to payment of a monetary

 26  obligation for healthcare goods or services provided.

 27    (47)  "Instrument" means a negotiable instrument or any other  writing

 28  that  evidences  a right to the payment of a monetary obligation, is not

                                        67                         12020-01-1

  1  itself a security agreement or lease, and is of a type that in  ordinary

  2  course  of  business  is  transferred  by  delivery  with  any necessary

  3  indorsement or assignment.   The term does not  include  (A)  investment

  4  property,  (B)  letters of credit, or (C) writings that evidence a right

  5  to payment arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or informa-

  6  tion contained on or for use with the card.

  7    (48)  "Inventory" means goods, other than farm products, which:

  8    (A) are leased by a person as lessor;

  9    (B) are held by a person for sale or lease or to be furnished under  a

 10  contract of service;

 11    (C) are furnished by a person under a contract of service; or

 12    (D)  consist  of  raw materials, work in process, or materials used or

 13  consumed in a business.

 14    (49)  "Investment property" means a security, whether certificated  or

 15  uncertificated,  security  entitlement,  securities  account,  commodity

 16  contract, or commodity account.

 17    (50)  "Jurisdiction of organization", with  respect  to  a  registered

 18  organization, means the jurisdiction under whose law the organization is

 19  organized.

 20    (51)  "Letter of credit right" means a right to payment or performance

 21  under a letter of credit, whether or not the beneficiary has demanded or

 22  is at the time entitled to demand payment or performance.  The term does

 23  not  include the right of a beneficiary to demand payment or performance

 24  under a letter of credit.

 25    (52)  "Lien creditor" means:

 26    (A) a creditor that has acquired a lien on the  property  involved  by

 27  attachment, levy, or the like;

 28    (B) an assignee for benefit of creditors from the time of assignment;

                                        68                         12020-01-1

  1    (C)  a  trustee in bankruptcy from the date of the filing of the peti-

  2  tion; or

  3    (D) a receiver in equity from the time of appointment.

  4    (53)    "Manufactured home" means a structure, transportable in one or

  5  more sections, which in the traveling mode, is eight body feet  or  more

  6  in width or forty body feet or more in length, or, when erected on site,

  7  is  three  hundred  twenty  or more square feet, and which is built on a

  8  permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or  without

  9  a  permanent  foundation  when  connected to the required utilities, and

 10  includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems

 11  contained therein.  The term includes any structure that  meets  all  of

 12  the requirements of this paragraph except the size requirements and with

 13  respect  to  which  the  manufacturer  voluntarily files a certification

 14  required by the United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

 15  and complies with the standards established under Title 42 of the United

 16  States Code.

 17    (54)  "Manufactured-home transaction" means a secured transaction:

 18    (A) that creates a purchase-money security interest in a  manufactured

 19  home, other than a manufactured home held as inventory; or

 20    (B)  in which a manufactured home, other than a manufactured home held

 21  as inventory, is the primary collateral.

 22    (55)  "Mortgage" means a consensual interest in real property, includ-

 23  ing fixtures, which secures payment or performance of an obligation.

 24    (56)  "New debtor" means a person that becomes bound as  debtor  under

 25  Section  9--203(d)  by  a  security agreement previously entered into by

 26  another person.

 27    (57)  "New value" means (A) money,  (B)  money's  worth  in  property,

 28  services,  or  new credit, or (C) release by a transferee of an interest

                                        69                         12020-01-1

  1  in property previously transferred to the transferee.  The term does not

  2  include an obligation substituted for another obligation.

  3    (58)  "Noncash proceeds" means proceeds other than cash proceeds.

  4    (59)    "Obligor"  means  a person that, with respect to an obligation

  5  secured by a security interest in, or an agricultural lien on the colla-

  6  teral, (A) owes payment or other performance of the obligation, (B)  has

  7  provided  property  other than the collateral to secure payment or other

  8  performance of the obligation, or (C) is otherwise accountable in  whole

  9  or in part for payment or other performance of the obligation.  The term

 10  does not include issuers or nominated persons under a letter of credit.

 11    (60)  "Original debtor" means a person that, as debtor, entered into a

 12  security  agreement to which a new debtor has become bound under Section

 13  9--203(d).

 14    (61)  "Payment intangible" means a general intangible under which  the

 15  account debtor's principal obligation is a monetary obligation.

 16    (62)  "Person related to", with respect to an individual, means:

 17    (A) the spouse of the individual;

 18    (B)  a  brother, brother-in-law, sister, or sister-in-law of the indi-

 19  vidual;

 20    (C) an ancestor or lineal descendant of the individual or the individ-

 21  ual's spouse; or

 22    (D) any other relative, by blood or marriage, of the individual or the

 23  individual's spouse who shares the same home with the individual.

 24    (63)  "Person related to", with respect to an organization, means:

 25    (A) a person directly or indirectly  controlling,  controlled  by,  or

 26  under common control with the organization;

 27    (B)  an  officer  or director of, or a person performing similar func-

 28  tions with respect to, the organization;

                                        70                         12020-01-1

  1    (C) an officer or director of, or a person  performing  similar  func-

  2  tions with respect to, a person described in subparagraph (A);

  3    (D)  the spouse of an individual described in subparagraph (A), (B) or

  4  (C); or

  5    (E) an individual who is related by blood or marriage to an individual

  6  described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C) or (D) and shares the same  home

  7  with the individual.

  8    (64)  "Proceeds" means the following property:

  9    (A)  whatever  is acquired upon the sale, lease, license, exchange, or

 10  other disposition of collateral;

 11    (B) whatever is collected on, or distributed on  account  of,  collat-

 12  eral;

 13    (C) rights arising out of collateral;

 14    (D)  to  the  extent of the value of collateral, claims arising out of

 15  the loss, nonconformity, or interference with the  use  of,  defects  or

 16  infringement of rights in, or damage to the collateral; or

 17    (E) to the extent of the value of collateral and to the extent payable

 18  to  the  debtor or the secured party, insurance payable by reason of the

 19  loss or nonconformity of, defects  or  infringement  of  rights  in,  or

 20  damage to the collateral.

 21    (65)    "Promissory note" means an instrument that evidences a promise

 22  to pay a monetary obligation, does not evidence an  order  to  pay,  and

 23  does  not contain an acknowledgment by a bank that the bank has received

 24  for deposit a sum of money or funds.

 25    (66)  "Proposal" means a record authenticated by a secured  party  and

 26  which includes the terms on which the secured party is willing to accept

 27  collateral  in full or partial satisfaction of the obligation it secures

 28  pursuant to Sections 9--620, 9--621 and 9--622.

                                        71                         12020-01-1

  1    (67)   "Public-finance transaction" means  a  secured  transaction  in

  2  connection with which:

  3    (A) debt securities are issued;

  4    (B)  all  or a portion of the securities issued have an initial stated

  5  maturity of at least twenty years; and

  6    (C) the debtor, obligor, secured party, account debtor or other person

  7  obligated on collateral, assignor or assignee of a  secured  obligation,

  8  or  assignor  or assignee of a security interest is a state or a govern-

  9  mental unit of a state.

 10    (68)  "Pursuant to commitment", with respect to  an  advance  made  or

 11  other  value  given  by  a  secured party, means pursuant to the secured

 12  party's obligation, whether or not a  subsequent  event  of  default  or

 13  other  event  not within the secured party's control has relieved or may

 14  relieve the secured party from its obligation.

 15    (69) "Record", except as used in "for record", "of record", "record or

 16  legal title", and "record owner", means information that is inscribed on

 17  a tangible medium or which is stored in an electronic  or  other  medium

 18  and is retrievable in perceivable form.

 19    (70)  "Registered organization" means an organization organized solely

 20  under the law of a single state or the United States and as to which the

 21  state  or  the  United  States must maintain a public record showing the

 22  organization to have been organized.

 23    (71)  "Secondary obligor" means an obligor to the extent that:

 24    (A) the obligor's obligation is secondary; or

 25    (B) the obligor has a right of recourse with respect to an  obligation

 26  secured  by  collateral against the debtor, another obligor, or property

 27  of either.

 28    (72)  "Secured party" means:

                                        72                         12020-01-1

  1    (A) a person in whose favor a security interest is created or provided

  2  for under a security agreement, whether or  not  any  obligation  to  be

  3  secured is outstanding;

  4    (B) a person that holds an agricultural lien;

  5    (C) a consignor;

  6    (D) a person to which accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or

  7  promissory notes have been sold;

  8    (E)  a  trustee,  indenture trustee, agent, collateral agent, or other

  9  representative in whose favor a security interest or  agricultural  lien

 10  is created or provided for; or

 11    (F)  a  person  that  holds  a security interest arising under Section

 12  2-401, 2-505, 2-711(3), 2-A-508(5), 4-210 or 5-117-a.

 13    (73)  "Security agreement" means an agreement that creates or provides

 14  for a security interest.  A cooperative record which provides  that  the

 15  owner  of a cooperative interest has an obligation to pay amounts to the

 16  cooperative organization  incident  to  ownership  of  that  cooperative

 17  interest and which states that the cooperative organization has a direct

 18  remedy  against  that cooperative interest if such amounts are not paid,

 19  is a security agreement creating  a  cooperative  organization  security

 20  interest.

 21    (74)  "Send", in connection with a record or notification, means:

 22    (A)  to  deposit in the mail, deliver for transmission, or transmit by

 23  any other usual means of communication, with postage or cost  of  trans-

 24  mission  provided  for,  addressed  to  any address reasonable under the

 25  circumstances; or

 26    (B) to cause the record or notification to be received within the time

 27  that it would have been received if  properly  sent  under  subparagraph

 28  (A).

                                        73                         12020-01-1

  1    (75)   "Software" means a computer program and any supporting informa-

  2  tion provided in connection with a transaction relating to the  program.

  3  The  term  does  not  include a computer program that is included in the

  4  definition of goods.

  5    (76)    "State"  means  a  state of the United States, the District of

  6  Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territo-

  7  ry or insular possession subject  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  United

  8  States.

  9    (77)    "Supporting  obligation"  means  a  letter  of credit right or

 10  secondary obligation that supports the  payment  or  performance  of  an

 11  account, chattel paper, a document, a general intangible, an instrument,

 12  or investment property.

 13    (78)    "Tangible  chattel  paper"  means chattel paper evidenced by a

 14  record or records consisting of  information  that  is  inscribed  on  a

 15  tangible medium.

 16    (79)  "Termination statement" means an amendment of a financing state-

 17  ment which:

 18    (A) identifies, by its file number, the initial financing statement to

 19  which it relates; and

 20    (B)  indicates  either  that it is a termination statement or that the

 21  identified financing statement is no longer effective.

 22    (80)  "Transmitting utility" means a person primarily engaged  in  the

 23  business of:

 24    (A) operating a railroad, subway, street railway, or trolley bus;

 25    (B)  transmitting communications electrically, electromagnetically, or

 26  by light;

 27    (C) transmitting goods by pipeline or sewer; or

                                        74                         12020-01-1

  1    (D) transmitting or producing  and  transmitting  electricity,  steam,

  2  gas, or water.

  3    (b) Definitions in other articles.  The following definitions in other

  4  articles apply to this article:

  5  "Applicant"                                            Section 5-102

  6  "Beneficiary"                                          Section 5-102

  7  "Broker"                                               Section 8-102

  8  "Certificated security"                                Section 8-102

  9  "Check"                                                Section 3-104

 10  "Clearing corporation"                                 Section 8-102

 11  "Contract for sale"                                    Section 2-106

 12  "Customer"                                             Section 4-104

 13  "Entitlement holder"                                   Section 8-102

 14  "Financial asset"                                      Section 8-102

 15  "Holder in due course"                                 Section 3-302

 16  "Issuer" (with respect to a letter of                  Section 5-102

 17   credit or letter-of-credit right)

 18  "Issuer" (with respect to a security)                  Section 8-201.

 19  "Lease"                                                Section 2-A-103

 20  "Lease agreement"                                      Section 2-A-103

 21  "Lease contract"                                       Section 2-A-103

 22  "Leasehold interest"                                   Section 2-A-103

 23  "Lessee"                                               Section 2-A-103

 24  "Lessee in ordinary course of business"                Section 2-A-103

 25  "Lessor"                                               Section 2-A-103

 26  "Lessor's residual interest"                           Section 2-A-103

 27  "Letter of credit"                                     Section 5-102

 28  "Merchant"                                             Section 2-104

                                        75                         12020-01-1

  1  "Negotiable instrument"                                Section 3-104

  2  "Nominated person"                                     Section 5-102

  3  "Note"                                                 Section 3-104

  4  "Proceeds of a letter of credit"                       Section 5-114

  5  "Prove"                                                Section 3-103

  6  "Sale"                                                 Section 2-106

  7  "Securities account"                                   Section 8-501

  8  "Securities intermediary"                              Section 8-102

  9  "Security"                                             Section 8-102

 10  "Security certificate"                                 Section 8-102

 11  "Security entitlement"                                 Section 8-102

 12  "Uncertificated security"                              Section 8-102

 13    (c)  Article 1 definitions and principles.  Article 1 contains general

 14  definitions and principles of construction and interpretation applicable

 15  throughout this article.

 16  Section 9--103. Purchase-Money   Security   Interest;   Application   of

 17                    Payments; Burden of Establishing.

 18    (a) Definitions.  In this section:

 19    (1) "purchase-money collateral" means goods or software that secures a

 20  purchase-money obligation incurred with respect to that collateral; and

 21    (2)  "purchase-money  obligation"  means  an  obligation of an obligor

 22  incurred as all or part of the price of  the  collateral  or  for  value

 23  given to enable the debtor to acquire rights in or the use of the colla-

 24  teral if the value is in fact so used.

 25    (b)  Purchase-money  security interests in goods.  A security interest

 26  in goods is a purchase-money security interest:

 27    (1) to the extent that the goods are  purchase-money  collateral  with

 28  respect to that security interest;

                                        76                         12020-01-1

  1    (2)  if the security interest is in inventory that is or was purchase-

  2  money collateral, also to the extent that the security interest  secures

  3  a  purchase-money obligation incurred with respect to other inventory in

  4  which the secured party holds or held a purchase-money  security  inter-

  5  est; and

  6    (3)  also to the extent that the security interest secures a purchase-

  7  money obligation incurred with respect to software in which the  secured

  8  party holds or held a purchase-money security interest.

  9    (c) Purchase-money security interest in software.  A security interest

 10  in software is a purchase-money security interest to the extent that the

 11  security interest also secures a purchase-money obligation incurred with

 12  respect to goods in which the secured party holds or held a purchase-mo-

 13  ney security interest if:

 14    (1)  the debtor acquired its interest in the software in an integrated

 15  transaction in which it acquired an interest in the goods; and

 16    (2) the debtor acquired its interest in the software for the principal

 17  purpose of using the software in the goods.

 18    (d) Consignor's inventory purchase-money security interest.  The secu-

 19  rity interest of a consignor in goods that are the subject of a consign-

 20  ment is a purchase-money security interest in inventory.

 21    (e) Application of payment in non-consumer-goods transactions.   In  a

 22  transaction  other  than  a consumer goods transaction, if the extent to

 23  which a security interest is a purchase-money security interest  depends

 24  on  the application of a payment to a particular obligation, the payment

 25  must be applied:

 26    (1) in accordance with any reasonable method of application  to  which

 27  the parties agree;

                                        77                         12020-01-1

  1    (2)  in  the absence of the parties' agreement to a reasonable method,

  2  in accordance with any intention of the obligor manifested at or  before

  3  the time of payment; or

  4    (3) in the absence of an agreement to a reasonable method and a timely

  5  manifestation of the obligor's intention, in the following order:

  6    (A) to obligations that are not secured; and

  7    (B)  if more than one obligation is secured, to obligations secured by

  8  purchase-money security interests in the  order  in  which  those  obli-

  9  gations were incurred.

 10    (f)  No  loss  of  status  of purchase-money security interest in non-

 11  consumers-goods transactions.  In a transaction other  than  a  consumer

 12  goods  transaction, a purchase-money security interest does not lose its

 13  status as such, even if:

 14    (1) the purchase-money collateral also secures an obligation  that  is

 15  not a purchase-money obligation;

 16    (2)  collateral that is not purchase-money collateral also secures the

 17  purchase-money obligations; or

 18    (3)  the  purchase-money  obligation  has  been  renewed,  refinanced,

 19  consolidated, or restructured.

 20    (g)  Burden  of proof in non-consumer-goods transactions.  In a trans-

 21  action other than a consumer goods transaction, a secured party claiming

 22  a purchase-money security interest has the burden  of  establishing  the

 23  extent  to  which  the  security  interest  is a purchase-money security

 24  interest.

 25    (h) Non-consumer-goods transactions; no inference. The  limitation  of

 26  the  rules  in  subsections  (e), (f) and (g) to transactions other than

 27  consumer goods transactions is intended to leave to the court the deter-

 28  mination of the proper rules in consumer goods transactions.  The  court

                                        78                         12020-01-1

  1  may  not  infer  from  that  limitation the nature of the proper rule in

  2  consumer-goods  transactions  and  may  continue  to  apply  established

  3  approaches.

  4  Section 9--104. Control of Deposit Account.

  5    (a) Requirements for control.  A secured party has control of a depos-

  6  it account if:

  7    (1)  the  secured  party is the bank with which the deposit account is

  8  maintained;

  9    (2) the debtor, secured party, and bank have agreed in an authenticat-

 10  ed record that the bank will comply with instructions originated by  the

 11  secured  party directing disposition of the funds in the deposit account

 12  without further consent by the debtor; or

 13    (3) the secured party becomes the bank's customer with respect to  the

 14  deposit account.

 15    (b)  Debtor's  right  to direct disposition.  A secured party that has

 16  satisfied subsection (a) has control, even if  the  debtor  retains  the

 17  right to direct the disposition of funds from the deposit account.

 18  Section 9--105. Control of Electronic Chattel Paper.

 19    A  secured party has control of electronic chattel paper if the record

 20  or records  comprising  the  chattel  paper  are  created,  stored,  and

 21  assigned in such a manner that:

 22    (a)  a single authoritative copy of the record or records exists which

 23  is unique, identifiable and, except as otherwise provided in subsections

 24  (d), (e) and (f), unalterable;

 25    (b) the authoritative copy identifies the secured party as the  assig-

 26  nee of the record or records;

 27    (c)  the  authoritative  copy is communicated to and maintained by the

 28  secured party or its designated custodian;

                                        79                         12020-01-1

  1    (d) copies or revisions that add or change an identified  assignee  of

  2  the  authoritative  copy  can be made only with the participation of the

  3  secured party;

  4    (e)  each  copy  of  the  authoritative copy and any copy of a copy is

  5  readily identifiable as a copy that is not the authoritative copy; and

  6    (f) any revision of the authoritative copy is readily identifiable  as

  7  an authorized or unauthorized revision.

  8  Section 9--106. Control of Investment Property.

  9    (a)  Control  under Section 8-106.   A person has control of a certif-

 10  icated security, uncertificated security,  or  security  entitlement  as

 11  provided in Section 8-106.

 12    (b)  Control  of commodity contract.  A secured party has control of a

 13  commodity contract if:

 14    (1) the secured party is the commodity  intermediary  with  which  the

 15  commodity contract is carried; or

 16    (2)  the commodity customer, secured party, and commodity intermediary

 17  have agreed  that  the  commodity  intermediary  will  apply  any  value

 18  distributed  on  account  of  the  commodity contract as directed by the

 19  secured party without further consent by the commodity customer.

 20    (c) Effect of control of securities account or commodity account.    A

 21  secured  party  having control of all security entitlements or commodity

 22  contracts carried in a  securities  account  or  commodity  account  has

 23  control over the securities account or commodity account.

 24  Section 9--107. Control of Letter of Credit Right.

 25    A  secured party has control of a letter of credit right to the extent

 26  of any right to payment or performance by the issuer  or  any  nominated

 27  person  if the issuer or nominated person has consented to an assignment

                                        80                         12020-01-1

  1  of proceeds of the letter of credit under Section 5-102(a)(10) or other-

  2  wise applicable law or practice.

  3  Section 9--108. Sufficiency of Description.

  4    (a)  Sufficiency  of  description.    Except  as otherwise provided in

  5  subsections (c), (d) and (e), a description of personal or real property

  6  is sufficient, whether or not it is specific, if it  reasonably  identi-

  7  fies what is described.

  8    (b)  Examples  of  reasonable  identifications.    Except as otherwise

  9  provided in Section 9--502 and subsection (d), a description of  collat-

 10  eral  reasonably  identifies the collateral if it identifies the collat-

 11  eral by:

 12    (1) specific listing;

 13    (2) category;

 14    (3) except as otherwise provided in subsection (e), a type of  collat-

 15  eral defined in this chapter;

 16    (4) quantity;

 17    (5) computational or allocational formula or procedure; or

 18    (6)  except as otherwise provided in subsection (c), any other method,

 19  if the identity of the collateral is objectively determinable.

 20    (c) Supergeneric description not sufficient.  A description of collat-

 21  eral as "all the debtor's assets" or "all the debtor's personal  proper-

 22  ty"  or  using  words of similar import does not reasonably identify the

 23  collateral.

 24    (d) Investment property.  Except as otherwise provided  in  subsection

 25  (e),  a  description  of  a security entitlement, securities account, or

 26  commodity account is sufficient if it describes:

 27    (1) the collateral by those terms or as investment property; or

 28    (2) the underlying financial asset or commodity contract.

                                        81                         12020-01-1

  1    (e) When description by type insufficient.  A description only by type

  2  of collateral defined in this chapter:

  3    (1) a commercial tort claim;

  4    (2) in a consumer transaction, consumer goods, a security entitlement,

  5  a securities account, or a commodity account; or

  6    (3) a cooperative interest.

  7  Section 9--109. Scope.

  8    (a)  General  scope  of  article.    Except  as  otherwise provided in

  9  subsections (c) and (d), this article applies to:

 10    (1) a transaction, regardless of its form,  that  creates  a  security

 11  interest in personal property or fixtures by contract;

 12    (2) an agricultural lien;

 13    (3) a sale of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or promis-

 14  sory notes;

 15    (4) a consignment;

 16    (5)  a  security interest arising under Section 2-401, 2-505, 2-711(3)

 17  or 2-A-508(5), as provided in Section 9--110;

 18    (6) a security interest arising under Section 4-210 or 5-117-a; and

 19    (7) a security interest in a cooperative interest.

 20    (b) Security interest in secured obligations.  The application of this

 21  article to a security interest in a secured obligation is  not  affected

 22  by  the  fact  that the obligation is itself secured by a transaction or

 23  interest to which this article does not apply.

 24    (c) Extent to which article does not apply.   This  article  does  not

 25  apply to the extent that:

 26    (1)  a  statute,  regulation,  or treaty of the United States preempts

 27  this article;

                                        82                         12020-01-1

  1    (2) another statute of this  state  expressly  governs  the  creation,

  2  perfection,  priority,  or  enforcement  of security interest created by

  3  this state or a governmental unit of this state;

  4    (3)  a  statute of another state, a foreign country, or a governmental

  5  unit of another state or a foreign country, other than a statute  gener-

  6  ally  applicable  to  security  interests,  expressly  governs creation,

  7  perfection, priority, or enforcement of a security interest  created  by

  8  the state, country, or governmental unit; or

  9    (4) the rights of a transferee beneficiary or nominated person under a

 10  letter of credit are independent and superior under Section 5-114.

 11    (d) Inapplicability of article.  This article does not apply to:

 12    (1)  a  landlord's lien, other than an agricultural lien or a security

 13  interest in a cooperative interest;

 14    (2) a lien, other than an agricultural lien, given by statute or other

 15  rule of law for services or materials, but Section 9--333  applies  with

 16  respect to priority of the lien;

 17    (3)  an assignment of a claim for wages, salary, or other compensation

 18  of an employee;

 19    (4) a sale of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or promis-

 20  sory notes as part of a sale of the business out of which they arose;

 21    (5) an assignment of accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles,  or

 22  promissory notes which is for the purpose of collection only;

 23    (6)  an assignment of a right to payment under a contract to an assig-

 24  nee that is also obligated to perform under the contract;

 25    (7) an assignment of a single account, payment intangible, or  promis-

 26  sory  note to an assignee in full or partial satisfaction of a preexist-

 27  ing indebtedness;

                                        83                         12020-01-1

  1    (8) a transfer of  an interest in or an assignment of a claim under  a

  2  policy  of  insurance  or  contract  for an annuity including a variable

  3  annuity other than an assignment by or to a health care  provider  of  a

  4  health  care  insurance  receivable and any subsequent assignment of the

  5  right  to  payment, but Sections 9--315 and 9--322 apply with respect to

  6  proceeds and priorities in proceeds;

  7    (9) an assignment of a right represented by a judgment, other  than  a

  8  judgment taken on a right to payment that was collateral;

  9    (10) a right of recoupment or set-off, but:

 10    (A) Section 9--340 applies with respect to the effectiveness of rights

 11  of recoupment or set-off against deposit accounts; and

 12    (B)  Section  9--404  applies with respect to defenses or claims of an

 13  account debtor;

 14    (11) the creation or transfer of an interest in or lien on real  prop-

 15  erty,  including  a lease or rents thereunder, except to the extent that

 16  provision is made for:

 17    (A) liens on real property in Sections 9--203 and 9--308;

 18    (B) fixtures in Section 9--334;

 19    (C) fixture filings in Sections 9--501, 9--502,  9--512,  9--516,  and

 20  9--519;

 21    (D) security agreements covering personal and real property in Section

 22  9--604; and

 23    (E) security interests in a cooperative interests;

 24    (12) an assignment of a claim arising in tort, other than a commercial

 25  tort  claim,  but  Sections  9--315  and  9--322  apply  with respect to

 26  proceeds and priorities in proceeds; or

                                        84                         12020-01-1

  1    (13) an assignment of a deposit account  in  a  consumer  transaction,

  2  except  that  Sections  9--315 and 9--322 apply with respect to proceeds

  3  and priorities in proceeds.

  4  Section 9--110. Security Interests Arising Under Article 2 or 2-A.

  5    A security interest arising under Section 2-401, 2-505, 2-711(3) or 2-

  6  A-508(5)  is subject to this article.  However, until the debtor obtains

  7  possession of the goods:

  8    (1) the security interest is enforceable, even if Section 9--203(b)(3)

  9  has not been satisfied;

 10    (2) filing is not required to perfect the security interest;

 11    (3) the rights of the secured party after default by  the  debtor  are

 12  governed by Article 2 or 2-A; and

 13    (4)  the  security  interest  has priority over a conflicting security

 14  interest created by the debtor.

 15                                   PART 2


 17                      ATTACHMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST;


 19  Section 9--201. General Effectiveness of Security Agreement.

 20          9--202. Title to Collateral Immaterial.

 21          9--203. Attachment  and  Enforceability  of  Security  Interests

 22                    Proceeds; Supporting Obligations; Formal Requisites.

 23          9--204. After-Acquired Property; Future Advances.

 24          9--205. Use or Disposition of Collateral Permissible.

 25          9--206. Security  Interest  Arising  in  Purchase or Delivery of

 26                    Financial Asset.

 27          9--207. Rights and Duties of Secured Party Having Possession  or

 28                    Control of Collateral.

                                        85                         12020-01-1

  1          9--208. Additional  Duties  of  Secured  Party Having Control of

  2                    Collateral.

  3          9--209. Duties of Secured Party if Account Debtor has been Noti-

  4                    fied of Assignment.

  5          9--210. Request for Accounting; Request Regarding List of Colla-

  6                    teral or Statement of Account.

  7  Section 9--201. General Effectiveness of Security Agreement.

  8    (a) General effectiveness.  Except as otherwise provided in this chap-

  9  ter a security agreement is effective according to its terms between the

 10  parties, against purchasers of the collateral, and against creditors.

 11    (b) Applicable consumer laws and other laws.  A transaction subject to

 12  this  article is subject to any applicable rule of law which establishes

 13  a different rule for consumers and (A) to any  other  statute  or  regu-

 14  lation  that regulates the rates, charges, agreements, and practices for

 15  loans, credit sales, or other extensions of credit and (B)  any  consum-

 16  er-protection state or regulation.

 17    (c)  Other  applicable law controls.  In case of conflict between this

 18  article  and  a  rule  of  law,  statute,  or  regulation  described  in

 19  subsection  (b) the rule of law, statute, or regulation controls.  Fail-

 20  ure to comply with a statute or regulation described in  subsection  (b)

 21  has only the effect the statute or regulation specifies.

 22    (d) Further deference to other applicable law.  This article does not:

 23    (1)  validate any rate, charge, agreement, or practice that violates a

 24  rule of law, statute, or regulation described in subsection (b); or

 25    (2) extend the application of the rule of law, statute, or  regulation

 26  to a transaction not otherwise subject to it.

 27  Section 9--202. Title to Collateral Immaterial.

                                        86                         12020-01-1

  1    Except  as otherwise provided with respect to consignments or sales of

  2  accounts, chattel paper, payment intangibles, or promissory  notes,  the

  3  provisions  of  this article with regard to rights and obligations apply

  4  whether title to collateral is in the secured party or the debtor.

  5  Section 9--203. Attachment  and  Enforceability  of  Security  Interests

  6                    Proceeds; Supporting Obligations; Formal Requisites.

  7    (a) Attachment.  A security interest attaches to  collateral  when  it

  8  becomes  enforceable  against the debtor with respect to the collateral,

  9  unless an agreement expressly postpones the time of attachment.

 10    (b) Enforceability.  Except as otherwise provided in  subsections  (c)

 11  through  (i),  a security interest is enforceable against the debtor and

 12  third parties with respect to the collateral only if:

 13    (1) value has been given;

 14    (2) the debtor has rights in the collateral or the power  to  transfer

 15  rights in the collateral to a secured party; and

 16    (3) one of the following conditions is met:

 17    (A)  the debtor has authenticated a security agreement that provides a

 18  description of the collateral  and,  if  the  security  interest  covers

 19  timber to be cut, a description of the land concerned;

 20    (B)  the  collateral  is  not  a  certificated  security and is in the

 21  possession of the secured party under Section  9--313  pursuant  to  the

 22  debtor's security agreement;

 23    (C)  the  collateral is a certificated security in registered form and

 24  the security certificate has been delivered to the secured  party  under

 25  Section 8-301 pursuant to the debtor's security agreement; or

 26    (D)  the  collateral  is  deposit  accounts, electronic chattel paper,

 27  investment property, or letter of credit rights, and the  secured  party

                                        87                         12020-01-1

  1  has  control  under Section 9--104, 9--105, 9--106 or 9--107 pursuant to

  2  the debtor's security agreement.

  3    (c)  Other UCC provisions.  Subsection (b) is subject to Section 4-210

  4  on the security interest of a collecting bank, Section  5-117-a  on  the

  5  security  interest  of  a  letter  of credit issuer or nominated person,

  6  Section 9--110 on a security interest arising under Article  2  or  2-A,

  7  and Section 9--206 on security interests in investment property.

  8    (d)  When person becomes bound by another person's security agreement.

  9  A person becomes bound as debtor by a security agreement entered into by

 10  another person if, by operation of law other than  this  article  or  by

 11  contract:

 12    (1)  the  security  agreement  becomes  effective to create a security

 13  interest in the person's property; or

 14    (2) the person becomes generally obligated for the obligations of  the

 15  other person, including the obligation secured under the security agree-

 16  ment, and acquires or succeeds to all or substantially all of the assets

 17  of the other person.

 18    (e)  Effect  of  new  debtor becoming bound.   If a new debtor becomes

 19  bound as debtor by a security agreement entered into by another person:

 20    (1) the agreement satisfies subsection (b)(3) with respect to existing

 21  or after-acquired property of the new debtor to the extent the  property

 22  is described in the agreement; and

 23    (2)  another agreement is not necessary to make a security interest in

 24  the property enforceable.

 25    (f) Proceeds and supporting obligations.  The attachment of a security

 26  interest in collateral gives the secured party the  rights  to  proceeds

 27  provided by Section 9--315 and is also attachment of a security interest

 28  in a supporting obligation for the collateral.

                                        88                         12020-01-1

  1    (g)  Lien  securing  right  to payment.   The attachment of a security

  2  interest in a right to payment or  performance  secured  by  a  security

  3  interest  or  other lien on personal or real property is also attachment

  4  of a security interest in the  security  interest,  mortgage,  or  other

  5  lien.

  6    (h)  Security  entitlement carried in securities account.  The attach-

  7  ment of a security interest in a securities account is  also  attachment

  8  of a security interest in the security entitlements carried in the secu-

  9  rities account.

 10    (i)  Commodity contracts carried in commodity account.  The attachment

 11  of a security interest in a commodity account is also  attachment  of  a

 12  security  interest  in  the commodity contracts carried in the commodity

 13  account.

 14  Section 9--204. After-Acquired Property; Future Advances.

 15    (a) After-acquired  collateral.    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in

 16  subsection (b), a security agreement may create or provide for a securi-

 17  ty interest in after-acquired collateral.

 18    (b)  When  after-acquired  property clause not effective.   A security

 19  interest does not attach under a  term  constituting  an  after-acquired

 20  property clause to:

 21    (1)  consumer  goods, other than an accession when given as additional

 22  security, unless the debtor acquires rights  in  them  within  ten  days

 23  after the secured party gives value; or

 24    (2) a commercial tort claim.

 25    (c) Future advances and other value.  A security agreement may provide

 26  that collateral secures, or that accounts, chattel paper, payment intan-

 27  gibles, or promissory notes are sold in connection with, future advances

                                        89                         12020-01-1

  1  or  other value, whether or not the advances or value are given pursuant

  2  to commitment.

  3  Section 9--205. Use or Disposition of Collateral Permissible.

  4    (a)  When  security  interest  not invalid or fraudulent.   A security

  5  interest is not valid or fraudulent against  creditors  solely  because:

  6  the debtor has the right or ability to:

  7    (A)  use,  commingle  or  dispose  of  all  or part of the collateral,

  8  including returned or repossessed goods;

  9    (B) collect, compromise, enforce or otherwise deal with collateral;

 10    (C) accept the return of collateral or make repossessions; or

 11    (D) use, commingle or dispose of proceeds.

 12    (b) Requirements of possession not relaxed.   This  section  does  not

 13  relax  the  requirements  of  possession  if  attachment,  perfection or

 14  enforcement of a security interest depends upon possession of the colla-

 15  teral by the secured party.

 16  Section 9--206. Security Interest Arising in  Purchase  or  Delivery  of

 17                    Financial Asset.

 18    (a)  Security  interest when a person buys through securities interme-

 19  diary.   A security interest  in  favor  of  a  securities  intermediary

 20  attaches to a person's security entitlement if:

 21    (1)  the person buys a financial asset through the securities interme-

 22  diary in a transaction in which the  person  is  obligated  to  pay  the

 23  purchase  price  to  the  securities  intermediary  at  the  time of the

 24  purchase; and

 25    (2) the securities intermediary credits the  financial  asset  to  the

 26  buyer's securities account before the buyer pays the securities interme-

 27  diary.

                                        90                         12020-01-1

  1    (b)  Security  interest secures obligation to pay for financial asset.

  2  The security interest described in subsection (a) secures  the  person's

  3  obligation to pay for the financial asset.

  4    (c)  Security  interest  in  payment against delivery transactions.  A

  5  security interest in favor of a  person  that  delivers  a  certificated

  6  security  or  other financial asset represented by a writing attaches to

  7  the security or other financial asset if:

  8    (1) the security or other financial asset:

  9    (A) in the ordinary course of business is transferred by delivery with

 10  any necessary indorsement or assignment; and

 11    (B) is delivered under an agreement between persons in the business of

 12  dealing with such securities or financial assets; and

 13    (2) the agreement calls for delivery against payment.

 14    (d) Security interest secures obligation to pay  for  delivery.    The

 15  security  interest described in subsection (c) secures the obligation to

 16  make payment for the delivery.

 17  Section 9--207. Rights and Duties of Secured Party Having Possession  or

 18                    Control of Collateral.

 19    (a)  Duty  of care when secured party in possession.  Except as other-

 20  wise provided in subsection (d), a secured party  shall  use  reasonable

 21  care  in  the  custody  and  preservation  of  collateral in the secured

 22  party's possession.   In the case of chattel  paper  or  an  instrument,

 23  reasonable  care  includes  taking  necessary  steps  to preserve rights

 24  against prior parties unless otherwise agreed.

 25    (b)  Expenses,  risks,  duties  and  rights  when  secured  party   in

 26  possession.    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  subsection (d), if a

 27  secured party has possession of collateral:

                                        91                         12020-01-1

  1    (1) reasonable expenses, including the cost of insurance  and  payment

  2  of taxes or other charges, incurred in the custody, preservation, use or

  3  operation of the collateral are chargeable to the debtor and are secured

  4  by the collateral;

  5    (2)  the  risk  of  accidental  loss or damage is on the debtor to the

  6  extent of a deficiency in any effective insurance coverage;

  7    (3) the secured party shall  keep  the  collateral  identifiable,  but

  8  fungible collateral may be commingled; and

  9    (4) the secured party may use or operate the collateral:

 10    (A) for the purpose of preserving the collateral or its value;

 11    (B) as permitted by an order of a court having competent jurisdiction;

 12  or

 13    (C)  except  in  the  case of consumer goods, in the manner and to the

 14  extent agreed by the debtor.

 15    (c) Duties and rights when secured party  in  possession  or  control.

 16  Except  as  otherwise provided in subsection (d), a secured party having

 17  possession of collateral or control of collateral under Section  9--104,

 18  9--105, 9--106 or 9--107:

 19    (1)  may  hold  as  additional  security any proceeds, except money or

 20  funds, received from the collateral;

 21    (2) shall apply money or funds received from the collateral to  reduce

 22  the secured obligation, unless remitted to the debtor; and

 23    (3) may create a security interest in the collateral.

 24    (d)  Buyer  of  certain rights to payment.   If the secured party is a

 25  buyer of accounts, chattel paper,  payment  intangibles,  or  promissory

 26  notes or a consignor:

 27    (1) subsection (a) does not apply unless the secured party is entitled

 28  under an agreement:

                                        92                         12020-01-1

  1    (A) to charge back uncollected collateral; or

  2    (B)  otherwise  to  full  or  limited recourse against the debtor or a

  3  secondary obligor based on the nonpayment or other default of an account

  4  debtor or other obligor on the collateral; and

  5    (2) subsections (b) and (c) do not apply.

  6    Section 9--208. Additional Duties of Secured Party Having  Control  of

  7  Collateral.

  8    (a)  Applicability of section.  This section applies to cases in which

  9  there is no outstanding secured obligation and the secured party is  not

 10  committed to make advances, incur obligations, or otherwise give value.

 11    (b) Duties of secured party after receiving demand from debtor.  With-

 12  in ten days after receiving an authenticated demand by the debtor:

 13    (1)  a secured party having control of a deposit account under Section

 14  9--104(a)(2) shall send to the bank with which the  deposit  account  is

 15  maintained  an  authenticated  statement that releases the bank from any

 16  further obligation to comply with instructions originated by the secured

 17  party;

 18    (2) a secured party having control of a deposit account under  Section

 19  9--104(a)(3) shall:

 20    (A) pay the debtor the balance on deposit in the deposit account; or

 21    (B)  transfer  the  balance  on  deposit into a deposit account in the

 22  debtor's name;

 23    (3) a secured party, other than a buyer, having control of  electronic

 24  chattel paper under Section 9--105 shall:

 25    (A) communicate the authoritative copy of the electronic chattel paper

 26  to the debtor or its designated custodian;

 27    (B) if the debtor designates a custodian that is the designated custo-

 28  dian  with  which the authoritative copy of the electronic chattel paper

                                        93                         12020-01-1

  1  is maintained for the secured party, communicate  to  the  custodian  an

  2  authenticated record releasing the designated custodian from any further

  3  obligation  to  comply with instructions originated by the secured party

  4  and  instructing the custodian to comply with instructions originated by

  5  the debtor; and

  6    (C) take appropriate action to enable the  debtor  or  its  designated

  7  custodian to make copies of or revisions to the authoritative copy which

  8  add  or  change an identified assignee of the authoritative copy without

  9  the consent of the secured party;

 10    (4) a secured  party  having  control  of  investment  property  under

 11  Section  8-106(d)(2)  or 9--106(b) shall send to the securities interme-

 12  diary or commodity intermediary with which the security  entitlement  or

 13  commodity  contract  is maintained an authenticated record that releases

 14  the securities intermediary or commodity intermediary from  any  further

 15  obligation to comply with entitlement orders or directions originated by

 16  the secured party; and

 17    (5)  a  secured party having control of a letter of credit right under

 18  Section 9--107 shall send to each person  having  an  unfulfilled  obli-

 19  gation to pay or deliver proceeds of the letter of credit to the secured

 20  party  an  authenticated  release  from any further obligation to pay or

 21  deliver proceeds of the letter of credit to the secured party.

 22  Section 9--209. Duties of Secured Party if Account Debtor has been Noti-

 23                    fied of Assignment.

 24    (a) Applicability  of  section.    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in

 25  subsection (c), this section applies if:

 26    (1) there is no outstanding secured obligation; and

 27    (2)  the  secured party is not committed to make advances, incur obli-

 28  gations, or otherwise give value.

                                        94                         12020-01-1

  1    (b) Duties of secured party after receiving demand from debtor.  With-

  2  in ten days after receiving an authenticated demand  by  the  debtor,  a

  3  secured  party shall send to an account debtor that has received notifi-

  4  cation of an assignment to the secured party as assignee  under  Section

  5  9--406(a)  an authenticated record that releases the account debtor from

  6  any further obligation to the secured party.

  7    (c) Inapplicability to sales.   This section  does  not  apply  to  an

  8  assignment  constituting  the  sale  of  an  account,  chattel paper, or

  9  payment intangible.

 10  Section 9--210. Request for Accounting; Request Regarding List of Colla-

 11                    teral or Statement of Account.

 12    (a) Definitions.  In this section:

 13    (1)  "Request" means a record of a type described  in  paragraph  (2),

 14  (3), or (4).

 15    (2)    "Request  for  an accounting" means a record authenticated by a

 16  debtor requesting that the recipient provide an accounting of the unpaid

 17  obligations secured by collateral and reasonably identifying the  trans-

 18  action or relationship that is the subject of the request.

 19    (3)  "Request regarding a list of collateral" means a record authenti-

 20  cated  by  a  debtor  requesting that the recipient approve or correct a

 21  list of what the debtor believes to be the collateral securing an  obli-

 22  gation  and  reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that

 23  is the subject of the request.

 24    (4)  "Request regarding a statement of account" means a record authen-

 25  ticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient approve or  correct  a

 26  statement indicating what the debtor believes to be the aggregate amount

 27  of  unpaid  obligations secured by collateral as of a specified date and

                                        95                         12020-01-1

  1  reasonably identifying the  transaction  or  relationship  that  is  the

  2  subject of the request.

  3    (b) Duty to respond to requests.  Subject to subsections (c), (d), (e)

  4  and (f), a secured party, other than a buyer of accounts, chattel paper,

  5  payment  intangibles,  or  promissory notes or a consignor, shall comply

  6  with a request within fourteen days after receipt:

  7    (1) in the case of a request for an accounting, by authenticating  and

  8  sending to the debtor an accounting; and

  9    (2)  in  the  case  of  a  request regarding a list of collateral or a

 10  request regarding a statement of account, by authenticating and  sending

 11  to the debtor an approval or correction.

 12    (c) Request regarding list of collateral; statement concerning type of

 13  collateral.  A secured party that claims a security interest in all of a

 14  particular  type  of  collateral  owned  by the debtor may comply with a

 15  request regarding a list of collateral  by  sending  to  the  debtor  an

 16  authenticated  record  including a statement to that effect within four-

 17  teen days after receipt.

 18    (d) Request regarding list of collateral;  no  interest  claimed.    A

 19  person that receives a request regarding a list of collateral, claims no

 20  interest  in the collateral when it receives the request, and claimed an

 21  interest in the collateral at an earlier  time  shall  comply  with  the

 22  request  within  fourteen days after receipt by sending to the debtor an

 23  authenticated record:

 24    (1) disclaiming any interest in the collateral; and

 25    (2) if known to the recipient, providing the name and mailing  address

 26  of  any  assignee  of  or  successor  to the recipient's interest in the

 27  collateral.

                                        96                         12020-01-1

  1    (e) Request for accounting  or  regarding  statement  of  account;  no

  2  interest in obligation claimed.  A person that receives a request for an

  3  accounting  or  a  request  regarding  a statement of account, claims no

  4  interest in the obligations when it receives the request, and claimed an

  5  interest  in  the  obligations  at an earlier time shall comply with the

  6  request within fourteen days after receipt by sending to the  debtor  an

  7  authenticated record:

  8    (1) disclaiming any interest in the obligations; and

  9    (2)  if known to the recipient, providing the name and mailing address

 10  of any assignee of or successor to the recipient's interest in the obli-

 11  gations.

 12    (f) Charges for responses.  A debtor is entitled without charge to one

 13  response to a request under this section during  any  six-month  period.

 14  The  secured party may require payment of a charge not exceeding twenty-

 15  five dollars for each additional response.

 16                                   PART 3

 17                           PERFECTION AND PRIORITY

 18  Section 9--301. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 19                    ests.

 20          9--302. Law Governing Perfection and  Priority  of  Agricultural

 21                    Liens.

 22          9--303. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 23                    ests in Goods Covered by a Certificate of Title.

 24          9--304. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 25                    ests in Deposit Accounts.

 26          9--305. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 27                    ests in Investment Property.

                                        97                         12020-01-1

  1          9--306. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

  2                    ests in Letter of Credit Rights.

  3          9--307. Location of Debtor.

  4          9--308. When   Security   Interest   or   Agricultural  Lien  is

  5                    Perfected; Continuity of Perfection.

  6          9--309. Security Interest Perfected upon Attachment.

  7          9--310. When Filing Required to  Perfect  Security  Interest  or

  8                    Agricultural Lien; Security Interests and Agricultural

  9                    Liens to which Filing Provisions Do Not Apply.

 10          9--311. Perfection  of Security Interests in Property Subject to

 11                    Certain Statutes, Regulations and Treaties.

 12          9--312. Perfection  of  Security  Interests  in  Chattel  Paper,

 13                    Deposit  Accounts,  Documents,  Goods Covered by Docu-

 14                    ments, Instruments,  Investment  Property,  Letter  of

 15                    Credit  Rights  and  Money;  Perfection  by Permissive

 16                    Filing; Temporary Perfection Without Filing of  Trans-

 17                    fer of Possession.

 18          9--313. When Possession by or Delivery to Secured Party Perfects

 19                    Security Interest Without Filing.

 20          9--314. Perfection by Control.

 21          9--315. Secured  Party's Rights on Disposition of Collateral and

 22                    in Proceeds.

 23          9--316. Continued  Perfection  of  Security  Interest  Following

 24                    Change in Governing Law.

 25          9--317. Interests  that Take Priority over or Take Free of Secu-

 26                    rity Interest or Agricultural Lien.

                                        98                         12020-01-1

  1          9--318. No Interest Retained in Right to Payment that  is  Sold;

  2                    Rights and Title of Seller of Account or Chattel Paper

  3                    with Respect to Creditors and Purchasers.

  4          9--319. Rights  and Title of Consignee with Respect to Creditors

  5                    and Purchasers.

  6          9--320. Buyer of Goods.

  7          9--321. Licensee of General Intangible and Lessee  of  Goods  in

  8                    Ordinary Course of Business.

  9          9--322. Priorities  among  Conflicting Security Interests in and

 10                    Agricultural Liens on Same Collateral.

 11          9--323. Future Advances.

 12          9--324. Priority of Purchase-money Security Interests.

 13          9--325. Priority of Security Interests  in  Transferred  Collat-

 14                    eral.

 15          9--326. Priority of Security Interests Created by New Debtor.

 16          9--327. Priority of Security Interests in Deposit Account.

 17          9--328. Priority of Security Interests in Investment Property.

 18          9--329. Priority  of  Security  Interests  in  Letter  of Credit

 19                    Right.

 20          9--330. Priority of Purchaser of Chattel Paper or Instrument.

 21          9--331. Priority of Rights of Purchasers of  Instruments,  Docu-

 22                    ments and Securities under Other Articles; Priority of

 23                    Interests  in  Financial  Assets and Security Entitle-

 24                    ments under Article 8.

 25          9--332. Transfer  of  Money;  Transfer  of  Funds  from  Deposit

 26                    Account.

 27          9--333. Priority of Certain Liens Arising by Operation of Law.

 28          9--334. Priority of Security Interests in Fixtures and Crops.

                                        99                         12020-01-1

  1          9--335. Accessions.

  2          9--336. Commingled Goods.

  3          9--337. Priority  of  Security  Interests  in  Goods  Covered by

  4                    Certificate of Title.

  5          9--338. Priority  of  Security  Interest  or  Agricultural  Lien

  6                    Perfected   by  Filed  Financing  Statement  Providing

  7                    Certain Incorrect Information.

  8          9--339. Priority Subject to Subordination.

  9          9--340. Effectiveness of Right of Recoupment or Set-Off  Against

 10                    Deposit Account.

 11          9--341. Bank's   Rights  and  Duties  with  Respect  to  Deposit

 12                    Account.

 13          9--342. Bank's Right to Refuse to Enter into or Disclose  Exist-

 14                    ence of Control Agreement.

 15  Section 9--301. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 16                    ests.

 17    Except  as  otherwise  provided in Sections 9--303 through 9--306, the

 18  following rules determine the law governing perfection,  the  effect  of

 19  perfection  or  nonperfection and the priority of a security interest in

 20  collateral:

 21    (a)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, while a  debtor  is

 22  located  in  a  jurisdiction, the local law of that jurisdiction governs

 23  perfection, the effect of perfection or nonperfection and  the  priority

 24  of a security interest in collateral.

 25    (b)    While collateral is located in a jurisdiction, the local law of

 26  that jurisdiction  governs  perfection,  the  effect  of  perfection  or

 27  nonperfection and the priority of a possessory security interest in that

 28  collateral.

                                        100                        12020-01-1

  1    (c)    Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d), while negotiable

  2  documents, goods,  instruments,  money  or  tangible  chattel  paper  is

  3  located in a jurisdiction, the local law of that jurisdiction governs:

  4    (A) perfection of a security interest in the goods by filing a fixture

  5  filing;

  6    (B) perfection of a security interest in timber to be cut; and

  7    (C)  the  effect  of perfection or nonperfection and the priority of a

  8  nonpossessory security interest.

  9    (d) The local law of the jurisdiction in which the wellhead  or  mine-

 10  head  is located governs perfection, the effect of perfection or nonper-

 11  fection, and the priority of a security interest in as-extracted collat-

 12  eral.

 13    (e) When collateral is a cooperative interest, the law of  this  State

 14  governs  perfection,  the effect of perfection or nonperfection, and the

 15  priority of the security interest in such collateral.

 16  Section 9--302. Law Governing Perfection and  Priority  of  Agricultural

 17                    Liens.

 18    While  farm  products  are located in a jurisdiction, the local law of

 19  that jurisdiction  governs  perfection,  the  effect  of  perfection  or

 20  nonperfection  and  the  priority  of  an  agricultural lien on the farm

 21  products.

 22  Section 9--303. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 23                    ests in Goods Covered by a Certificate of Title.

 24    (a) Applicability of section.  This section applies to  goods  covered

 25  by  a  certificate  of  title,  even  if  there is no other relationship

 26  between the jurisdiction under whose certificate of title the goods  are

 27  covered and the goods or the debtor.

                                        101                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  When goods covered by certificate of title.  Goods become covered

  2  by a certificate of title when a valid application for  the  certificate

  3  of title and the applicable fee are delivered to the appropriate author-

  4  ity.  Goods cease to be covered by a certificate of title at the earlier

  5  of  the  time  the certificate of title ceases to be effective under the

  6  law of the issuing jurisdiction or the time  the  goods  become  covered

  7  subsequently by a certificate of title issued by another jurisdiction.

  8    (c)  Applicable  law.    The local law of the jurisdiction under whose

  9  certificate of title the  goods  are  covered  governs  perfection,  the

 10  effect  of  perfection  or nonperfection, and the priority of a security

 11  interest in goods covered by a certificate of title from  the  time  the

 12  goods  become  covered by the certificate of title until the goods cease

 13  to be covered by the certificate of title.

 14  Section 9--304. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 15                    ests in Deposit Accounts.

 16    (a) Law of banks' jurisdiction governs.   The local law  of  a  bank's

 17  jurisdiction  governs  perfection,  the  effect of perfection or nonper-

 18  fection and the priority of a security interest  in  a  deposit  account

 19  maintained with that bank.

 20    (b)  Bank's  jurisdiction.    The  following  rules determine a bank's

 21  jurisdiction for purposes of this part:

 22    (1)  If an agreement between the bank and  the  debtor  governing  the

 23  deposit account expressly provides that a particular jurisdiction is the

 24  bank's  jurisdiction  for  purposes  of this part, this article, or this

 25  chapter, that jurisdiction is the bank's jurisdiction.

 26    (2)  If paragraph (1) does not apply and an agreement between the bank

 27  and its customer governing the deposit account expressly  provides  that

                                        102                        12020-01-1

  1  the  agreement is governed by the law of a particular jurisdiction, that

  2  jurisdiction is the bank's jurisdiction.

  3    (3)   If neither paragraph (1) nor paragraph (2) applies and an agree-

  4  ment between the bank and its customer  governing  the  deposit  account

  5  expressly  provides  that the deposit account is maintained at an office

  6  in a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction is the bank's  jurisdic-

  7  tion.

  8    (4)    If none of the preceding paragraphs apply, the bank's jurisdic-

  9  tion is the jurisdiction in which the office identified  in  an  account

 10  statement as the office serving the customer's account is located.

 11    (5)    If none of the preceding paragraphs apply, the bank's jurisdic-

 12  tion is the jurisdiction in which the chief executive office of the bank

 13  is located.

 14  Section 9--305. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 15                    ests in Investment Property.

 16    (a) Governing law: general rules.   Except as  otherwise  provided  in

 17  subsection (c) and (d), the following rules apply:

 18    (1)    While  a security certificate is located in a jurisdiction, the

 19  local law  of  that  jurisdiction  governs  perfection,  the  effect  of

 20  perfection  or  nonperfection and the priority of a security interest in

 21  the certificated security represented thereby.

 22    (2)   The local law of  the  issuer's  jurisdiction  as  specified  in

 23  Section 8-110(d) governs perfection, the effect of perfection or nonper-

 24  fection,  and  the  priority of a security interest in an uncertificated

 25  security.

 26    (3)  The local law of the securities  intermediary's  jurisdiction  as

 27  specified   in  Section  8-110(e)  governs  perfection,  the  effect  of

                                        103                        12020-01-1

  1  perfection or nonperfection, and the priority of a security interest  in

  2  a security entitlement or securities account.

  3    (4)    The  local  law  of  the  commodity intermediary's jurisdiction

  4  governs perfection, the effect of perfection or nonperfection,  and  the

  5  priority  of  a  security  interest in a commodity contract or commodity

  6  account.

  7    (b) Commodity intermediary's jurisdiction.  The following rules deter-

  8  mine a commodity intermediary's jurisdiction for purposes of this part:

  9    (1)  If an agreement between the commodity intermediary and  commodity

 10  customer  governing  the  commodity  account  expressly  provides that a

 11  particular jurisdiction is the commodity intermediary's jurisdiction for

 12  purposes of this part, this article, or this chapter, that  jurisdiction

 13  is the commodity intermediary's jurisdiction.

 14    (2)    If  paragraph  (1)  does not apply and an agreement between the

 15  commodity intermediary and commodity customer  governing  the  commodity

 16  account  expressly provides that the agreement is governed by the law of

 17  a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction is the  commodity  interme-

 18  diary's jurisdiction.

 19    (3)   If neither paragraph (1) nor paragraph (2) applies and an agree-

 20  ment between the commodity intermediary and commodity customer governing

 21  the commodity account expressly provides that the commodity  account  is

 22  maintained  at an office in a particular jurisdiction, that jurisdiction

 23  is the commodity intermediary's jurisdiction.

 24    (4)  If none of the preceding paragraphs applies, the commodity inter-

 25  mediary's jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in which the  office  identi-

 26  fied in an account statement as the office serving the commodity custom-

 27  er's account is located.

                                        104                        12020-01-1

  1    (5)  If none of the preceding paragraphs applies, the commodity inter-

  2  mediary's  jurisdiction is the jurisdiction in which the chief executive

  3  office of the commodity intermediary is located.

  4    (c)  When  perfection  governed  by  law  of jurisdiction where debtor

  5  located.   The local law of the jurisdiction  in  which  the  debtor  is

  6  located governs:

  7    (1)  perfection  of  a  security  interest  in  investment property by

  8  filing;

  9    (2) automatic perfection of a security interest in investment property

 10  created by a broker or securities intermediary; and

 11    (3) automatic  perfection  of  a  security  interest  in  a  commodity

 12  contract or commodity account granted by a commodity intermediary.

 13    (d) Cooperative interests.  This section does not apply to cooperative

 14  interests.

 15  Section 9--306. Law Governing Perfection and Priority of Security Inter-

 16                    ests in Letter of Credit Rights.

 17    (a)  Governing  law:  issuer's  or  nominated  person's  jurisdiction.

 18  Subject to subsection (c), the local law of the issuer's jurisdiction or

 19  a nominated person's jurisdiction  governs  perfection,  the  effect  of

 20  perfection or nonperfection and the priority of a security interest in a

 21  letter  of  credit  right  if  the  issuer's  jurisdiction  or nominated

 22  person's jurisdiction is a state.

 23    (b) Issuer's or nominated person's jurisdiction. For purposes of  this

 24  part, an issuer's jurisdiction or nominated person's jurisdiction is the

 25  jurisdiction  whose law governs the liability of the issuer or nominated

 26  person with respect to the letter of credit right as provided in Section

 27  5-114.

                                        105                        12020-01-1

  1    (c) When section not applicable.   This section does not  apply  to  a

  2  security interest that is perfected only under Section 9--308(d).

  3  Section 9--307. Location of Debtor.

  4    (a) "Place of business."  In this section, "place of business" means a

  5  place where a debtor conducts its affairs.

  6    (b) Debtor's location: general rules.  Except as otherwise provided in

  7  this section, the following rules determine a debtor's location:

  8    (1)    A  debtor  who  is an individual is located at the individual's

  9  principal residence.

 10    (2)  A debtor that is an organization and has only one place of  busi-

 11  ness is located at its place of business.

 12    (3)    A debtor that is an organization and has more than one place of

 13  business is located at its chief executive office.

 14    (c) Limitation of applicability of subsection  (b).    Subsection  (b)

 15  applies  only if a debtor's residence, place of business or chief execu-

 16  tive office, as applicable, is  located  in  a  jurisdiction  whose  law

 17  generally  requires information concerning the existence of a nonposses-

 18  sory security interest to be  made  generally  available  in  a  filing,

 19  recording or registration system as a condition or result of the securi-

 20  ty interest's obtaining priority over the rights of a lien creditor with

 21  respect to the collateral.  If subsection (b) does not apply, the debtor

 22  is located in the District of Columbia.

 23    (d)  Continuation  of location: cessation of existence, etc.  A person

 24  that ceases to exist, have a residence, or  have  a  place  of  business

 25  continues to be located in the jurisdiction specified by subsections (b)

 26  and (c).

                                        106                        12020-01-1

  1    (e)  Location of registered organization organized under state law.  A

  2  registered organization that is organized under the law of  a  state  is

  3  located in that state.

  4    (f)  Location  of registered organization organized under federal law:

  5  bank branches and agencies.  Except as otherwise provided in  subsection

  6  (i),  registered  organization  that  is  organized under the law of the

  7  United States and a branch or agency of a bank  that  is  not  organized

  8  under the law of the United States or a state are located:

  9    (1) the state that the law of the United States designates, if the law

 10  designates a state of location;

 11    (2)  the  state  that  the  registered  organization, branch or agency

 12  designates, if the law of the United States  authorizes  the  registered

 13  organization, branch or agency  to designate its state of location; or

 14    (3)  in  the  District of Columbia, if neither paragraph (1) nor para-

 15  graph (2) applies.

 16    (g) Continuation of location: change in status of registered organiza-

 17  tion.  A registered organization continues to be located in  the  juris-

 18  diction specified by subsection (e) or (f) notwithstanding:

 19    (1)  the suspension, revocation, forfeiture or lapse of the registered

 20  organization's status as such in its jurisdiction of organization; or

 21    (2) the dissolution, winding up or cancellation of  the  existence  of

 22  the registered organization.

 23    (h)  Location  of United States.   The United States is located in the

 24  District of Columbia.

 25    (i) Location of foreign bank branch or agency if licensed in only  one

 26  state.  A branch or agency of a bank that is not organized under the law

 27  of  the  United  States  or a state is located in the state in which the

                                        107                        12020-01-1

  1  branch or agency is licensed, if all branches and agencies of  the  bank

  2  are licensed in only one state.

  3    (j)  Location of foreign air carrier.  A foreign air carrier under the

  4  Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, is located at  the  designated

  5  office  of the agent upon which service of process may be made on behalf

  6  of the carrier.

  7    (k) Section applies only to this part.  This section applies only  for

  8  purposes of this part.

  9  Section 9--308. When   Security   Interest   or   Agricultural  Lien  Is

 10                    Perfected; Continuity of Perfection.

 11    (a) Perfection of security interest.  Except as otherwise provided  in

 12  this  section and Section 9--309, a security interest is perfected if it

 13  has attached and all of the applicable requirements  for  perfection  in

 14  Sections 9--310 through 9--316 have been satisfied.  A security interest

 15  is  perfected when it attaches if the applicable requirements are satis-

 16  fied before the security interest attaches.

 17    (b)  Perfection  of  agricultural  lien.    An  agricultural  lien  is

 18  perfected  if it has become effective and all of the applicable require-

 19  ments for perfection in Section 9--310 have been satisfied.  An agricul-

 20  tural lien is perfected when it  becomes  effective  if  the  applicable

 21  requirements  are  satisfied before the agricultural lien becomes effec-

 22  tive.

 23    (c) Continuous perfection; perfection by different methods.  A securi-

 24  ty interest or agricultural lien is  perfected  continuously  if  it  is

 25  originally  perfected  by  one  method  under  this article and is later

 26  perfected by another method under this article, without an  intermediate

 27  period when it was unperfected.

                                        108                        12020-01-1

  1    (d)  Supporting  obligation.    Perfection  of  a security interest in

  2  collateral also perfects a security interest in a supporting  obligation

  3  for the collateral.

  4    (e) Lien securing right to payment.  Perfection of a security interest

  5  in  a  right to payment or performance also perfects a security interest

  6  in a security interest, mortgage or other lien on personal or real prop-

  7  erty securing the right.

  8    (f) Security entitlement carried in securities account.  Perfection of

  9  a security interest in a securities account  also  perfects  a  security

 10  interest in the security entitlements carried in the securities account.

 11    (g)  Commodity contract carried in commodity account.  Perfection of a

 12  security interest in a commodity account also perfects a security inter-

 13  est in the commodity contracts carried in the commodity account.

 14    (h) Cooperative organization security interest.  A cooperative  organ-

 15  ization  security interest becomes perfected when the cooperative inter-

 16  est first comes into existence and remains  perfected  so  long  as  the

 17  cooperative interest exists.

 18  Section 9--309. Security Interest Perfected upon Attachment.

 19    The following security interests are perfected when they attach:

 20    (a)  a  purchase-money  security interest in consumer goods, except as

 21  otherwise provided in Section 9--311(b) with respect to  consumer  goods

 22  that are subject to a statute or treaty described in Section 9--311(a);

 23    (b) an assignment of accounts or payment intangibles which does not by

 24  itself  or  in  conjunction  with other assignments to the same assignee

 25  transfer a significant part of the assignor's  outstanding  accounts  or

 26  payment intangibles;

 27    (c) a sale of a payment intangible;

 28    (d) a sale of a promissory note;

                                        109                        12020-01-1

  1    (e) a security interest created by the assignment of a health-care-in-

  2  surance receivable to the provider of the healthcare goods or services;

  3    (f)  a  security interest arising under Section 2-401, 2-505, 2-711(3)

  4  or 2-A-508(5), until the debtor obtains possession of the collateral;

  5    (g) a security interest of a collecting  bank  arising  under  Section

  6  4-210;

  7    (h) a security interest of an issuer or nominated person arising under

  8  Section 5-117-a

  9    (i)  a  security interest arising in the delivery of a financial asset

 10  under Section 9--206(c);

 11    (j) a security interest in investment property created by a broker  or

 12  securities intermediary;

 13    (k) a security interest in a commodity contract or a commodity account

 14  created by a commodity intermediary;

 15    (l)  an  assignment for the benefit of all creditors of the transferor

 16  and subsequent transfers by the assignee thereunder; and

 17    (m) a security interest created  by  an  assignment  of  a  beneficial

 18  interest in a decedent's estate.

 19  Section 9--310.  When  Filing  Required  to Perfect Security Interest or

 20                    Agricultural Lien; Security Interests and Agricultural

 21                    Liens to which Filing Provisions Do Not Apply.

 22    (a) General rule: perfection by filing.  Except as otherwise  provided

 23  in  subsection  (b) and Section 9--312(b), a financing statement must be

 24  filed to perfect all security interests and agricultural  liens.

 25    (b)  Exceptions:  filing  not  necessary.    Except  as  provided   in

 26  subsection  (d), the filing of a financing statement is not necessary to

 27  perfect a security interest:

 28    (1) that is perfected under Section 9--308(d), (e), (f) or (g);

                                        110                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) that is perfected under Section 9--309 when it attaches;

  2    (3)  in property subject to a statute, regulation, or treaty described

  3  in Section 9--311(a);

  4    (4) in goods in possession  of  a  bailee  which  is  perfected  under

  5  Section 9--312(d)(1) or (2);

  6    (5)  in certificated securities, documents, goods or instruments which

  7  is perfected without filing or possession under Section  9--312(e),  (f)

  8  or (g);

  9    (6)  in  collateral  in  the  secured party's possession under Section

 10  9--313;

 11    (7) in a certificated security which is perfected by delivery  of  the

 12  security certificate to the secured party under Section 9--313;

 13    (8)  in deposit accounts, electronic chattel paper, investment proper-

 14  ty, or letter of credit rights  which  is  perfected  by  control  under

 15  Section 9--314;

 16    (9) in proceeds which is perfected under Section 9--315;

 17    (10) that is perfected under Section 9--316; or

 18    (11) that is a cooperative organization security interest.

 19    (c)  Assignment  of  perfected security interest.   If a secured party

 20  assigns a perfected security interest or  agricultural  lien,  a  filing

 21  under  this  article is not required to continue the perfected status of

 22  the security interest against creditors  of  and  transferees  from  the

 23  original debtor.

 24    (d)  Special rule for cooperative interests.  Except for a cooperative

 25  organization security interest, a security  interest  in  a  cooperative

 26  interest may be perfected only by filing a financing statement.

 27  Section 9--311.  Perfection of Security Interests in Property Subject to

 28                    Certain Statutes, Regulations and Treaties.

                                        111                        12020-01-1

  1    (a)  Security  interest  subject  to  other law.   Except as otherwise

  2  provided in subsection (d), the filing of a financing statement  is  not

  3  necessary  or  effective  to  perfect  a  security  interest in property

  4  subject to:

  5    (1)  a  statute,  regulation  or  treaty  of  the  United States whose

  6  requirements for a  security  interest's  obtaining  priority  over  the

  7  rights  of  a lien creditor with respect to the property preempt Section

  8  9--310(a);

  9    (2) section two thousand one hundred eighteen of the vehicle and traf-

 10  fic law and section one hundred eighty-four of the lien law;  or

 11    (3) a certificate of  title  statute  of  another  jurisdiction  which

 12  provides for a security interest to be indicated on the certificate as a

 13  condition  or  result of the security interest's obtaining priority over

 14  the rights of a lien creditor with respect to the property.

 15    (b) Compliance with other law.  Compliance with the requirements of  a

 16  statute, regulation, or treaty described in subsection (a) for obtaining

 17  priority  over the rights of a lien creditor is equivalent to the filing

 18  of a financing statement  under  this  article.    Except  as  otherwise

 19  provided in subsection (d) and Sections 9--313 and 9--316(d) and (e) for

 20  goods covered by a certificate of title, a security interest in property

 21  subject  to  a statute, regulation or treaty described in subsection (a)

 22  may be perfected only by compliance with those requirements, and a secu-

 23  rity interest so perfected remains perfected notwithstanding a change in

 24  the use or transfer of possession of the collateral.

 25    (c) Duration and renewal of perfection.  Except as otherwise  provided

 26  in subsection (d) and Section 9--316(d) and (e), duration and renewal of

 27  perfection  of  a  security  interest  perfected  by compliance with the

 28  requirements prescribed by a statute, regulation, or treaty described in

                                        112                        12020-01-1

  1  subsection (a) are governed by the statute, regulation, or treaty.    In

  2  other respects the security interest is subject to this article.

  3    (d)  Inapplicability to certain inventory.  During any period in which

  4  collateral is inventory held for sale or lease by a person or leased  by

  5  that  person  as lessor and that person is in the business of selling or

  6  leasing goods of that kind, this section does not apply  to  a  security

  7  interest in that collateral created by that person as debtor.

  8  Section 9--312.  Perfection  of  Security  Interests  in  Chattel Paper,

  9                    Deposit Accounts, Documents, Goods  Covered  by  Docu-

 10                    ments,  Instruments,  Investment  Property,  Letter of

 11                    Credit Rights  and  Money;  Perfection  by  Permissive

 12                    Filing;  Temporary Perfection Without Filing or Trans-

 13                    fer of Possession.

 14    (a) Perfection by filing permitted.   A security interest  in  chattel

 15  paper,  negotiable documents, instruments, or investment property may be

 16  perfected by filing.

 17    (b) Control or possession of certain collateral.  Except as  otherwise

 18  provided in Section 9--315(c) and (d) for proceeds:

 19    (1)  a security interest in a deposit account may be perfected only by

 20  control under Section 9--314;

 21    (2) and, except as otherwise provided in Section 9--308(d); a security

 22  interest in a letter of credit right may be perfected  only  by  control

 23  under Section 9--314, and

 24    (3)  a security interest in money may be perfected only by the secured

 25  party's taking possession under Section 9--313.

 26    (c) Goods covered by negotiable documents.   While goods  are  in  the

 27  possession  of  a  bailee that has issued a negotiable document covering

 28  the goods:

                                        113                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) a security interest in the goods may be perfected by perfecting  a

  2  security interest in the document; and

  3    (2)  a  security  interest perfected in the document has priority over

  4  any security interest that becomes perfected in  the  goods  by  another

  5  method during that time.

  6    (d)  Goods covered by nonnegotiable documents.  While goods are in the

  7  possession of a bailee that has issued a nonnegotiable document covering

  8  the goods, a security interest in the goods may be perfected by:

  9    (1) issuance of a document in the name of the secured party;

 10    (2) the bailee's receipt of notification of the secured party's inter-

 11  est; or

 12    (3) filing as to the goods.

 13    (e) Temporary perfection: new value.  A security interest  in  certif-

 14  icated  securities,  negotiable  documents,  or instruments is perfected

 15  without filing or the taking of possession for a period of  twenty  days

 16  from  the  time  it  attaches to the extent that it arises for new value

 17  given under an authenticated security agreement.

 18    (f) Temporary perfection: goods or documents made available to debtor.

 19  A perfected security interest in  a  negotiable  document  or  goods  in

 20  possession  of  a  bailee,  other  than one that has issued a negotiable

 21  document for the goods, remains perfected for twenty days without filing

 22  if the secured party makes available to the debtor the  goods  or  docu-

 23  ments representing the goods for the purpose of:

 24    (1) ultimate sale or exchange; or

 25    (2)  loading, unloading, storing, shipping, transshipping, manufactur-

 26  ing, processing or otherwise dealing with them in a  manner  preliminary

 27  to their sale or exchange.

                                        114                        12020-01-1

  1    (g)  Temporary perfection: delivery of security certificate or instru-

  2  ment to debtor.  A perfected security interest in a certificated securi-

  3  ty or instrument remains perfected for twenty days without filing if the

  4  secured party delivers the security certificate  or  instrument  to  the

  5  debtor for the purpose of:

  6    (1) ultimate sale or exchange; or

  7    (2) presentation, collection, enforcement, renewal, or registration of

  8  transfer.

  9    (h)  Expiration  of temporary perfection.  After the twenty-day period

 10  specified in subsection (e), (f) or (g) expires, perfection depends upon

 11  compliance with this article.

 12    (i) Cooperative interests.  This section does not apply to cooperative

 13  interests.

 14  Section 9--313.  When  Possession  by  or  Delivery  to  Secured   Party

 15                    Perfects Security Interest Without Filing.

 16    (a)  Perfection  by  possession  or  delivery.    Except  as otherwise

 17  provided in subsection (b), a  secured  party  may  perfect  a  security

 18  interest  in negotiable documents, goods, instruments, money or tangible

 19  chattel paper by taking possession of the collateral.   A secured  party

 20  may  perfect  a  security  interest in certificated securities by taking

 21  delivery of the certificated securities under Section 8-301.

 22    (b) Goods covered by certificate of title.    With  respect  to  goods

 23  covered  by a certificate of title issued by this State, a secured party

 24  may perfect a security interest in the goods by taking possession of the

 25  goods only in the circumstances described in Section 9--316(d).

 26    (c) Collateral in possession  of  person  other  than  debtor.    With

 27  respect  to  collateral  other  than  certificated  securities and goods

 28  covered by a document, a secured party takes possession of collateral in

                                        115                        12020-01-1

  1  the possession of a person other than the debtor, the secured party or a

  2  lessee of the collateral from the debtor in the ordinary course  of  the

  3  debtor's business, when:

  4    (1) the person in possession authenticates a record acknowledging that

  5  it  holds  possession of the collateral for the secured party's benefit;

  6  or

  7    (2) the person takes possession of the collateral after having authen-

  8  ticated a record acknowledging that it will hold possession  of  collat-

  9  eral for the secured party's benefit.

 10    (d)  Time of perfection by possession; continuation of perfection.  If

 11  perfection of a security interest depends upon possession of the collat-

 12  eral by a secured party, perfection occurs no earlier than the time  the

 13  secured  party  takes  possession  and  continues only while the secured

 14  party retains possession.

 15    (e) Time of perfection by delivery; continuation  of  perfection.    A

 16  security  interest  in  a  certificated  security  in registered form is

 17  perfected by delivery when delivery of the certificated security  occurs

 18  under  Section  8-301 and remains perfected by delivery until the debtor

 19  obtains possession of the security certificate.

 20    (f) Acknowledgment not required.  A person in possession of collateral

 21  is not required to acknowledge that it holds possession  for  a  secured

 22  party's benefit.

 23    (g)  Effectiveness of acknowledgment; no duties or confirmation.  If a

 24  person acknowledges that it holds possession  for  the  secured  party's

 25  benefit:

 26    (1)  the  acknowledgment  is effective under subsection (c) or Section

 27  8-301(a), even if the acknowledgment violates the rights  of  a  debtor;

 28  and

                                        116                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  unless the person otherwise agrees or law other than this article

  2  otherwise provides, the person does not owe  any  duty  to  the  secured

  3  party  and  is  not  required  to  confirm the acknowledgment to another

  4  person.

  5    (h)  Secured  party's delivery to person other than debtor.  A secured

  6  party having possession of collateral does not relinquish possession  by

  7  delivering  the collateral to a person other than the debtor or a lessee

  8  of the collateral from the debtor in the ordinary course of the debtor's

  9  business if  the  person  was  instructed  before  the  delivery  or  is

 10  instructed contemporaneously with the delivery:

 11    (1) to hold possession of the collateral for the secured party's bene-

 12  fit; or

 13    (2) to redeliver the collateral to the secured party.

 14    (i)  Effect  of  delivery under subsection (h); no duties or confirma-

 15  tion.  A secured party does not relinquish possession, even if a  deliv-

 16  ery  under  subsection (h) violates the rights of a debtor.  A person to

 17  which collateral is delivered under subsection (h) does not owe any duty

 18  to the secured party and is not required  to  confirm  the  delivery  to

 19  another person unless the person otherwise agrees or law other than this

 20  article otherwise provides.

 21    (j) Cooperative interests.  This section does not apply to cooperative

 22  interests.

 23  Section 9--314.  Perfection by Control.

 24    (a)  Perfection by control.  A security interest in investment proper-

 25  ty, deposit accounts, letter of  credit  rights  or  electronic  chattel

 26  paper  may  be  perfected  by  control  of  the collateral under Section

 27  9--104, 9--105, 9--106 or 9--107.

                                        117                        12020-01-1

  1    (b) Specified collateral: time of perfection by control;  continuation

  2  of  perfection.    A  security  interest in deposit accounts, electronic

  3  chattel paper or a letter of credit rights is perfected by control under

  4  Section 9--104, 9--105 or 9--107 when the secured party obtains  control

  5  and  remains  perfected  by control only while the secured party retains

  6  control.

  7    (c) Investment property: time of perfection by  control;  continuation

  8  of  perfection.  A security interest in investment property is perfected

  9  by control under Section 9--106 from the time the secured party  obtains

 10  control and remains perfected by control until:

 11    (1) the secured party does not have control; and

 12    (2) one of the following occurs:

 13    (A)  if  the  collateral is a certificated security, the debtor has or

 14  acquires possession of the security certificate;

 15    (B) if the collateral is an uncertificated security,  the  issuer  has

 16  registered or registers the debtor as the registered owner; or

 17    (C)  if  the  collateral  is  a security entitlement, the debtor is or

 18  becomes the entitlement holder.

 19    (d)  Cooperative interests.  This section does not  apply  to  cooper-

 20  ative interests.

 21  Section 9--315.  Secured Party's Rights on Disposition of Collateral and

 22                    in Proceeds.

 23    (a)  Disposition  of  collateral: continuation of security interest or

 24  agricultural lien; proceeds.  Except as otherwise provided in this arti-

 25  cle and in Section 2-403(2):

 26    (1)  a security interest or agricultural lien continues in  collateral

 27  notwithstanding  sale,  lease,  license,  exchange  or other disposition

                                        118                        12020-01-1

  1  thereof unless the secured party authorized the disposition free of  the

  2  security interest or agricultural lien; and

  3    (2)  a  security  interest  attaches  to  any identifiable proceeds of

  4  collateral.

  5    (b) When commingled proceeds identifiable.  Proceeds that are  commin-

  6  gled with other property are identifiable proceeds:

  7    (1)  if  the  proceeds  are  goods,  to the extent provided by Section

  8  9--336; and

  9    (2) if the proceeds are not goods, to  the  extent  that  the  secured

 10  party identifies the proceeds by a method of tracing, including applica-

 11  tion  of  equitable  principles,  that is permitted under law other than

 12  this article with respect to commingled property of the type involved.

 13    (c) Perfection of security interest in proceeds.  A security  interest

 14  in proceeds is a perfected security interest if the security interest in

 15  the original collateral was perfected.

 16    (d)  Continuation  of  perfection.    A perfected security interest in

 17  proceeds becomes unperfected on the twenty-first day after the  security

 18  interest attaches to the proceeds unless:

 19    (1) the following conditions are satisfied:

 20    (A) a filed financing statement covers the original collateral;

 21    (B)  the  proceeds  are collateral in which a security interest may be

 22  perfected by filing in the office in which the financing  statement  has

 23  been filed; and

 24    (C) the proceeds are not acquired with cash proceeds;

 25    (2) the proceeds are identifiable cash proceeds; or

 26    (3)  the  security  interest  in  the proceeds is perfected other than

 27  under subsection (c) when the security interest attaches to the proceeds

 28  or within twenty days thereafter.

                                        119                        12020-01-1

  1    (e) When perfected security interest in proceeds becomes  unperfected.

  2  If a filed financing statement covers the original collateral, a securi-

  3  ty  interest in proceeds which remains perfected under subsection (d)(1)

  4  becomes unperfected at the later of:

  5    (1)  when  the  effectiveness  of the filed financing statement lapses

  6  under Section 9--515 or is terminated under Section 9--513; or

  7    (2) the twenty-first day after the security interest attaches  to  the

  8  proceeds.

  9  Section 9--316.  Continued  Perfection  of  Security  Interest Following

 10                    Change in Governing Law.

 11    (a) General rule: effect on perfection of change in governing law.   A

 12  security  interest  perfected  pursuant  to  the law of the jurisdiction

 13  designated in Section 9--301(a) or 9--305(c) remains perfected until the

 14  earliest of:

 15    (1) the time perfection would have ceased under the law of that juris-

 16  diction;

 17    (2) the expiration of four months  after  a  change  of  the  debtor's

 18  location to another jurisdiction;

 19    (3)  the  expiration  of  one year after a transfer of collateral to a

 20  person that thereby becomes a debtor and is located in another jurisdic-

 21  tion.

 22    (b) Security interest perfected or unperfected under law of new juris-

 23  diction.  If a security interest described  in  subsection  (a)  becomes

 24  perfected  under  the  law of the other jurisdiction before the earliest

 25  time or event described in such subsection, it remains perfected  there-

 26  after.  If the security interest does not become perfected under the law

 27  of  the other jurisdiction before the earliest time or event, it becomes

                                        120                        12020-01-1

  1  unperfected and is deemed never to have  been  perfected  as  against  a

  2  purchaser of the collateral for value.

  3    (c)  Possessory security interest in collateral moved to new jurisdic-

  4  tion.  A possessory security interest in collateral,  other  than  goods

  5  covered by a certificate of title and as extracted collateral consisting

  6  of goods, remains continuously perfected if:

  7    (1)  the  collateral  is  located in one jurisdiction and subject to a

  8  security interest perfected under the law of that jurisdiction;

  9    (2) thereafter the collateral is brought  into  another  jurisdiction;

 10  and

 11    (3)  upon  entry into the other jurisdiction, the security interest is

 12  perfected under the law of the other jurisdiction.

 13    (d) Goods covered by certificate of title from this state.  Except  as

 14  otherwise  provided  in  subsection  (e),  a  security interest in goods

 15  covered by a certificate of title which is perfected by any method under

 16  the law of another jurisdiction when  the  goods  become  covered  by  a

 17  certificate of title from this state remains perfected until the securi-

 18  ty  interest  would  have  become unperfected under the law of the other

 19  jurisdiction had the goods not become so covered.

 20    (e) When subsection (d) security interests becomes unperfected against

 21  purchasers.  A security interest described  in  subsection  (d)  becomes

 22  unperfected  as against a purchaser of the goods for value and is deemed

 23  never to have been perfected as against a purchaser  of  the  goods  for

 24  value  if  the  applicable  requirements  for  perfection  under Section

 25  9--311(b) or 9--313 are not satisfied before the earlier of:

 26    (1) the time the security interest would have become unperfected under

 27  the law of the other jurisdiction had the goods not become covered by  a

 28  certificate of title from this state; or

                                        121                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  the  expiration  of  four  months  after  the goods had become so

  2  covered.

  3    (f)  Change in jurisdiction of bank, issuer, nominated person, securi-

  4  ties intermediary or commodity intermediary.   A  security  interest  in

  5  deposit  accounts,  letter of credit rights or investment property which

  6  is perfected under the law of  the  bank's  jurisdiction,  the  issuer's

  7  jurisdiction, a nominated person's jurisdiction, the securities interme-

  8  diary's  jurisdiction  or  the commodity intermediary's jurisdiction, as

  9  applicable, remains perfected until the earlier of:

 10    (1) the time the security interest would have become unperfected under

 11  the law of that jurisdiction; or

 12    (2) the expiration of four months after a  change  of  the  applicable

 13  jurisdiction to another jurisdiction.

 14    (g)  Subsection  (f)  security interest perfected or unperfected under

 15  law of new jurisdiction.  If a security interest described in subsection

 16  (f) becomes perfected under the law of the other jurisdiction before the

 17  earlier of the  time  or  the  end  of  the  period  described  in  such

 18  subsection,  it  remains perfected thereafter.  If the security interest

 19  does not become perfected under the law of the other jurisdiction before

 20  the earlier of that time or the end of that period,  it  becomes  unper-

 21  fected and is deemed never to have been perfected as against a purchaser

 22  of the collateral for value.

 23  Section 9--317.  Interests that Take Priority over or Take Free of Secu-

 24                    rity Interest or Agricultural Lien.

 25    (a)  Conflicting  security  interests and rights of lien creditors.  A

 26  security interest or agricultural lien is subordinate to the rights of:

 27    (1) a person entitled to priority under Section 9--322; and

                                        122                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) except as otherwise provided in  subsection  (e),  a  person  that

  2  becomes  a  lien  creditor  before  the earlier of the time the security

  3  interest or agricultural lien is  perfected  or  a  financing  statement

  4  covering the collateral is filed.

  5    (b)  Buyers  that  receive delivery.   Except as otherwise provided in

  6  subsection (e), a buyer, other than a secured party, of tangible chattel

  7  paper, documents, goods, instruments or  a  security  certificate  takes

  8  free  of  a  security  interest  or agricultural lien if the buyer gives

  9  value and receives delivery of the collateral without knowledge  of  the

 10  security interest or agricultural lien and before it is perfected.

 11    (c)  Lessees  that receive delivery.   Except as otherwise provided in

 12  subsection (e), a lessee of goods takes free of a security  interest  or

 13  agricultural lien if the lessee gives value and receives delivery of the

 14  collateral  without  knowledge  of the security interest or agricultural

 15  lien and before it is perfected.

 16    (d) Licensees and buyers of certain  collateral.    A  licensee  of  a

 17  general  intangible or a buyer, other than a secured party, of accounts,

 18  electronic chattel paper, general  intangibles  or  investment  property

 19  other  than a certificated security takes free of a security interest if

 20  the licensee or buyer gives value  without  knowledge  of  the  security

 21  interest and before it is perfected.

 22    (e) Purchase-money security interest.  Except as otherwise provided in

 23  Sections 9--320 and 9--321, if a person files a financing statement with

 24  respect  to  a  purchase-money security interest before or within twenty

 25  days after the debtor receives delivery of the collateral, the  security

 26  interest takes priority over the rights of a buyer, lessee or lien cred-

 27  itor which arise between the time the security interest attaches and the

                                        123                        12020-01-1

  1  time  of  filing.   This subsection does not apply to cooperative inter-

  2  ests.

  3  Section 9--318. No  Interest  Retained in Right to Payment that is Sold;

  4                    Rights and Title of Seller of Account or Chattel Paper

  5                    with Respect to Creditors and Purchasers.

  6    (a) Seller retains no interest.  A debtor that has  sold  an  account,

  7  chattel  paper,  payment intangible or promissory note does not retain a

  8  legal or equitable interest in the collateral sold.

  9    (b) Deemed rights of debtor if buyer's security interest  unperfected.

 10  For  purposes  of determining the rights of creditors of, and purchasers

 11  for value of an account or chattel paper from a debtor that has sold  an

 12  account  or chattel paper, while the buyer's security interest is unper-

 13  fected, the debtor is deemed to have rights and title to the account  or

 14  chattel paper identical to those the debtor sold.

 15  Section 9--319. Rights  and Title of Consignee with Respect to Creditors

 16                    and Purchasers.

 17    (a) Consignee has consignor's rights.  Except as otherwise provided in

 18  subsection (b), for purposes of determining the rights of creditors  of,

 19  and purchasers for value of goods from, a consignee, while the goods are

 20  in  the  possession  of  the  consignee, the consignee is deemed to have

 21  rights and title to the goods identical to those the  consignor  had  or

 22  had power to transfer.

 23    (b)  Applicability  of  other  law.    For purposes of determining the

 24  rights of a creditor of a consignee, law other than this article  deter-

 25  mines  the  rights  and  title  of  a  consignee  while goods are in the

 26  consignee's possession if, under this part, a perfected security  inter-

 27  est  held  by  the  consignor would have priority over the rights of the

 28  creditor.

                                        124                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--320.  Buyer of Goods.

  2    (a)  Buyers  in  ordinary  course of business.     Except as otherwise

  3  provided in subsection (e), a buyer  in  ordinary  course  of  business,

  4  other  than a person buying farm products from a person engaged in farm-

  5  ing operations, takes free of a security interest created by the buyer's

  6  seller, even if the security interest is perfected and the  buyer  knows

  7  of its existence.

  8    (b)  Buyer  of  consumer  goods.    Except  as  otherwise  provided in

  9  subsection (e), a buyer of goods from a person who used  or  bought  the

 10  goods for use primarily for personal, family or household purposes takes

 11  free of a security interest, even if perfected, if the buyer buys:

 12    (1) without knowledge of the security interest;

 13    (2) for value;

 14    (3)  primarily for the buyer's personal, family or household purposes;

 15  and

 16    (4) before the filing of a financing statement covering the goods.

 17    (c) Effectiveness of filing for subsection (b).  To the extent that it

 18  affects the priority of a security interest over a buyer of goods  under

 19  subsection  (b),  the  period  of  effectiveness of a filing made in the

 20  jurisdiction in which the seller  is  located  is  governed  by  Section

 21  9--316(a) and (b).

 22    (d)  Buyer  in ordinary course of business at wellhead or minehead.  A

 23  buyer in ordinary course of business buying oil, gas or  other  minerals

 24  at  the wellhead or minehead or after extraction takes free of an inter-

 25  est arising out of an encumbrance.

 26    (e) Possessory security interest not affected.   Subsections  (a)  and

 27  (b)  do not affect a security interest in goods in the possession of the

 28  secured party under Section 9--313.

                                        125                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--321.  Licensee of General Intangible and Lessee of  Goods  in

  2                    Ordinary Course of Business.

  3    (a) Licensee in ordinary course of business.  In this section, "licen-

  4  see in ordinary course of business" means a person that becomes a licen-

  5  see  of  a  general intangible in good faith, without knowledge that the

  6  license violates the rights of another person in the general intangible,

  7  and in the ordinary course from a person in the  business  of  licensing

  8  general  intangibles  of that kind.   A person becomes a licensee in the

  9  ordinary course if the license to the person comports with the usual  or

 10  customary  practices  in  the  kind of business in which the licensor is

 11  engaged or with the licensor's own usual or customary practices.

 12    (b) Rights of licensee in ordinary course of business.  A licensee  in

 13  ordinary  course  of  business  takes  its  rights  under a nonexclusive

 14  license free of a security interest in the general intangible created by

 15  the licensor, even if the security interest is perfected and the  licen-

 16  see knows of its existence.

 17    (c)  Rights  of  lessee  in ordinary course of business.   A lessee in

 18  ordinary course of business takes its leasehold interest free of a secu-

 19  rity interest in the goods created by the lessor, even if  the  security

 20  interest is perfected and the lessee knows of its existence.

 21  Section 9--322.  Priorities  among Conflicting Security Interests in and

 22                    Agricultural Liens on Same Collateral.

 23    (a) General priority rules.   Except as  otherwise  provided  in  this

 24  section,  priority among conflicting security interests and agricultural

 25  liens in the same collateral is determined according  to  the  following

 26  rules:

 27    (1)    Conflicting perfected security interests and agricultural liens

 28  rank according to priority in time of filing or  perfection.    Priority

                                        126                        12020-01-1

  1  dates  from  the earlier of the time a filing covering the collateral is

  2  first made or the  security  interest  or  agricultural  lien  is  first

  3  perfected, if there is no period thereafter when there is neither filing

  4  nor perfection.

  5    (2)    A perfected security interest or agricultural lien has priority

  6  over a conflicting unperfected security interest or agricultural lien.

  7    (3)  The first security interest or agricultural  lien  to  attach  or

  8  become  effective  has  priority  if  conflicting security interests and

  9  agricultural liens are unperfected.

 10    (b) Time of perfection:  proceeds and supporting obligations.  For the

 11  purposes of subsection (a)(1):

 12    (1) the time of filing or perfection as  to  a  security  interest  in

 13  collateral  is  also  the  time of filing or perfection as to a security

 14  interest in proceeds; and

 15    (2) the time of filing or perfection as  to  a  security  interest  in

 16  collateral  supported  by  a  supporting  obligation is also the time of

 17  filing or perfection as to a security interest in the  supporting  obli-

 18  gation.

 19    (c)  Special  priority  rules:  proceeds  and  supporting obligations.

 20  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (f), a security  interest  in

 21  collateral  which  qualifies  for  priority  over a conflicting security

 22  interest under Section 9--327, 9--328, 9--329, 9--330 or 9--331 also has

 23  priority over a conflicting security interest in:

 24    (1) any supporting obligation for the collateral; and

 25    (2) proceeds of the collateral if:

 26    (A) the security interest in proceeds is perfected;

 27    (B) the proceeds are:

 28    (i) cash proceeds;

                                        127                        12020-01-1

  1    (ii) or of the same type as the collateral; and

  2    (C)  in the case of proceeds that are proceeds of proceeds, all inter-

  3  vening proceeds are cash proceeds, proceeds of  the  same  type  as  the

  4  collateral, or an account relating to the collateral.

  5    (d)  First-to-file  priority  rule for certain collateral.  Subject to

  6  subsection (e) and except as otherwise provided in subsection (f), if  a

  7  security  interest  in chattel paper, deposit accounts, negotiable docu-

  8  ments, instruments, investment property or letter of  credit  rights  is

  9  perfected  by a method other than filing, conflicting perfected security

 10  interests in proceeds of the collateral rank according  to  priority  in

 11  time of filing.

 12    (e)  Applicability  of subsection (d).  Subsection (d) applies only if

 13  the proceeds of the collateral are not  cash  proceeds,  chattel  paper,

 14  negotiable  documents,  instruments,  investment  property  or letter of

 15  credit rights.

 16    (f) Limitations on subsections  (a)  through  (e).    Subsections  (a)

 17  through (e) are subject to:

 18    (1) subsection (g) and the other provisions of this part;

 19    (2)  Section 4-210 with respect to a security interest of a collecting

 20  bank;

 21    (3) Section 5-117-a with respect to a security interest of  an  issuer

 22  or nominated person; and

 23    (4)  Section  9--110 with respect to a security interest arising under

 24  Article 2 or 2-A.

 25    (g) Priority under agricultural lien statute.   A  perfected  agricul-

 26  tural lien on collateral has priority over a conflicting security inter-

 27  est in or agricultural lien on the same collateral if the statute creat-

 28  ing the agricultural lien so provides.

                                        128                        12020-01-1

  1    (h) Priority of cooperative organization security interest.  A cooper-

  2  ative organization security interest has priority over every other secu-

  3  rity interest in the cooperative interest.

  4  Section 9--323.  Future Advances.

  5    (a)  When  priority  based  on  time of advance.   Except as otherwise

  6  provided in subsection (c) and (h),  for  purposes  of  determining  the

  7  priority  of  a  perfected security interest under Section 9--322(a)(1),

  8  perfection of the security interest dates from the time  an  advance  is

  9  made to the extent that the security interest secures an advance that:

 10    (1) is made while the security interest is perfected only:

 11    (A) under Section 9--309 when it attaches; or

 12    (B) temporarily under Section 9--312(e), (f) or (g); and

 13    (2)  is not made pursuant to a commitment entered into before or while

 14  the security interest is perfected by a method other than under  Section

 15  9--309 or 9--312(e), (f) or (g).

 16    (b) Lien creditor.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) and

 17  (h),  a  security interest is subordinate to the rights of a person that

 18  becomes a lien creditor to the extent that the security interest secures

 19  an advance made more than forty-five days after  the  person  becomes  a

 20  lien creditor unless the advance is made:

 21    (1) without knowledge of the lien; or

 22    (2)  pursuant  to  a  commitment entered into without knowledge of the

 23  lien.

 24    (c) Buyer of receivables.  Subsections (a) and (b) do not apply  to  a

 25  security  interest  held by a secured party that is a buyer of accounts,

 26  chattel paper, payment intangibles or promissory notes or a consignor.

 27    (d) Buyer of goods.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e), a

 28  buyer of goods other than a buyer in ordinary course of  business  takes

                                        129                        12020-01-1

  1  free  of a security interest to the extent that it secures advances made

  2  after the earlier of:

  3    (1)  the  time  the  secured  party  acquires knowledge of the buyer's

  4  purchase; or

  5    (2) forty five days after the purchase.

  6    (e) Advances made pursuant to commitment: priority of buyer of  goods.

  7  Subsection  (d)  does  not  apply  if  the advance is made pursuant to a

  8  commitment entered into without knowledge of the  buyer's  purchase  and

  9  before the expiration of the forty-five day period.

 10    (f)  Lessee of goods.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (g),

 11  a lessee of goods, other than a lessee in ordinary course  of  business,

 12  takes  the  leasehold interest free of a security interest to the extent

 13  that it secures advances made after the earlier of:

 14    (1) the time the secured party acquires knowledge of the lease; or

 15    (2) forty-five days after the lease contract becomes enforceable.

 16    (g) Advances made pursuant to commitment: priority of lessee of goods.

 17  Subsection (f) does not apply if the  advance  is  made  pursuant  to  a

 18  commitment  entered  into  without knowledge of the lease and before the

 19  expiration of the forty-five day period.

 20    (h) Advances made pursuant to commitment:  Priority  with  respect  to

 21  cooperative interests.

 22    (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), to the extent that a

 23  security  interest  in  a  cooperative  interest secures an advance made

 24  after the time the security interest is first perfected, the priority of

 25  the advance dates from the time of the advance.

 26    (2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to the priority  of  future  advances

 27  secured by a cooperative organization security interest.

                                        130                        12020-01-1

  1    (3)  Paragraph  (1)  does not apply to the priority of future advances

  2  made pursuant to commitment where all of the following are true:

  3    (A) The maximum amount to be advanced is stated in the security agree-

  4  ment;

  5    (B)  The advance plus the sum of all outstanding prior advances is not

  6  more than the maximum amount to be advanced as stated  in  the  security

  7  agreement; and

  8    (C)  The  cooperative  addendum  discloses that the security agreement

  9  provides for future advances.

 10    (4) The priority of an advance made after a modification of the  maxi-

 11  mum  amount  to  be advanced stated in the security agreement that would

 12  adversely affect a perfected subordinate security interest in  the  same

 13  cooperative  interest  shall  be  established at the time the advance is

 14  made.

 15  Section 9--324.  Priority of Purchase-money Security Interests.

 16    (a) General  rule:  purchase-money  priority.    Except  as  otherwise

 17  provided in subsection (g), a perfected purchase-money security interest

 18  in inventory goods other than inventory or livestock has priority over a

 19  conflicting  security  interest in the same goods, and, except as other-

 20  wise provided in Section 9--327, a perfected security  interest  in  its

 21  identifiable  proceeds  also has priority if the purchase-money security

 22  interest is perfected when the debtor receives possession of the collat-

 23  eral or within twenty days thereafter.

 24    (b) Inventory purchase-money priority.  Subject to subsection (c)  and

 25  except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), a perfected purchase-mo-

 26  ney security interest in inventory has priority over a conflicting secu-

 27  rity interest in chattel paper or an instrument constituting proceeds of

 28  the  inventory  and  in proceeds of the chattel paper, if so provided in

                                        131                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--330, and, except as otherwise  provided  in  Section  9--327,

  2  also  has priority in identifiable cash proceeds of the inventory to the

  3  extent the identifiable cash proceeds are  received  on  or  before  the

  4  delivery of the inventory to the buyer, if:

  5    (1)  the purchase-money security interest is perfected when the debtor

  6  receives possession of the inventory;

  7    (2) the purchase-money secured party sends an authenticated  notifica-

  8  tion to the holder of the conflicting security interest;

  9    (3)  the  holder  of  the  conflicting  security interest receives the

 10  notification within five years before the debtor receives possession  of

 11  the inventory; and

 12    (4)  the  notification states that the person sending the notification

 13  is or expects to acquire a purchase-money security interest in inventory

 14  of the debtor and describes the inventory.

 15    (c) Holders of conflicting inventory security interests  to  be  noti-

 16  fied.    Subsection  (b)(2)  through (4) apply only if the holder of the

 17  conflicting security interest had filed a financing  statement  covering

 18  the same types of inventory;

 19    (1)  if  the  purchase-money security interest is perfected by filing,

 20  before the date of the filing; or,

 21    (2) if the purchase-money security interest is  temporarily  perfected

 22  without  filing or possession under Section 9--312(f), before the begin-

 23  ning of the twenty day period thereunder.

 24    (d) Livestock purchase-money priority.  Subject to subsection (e)  and

 25  except as otherwise provided in subsection (g), a perfected purchase-mo-

 26  ney  security  interest in livestock that are farm products has priority

 27  over a conflicting security interest in the same livestock, and,  except

 28  as  otherwise  provided in Section 9--327, a perfected security interest

                                        132                        12020-01-1

  1  in their identifiable proceeds and identifiable products in their unman-

  2  ufactured states also has priority, if:

  3    (1)  the purchase-money security interest is perfected when the debtor

  4  receives possession of the livestock;

  5    (2) the purchase-money secured party sends an authenticated  notifica-

  6  tion to the holder of the conflicting security interest;

  7    (3)  the  holder  of  the  conflicting  security interest receives the

  8  notification within six months before the debtor receives possession  of

  9  the livestock; and

 10    (4)  the  notification states that the person sending the notification

 11  has or expects to acquire a purchase-money security  interest  in  live-

 12  stock of the debtor and describes the livestock.

 13    (e)  Holders  of  conflicting livestock security interests to be noti-

 14  fied.  Subsection (d)(2) through (4) apply only if  the  holder  of  the

 15  conflicting  security  interest had filed a financing statement covering

 16  the same types of livestock:

 17    (1) if the purchase-money security interest is  perfected  by  filing,

 18  before the date of the filing, or

 19    (2)  if  the  purchase-money  security interest is temporary perfected

 20  without filing or possession under Section 9--312(f), before the  begin-

 21  ning of the twenty-day period thereunder.

 22    (f) Software purchase-money priority.  Except as otherwise provided in

 23  subsection (g), a perfected purchase-money security interest in software

 24  has  priority  over  a conflicting security interest in the same collat-

 25  eral, and, except as otherwise provided in Section 9--327,  a  perfected

 26  security interest in its identifiable proceeds also has priority, to the

 27  extent  that  the purchase-money security interest in the goods in which

                                        133                        12020-01-1

  1  the software was acquired for use has priority in the goods and proceeds

  2  of the goods under this section.

  3    (g)  Conflicting  purchase-money security interests.  If more than one

  4  security interest qualifies for priority in the  same  collateral  under

  5  subsection (a), (b), (d) or (f):

  6    (1) a security interest securing an obligation incurred as all or part

  7  of  the  price  of  the collateral has priority over a security interest

  8  securing an obligation incurred for value given to enable the debtor  to

  9  acquire rights in or the use of collateral; and

 10    (2)  in  all  other cases, Section 9--322(a) applies to the qualifying

 11  security interests.

 12  Section 9--325.  Priority of Security Interests in  Transferred  Collat-

 13                    eral.

 14    (a)  Subordination  of  security  interest  in transferred collateral.

 15  Except as otherwise provided in  subsection  (b),  a  security  interest

 16  created  by  a  debtor is subordinate to a security interest in the same

 17  collateral created by another person if:

 18    (1) the debtor acquired the collateral subject to the security  inter-

 19  est created by the other person;

 20    (2)  the  security  interest created by the other person was perfected

 21  when the debtor acquired the collateral; and

 22    (3) there is no period thereafter when the security interest is unper-

 23  fected.

 24    (b) Limitation of subsection (a) subordination.  Subsection (a) subor-

 25  dinates a security interest only if the security interest:

 26    (1) otherwise would have priority solely under  Section  9--322(a)  or

 27  9--324; or

 28    (2) arose solely under Section 2-711(3) or 2-A-508(5).

                                        134                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--326.  Priority of Security Interests Created by New Debtor.

  2    (a) Subordination of security interest created by new debtor.  Subject

  3  to  subsection (b), a security interest created by a new debtor which is

  4  perfected by a filed financing statement that is effective solely  under

  5  Section  9--508  in  collateral  in  which  a new debtor has or acquires

  6  rights is subordinate to a security  interest  in  the  same  collateral

  7  which  is  perfected  other  than by a filed financing statement that is

  8  effective solely under Section 9--508.

  9    (b) Priority under other provisions; multiple original debtors.    The

 10  other  provisions  of this part determine the priority among conflicting

 11  security interests in the same collateral perfected by  filed  financing

 12  statements  that are effective solely under Section 9--508.  However, if

 13  the security agreements to which a new debtor became bound as  a  debtor

 14  were not entered into by the same original debtor, the conflicting secu-

 15  rity  interests  rank  according to priority in time of the new debtor's

 16  having become bound.

 17  Section 9--327.  Priority of Security Interests in Deposit Account.

 18    The following rules govern priority among conflicting security  inter-

 19  ests in the same deposit account:

 20    (a)  A security interest held by a secured party having control of the

 21  deposit  account  under  Section  9--104 has priority over a conflicting

 22  security interest held by a secured party that does not have control.

 23    (b)  Except as otherwise provided in subsections (c) and (d), security

 24  interests perfected by control under Section 9--314  rank  according  to

 25  priority in time of obtaining control.

 26    (c)  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d), a security inter-

 27  est  held  by  the bank with which the deposit account is maintained has

                                        135                        12020-01-1

  1  priority over a conflicting security interest held  by  another  secured

  2  party.

  3    (d)      A  security  interest  perfected  by  control  under  Section

  4  9--104(a)(3) has priority over a security interest held by the bank with

  5  which the deposit account is maintained.

  6  Section 9--328.  Priority of Security Interests in Investment Property.

  7    The following rules govern priority among conflicting security  inter-

  8  ests in the same investment property:

  9    (a)    A  security  interest held by a secured party having control of

 10  investment property under Section 9--106 has priority  over  a  security

 11  interest  held  by  a  secured  party  that does not have control of the

 12  investment property.

 13    (b)   Except  as  otherwise  provided  in  subsections  (c)  and  (d),

 14  conflicting security interests held by secured parties each of which has

 15  control under Section 9--106 rank according to priority in time of:

 16    (1) if the collateral is a security, obtaining control;

 17    (2)  if  the collateral is a security entitlement carried in a securi-

 18  ties account:

 19    (A) if the secured party obtained control under  Section  8-106(d)(1),

 20  the secured party's becoming the person for which the securities account

 21  is maintained;

 22    (B)  if  the secured party obtained control under Section 8-106(d)(2),

 23  the securities intermediary's  agreement  to  comply  with  the  secured

 24  party's entitlement orders with respect to security entitlements carried

 25  or to be carried in the securities account; or

 26    (C) if the secured party obtained control through another person under

 27  Section  8-106(d)(3),  the  time  on which priority would be based under

 28  this paragraph if the other person were the security party; or

                                        136                        12020-01-1

  1    (3) if the collateral is a commodity contract carried with a commodity

  2  intermediary, the satisfaction of the requirement for control  specified

  3  in  Section  9--106(b)(2) with respect to commodity contracts carried or

  4  to be carried with the commodity intermediary.

  5    (c) A security interest held by a securities intermediary in a securi-

  6  ty  entitlement  or  a securities account maintained with the securities

  7  intermediary has priority over a conflicting security interest  held  by

  8  another secured party.

  9    (d)  A security interest held by a commodity intermediary in a commod-

 10  ity contract or a commodity account maintained with the commodity inter-

 11  mediary has priority over a conflicting interest held by another secured

 12  party.

 13    (e)  A security interest in a certificated security in registered form

 14  which is perfected by taking delivery under Section 9--313(a) and not by

 15  control  under  Section  9--314 has priority over a conflicting security

 16  interest perfected by a method other than control.

 17    (f) Conflicting security interests created  by  a  broker,  securities

 18  intermediary,  or  commodity  intermediary  which  are perfected without

 19  control under Section 9--106 rank equally.

 20    (g)  In all other cases, priority among conflicting security interests

 21  in investment property is governed by Sections 9--322 and 9--323.

 22    (h) This section does not apply to cooperative interests.

 23  Section 9--329.  Priority of Security  Interests  in  Letter  of  Credit

 24                    Right.

 25    The  following rules govern priority among conflicting security inter-

 26  ests in the same letter of credit right:

 27    (a)  A security interest held by a secured party having control of the

 28  letter of credit right under Section 9--107 has priority to  the  extent

                                        137                        12020-01-1

  1  of  its  control  over a conflicting security interest held by a secured

  2  party that does not have control.

  3    (b)  Security interests perfected by control under Section 9--314 rank

  4  according to priority in time of obtaining control.

  5  Section 9--330.  Priority of Purchaser of Chattel Paper or Instrument.

  6    (a)   Purchaser's   priority;  security  interest  claimed  merely  as

  7  proceeds:  A purchaser of chattel paper has  priority  over  a  security

  8  interest  in  the  chattel  paper which is claimed merely as proceeds of

  9  inventory subject to a security interest if:

 10    (1) in good faith and in the ordinary course of the purchaser's  busi-

 11  ness,  the purchaser gives new value and takes possession of the chattel

 12  paper or obtains control of the chattel paper under Section 9--105; and

 13    (2) the chattel paper does not indicate that it has been  assigned  to

 14  an identified assignee other than the purchaser.

 15    (b)  Purchaser's  priority:  other security interests.  A purchaser of

 16  chattel paper has priority over a security interest in the chattel paper

 17  which is claimed other than merely as proceeds of inventory subject to a

 18  security interest if the purchaser gives new value and takes  possession

 19  of  the  chattel  paper  or  obtains  control of the chattel paper under

 20  Section 9--105 in good faith, in the ordinary course of the  purchaser's

 21  business, and without knowledge that the purchase violates the rights of

 22  the secured party.

 23    (c)  Chattel paper purchaser's priority in proceeds.  Except as other-

 24  wise provided in Section 9--327, a purchaser having priority in  chattel

 25  paper  under  subsection (a) or (b) also has priority in proceeds of the

 26  chattel paper to the extent that:

 27    (1) Section 9--322 provides for priority in the proceeds; or

                                        138                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) the proceeds consist of the specific goods covered by the  chattel

  2  paper  or  cash  proceeds of the specific goods, even if the purchaser's

  3  security interest in the proceeds is unperfected.

  4    (d)  Instrument purchaser's priority.  Except as otherwise provided in

  5  Section 9--331(a), a purchaser of an  instrument  has  priority  over  a

  6  security  interest  in  the  instrument perfected by a method other than

  7  possession if the purchaser gives value  and  takes  possession  of  the

  8  instrument  in  good  faith  and  without  knowledge  that  the purchase

  9  violates the rights of the secured party.

 10    (e) Holder of purchase-money security interest gives new value.    For

 11  purposes  of  subsections  (a)  and  (b), the holder of a purchase-money

 12  security interest in inventory gives new value for chattel paper consti-

 13  tuting proceeds of the inventory.

 14    (f) Indication  of  assignment  gives  knowledge.    For  purposes  of

 15  subsections  (b)  and  (d),  if chattel paper or an instrument indicates

 16  that it has been assigned to an identified secured party other than  the

 17  purchaser,  a purchaser of the chattel paper or instrument has knowledge

 18  that the purchase violates the rights of the secured party.

 19  Section 9--331.  Priority of Rights of Purchasers of Instruments,  Docu-

 20                    ments and Securities under Other Articles; Priority of

 21                    Interests  in  Financial  Assets and Security Entitle-

 22                    ments under Article 8.

 23    (a) Rights under Articles 3, 7 and 8, not limited. This  article  does

 24  not  limit  the rights of a holder in due course of a negotiable instru-

 25  ment, a holder to which a negotiable document of  title  has  been  duly

 26  negotiated,  or  a  protected purchaser of a security.  These holders or

 27  purchasers take priority over an  earlier  security  interest,  even  if

 28  perfected, to the extent provided in Articles 3, 7 and 8.

                                        139                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  Protection  under  Article  8.    This article does not limit the

  2  rights of or impose liability on a person to the extent that the  person

  3  is protected against the assertion of a claim under Article 8.

  4    (c)  Filing not notice.  Filing under this article does not constitute

  5  notice of a claim or defense to the holders, or purchasers,  or  persons

  6  described in subsections (a) and (b).

  7  Section  9--332.    Transfer  of  Money;  Transfer of Funds from Deposit

  8                    Account.

  9    (a) Transferee of money.  A transferee of money takes the  money  free

 10  of  a security interest unless the transferee acts in collusion with the

 11  debtor in violating the rights of the secured party.

 12    (b) Transferee of funds from deposit account.  A transferee  of  funds

 13  from  a  deposit  account takes the funds free of a security interest in

 14  the deposit account unless the transferee acts  in  collusion  with  the

 15  debtor in violating the rights of the secured party.

 16  Section 9--333.  Priority of Certain Liens Arising by Operation of Law.

 17    (a)    Possessory  lien.   In this section, "possessory lien" means an

 18  interest, other than a security interest or an agricultural lien:

 19    (1) which secures payment or performance of an obligation for services

 20  or materials furnished with respect to goods by a person in the ordinary

 21  course of the person's business;

 22    (2) which is created by statute or rule of law in favor of the person;

 23  and

 24    (3) whose effectiveness depends on  the  person's  possession  of  the

 25  goods.

 26    (b)  Priority  of  possessory  lien.    A possessory lien on goods has

 27  priority over a security interest  in  the  goods  unless  the  lien  is

 28  created by a statute that expressly provides otherwise.

                                        140                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--334.  Priority of Security Interests in Fixtures and Crops.

  2    (a)  Security  interest  in  fixtures under this article.   A security

  3  interest under this article may be created in goods that are fixtures or

  4  may continue in goods that become fixtures.   A security  interest  does

  5  not exist under this article in ordinary building materials incorporated

  6  into an improvement on land.

  7    (b)  Security  interest in fixtures under the real property law.  This

  8  article does not prevent creation of an encumbrance upon fixtures  under

  9  the real property law.

 10    (c)  General rule: subordination of security interest in fixtures.  In

 11  cases not governed by subsections (d) through (h), a  security  interest

 12  in  fixtures is subordinate to a conflicting interest of an encumbrancer

 13  or owner of the related real property other than  the debtor.

 14    (d) Fixtures purchase-money priority.  Except as otherwise provided in

 15  subsection (h), a perfected security interest in fixtures  has  priority

 16  over  a  conflicting  interest  of  an encumbrancer or owner of the real

 17  property if the debtor has an interest of record in or is in  possession

 18  of the real property and:

 19    (1) the security interest is a purchase-money security interest;

 20    (2)  the interest of the encumbrancer or owner arises before the goods

 21  become fixtures; and

 22    (3)  the security interest is perfected by a fixture filing before the

 23  goods become fixtures or within twenty days thereafter.

 24    (e) Priority of security interest in fixtures over  interest  in  real

 25  property.  A perfected security interest in fixtures has priority over a

 26  conflicting  interest  of  an encumbrancer or owner of the real property

 27  if:

                                        141                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) the debtor has an interest of record in the real property or is in

  2  possession of the real property and the security interest:

  3    (A) is perfected by a fixture filing before the interest of the encum-

  4  brancer or owner is of record; and

  5    (B)  has  priority  over  any conflicting interest of a predecessor in

  6  title of the encumbrancer or owner;

  7    (2) before  the  goods  become  fixtures,  the  security  interest  is

  8  perfected  by  any method permitted by this article and the fixtures are

  9  readily removable:

 10    (A) factory or office machines;

 11    (B) equipment that is not primarily used or  leased  for  use  in  the

 12  operation of the real property; or

 13    (C) replacements of domestic appliances that are consumer goods;

 14    (3)  the  conflicting interest is a lien on the real property obtained

 15  by legal or  equitable  proceedings  after  the  security  interest  was

 16  perfected by any method permitted by this article; or

 17    (4) the security interest is:

 18    (A) created in a manufactured home in a manufactured-home transaction;

 19  and

 20    (B) perfected pursuant to a statute described in Section 9--311(a)(2).

 21    (f)  Priority  based  on  consent,  disclaimer, or right to remove.  A

 22  security interest in fixtures, whether or not  perfected,  has  priority

 23  over  a  conflicting  interest  of  an encumbrancer or owner of the real

 24  property if:

 25    (1) the  encumbrancer  or  owner  has,  in  an  authenticated  record,

 26  consented  to  the  security  interest  or disclaimed an interest in the

 27  goods as fixtures; or

                                        142                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) the debtor has a right to remove the goods as against  the  encum-

  2  brancer or owner.

  3    (g)  Continuation  of subsection (f)(2) priority.  The priority of the

  4  security interest under subsection (f)(2)  continues  for  a  reasonable

  5  time  if  the  debtor's  right to remove the goods as against the encum-

  6  brancer or owner terminates.

  7    (h) Priority of construction mortgage.  A mortgage is  a  construction

  8  mortgage  to  the  extent that it secures an obligation incurred for the

  9  construction of an improvement on land, including the  acquisition  cost

 10  of  the  land,  if  a recorded record so indicates.  Except as otherwise

 11  provided in subsections (e) and (f), a security interest in fixtures  is

 12  subordinate  to  a  construction mortgage if a record of the mortgage is

 13  recorded before the goods become fixtures and the goods become  fixtures

 14  before the completion of the construction.  A mortgage has this priority

 15  to  the  same extent as a construction mortgage to the extent that it is

 16  given to refinance a construction mortgage.

 17    (i) Priority of security interest in  crops.    A  perfected  security

 18  interest in crops growing on real property has priority over a conflict-

 19  ing  interest  of  an  encumbrancer or owner of the real property if the

 20  debtor has an interest of record in or is  in  possession  of  the  real

 21  property.

 22    (j)  Subsection (i) prevails.  Subsection (i) prevails over any incon-

 23  sistent provisions with this article or any other chapter of law.

 24  Section 9--335.  Accessions.

 25    (a) Creation of security interest in accession.   A security  interest

 26  may  be created in an accession and continues in collateral that becomes

 27  an accession.

                                        143                        12020-01-1

  1    (b) Perfection of security  interest.    If  a  security  interest  is

  2  perfected  when the collateral becomes an accession, the security inter-

  3  est remains perfected in the collateral.

  4    (c)  Priority  of security interest.   Except as otherwise provided in

  5  subsection (d), the other provisions of this part determine the priority

  6  of a security interest in an accession.

  7    (d) Compliance with certificate of title statute.  A security interest

  8  in an accession is subordinate to a security interest in the whole which

  9  is perfected by compliance with the requirements  of  a  certificate  of

 10  title statute under Section 9--311(d).

 11    (e)  Removal  of accession after default.    After default, subject to

 12  Part 6, a secured party may remove an accession from other goods if  the

 13  security interest in the accession has priority over the claims of every

 14  person having an interest in the whole.

 15    (f)  Reimbursement following removal.  A secured party that removes an

 16  accession from other goods under this subsection  shall  promptly  reim-

 17  burse  any  holder of a security interest or other lien on, or owner of,

 18  the whole or of the other goods, other than the debtor, for the cost  of

 19  repair  of  any  physical  injury  to the whole or the other goods.  The

 20  secured party need not reimburse the holder or owner for any  diminution

 21  in  value  of  the whole or the other goods caused by the absence of the

 22  accession removed or by any necessity for replacing it.  A person  enti-

 23  tled  to reimbursement may refuse permission to remove until the secured

 24  party gives adequate assurance for the performance of the obligation  to

 25  reimburse.

 26  Section 9--336.  Commingled Goods.

                                        144                        12020-01-1

  1    (a) Commingled goods.  In this section, "commingled goods" means goods

  2  that  are physically united with other goods in such a manner that their

  3  identity is lost in a product or mass.

  4    (b)  No  security  interest  in commingled goods as such.   A security

  5  interest does not exist in commingled goods as such.  However, a securi-

  6  ty interest may attach to a product or  mass  that  results  when  goods

  7  become commingled goods.

  8    (c) Attachment of security interest to product or mass.  If collateral

  9  becomes commingled goods, a security interest attaches to the product or

 10  mass.

 11    (d) Perfection of security interest.  If a security interest in colla-

 12  teral  is  perfected before the collateral becomes commingled goods, the

 13  security interest that attaches to the product or mass under  subsection

 14  (c) is perfected.

 15    (e)  Priority  of security interest.   Except as otherwise provided in

 16  subsection (f), the other provisions of this part determine the priority

 17  of a security interest that  attaches  to  the  product  or  mass  under

 18  subsection (c).

 19    (f)  Conflicting  security interests in product or mass.  If more than

 20  one security interest attaches to the product or mass  under  subsection

 21  (c), the following rules determine priority:

 22    (1)    A  security interest that is perfected under subsection (d) has

 23  priority over a security interest that is unperfected at  the  time  the

 24  collateral becomes commingled goods.

 25    (2)   If more than one security interest is perfected under subsection

 26  (d), the security interests rank equally in proportion to the  value  of

 27  the collateral at the time it became commingled goods.

                                        145                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--337. Priority  of  Security  Interests  in  Goods  Covered by

  2                    Certificate of Title.

  3    If,  while  a  security  interest  in goods is perfected by any method

  4  under the law of another jurisdiction, this state issues  a  certificate

  5  of  title  that does not show that the goods are subject to the security

  6  interest or contain a statement that they may  be  subject  to  security

  7  interests not shown on the certificate:

  8    (a)  a buyer of the goods, other than a person that is in the business

  9  of selling goods of that kind, takes free of the  security  interest  if

 10  the  buyer gives value and receives delivery of the goods after issuance

 11  of the certificate and without knowledge of the security interest; and

 12    (b) the security interest is subordinate  to  a  conflicting  security

 13  interest  in  the  goods  that  attaches, and is perfected under Section

 14  9--311(d), after issuance of the certificate and without the conflicting

 15  secured party's knowledge of the security interest.

 16  Section 9--338.  Priority of  Security  Interest  or  Agricultural  Lien

 17                    Perfected   by  Filed  Financing  Statement  Providing

 18                    Certain Incorrect Information.

 19    If a security interest or agricultural lien is perfected  by  a  filed

 20  financing   statement   providing   information   described  in  Section

 21  9--516(b)(5) which is incorrect at the time the financing  statement  is

 22  filed:

 23    (a)  the  security  interest  or agricultural lien is subordinate to a

 24  conflicting perfected security interest in the collateral to the  extent

 25  that  the  holder  of  the  conflicting security interest gives value in

 26  reasonable reliance upon the incorrect information; and

 27    (b) a purchaser, other than a secured party, of the  collateral  takes

 28  free  of  the security interest or agricultural lien to the extent that,

                                        146                        12020-01-1

  1  in reasonable reliance upon the  incorrect  information,  the  purchaser

  2  gives value and, in the case of chattel paper, documents, goods, instru-

  3  ments, or a security certificate, receives delivery of the collateral.

  4  Section 9--339.  Priority Subject to Subordination.

  5    This  article does not preclude subordination by agreement by a person

  6  entitled to priority.

  7  Section 9--340.  Effectiveness of Right of Recoupment or Set-Off Against

  8                    Deposit Account.

  9    (a) Exercise of recoupment or set-off.  Except as  otherwise  provided

 10  in subsection (c), a bank with which a deposit account is maintained may

 11  exercise any right of recoupment or set-off against a secured party that

 12  holds a security interest in the deposit account.

 13    (b)  Recoupment  or set-off not affected by security interest.  Except

 14  as otherwise provided in subsection (c), the application of this article

 15  to a security interest in a deposit account does not affect a  right  of

 16  recoupment or set-off of the secured party as to a deposit account main-

 17  tained with the secured party.

 18    (c)  When  set-off  ineffective.   The exercise by a bank of a set-off

 19  against a deposit account is ineffective against a  secured  party  that

 20  holds  a  security interest in the deposit account which is perfected by

 21  control under Section 9--104(a)(3), if the set-off is based on  a  claim

 22  against the debtor.

 23  Section 9--341.  Bank's  Rights  and  Duties  with  Respect  to  Deposit

 24                    Account.

 25    Except as otherwise provided in Section 9--340(c), and unless the bank

 26  otherwise agrees in an authenticated record, a bank's rights and  duties

 27  with  respect  to  a  deposit  account  maintained with the bank are not

 28  terminated, suspended, or modified by:

                                        147                        12020-01-1

  1    (a) the creation, attachment, or perfection of a security interest  in

  2  the deposit account;

  3    (b) the bank's knowledge of the security interest; or

  4    (c) the bank's receipt of instructions from the secured party.

  5  Section 9--342.  Bank's Right to Refuse to Enter into or Disclose Exist-

  6                    ence of Control Agreement.

  7    This article does not require a bank to enter into an agreement of the

  8  kind described in Section 9--104(a)(2), even if its customer so requests

  9  or  directs.    A  bank  that  has entered into such an agreement is not

 10  required to confirm the existence of the  agreement  to  another  person

 11  unless requested to do so by its customer.

 12                                   PART 4

 13                           RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES

 14  Section 9--401. Alienability of Debtor's Rights.

 15          9--402. Secured  Party Not Obligated on Contract of Debtor or in

 16                    Tort.

 17          9--403. Agreement Not to Assert Defenses Against Assignee.

 18          9--404. Rights Acquired by Assignee; Claims and Defenses Against

 19                    Assignee.

 20          9--405. Modification of Assigned Contract.

 21          9--406. Discharge of Account Debtor; Notification of Assignment;

 22                    Identification and Proof of  Assignment;  Restrictions

 23                    on  Assignment  of  Accounts,  Chattel  Paper, Payment

 24                    Intangibles and Promissory Notes Ineffective.

 25          9--407. Restrictions on  Creation  or  Enforcement  of  Security

 26                    Interest in Leasehold Interest or in Lessor's Residual

 27                    Interest.

                                        148                        12020-01-1

  1          9--408. Restrictions  on Assignment of Promissory Notes, Health-

  2                    Care- Insurance Receivables and Certain General Intan-

  3                    gibles Ineffective.

  4          9--409. Restrictions  on  Assignment  of Letter of Credit Rights

  5                    Ineffective.

  6  Section 9--401. Alienability of Debtor's Rights.

  7    (a) Other law governs alienability; exceptions.   Except as  otherwise

  8  provided  in  subsection  (b)  and  Sections  9--406, 9--407, 9--408 and

  9  9--409, whether a debtor's rights in collateral may  be  voluntarily  or

 10  involuntarily transferred is governed by law other than this article.

 11    (b)  Agreement  does  not prevent transfer.   An agreement between the

 12  debtor and secured party which prohibits  a  transfer  of  the  debtor's

 13  rights  in  collateral  or makes the transfer a default does not prevent

 14  the transfer from taking effect.

 15  Section 9--402. Secured Party Not Obligated on Contract of Debtor or  in

 16                    Tort.

 17    The  existence  of a security interest, agricultural lien or authority

 18  given to a debtor to dispose of or use collateral,  without  more,  does

 19  not  subject  a  secured  party  liability  in  contract or tort for the

 20  debtor's acts or omissions.

 21  Section 9--403. Agreement Not to Assert Defenses Against Assignee.

 22    (a)  Value.   In this section, "value" has  the  meaning  provided  in

 23  Section 3-303(a).

 24    (b)  Agreement  not  to  assert claim or defense.  Except as otherwise

 25  provided in this section, an agreement between an account debtor and  an

 26  assignor not to assert against an assignee any claim or defense that the

 27  account debtor may have against the assignor is enforceable by an assig-

 28  nee that takes an assignment:

                                        149                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) for value;

  2    (2) in good faith;

  3    (3) without notice of a claim of a property or possessory right to the

  4  property assigned; and

  5    (4)  without  notice  of  a defense or claim in recoupment of the type

  6  that may be asserted against a person entitled to enforce  a  negotiable

  7  instrument under Section 3-305(2)(a).

  8    (c) When subsection (b) not applicable.  Subsection (b) does not apply

  9  to  defenses  of  a  type  that  may be asserted against a holder in due

 10  course of a negotiable instrument under Section 3-305(2)(b).

 11    (d) Omission of required statement in  consumer  transaction.    In  a

 12  consumer  transaction,  if a record evidences the account debtor's obli-

 13  gation, law other than this article requires that the record  provide  a

 14  statement  to  the  effect that the rights of an assignee are subject to

 15  claims or defenses that the account  debtor  could  assert  against  the

 16  original obligee, and the record does not include such a statement:

 17    (1)  the  record  has the same effect as if the record included such a

 18  statement; and

 19    (2) the account debtor may assert against an assignee those claims and

 20  defenses that would have been available if the record  included  such  a

 21  statement.

 22    (e)  Rules for individual under other law.  This section is subject to

 23  law other than this article which establishes a different  rule  for  an

 24  account  debtor  who  is  an  individual and who incurred the obligation

 25  primarily for personal, family or household purposes.

 26    (f) Other  law  not  displaced.    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in

 27  subsection (d), this section does not displace law other than this arti-

                                        150                        12020-01-1

  1  cle  which  gives  effect  to  an  agreement by an account debtor not to

  2  assert a claim or defense against an assignee.

  3  Section 9--404. Rights Acquired by Assignee; Claims and Defenses Against

  4                    Assignee.

  5    (a)   Assignee's  rights  subject  to  terms,  claims,  and  defenses;

  6  exceptions.  Unless an account debtor has made an enforceable  agreement

  7  not to assert defenses or claims, and subject to subsections (b) through

  8  (e), the rights of an assignee are subject to:

  9    (1) all terms of the agreement between the account debtor and assignor

 10  and any defense or claim in recoupment arising from the transaction that

 11  gave rise to the contract; and

 12    (2)  any  other  defense  or  claim  of the account debtor against the

 13  assignor which accrues before the account debtor receives a notification

 14  of the assignment authenticated by the assignor or the assignee.

 15    (b) Account debtor's claim reduces amount owed to assignee.    Subject

 16  to  subsection  (c)  and except as otherwise provided in subsection (d),

 17  the claim of an account debtor  against  an  assignor  may  be  asserted

 18  against  an  assignee under subsection (a) only to reduce the amount the

 19  account debtor owes.

 20    (c) Rules for individual under other law.  This section is subject  to

 21  law  other  than  this article which establishes a different rule for an

 22  account debtor who is an individual  and  who  incurred  the  obligation

 23  primarily for personal, family or household purposes.

 24    (d)  Omission  of  required  statement in consumer transactions.  In a

 25  consumer transaction, if a record evidences the account  debtor's  obli-

 26  gation,  law  other than this article requires that the record provide a

 27  statement to the effect that the account debtor's  recovery  against  an

 28  assignee  with  respect  to claims and defenses against the assignor may

                                        151                        12020-01-1

  1  not exceed amounts paid by the account debtor under the record, and  the

  2  record does not provide such a statement, the extent to which a claim of

  3  an account debtor against the assignor may be asserted against an assig-

  4  nee is determined as if the record provided such a statement.

  5    (e)  Inapplicability  to  health  care  insurance  receivables.   This

  6  section does not apply to an  assignment  of  a  health  care  insurance

  7  receivable.

  8  Section 9--405. Modification of Assigned Contract.

  9    (a)  Effect of modification on assignee.  A modification of or substi-

 10  tution for an assigned contract is effective against an assignee if made

 11  in good faith.   The assignee acquires corresponding  rights  under  the

 12  modified  or  substituted contract.  The assignment may provide that the

 13  modification or substitution is a breach of contract  by  the  assignor.

 14  This subsection is subject to subsections (b) through (d).

 15    (b)  Applicability  of subsection (a).   Subsection (a) applies to the

 16  extent that:

 17    (1) the right to payment or a part thereof under an assigned  contract

 18  has not been fully earned by performance; or

 19    (2)  the  right  to payment or a part thereof has been fully earned by

 20  performance and the account debtor has not received notification of  the

 21  assignment under Section 9--406(a).

 22    (c)  Rule  for individual under other law.  This section is subject to

 23  law other than this article which establishes a different  rule  for  an

 24  account  debtor  who  is  an  individual and who incurred the obligation

 25  primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

 26    (d) In applicability to  health  care  insurance  receivables.    This

 27  section  does  not  apply  to  an  assignment of a health care insurance

 28  receivable.

                                        152                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--406. Discharge of Account Debtor; Notification of Assignment;

  2                    Identification and Proof of  Assignment;  Restrictions

  3                    on  Assignment  of  Accounts,  Chattel  Paper, Payment

  4                    Intangibles and Promissory Notes Ineffective.

  5    (a)  Discharge  of account debtor; effect of notification.  Subject to

  6  subsections (b) through (i), an account debtor on  an  account,  chattel

  7  paper or a payment intangible may discharge its obligation by paying the

  8  assignor  until,  but not after, the account debtor receives a notifica-

  9  tion, authenticated by the assignor or the assignee, that the amount due

 10  or to become due has been assigned and that payment is to be made to the

 11  assignee.  After receipt of the notification,  the  account  debtor  may

 12  discharge  its  obligation  by paying the assignee and may not discharge

 13  the obligation by paying the assignor.

 14    (b) When notification ineffective.  Subject to subsection (h), notifi-

 15  cation is ineffective under subsection (a):

 16    (1) if it does not reasonably identify the rights assigned;

 17    (2) to the extent that an agreement between an account  debtor  and  a

 18  seller of a payment intangible limits the account debtor's duty to pay a

 19  person  other  than the seller and the limitation is effective under law

 20  other than this article; or

 21    (3) at the option of an account debtor, if the  notification  notifies

 22  the  account debtor to make less than the full amount of any installment

 23  or other periodic payment to the assignee, even if:

 24    (A) only a portion of the account, chattel paper or general intangible

 25  has been assigned to that assignee;

 26    (B) a portion has been assigned to another assignee; or

 27    (C) the account debtor knows that the assignment to that  assignee  is

 28  limited.

                                        153                        12020-01-1

  1    (c)  Proof  of assignment.  Subject to subsection (h), if requested by

  2  the account debtor, an  assignee  shall  reasonably  furnish  reasonable

  3  proof  that the assignment has been made.  Unless the assignee complies,

  4  the account debtor may discharge its obligation by paying the  assignor,

  5  even  if the account debtor has received a notification under subsection

  6  (a).

  7    (d) Term restricting assignment  generally  ineffective.    Except  as

  8  otherwise  provided  in  subsection (e) and Sections 2-A-303 and 9--407,

  9  and subject to subsection (h), a term in an agreement between an account

 10  debtor and an assignor or in a promissory note  is  ineffective  to  the

 11  extent that it:

 12    (1) prohibits, restricts or requires the consent of the account debtor

 13  or person obligated on the promissory note to the assignment or transfer

 14  of, or the creation, attachment, perfection or enforcement of a security

 15  interest in, an account, chattel paper, payment intangible or promissory

 16  note; or

 17    (2)  provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation, attach-

 18  ment, perfection or enforcement of the security interest may  give  rise

 19  to  a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense, termination,

 20  right of termination or remedy under the account, chattel paper, payment

 21  intangible or promissory note.

 22    (e) Inapplicability of subsection (d) to certain  sales.    Subsection

 23  (d)  does  not  apply  to the sale of a payment intangible or promissory

 24  note.

 25    (f) Legal restrictions on assignment generally ineffective.  Except as

 26  otherwise provided  in  Sections  2-A-303  and  9--407  and  subject  to

 27  subsections  (h)  and  (i),  a  rule  of law, statute or regulation that

 28  prohibits, restricts or requires the consent of  a  government,  govern-

                                        154                        12020-01-1

  1  mental body or official, or account debtor to the assignment or transfer

  2  of,  or  creation of a security interest in, an account or chattel paper

  3  is ineffective to the extent that the rule  of  law,  statute  or  regu-

  4  lation:

  5    (1)  prohibits,  restricts  or requires the consent of the government,

  6  governmental body or official, or account debtor to  the  assignment  or

  7  transfer  of, or the creation, attachment, perfection, or enforcement of

  8  a security interest in the account or chattel paper; or

  9    (2) provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation,  attach-

 10  ment,  perfection  or enforcement of the security interest may give rise

 11  to a default, breach, right or recoupment, claim, defense,  termination,

 12  right of termination or remedy under the account or chattel paper.

 13    (g)  Subsection  (b)(3)  not waivable.   Subject to subsection (d), an

 14  account debtor may not waive or vary its option under subsection (b)(3).

 15    (h) Rule for individual under other law.  This section is  subject  to

 16  law  other  than  this article which establishes a different rule for an

 17  account debtor who is an individual  and  who  incurred  the  obligation

 18  primarily for personal, family or household purposes.

 19    (i) Inapplicability.  This section does not apply to:

 20    (1)  an assignment of a health care insurance receivable to the extent

 21  such assignment conflicts with other law or the parties  have  otherwise

 22  agreed in writing that such receivable is non-assignable,

 23    (2)  a claim or right to receive compensation for injuries or sickness

 24  as described in 26 U.S.C. § 104(a) (1), as amended from time to time, or

 25    (3) a claim or right to receive benefits under a special  needs  trust

 26  as described in 42 U.S.C. § 1396p (d)(4), as amended from time to time.

 27    (j)  Section  prevails  over  inconsistent  law.   Except as otherwise

 28  provided in subsection (i), this section prevails over any  inconsistent

                                        155                        12020-01-1

  1  provision  of  an existing or future statute, rule or regulation of this

  2  state unless the provision is contained in  a  statute  of  this  State,

  3  refers  expressly to this section and states that the provision prevails

  4  over this section.

  5  Section   9--407. Restrictions  on  Creation  or Enforcement of Security

  6                    Interest in Leasehold Interest or in Lessor's Residual

  7                    Interest.

  8    (a) Term restricting assignment  generally  ineffective.    Except  as

  9  otherwise  provided  in  subsection  (b), a term in a lease agreement is

 10  ineffective to the extent that it:

 11    (1) prohibits, restricts or requires the consent of  a  party  to  the

 12  lease  to  the  assignment  or transfer of, or the creation, attachment,

 13  perfection or enforcement of a security interest in, an  interest  of  a

 14  party  under  the lease contract or in the lessor's residual interest in

 15  the goods; or

 16    (2) provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation,  attach-

 17  ment,  perfection, or enforcement of the security interest may give rise

 18  to a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense,  termination,

 19  right of termination or remedy under the lease.

 20    (b)  Effectiveness  of certain terms.  Except as otherwise provided in

 21  Section 2-A-303(7), a term described in subsection (a)(2)  is  effective

 22  to the extent that there is:

 23    (1)  a  transfer  by the lessee of the lessee's right of possession or

 24  use of the goods in violation of the term; or

 25    (2) a delegation of a material performance  of  either  party  to  the

 26  lease contract in violation of the term.

 27    (c)  Security interest not material impairment.  The creation, attach-

 28  ment, perfection or enforcement of a security interest in  the  lessor's

                                        156                        12020-01-1

  1  interest  under  the lease contract or the lessor's residual interest in

  2  the goods is not a transfer that materially impairs the  lessee's  pros-

  3  pect of obtaining return performance by, materially changes the duty of,

  4  or materially increases the burden or risk imposed on, the lessee within

  5  the  purview  of  Section 2-A-303(4) unless, and then only to the extent

  6  that, enforceability  actually  results  in  a  delegation  of  material

  7  performance  of  the lessor.   Even in that event, the creation, attach-

  8  ment, perfection and enforcement of the security interest remain  effec-

  9  tive.

 10  Section 9--408. Restrictions  on Assignment of Promissory Notes, Health-

 11                    Care-Insurance Receivables and Certain General  Intan-

 12                    gibles Ineffective.

 13    (a)  Term  restricting  assignment  generally ineffective.   Except as

 14  otherwise provided in subsection (b), a term in a promissory note or  in

 15  an  agreement  between an account debtor and a debtor which relates to a

 16  health-care-insurance receivable or a general  intangible,  including  a

 17  contract,  permit,  license  or  franchise,  and  which  term prohibits,

 18  restricts or requires the consent of the person obligated on the promis-

 19  sory note or the account debtor to, the assignment or  transfer  of,  or

 20  creation,  attachment or perfection of a security interest in, the prom-

 21  issory note, health-care- insurance receivable or general intangible, is

 22  ineffective to the extent that the term:

 23    (1) would impair the creation, attachment or perfection of a  security

 24  interest; or

 25    (2)  provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation, attach-

 26  ment or perfection of the security interest may give rise to a  default,

 27  breach,  right  of  recoupment,  claim,  defense,  termination, right of

                                        157                        12020-01-1

  1  termination or remedy under the promissory  note,  health-care-insurance

  2  receivables or general intangible.

  3    (b)  Applicability  of  subsection  (a)  to sales of certain rights to

  4  payment. Subsection (a) applies to a  security  interest  in  a  payment

  5  intangible  or  promissory note only if the security interest arises out

  6  of a sale of the payment intangible or promissory note.

  7    (c) Legal restrictions on assignment generally ineffective.  A rule of

  8  law, statute or regulation that prohibits,  restricts  or  requires  the

  9  consent of a government, governmental body or official, person obligated

 10  on  a  promissory  note, or account debtor to the assignment or transfer

 11  of, or creation of a security interest in, a  promissory  note,  health-

 12  care-insurance  receivable  or general intangible, including a contract,

 13  permit, license or franchise between an account debtor and a debtor,  is

 14  ineffective to the extent that the rule of law, statute or regulation:

 15    (1)  would impair the creation, attachment or perfection of a security

 16  interest; or

 17    (2) provides that the assignment or transfer or the creation,  attach-

 18  ment  or perfection of the security interest may give rise to a default,

 19  breach, right of  recoupment,  claim,  defense,  termination,  right  of

 20  termination  or  remedy under the promissory note, health-care-insurance

 21  receivable or general intangible.

 22    (d) Limitation on ineffectiveness under subsections (a) and (c).    To

 23  the  extent  that a term in a promissory note or in an agreement between

 24  an account debtor and a debtor which relates to a health care  insurance

 25  receivable  or  general  intangible  or  a  rule  of  law  described  in

 26  subsection (c) would be effective under law other than this article  but

 27  is  ineffective under subsection (a) or (c), the creation, attachment or

                                        158                        12020-01-1

  1  perfection of a security interest in the promissory  note,  health  care

  2  insurance receivable or general intangible:

  3    (1)  is not enforceable against the person obligated on the promissory

  4  note or the account debtor;

  5    (2) does not impose a duty or obligation on the  person  obligated  on

  6  the promissory note or the account debtor;

  7    (3)  does  not  require the person obligated on the promissory note or

  8  the account debtor to recognize the security  interest,  pay  or  render

  9  performance  to the secured party, or accept payment or performance from

 10  the secured party;

 11    (4) does not entitle the secured party to use or assign  the  debtor's

 12  rights  under  the  promissory note, health care insurance receivable or

 13  general intangible,  including  any  related  information  or  materials

 14  furnished to the debtor in the transaction giving rise to the promissory

 15  note, health care insurance receivable, or general intangible;

 16    (5) does not entitle the secured party to use, assign, possess or have

 17  access  to  any  trade secrets or confidential information of the person

 18  obligated on the promissory note or the account debtor; and

 19    (6) does not entitle the secured party to enforce the security  inter-

 20  est  in the promissory note, health care insurance receivable or general

 21  intangible.

 22    (e) Section prevails over  inconsistent  law.    Except  as  otherwise

 23  provided  in subsection (f), this section prevails over any inconsistent

 24  provisions of an existing or future statute, rule or regulation of  this

 25  state  unless  the  provision  is  contained in a statute of this state,

 26  refers expressly to this section and states that the provision  prevails

 27  over this section.

 28    (f) Inapplicability.  This section does not apply to:

                                        159                        12020-01-1

  1    (1)  a claim or right to receive compensation for injuries or sickness

  2  as described in 26 U.S.C. § 104 (a)(1), as amended from time to time; or

  3    (2)  a  claim or right to receive benefits under a special needs trust

  4  as described in 42 U.S.C. § 1396p (d)(4), as amended from time to time.

  5  Section 9--409. Restrictions on Assignment of Letter  of  Credit  Rights

  6                    Ineffective.

  7    (a)  Term or law restricting assignment generally ineffective.  A term

  8  in a letter of credit or a rule of law, statute, regulation,  custom  or

  9  practice  applicable  to the letter of credit which prohibits, restricts

 10  or requires the consent of an applicant, issuer or nominated person to a

 11  beneficiary's assignment of or creation of  a  security  interest  in  a

 12  letter  of  credit  right  is ineffective to the extent that the term or

 13  rule of law, statute, regulation, custom or practice:

 14    (1) would impair the creation, attachment or perfection of a  security

 15  interest in the letter of credit right; or

 16    (2)  provides  that  the  assignment  or  the  creation, attachment or

 17  perfection of the security interest may give rise to a default,  breach,

 18  right  of  recoupment, claim, defense, termination, right of termination

 19  or remedy under the letter of credit right.

 20    (b) Limitation on ineffectiveness under subsection (a).  To the extent

 21  that a term in a letter of credit is ineffective  under  subsection  (a)

 22  but  would be effective under law other than this article or a custom or

 23  practice applicable to the letter of credit, to the transfer of a  right

 24  to  draw  or otherwise demand performance under the letter of credit, or

 25  to the assignment of a right to proceeds of the letter  of  credit,  the

 26  creation,  attachment or perfection of a security interest in the letter

 27  of credit right:

                                        160                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) is not enforceable against the applicant, issuer, nominated person

  2  or transferee beneficiary;

  3    (2)  imposes  no duties or obligations on the applicant, issuer, nomi-

  4  nated person or transferee beneficiary; and

  5    (3) does not require  the  applicant,  issuer,  nominated  person,  or

  6  transferee beneficiary to recognize the security interest, pay or render

  7  performance to the secured party, or accept payment or other performance

  8  from the secured party.

  9                                   PART 5

 10                         FILING OFFICE; CONTENTS AND


 12  Section 9--501. Filing Office.

 13          9--502. Contents  of  Financing Statement; Record of Mortgage as

 14                    Financing Statement; Time of Filing  Financing  State-

 15                    ment; Contents of Cooperative Addendum.

 16          9--503. Name of Debtor and Secured Party.

 17          9--504. Indication of Collateral.

 18          9--505. Filing  and  Compliance with Other Statutes and Treaties

 19                    for Consignments, Leases, Other  Bailments  and  Other

 20                    Transactions.

 21          9--506. Effect of Errors or Omissions.

 22          9--507. Effect  of  Certain Events on Effectiveness of Financing

 23                    Statement.

 24          9--508. Effectiveness  of  Financing  Statement  If  New  Debtor

 25                    Becomes Bound by Security Agreement.

 26          9--509. Persons Entitled to File a Record.

 27          9--510. Effectiveness of Filed Record.

 28          9--511. Secured Party of Record.

                                        161                        12020-01-1

  1          9--512. Amendment of Financing Statement.

  2          9--513. Termination Statement or Partial Release.

  3          9--514. Assignment of Powers of Secured Party of Record.

  4          9--515. Duration   and  Effectiveness  of  Financing  Statement;

  5                    Effect of Lapsed Financing Statement.

  6          9--516. What Constitutes Filing; Effectiveness of Filing.

  7          9--517. Effect of Indexing Errors.

  8          9--518. Claim Concerning Inaccurate or Wrongfully Filed Record.

  9          9--519. Numbering, Maintaining and Indexing Records; Communicat-

 10                    ing Information Provided in Records.

 11          9--520. Acceptance and Refusal to Accept Record.

 12          9--521. Uniform Form of Written Financing Statement and,  Amend-

 13                    ment and Cooperative Addendum.

 14          9--522. Maintenance and Destruction of Records.

 15          9--523. Information  from  Filing  Office;  Sale  or  License of

 16                    Records.

 17          9--524. Delay by Filing Office.

 18          9--525. Fees.

 19          9--526. Filing Office Rules.

 20  Section 9--501. Filing Office.

 21    (a) Filing offices.  Except as otherwise provided in  subsection  (b),

 22  if the local law of this state governs perfection of a security interest

 23  or  agricultural lien, the office in which to file a financing statement

 24  to perfect the security interest or agricultural lien is:

 25    (1) the office designated for the filing or recording of a record of a

 26  mortgage on the related real property, if:

 27    (A) the collateral is as extracted collateral or timber to be cut; or

                                        162                        12020-01-1

  1    (B) the financing statement is filed  as  a  fixture  filing  and  the

  2  collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures; or

  3    (C) the collateral is a cooperative interest; or

  4    (2)  the office of secretary of state, in all other cases, including a

  5  case in which the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures

  6  and the financing statement is not filed as a fixture filing.

  7    (b) Filing office for transmitting utilities.  The office in which  to

  8  file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral,

  9  including fixtures, of a transmitting utility is the office of secretary

 10  of  state.  The financing statement also constitutes a fixture filing as

 11  to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to

 12  become fixtures.

 13    (c) The term "filing officer" or "recording officer" means the  county

 14  clerk  of  the  county, except in the counties of Bronx, Kings, New York

 15  and Queens where it means the city register in the county; and the  term

 16  "filing  officer" includes the secretary of state where a filing is made

 17  in the department of state.

 18  Section 9--502. Contents of Financing Statement; Record of  Mortgage  as

 19                    Financing  Statement;  Time of Filing Financing State-

 20                    ment; Contents of Cooperative Addendum.

 21    (a) Sufficiency of financing statement.  Subject to subsection (b),  a

 22  financing statement is sufficient only if it:

 23    (1) provides the name of the debtor;

 24    (2)  provides the name of the secured party or a representative of the

 25  secured party;

 26    (3) indicates the collateral covered by the financing statement; and

 27    (4) in the case of a cooperative interest,  indicates  the  number  or

 28  other designation and the street address of the cooperative unit.

                                        163                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  Real-property-related  financing statements.  Except as otherwise

  2  provided in Section 9--501(b), to be sufficient, a  financing  statement

  3  that  covers  as  extracted  collateral or timber to be cut, or which is

  4  filed as a fixture filing and covers goods that are  or  are  to  become

  5  fixtures,  or  unless  a  cooperative  addendum is filed, which covers a

  6  cooperative interest, must satisfy subsection (a) and also:

  7    (1) indicate that it covers this type of collateral;

  8    (2) indicate that it is to be filed for record in  the  real  property

  9  records;

 10    (3) provide a description of the real property to which the collateral

 11  is  related to include the location of the real estate by reference to a

 12  book and page number in a deed or mortgage index maintained in the coun-

 13  ty clerk's office in the county where the  property  is  situate  or  by

 14  street  and  number  and  town or city, or, if the real estate is in the

 15  city of New York, by county is a sufficient description, except that  if

 16  the  real  estate  is  in  the city of New York or counties of Nassau or

 17  Onondaga, where the block system of recording or registering and  index-

 18  ing  conveyances is in use, the statement must also specify the block in

 19  which the real estate is situated; and

 20    (4) if the debtor does not have an interest  of  record  in  the  real

 21  property, provide the name of a record owner.

 22    (c)  Record  of mortgage as financing statement.  A record mortgage is

 23  effective, from the date of recording as a financing statement filed  as

 24  a  fixture  filing  or  as  a  financing statement covering as extracted

 25  collateral or timber to be cut only if:

 26    (1) the record indicates the goods or accounts that it covers;

 27    (2) the goods are or are to become fixtures related to the real  prop-

 28  erty  described  in  the record or the collateral is related to the real

                                        164                        12020-01-1

  1  property described in the record  and  is  as  extracted  collateral  or

  2  timber to be cut;

  3    (3) the record satisfies the requirements for a financing statement in

  4  this section other than an indication that it is to be filed in the real

  5  property records; and

  6    (4) the record is recorded.

  7    (d)  Filing  before  security  agreement  or attachment.   A financing

  8  statement may be filed before a security agreement is made or a security

  9  interest otherwise attaches.

 10    (e) Contents of Cooperative  Addendum.    A  cooperative  addendum  is

 11  sufficient only if it satisfies subsection (a) and also:

 12    (1)  if not filed simultaneously with the initial financing statement,

 13  identifies, by its file number, the initial financing statement to which

 14  the addendum relates;

 15    (2) indicates the street address of the cooperative unit;

 16    (3) indicates the county in which the cooperative unit is located;

 17    (4)  indicates the city, town or village in which the cooperative unit

 18  is located;

 19    (5) indicates the real property tax designation  associated  with  the

 20  real  property  in  which the cooperative unit is located as assigned by

 21  the local real property tax assessing authority; and

 22    (6) indicates the name of the cooperative organization.

 23  Section 9--503. Name of Debtor and Secured Party.

 24    (a) Sufficiency of debtor's name.  A financing statement  sufficiently

 25  provides the name of the debtor:

 26    (1)  if the debtor is a registered organization, only if the financing

 27  statement provides the name of the debtor indicated on the public record

                                        165                        12020-01-1

  1  of the debtor's jurisdiction of organization which shows the  debtor  to

  2  have been organized;

  3    (2) if the debtor is a decedent's estate, only if the financing state-

  4  ment  provides the name of the decedent and indicates that the debtor is

  5  an estate;

  6    (3) if the debtor is a trust or a trustee acting with respect to prop-

  7  erty held in trust, only if the financing statement:

  8    (A) provides the name specified for the trust in its organic documents

  9  or, if no name is specified, provides the name of the settlor and  addi-

 10  tional  information  sufficient  to  distinguish  the  debtor from other

 11  trusts having one or more of the same settlors; and

 12    (B) indicates, in the debtor's name or otherwise, that the debtor is a

 13  trust or is a trustee acting with respect to property held in trust; and

 14    (4) in other cases:

 15    (A) if the debtor has a name, only if it provides  the  individual  or

 16  organizational name of the debtor; and

 17    (B)  if the debtor does not have a name, only if it provides the names

 18  of the partners, members, associates or  other  persons  comprising  the

 19  debtor.

 20    (b) Additional debtor-related information.  A financing statement that

 21  provides the name of the debtor in accordance with subsection (a) is not

 22  rendered ineffective by the absence of:

 23    (1) a trade name or other name of the debtor; or

 24    (2)  unless  required  under  subsection (a)(4)(B), names of partners,

 25  members, associates or other persons comprising the debtor.

 26    (c) Debtor's trade name insufficient.    A  financing  statement  that

 27  provides  only the debtor's trade name does not sufficiently provide the

 28  name of the debtor.

                                        166                        12020-01-1

  1    (d) Representative capacity.  Failure to indicate  the  representative

  2  capacity  of  a  secured party or representative of a secured party does

  3  not affect the sufficiency of a financing statement.

  4    (e)  Multiple  debtors and secured parties.  A financing statement may

  5  provide the name of more than one debtor and the name of more  than  one

  6  secured party.

  7  Section 9--504. Indication of Collateral.

  8    A  financing  statement  sufficiently indicates the collateral that it

  9  covers if the financing statement provides:

 10    (a) a description of the collateral pursuant to Section 9--108; or

 11    (b) an indication that the financing statement covers  all  assets  or

 12  all personal property.

 13  Section 9--505. Filing  and  Compliance with Other Statutes and Treaties

 14                    for Consignments, Leases, Other  Bailments  and  Other

 15                    Transactions.

 16    (a)  Use  of terms other than "debtor" and "secured party".  A consig-

 17  nor, lessor, or other bailor of goods, a  licensor,  or  a  buyer  of  a

 18  payment intangible or promissory note may file a financing statement, or

 19  may comply with a statute or treaty described in Section 9--311(a) using

 20  the   terms  "consignor",  "consignee",  "lessor",  "lessee",  "bailor",

 21  "bailee", "licensor", "licensee", "owner", "registered owner",  "buyer",

 22  "seller"  or  words  of  similar  import,  instead of the terms "secured

 23  party" and "debtor".

 24    (b) Effect of financing statement under subsection  (a).    This  part

 25  applies to the filing of a financing statement under subsection (a) and,

 26  as  appropriate,  to compliance that is equivalent to filing a financing

 27  statement under Section 9--311(b), but the filing or compliance  is  not

 28  of  itself  a  factor  in  determining whether the collateral secures an

                                        167                        12020-01-1

  1  obligation.  If it is determined for another reason that the  collateral

  2  secures  an  obligation,  a  security  interest  held  by the consignor,

  3  lessor, bailor, licensor, owner or buyer which attaches to  the  collat-

  4  eral is perfected by the filing or compliance.

  5  Section 9--506. Effect of Errors or Omissions.

  6    (a)  Minor  errors and omissions.  A financing statement substantially

  7  satisfying the requirements of this part is effective, even  if  it  has

  8  minor  errors  or  omissions,  unless  the  errors or omissions make the

  9  financing statement seriously misleading.

 10    (b) Financing statement seriously misleading.    Except  as  otherwise

 11  provided in subsection (c), a financing statement that fails sufficient-

 12  ly  to  provide  the  name  of  the  debtor  in  accordance with Section

 13  9--503(a) is seriously misleading.

 14    (c) Financing statement not seriously misleading.  If a search of  the

 15  records  of the filing office under the debtor's correct name, using the

 16  filing office's standard search logic, if any, would disclose a  financ-

 17  ing  statement that fails sufficiently to provide the name of the debtor

 18  in accordance with Section 9--503(a), the name provided  does  not  make

 19  the financing statement seriously misleading.

 20    (d)  "Debtor's  correct name".  For purposes of Section 9--508(b), the

 21  "debtor's correct name" in subsection (c) means the correct name of  the

 22  new debtor.

 23  Section 9--507. Effect  of  Certain Events on Effectiveness of Financing

 24                    Statement.

 25    (a) Disposition.  A filed financing statement remains  effective  with

 26  respect  to  collateral  that  is  sold,  exchanged, leased, licensed or

 27  otherwise disposed of and in which a security interest  or  agricultural

                                        168                        12020-01-1

  1  lien  continues,  even  if the secured party knows of or consents to the

  2  disposition.

  3    (b)  Information  becoming seriously misleading.   Except as otherwise

  4  provided in subsection (c) and Section 9--508, a financing statement  is

  5  not rendered ineffective if, after the financing statement is filed, the

  6  information  provided  in  the  financing  statement  becomes  seriously

  7  misleading under Section 9--506.

  8    (c) Changes in debtor's name.  If a debtor so changes its name that  a

  9  filed  financing  statement  becomes  seriously misleading under Section

 10  9--506:

 11    (1) the financing statement is effective to perfect a security  inter-

 12  est  in  collateral acquired by the debtor before, or within four months

 13  after, the change; and

 14    (2) the financing statement is not effective  to  perfect  a  security

 15  interest  in  collateral  acquired  by  the debtor more than four months

 16  after the change, unless an amendment to the financing  statement  which

 17  renders the financing statement not seriously misleading is filed within

 18  four months after the change.

 19  Section 9--508. Effectiveness  of  Financing  Statement  if  New  Debtor

 20                    Becomes Bound by Security Agreement.

 21    (a)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a  filed  financing

 22  statement  naming  an original debtor is effective to perfect a security

 23  interest in collateral in which a new debtor has or acquires  rights  to

 24  the  extent  that  the financing statement would have been effective had

 25  the original debtor acquired rights in the collateral.

 26    (b) Financing statement becoming seriously misleading.  If the differ-

 27  ence between the name of the original debtor and that of the new  debtor

                                        169                        12020-01-1

  1  causes  a  filed  financing statement that is effective under subsection

  2  (a) to be seriously misleading under Section 9--506:

  3    (1)  the financing statement is effective to perfect a security inter-

  4  est  in  collateral  acquired  by the new debtor before, and within four

  5  months after, the new debtor becomes bound under Section 9--203(d); and

  6    (2)  the financing statement is not effective to  perfect  a  security

  7  interest  in collateral acquired by the new debtor more than four months

  8  after the new debtor becomes bound under  Section  9--203(d)  unless  an

  9  initial  financing  statement  providing  the  name of the new debtor is

 10  filed before the expiration of that time.

 11    (c) When section not applicable.   This  section  does  not  apply  to

 12  collateral  as  to  which  a filed financing statement remains effective

 13  against the new debtor under Section 9--507(a).

 14  Section 9--509. Persons Entitled to File a Record.

 15    (a) Person entitled to file record.   A person  may  file  an  initial

 16  financing statement, amendment that adds collateral covered by a financ-

 17  ing  statement  or amendment that adds a debtor to a financing statement

 18  only if:

 19    (1) the debtor authorizes the filing in an authenticated record; or

 20    (2) the person holds an agricultural lien that has become effective at

 21  the time of filing and the financing statement covers only collateral in

 22  which the person holds an agricultural lien.

 23    (b) Security agreement as authorization.  By authenticating or  becom-

 24  ing  bound  as  debtor  by  a security agreement, a debtor or new debtor

 25  authorizes the filing of an initial financing statement, and  an  amend-

 26  ment, covering:

 27    (1) the collateral described in the security agreement; and

                                        170                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  property  that  becomes  collateral  under  Section 9--315(a)(2),

  2  whether or not the security agreement expressly covers proceeds.

  3    (c)  Person entitled to file certain amendments.  A person may file an

  4  amendment other than an amendment that  adds  collateral  covered  by  a

  5  financing  statement  or  an amendment that adds a debtor to a financing

  6  statement only if:

  7    (1) the secured party of record authorizes the filing; or

  8    (2) the amendment is a termination statement for a financing statement

  9  as to which the secured party of record has failed to  file  or  send  a

 10  termination  statement  as  required  by  Section  9--513(a) or (c), the

 11  debtor authorizes the filing and  the  termination  statement  indicates

 12  that the debtor authorized it to be filed.

 13    (d)  Multiple  secured  parties of record.   If there is more than one

 14  secured party of record for a financing statement, each secured party of

 15  record may authorize the filing of an amendment under subsection (c).

 16  Section 9--510. Effectiveness of Filed Record.

 17    (a) Filed record effective if authorized.  A filed record is effective

 18  only to the extent that it was filed by a person that may file it  under

 19  Section 9--509.

 20    (b) Authorization by one secured party of record.  A record authorized

 21  by  one  secured party of record does not affect the financing statement

 22  with respect to another secured party of record.

 23    (c) Continuation statement not timely filed.  A continuation statement

 24  that is not filed within the  six-month  period  prescribed  by  Section

 25  9--515(d) is ineffective.

 26  Section 9--511. Secured Party of Record.

 27    (a)  Secured  party of record.  A secured party of record with respect

 28  to a financing statement is a person whose name is provided as the  name

                                        171                        12020-01-1

  1  of  the  secured  party  or  a representative of the secured party in an

  2  initial financing statement that has been filed.  If an initial  financ-

  3  ing  statement  is  filed under Section 9--514(a), the assignee named in

  4  the  initial  financing  statement  is  the secured party of record with

  5  respect to the financing statement.

  6    (b) Amendment naming secured party of record.   If an amendment  of  a

  7  financing  statement  which  provides  the name of a person as a secured

  8  party or a representative of a secured party is filed, the person  named

  9  in the amendment is a secured party of record.  If an amendment is filed

 10  under  Section  9--514(b),  the  assignee  named  in  the amendment is a

 11  secured party of record.

 12    (c) Amendment deleting secured party of record.   A person  remains  a

 13  secured  party of record until the filing of an amendment of the financ-

 14  ing statement which deletes the person.

 15  Section 9--512. Amendment of Financing Statement.

 16    (a) Amendment of information  in  financing  statement.    Subject  to

 17  Section  9--509,  a  person  may  add  or  delete collateral covered by,

 18  continue or terminate the effectiveness of, or,  subject  to  subsection

 19  (e),  otherwise amend the information provided in, a financing statement

 20  by filing an amendment that:

 21    (1) identifies, by its file number, the initial financing statement to

 22  which the amendment relates; and

 23    (2) if the amendment relates to an initial financing  statement  filed

 24  or  recorded  in  a  filing  office  described  in Section 9--501(a)(1),

 25  provides the date and time that  the  initial  financing  statement  was

 26  filed or recorded and the information specified in Section 9--502(b).

                                        172                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  Period  of  effectiveness  not  affected.    Except  as otherwise

  2  provided in Section 9--515, the filing of an amendment does  not  extend

  3  the period of effectiveness of the financing statement.

  4    (c)  Effectiveness of amendment adding collateral.  A financing state-

  5  ment that is amended by an amendment that adds collateral  is  effective

  6  as  to  the  added  collateral  only  from the date of the filing of the

  7  amendment.

  8    (d) Effectiveness of amendment adding debtor.   A financing  statement

  9  that  is  amended  by an amendment that adds a debtor is effective as to

 10  the added debtor only from the date of the filing of the amendment.

 11    (e) Certain amendments ineffective.   An amendment is  ineffective  to

 12  the extent it:

 13    (1)  purports to delete all debtors and fails to provide the name of a

 14  debtor to be covered by the financing statement; or

 15    (2) purports to delete all secured parties  of  record  and  fails  to

 16  provide the name of a new secured party of record.

 17  Section 9--513. Termination Statement or Partial Release.

 18    (a)  Consumer goods.  A secured party shall cause the secured party of

 19  record for a financing statement to file a termination statement for the

 20  financing statement if  the financing statement  covers  consumer  goods

 21  and:

 22    (1)  there  is  no obligation secured by the collateral covered by the

 23  financing statement and no commitment to make an advance, incur an obli-

 24  gation or otherwise give value; or

 25    (2) the debtor did not authorize the filing of the  initial  financing

 26  statement.

                                        173                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  Time  for  compliance  with  subsection  (a).    To  comply  with

  2  subsection (a), a secured party shall cause the secured party of  record

  3  to file the termination statement:

  4    (1)  within  one  month  after  there  is no obligation secured by the

  5  collateral covered by the financing statement and no commitment to  make

  6  an advance, incur an obligation or otherwise give value; or

  7    (2) if earlier, within twenty days after the secured party receives an

  8  authenticated demand from a debtor.

  9    (c) Other collateral.  In cases not governed by subsection (a), within

 10  twenty  days after a secured party receives an authenticated demand from

 11  a debtor, the secured party shall cause the secured party of record  for

 12  a  financing statement to send to the debtor a termination statement for

 13  the financing statement or file the termination statement in the  filing

 14  office if:

 15    (1)  except  in the case of a financing statement covering accounts or

 16  chattel paper that has been sold or goods that  are  the  subject  of  a

 17  consignment, there is no obligation secured by the collateral covered by

 18  the  financing  statement and no commitment to make an advance, incur an

 19  obligation, or otherwise give value;

 20    (2) the financing statement covers accounts or chattel paper that  has

 21  been  sold  but as to which the account debtor or other person obligated

 22  has discharged its obligation;

 23    (3) the financing statement covers goods that were the  subject  of  a

 24  consignment to the debtor but are not in the debtor's possession; or

 25    (4)  the  debtor did not authorize the filing of the initial financing

 26  statement.

 27    (d) Effect of filing  termination  statement.    Except  as  otherwise

 28  provided  in  Section 9--510, upon the filing of a termination statement

                                        174                        12020-01-1

  1  with the filing office, the financing statement to which the termination

  2  statement relates ceases to be effective.

  3    (e) Cooperative Interests.

  4    (1)  "Cooperative  interest  settlement"  means  the time and place at

  5  which an owner of  a  cooperative  interest  transfers  the  cooperative

  6  interest,  or refinances or pays off the debt secured by the cooperative

  7  interest.

  8    (2) Upon an authenticated demand with sufficient notice by  a  debtor,

  9  the  secured  party shall deliver to a cooperative interest settlement a

 10  termination statement or partial release and any component of the  coop-

 11  erative  record  of which it took possession, which shall be released to

 12  the debtor upon payment of the debt secured by the cooperative  interest

 13  and the discharge of any obligation of the secured party to make further

 14  advances.   Unless the secured party has agreed otherwise or the cooper-

 15  ative interest settlement takes place at  the  offices  of  the  secured

 16  party,  the secured party or its agent shall be entitled to a reasonable

 17  fee for attendance at the cooperative interest settlement.

 18    (3) Upon payment of the debt secured by a cooperative  interest  other

 19  than at a cooperative interest settlement and the discharge of any obli-

 20  gation  of the secured party to make further advances, the secured party

 21  shall arrange for a termination statement or partial release to be filed

 22  within one month of receipt of the payment or  discharge  of  the  obli-

 23  gation  to  make further advances, whichever is later, and shall send to

 24  the debtor any component of the cooperative  record  of  which  it  took

 25  possession.

 26    (f) Effect of filing partial release.  Except as otherwise provided in

 27  Sections  9--510  and  9--512, upon the filing of a partial release with

 28  the filing office, the  financing  statement  will  continue  to  remain

                                        175                        12020-01-1

  1  effective  as  to  the  non-released  collateral,  but shall cease to be

  2  effective as to the released collateral.

  3  Section 9--514. Assignment of Powers of Secured Party of Record.

  4    (a)  Assignment  reflected  on initial financing statement.  Except as

  5  otherwise provided in subsection (c), an initial financing statement may

  6  reflect an assignment of all of the secured party's power  to  authorize

  7  an  amendment to the financing statement by providing the name and mail-

  8  ing address of the assignee as the  name  and  address  of  the  secured

  9  party.

 10    (b)  Assignment  of  filed  financing statement.   Except as otherwise

 11  provided in subsection (c), a secured party  of  record  may  assign  or

 12  record all or part of its power to authorize an amendment to a financing

 13  statement  by  filing in the filing office an amendment of the financing

 14  statement which:

 15    (1) identifies, by its file number, the initial financing statement to

 16  which it relates;

 17    (2) provides the name of the assignor; and

 18    (3) provides the name and mailing address of the assignee.

 19    (c) Assignment of record of mortgage.  An assignment of  record  of  a

 20  security  interest  in a fixture covered by a record of a mortgage which

 21  is effective as a financing statement filed as a  fixture  filing  under

 22  Section  9--502(c)  may  be  made only by an assignment of record of the

 23  mortgage in the manner provided by law of this  state  other  than  this

 24  chapter.

 25  Section 9--515. Duration   and  Effectiveness  of  Financing  Statement;

 26                    Effect of Lapsed Financing Statement.

                                        176                        12020-01-1

  1    (a)  Five-year  effectiveness.    Except  as  otherwise  provided   in

  2  subsections  (b),  (e), (f), (g) and (h), a filed financing statement is

  3  effective for a period of five years after the date of filing.

  4    (b) Public finance or manufactured home transaction.  Except as other-

  5  wise provided in subsections (e), (f), (g) and (h), an initial financing

  6  statement filed in connection with a public finance transaction or manu-

  7  factured-home  transaction  is  effective  for  a period of thirty years

  8  after the date of filing if it indicates that it is filed in  connection

  9  with a public finance transaction or manufactured-home transaction.

 10    (c)  Lapse and continuation of financing statement.  The effectiveness

 11  of a filed financing statement lapses on the expiration of the period of

 12  its effectiveness unless before the lapse a  continuation  statement  is

 13  filed  pursuant  to  subsection (d).   Upon lapse, a financing statement

 14  ceases to be effective and any security interest  or  agricultural  lien

 15  that  was  perfected  by  the  financing  statement becomes unperfected,

 16  unless the security interest is perfected otherwise.   If  the  security

 17  interest  or  agricultural  lien  becomes  unperfected upon lapse, it is

 18  deemed never to have been perfected as against a purchaser of the colla-

 19  teral for value.

 20    (d) When continuation statement may be filed.   A continuation  state-

 21  ment  may  be  filed only within six months before the expiration of the

 22  five-year period specified in subsection (a) or the  thirty-year  period

 23  specified  in  subsection  (b)  or  the  fifty-year  period specified in

 24  subsection (h), whichever is applicable.

 25    (e) Effect of filing continuation  statement.    Except  as  otherwise

 26  provided  in Section 9--510, upon timely filing of a continuation state-

 27  ment, the effectiveness of the initial financing statement continues for

 28  a period of five years commencing on the  day  on  which  the  financing

                                        177                        12020-01-1

  1  statement  would  have  become ineffective in the absence of the filing.

  2  Upon the expiration of the five-year  period,  the  financing  statement

  3  lapses  in the same manner as provided in subsection (c), unless, before

  4  the   lapse,   another  continuation  statement  is  filed  pursuant  to

  5  subsection (d).  Succeeding continuation statements may be filed in  the

  6  same  manner  to  continue  the  effectiveness  of the initial financing

  7  statement.

  8    (f) Transmitting utility financing statement.  If a debtor is a trans-

  9  mitting utility and  a  filed  financing  statement  so  indicates,  the

 10  financing statement is effective until a termination statement is filed.

 11    (g) Record of mortgage as financing statement.  A record of a mortgage

 12  that  is  effective  as  a financing statement filed as a fixture filing

 13  under Section 9--502(c) remains effective as a financing statement filed

 14  as a fixture filing until the  mortgage  is  released  or  satisfied  of

 15  record  or its effectiveness otherwise terminates as to the real proper-

 16  ty.

 17    (h) Cooperative interest transaction.  An initial financing  statement

 18  covering a cooperative interest is effective for a period of fifty years

 19  after  the  date of filing if a cooperative addendum is filed simultane-

 20  ously or is later filed before the initial financing statement lapses.

 21  Section 9--516. What Constitutes Filing; Effectiveness of Filing.

 22    (a)  What  constitutes  filing.    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in

 23  subsection  (b), communication of a record to a filing office and tender

 24  of the filing fee or acceptance of  the  record  by  the  filing  office

 25  constitutes filing.

 26    (b)  Refusal to accept record; filing does not occur.  Filing does not

 27  occur with respect to a record that a filing office  refuses  to  accept

 28  because:

                                        178                        12020-01-1

  1    (1)  the  record is not communicated by a method or medium of communi-

  2  cation authorized by the filing office;

  3    (2)  an  amount  equal to or greater than the applicable filing fee is

  4  not tendered;

  5    (3) the filing office is unable to index the record because:

  6    (A) in the case of an initial financing statement, the record does not

  7  provide a name for the debtor;

  8    (B) in the case of an amendment or correction statement, the record:

  9    (i) does not identify the initial financing statement as  required  by

 10  Section 9--512 or 9--518, as applicable; or

 11    (ii) identifies an initial financing statement whose effectiveness has

 12  lapsed under Section 9--515;

 13    (C)  in  the  case of an initial financing statement that provides the

 14  name of a debtor identified  as  an  individual  or  an  amendment  that

 15  provides  a  name  of a debtor identified as an individual which was not

 16  previously provided in the  financing  statement  to  which  the  record

 17  relates, the record does not identify the debtor's last name; or

 18    (D)  in  the  case of a record filed in the filing office described in

 19  Section  9--501(a)(1),  the  record  does  not  provide   a   sufficient

 20  description of the real property to which it relates;

 21    (4) in the case of an initial financing statement or an amendment that

 22  adds  a  secured party of record, the record does not provide a name and

 23  mailing address for the secured party of record;

 24    (5) in the case of an initial financing statement or an amendment that

 25  provides a name of a debtor which was not  previously  provided  in  the

 26  financing statement to which the amendment relates, the record does not:

 27    (A) provide a mailing address for the debtor;

                                        179                        12020-01-1

  1    (B)  indicate  whether the debtor is an individual or an organization;

  2  or

  3    (C)  if the financing statement indicates that the debtor is an organ-

  4  ization, provide:

  5    (i) a type of organization for the debtor;

  6    (ii) a jurisdiction of organization for the debtor; or

  7    (iii) an organizational identification number for the debtor or  indi-

  8  cate that the debtor has none;

  9    (6)  in  the  case  of an assignment reflected in an initial financing

 10  statement under Section 9--514(a) or an amendment  filed  under  Section

 11  9--514(b),  the  record  does not provide a name and mailing address for

 12  the assignee; or

 13    (7) in the case of a continuation statement, the record is  not  filed

 14  within the six-month period prescribed by Section 9--515(d).

 15    (c)  Rules  applicable to subsection (b).  For  purposes of subsection

 16  (b):

 17    (1) a record does not provide information  if  the  filing  office  is

 18  unable to read or decipher the information; and

 19    (2) a record that does not indicate that it is an amendment or identi-

 20  fy  an  initial  financing statement to which it relates, as required by

 21  Section 9--512, 9--514 or 9--518, is an initial financing statement.

 22    (d) Refusal to accept record; record effective as  filed  record.    A

 23  record  that  is  communicated  to  the filing office with tender of the

 24  filing fee, but which the filing office refuses to accept for  a  reason

 25  other  than  one  set  forth  in subsection (b), is effective as a filed

 26  record except as against a purchaser of the collateral which gives value

 27  in reasonable reliance upon the absence of the record from the files.

                                        180                        12020-01-1

  1    (e) Special  rule  for  cooperative  interests;  record  effective  as

  2  notice.    A  filed  record  including a cooperative addendum covering a

  3  cooperative interest constitutes notice of the existence of the security

  4  interest in the cooperative interest as the date of filing of the  coop-

  5  erative  addendum, except as against a purchaser of the collateral which

  6  gives value in reasonable reliance upon the absence of the  record  from

  7  the files.

  8  Section 9--517. Effect of Indexing Errors.

  9    The  failure of the filing office to index a record correctly does not

 10  affect the effectiveness of the filed record.

 11  Section 9--518. Claim Concerning Inaccurate or Wrongfully Filed Record.

 12    (a) Correction statement.  A person may file in the  filing  office  a

 13  correction  statement  with  respect to a record indexed there under the

 14  person's name if the person believes that the record  is  inaccurate  or

 15  was wrongfully filed.

 16    (b) Sufficiency of correction statement.  A correction statement must:

 17    (1) identify the record to which it relates by:

 18    (A)  the  file  number  assigned to the initial financing statement to

 19  which the record relates; and

 20    (B) if the correction statement relates to a record filed or  recorded

 21  in  a filing office described in Section 9--501(a)(2), the date and time

 22  that the initial financing statement  was  filed  or  recorded  and  the

 23  information specified in Section 9--502(b);

 24    (2) indicate that it is a correction statement; and

 25    (3) provide the basis for the person's belief that the record is inac-

 26  curate  and  indicate the manner in which the person believes the record

 27  should be amended to cure any inaccuracy or provide the  basis  for  the

 28  person's belief that the record was wrongfully filed.

                                        181                        12020-01-1

  1    (c)  Record  not  affected  by correction statement.   The filing of a

  2  correction statement does not affect the  effectiveness  of  an  initial

  3  financing statement or other filed record.

  4  Section 9--519. Numbering, Maintaining and Indexing Records; Communicat-

  5                    ing Information Provided in Records.

  6    (a)  Filing  office duties.  For each record filed in a filing office,

  7  the filing office shall:

  8    (1) assign a unique number to the filed record;

  9    (2) create a record that bears the number assigned to the filed record

 10  and the date and time of filing;

 11    (3) maintain the filed record for public inspection; and

 12    (4) index the filed record in accordance with subsections (c), (d) and

 13  (e).

 14    (b) File number.  A file number must include a digit that:

 15    (1) is mathematically derived from or related to the other  digits  of

 16  the file number; and

 17    (2)  enables the filing office to detect whether a number communicated

 18  as the file number includes a single-digit or transpositional error.

 19    (c) Indexing: general.  Except as otherwise  provided  in  subsections

 20  (d) and (e), the filing office shall:

 21    (1)  index an initial financing statement according to the name of the

 22  debtor and index all filed records relating  to  the  initial  financing

 23  statement  in  a  manner  that  associates  with  one another an initial

 24  financing statement and  all  filed  records  relating  to  the  initial

 25  financing statement; and

 26    (2)  index  a  record  that  provides a name of a debtor which was not

 27  previously provided in the  financing  statement  to  which  the  record

 28  relates also according to the name that was not previously provided.

                                        182                        12020-01-1

  1    (d) Indexing: real-property-related financing statement.  If a financ-

  2  ing statement is filed as a fixture filing or covers as-extracted colla-

  3  teral,  timber to be cut or a cooperative interest, it must be filed for

  4  record and the filing office shall index it:

  5    (1) under the names of the debtor and of each owner of record shown on

  6  the  financing statement as if they were the mortgagors under a mortgage

  7  of the real property described; and

  8    (2) to the extent that the law of this state provides for indexing  of

  9  records  of mortgages under the name of the mortgagee, under the name of

 10  the secured party as if the secured party were the mortgagee thereunder,

 11  or, if indexing is by description, as if the financing statement were  a

 12  mortgage of the real property described.

 13    (3)  if the real estate is in the City of New York or in Nassau, Onon-

 14  daga, or any other county where the block system of recording or  regis-

 15  tering  and  indexing  conveyances  is in use, according to the block in

 16  which the real estate is situated; the filing  officer  may  index  such

 17  statements  according  to  the  names  of  the record owners of the real

 18  estate in a single consolidated index installed and  maintained  by  him

 19  pursuant to section five hundred twenty-nine of the county law.

 20    (e) Indexing: real-property-related assignment.  If a financing state-

 21  ment  is  filed  as  a fixture filing or covers as-extracted collateral,

 22  timber to be cut or a cooperative  interest,  the  filing  office  shall

 23  index  an assignment filed under Section 9--514(a) or an amendment filed

 24  under Section 9--514(b):

 25    (1) under the name of the assignor as grantor; and

 26    (2) to the extent that the law of this state provides for  indexing  a

 27  record  of  the assignment of a mortgage under the name of the assignee,

 28  under the name of the assignee; and

                                        183                        12020-01-1

  1    (f) Retrieval and association capability.   The  filing  office  shall

  2  maintain a capability:

  3    (1) to retrieve a record by the name of the debtor and:

  4    (A)  if the filing office is described in Section 9--501(a)(1), by the

  5  file number assigned to the initial financing  statement  to  which  the

  6  record  relates  and  the  date  and  time  that the record was filed or

  7  recorded; or

  8    (B) if the filing office is described in Section 9--501(a)(2), by  the

  9  file  number  assigned  to  the initial financing statement to which the

 10  record relates; and

 11    (2) to associate and retrieve with one another  an  initial  financing

 12  statement and each filed record relating to the initial financing state-

 13  ment; and

 14    (3)  to  retrieve  a record by the description of the real property to

 15  which the collateral is related.

 16    (g) Removal of debtor's name.   The filing office  may  not  remove  a

 17  debtor's name from the index until one year after the effectiveness of a

 18  financing  statement  naming the debtor lapses under Section 9--515 with

 19  respect to all secured parties of record.

 20    (h) Timeliness of filing office performance.  The filing office  shall

 21  perform the acts required by subsections (a) through (e) at the time and

 22  in  the  manner prescribed by filing office rule, but not later than two

 23  business days after the filing office receives the record in question.

 24    (i) Subsections (b) and (h) do not apply to a filing office  described

 25  in Section 9--501(a)(1).

 26  Section 9--520. Acceptance and Refusal to Accept Record.

 27    (a)  Mandatory refusal to accept record.  A filing office shall refuse

 28  to accept a record  for  filing  for  a  reason  set  forth  in  Section

                                        184                        12020-01-1

  1  9--516(b) and may refuse to accept a record for filing only for a reason

  2  set forth in Section 9--516(b).

  3    (b)  Communication  concerning refusal.  If a filing office refuses to

  4  accept a record for filing, it shall  communicate  to  the  person  that

  5  presented the record the fact of and reason for the refusal and the date

  6  and time the record would have been filed had the filing office accepted

  7  it.    The  communication  must  be  made  at the time and in the manner

  8  prescribed by filing office rule but in the  case  of  a  filing  office

  9  described  in  Section  9--501(a)(2), in no event more than two business

 10  days after the filing office receives the record.

 11    (c) When filed financing  statement  effective.    A  filed  financing

 12  statement satisfying Section 9--502(a) and (b) is effective, even if the

 13  filing  office  is  required  to  refuse  to  accept it for filing under

 14  subsection (a).  However, Section 9--338 applies to  a  filed  financing

 15  statement  providing information described in Section 9--516(b)(5) which

 16  is incorrect at the time the financing statement is filed.

 17  Section 9--521. Uniform Form of Written Financing  Statement,  Amendment

 18                    and Cooperative Addendum.

 19    (a)    Initial financing statement form.  A filing office that accepts

 20  written records may not refuse to accept a written  initial  or  amended

 21  financing statement for a reason set forth in Section 9--516(b).

 22    (b)  Amendment form.  A filing office that accepts written records may

 23  not refuse to accept an amended financing statement except for a  reason

 24  set forth in Section 9--516(b).

 25    (c)  Cooperative  Addendum form.  A filing office that accepts written

 26  records may not refuse to accept a written cooperative  addendum  except

 27  for a reason set forth in Section 9--516(b).

 28  Section 9--522. Maintenance and Destruction of Records.

                                        185                        12020-01-1

  1    (a)  Post  lapse maintenance and retrieval of information.  The filing

  2  office shall maintain a record of the information provided  in  a  filed

  3  financing statement for at least one year after the effectiveness of the

  4  financing  statement has lapsed under Section 9--515 with respect to all

  5  secured  parties of record.  The record must be retrievable by using the

  6  name of the debtor and:

  7    (1) if the record was filed or recorded in the filing office described

  8  in Section 9--501(a)(1), by using:

  9    (A)   the file number assigned to the initial financing  statement  to

 10  which  the  record  relates  and  the  date and time that the record was

 11  filed; and

 12    (B) in the case of collateral which is a cooperative  interest,  indi-

 13  cates the real property tax designation associated with the real proper-

 14  ty  in  which  the  cooperative unit is located as assigned by the local

 15  real property tax assessing authority; or

 16    (2) if the record was filed in the filing office described in  Section

 17  9--501(a)(2), by using the file number assigned to the initial financing

 18  statement to which the record relates.

 19    (b) Destruction of written records.  Except to the extent that a stat-

 20  ute  governing  disposition  of  public  records provides otherwise, the

 21  filing office immediately may destroy any written records  evidencing  a

 22  financing  statement.   However, if the filing office destroys a written

 23  record, it shall maintain another  record  of  the  financing  statement

 24  which complies with subsection (a).

 25  Section 9--523. Information  from  Filing  Office;  Sale  or  License of

 26                    Records.

 27    (a) Acknowledgment of filing written record.  If a person that files a

 28  written record requests an acknowledgment  of  the  filing,  the  filing

                                        186                        12020-01-1

  1  office  shall  send  to  the  person  an image of the record showing the

  2  number assigned to the record pursuant to Section 9--519(a)(1)  and  the

  3  date  and  time  of  the  filing of the record.   However, if the person

  4  furnishes  a  copy of the record to the filing office, the filing office

  5  may instead:

  6    (1) note upon the copy the number assigned to the record  pursuant  to

  7  Section  9--519(a)(1) and the date and time of the filing of the record;

  8  and

  9    (2) send the copy to the person.

 10    (b) Acknowledgment of filing other record.  If a person files a record

 11  other than a written record, the filing office shall communicate to  the

 12  person an acknowledgment that provides:

 13    (1) the information in the record;

 14    (2)   the   number   assigned   to  the  record  pursuant  to  Section

 15  9--519(a)(1); and

 16    (3) the date and time of the filing of the record.

 17    (c) Communication of requested information.  The filing  office  shall

 18  communicate or otherwise make available in a record the following infor-

 19  mation to any person that requests it:

 20    (1)  whether  there  is  on  file  on a date and time specified by the

 21  filing office, but not a date earlier than three  business  days  before

 22  the filing office receives the request, any financing statement that:

 23    (A)  designates  a  particular  debtor  or,  if the request so states,

 24  designates a particular debtor at the address specified in the request;

 25    (B) has not lapsed under Section 9--515 with respect  to  all  secured

 26  parties of record;

                                        187                        12020-01-1

  1    (C)  if  the  request so states, has lapsed under Section 9--515 and a

  2  record of which  is  maintained  by  the  filing  office  under  Section

  3  9--522(a); and

  4    (D)  is  filed in the filing office described in Section 9--501(a)(1),

  5  if the request indicates the real property  tax  designation  associated

  6  with  the  real  property  as  assigned  by  the local real property tax

  7  assessing authority.

  8    (2) the date and time of filing of each financing statement; and

  9    (3) the information provided in each financing statement.

 10    (d) Medium for communicating information or otherwise making  informa-

 11  tion  available.    In complying with its duty under subsection (c), the

 12  filing office may communicate information in  any  medium  or  otherwise

 13  make  information  available  in any medium.  However, if requested, the

 14  filing office shall  communicate  information  by  issuing  its  written

 15  certificate.

 16    (e)  Timeliness  of  filing  office  performance.   The filing office,

 17  except by a filing  office  described  in  Section  9--501(a)(1),  shall

 18  perform the acts required by subsections (a) through (d) at the time and

 19  in  the  manner prescribed by filing office rule, but not later than two

 20  business days after the filing office receives the request.

 21    (f) Public availability of records.  At least weekly, the secretary of

 22  state shall offer to sell or license to the  public  on  a  nonexclusive

 23  basis,  in  bulk,  copies of all records filed in it under this part, in

 24  every medium from time to time available to the filing office.

 25    (g) Written Certificate of  title  insurance,  abstract  or  searching

 26  company.    A  written  certificate  of  a  title insurance, abstract or

 27  searching company, organized under the laws of this state, or authorized

 28  or qualified to do business in this  state,  setting  forth  information

                                        188                        12020-01-1

  1  made available by a filing officer pursuant to subsection (c), when made

  2  and certified to by such title insurance, abstract or searching company,

  3  may  be  used  in place of, and with the same legal effect as, a written

  4  certificate of such filing officer.

  5  Section 9--524. Delay by Filing Office.

  6    Delay by the filing office beyond a time limit prescribed by this part

  7  is excused if:

  8    (a)  the  delay is caused by interruption of communication or computer

  9  facilities, war, emergency conditions, failure of  equipment,  or  other

 10  circumstances beyond control of the filing office; and

 11    (b) the filing office exercises reasonable diligence under the circum-

 12  stances.

 13  Section 9--525. Fees.

 14    Initial  financing  statement; general.   Fees for filing and services

 15  under this chapter shall be determined in accordance with section  nine-

 16  ty-six-a of the executive law.

 17  Section 9--526. Filing Office Rules.

 18    (a)  Adoption  of  filing office rules.   The secretary of state shall

 19  adopt and publish rules to carry out the provisions of this article.

 20    (b) Harmonization of rules.  To keep the filing office rules and prac-

 21  tices of the filing office in harmony with the rules  and  practices  of

 22  filing  offices  in  other  jurisdictions  that enact substantially this

 23  part, and to keep the technology used by the  filing  office  compatible

 24  with  the  technology used by filing offices in other jurisdictions that

 25  enact substantially this part, the secretary  of  state  so  far  as  is

 26  consistent  with the purposes, policies, and provisions of this article,

 27  in adopting, amending, and repealing filing office rules shall:

                                        189                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) consult with filing offices  in  other  jurisdictions  that  enact

  2  substantially this part; and

  3    (2)  consult the most recent version of the model rules promulgated by

  4  the international association of corporate administrators or any succes-

  5  sor organization; and

  6    (3) take into consideration the rules and practices of, and the  tech-

  7  nology  used  by,  filing  offices  in  other  jurisdictions  that enact

  8  substantially this part.

  9                                   PART 6

 10                                   DEFAULT

 11  Section 9--601. Rights after Default; Judicial Enforcement; Consignor or

 12                    Buyer of Accounts, Chattel Paper, Payment  Intangibles

 13                    or Promissory Notes.

 14          9--602. Waiver and Variance of Rights and Duties.

 15          9--603. Agreement on Standards Concerning Rights and Duties.

 16          9--604. Procedure  if  Security  Agreement Covers Real Property,

 17                    Fixtures or Cooperative Interests.

 18          9--605. Unknown Debtor or Secondary Obligor.

 19          9--606. Time of Default for Agricultural Lien.

 20          9--607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party.

 21          9--608. Application of Proceeds of  Collection  or  Enforcement;

 22                    Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus.

 23          9--609. Secured Party's Right to Take Possession after Default.

 24          9--610. Disposition of Collateral after Default.

 25          9--611. Notification Before Disposition of Collateral.

 26          9--612. Timeliness of Notification Before Disposition of Collat-

 27                    eral.

                                        190                        12020-01-1

  1          9--613. Contents  and Form of Notification Before Disposition of

  2                    Collateral; General.

  3          9--614. Contents  and Form of Notification Before Disposition of

  4                    Collateral; Consumer Goods Transaction.

  5          9--615. Application of Proceeds of  Disposition;  Liability  for

  6                    Deficiency and Right to Surplus.

  7          9--616. Explanation of Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency.

  8          9--617. Rights of Transferee of Collateral.

  9          9--618. Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors.

 10          9--619. Transfer of Record or Legal Title.

 11          9--620. Acceptance of Collateral in Full or Partial Satisfaction

 12                    of Obligation; Compulsory Disposition of Collateral.

 13          9--621. Notification of Proposal to Accept Collateral.

 14          9--622. Effect of Acceptance of Collateral.

 15          9--623. Right to Redeem Collateral.

 16          9--624. Waiver.

 17          9--625. Remedies  for  Secured  Party's  Failure  to Comply with

 18                    Article.

 19          9--626. Action in Which Deficiency or Surplus is in Issue.

 20          9--627. Determination  of  Whether  Conduct   Was   Commercially

 21                    Reasonable.

 22          9--628. Nonliability  and  Limitation  on  Liability  of Secured

 23                    Party; Liability of Secondary Obligor.

 24  Section 9--601. Rights after Default; Judicial Enforcement; Consignor or

 25                    Buyer of Accounts, Chattel Paper, Payment  Intangibles

 26                    or Promissory Notes.

 27    (a)  Rights  of secured party after default.  After default, a secured

 28  party has the rights provided in this  part  and,  except  as  otherwise

                                        191                        12020-01-1

  1  provided  in Section 9--602, those provided by agreement of the parties.

  2  A secured party:

  3    (1)  may  reduce  a  claim  to judgment or, except as to a cooperative

  4  interest, foreclose or otherwise enforce the claim,  security  interest,

  5  or agricultural lien by any available judicial procedure; and

  6    (2) if the collateral is documents, may proceed either as to the docu-

  7  ments or as to the goods they cover.

  8    (b)  Rights  and  duties of secured party in possession or control.  A

  9  secured party in possession of collateral or control of collateral under

 10  Section 9--104, 9--105, 9--106 or  9--107  has  the  rights  and  duties

 11  provided in Section 9--207.

 12    (c)  Rights  cumulative;  simultaneous  exercise.    The  rights under

 13  subsections (a) and (b) are cumulative and may be  exercised  simultane-

 14  ously.

 15    (d)  Rights  of debtor and obligator.  Except as otherwise provided in

 16  subsection (g) and Section 9--605, after default, a debtor and an  obli-

 17  gor  have  the  rights  provided  in  this  part and by agreement of the

 18  parties.

 19    (e) Lien of levy after judgment.  If a secured party has  reduced  its

 20  claim to judgment, the lien of any levy that may be made upon the colla-

 21  teral  by virtue of an execution based upon the judgment relates back to

 22  the earliest of:

 23    (1) the date of perfection of the security  interest  or  agricultural

 24  lien in the collateral;

 25    (2)  the date of filing a financing statement covering the collateral;

 26  or

 27    (3) any date specified in a statute under which the agricultural  lien

 28  was created.

                                        192                        12020-01-1

  1    (f)  Execution sale.  A sale pursuant to an execution is a foreclosure

  2  of the security interest or  agricultural  lien  by  judicial  procedure

  3  within the meaning of this section.  A secured party may purchase at the

  4  sale  and  thereafter hold the collateral free of any other requirements

  5  of this article.

  6    (g) Consignor or buyer of certain rights to payment.  Except as other-

  7  wise  provided  in Section 9--607(c), this part imposes no duties upon a

  8  secured party that is a consignor or is a  buyer  of  accounts,  chattel

  9  paper, payment intangibles, or promissory notes.

 10  Section 9--602. Waiver and Variance of Rights and Duties.

 11    Except  as  otherwise  provided  in Section 9--624, to the extent that

 12  they give rights to a debtor or obligor and impose duties on  a  secured

 13  party,  the  debtor or obligor may not waive or vary the rules stated in

 14  the following listed sections:

 15    (a) Section 9--207(b)(4)(C), which deals with use and operation of the

 16  collateral by the secured party;

 17    (b) Section 9--210, which deals with requests for  an  accounting  and

 18  requests concerning a list of collateral and statement of account.

 19    (c)  Section 9--607(c), which deals with collection and enforcement of

 20  collateral;

 21    (d) Sections 9--608(a) and 9--615(c) to the extent that they deal with

 22  application or payment of noncash proceeds of  collection,  enforcement,

 23  or disposition;

 24    (e)  Sections  9--608(a) and 9--615(d) to the extent that they require

 25  accounting for or payment of surplus proceeds of collateral;

 26    (f) Section 9--609 to the extent that it imposes upon a secured  party

 27  that takes possession of collateral without judicial process the duty to

 28  do so without breach of the peace;

                                        193                        12020-01-1

  1    (g)  Sections  9--610(b),  9--611,  9--613 and 9--614, which deal with

  2  disposition of collateral;

  3    (h) Section 9--615(f), which deals with calculation of a deficiency or

  4  surplus  when  a  disposition  is  made  to  the secured party, a person

  5  related to the secured party, or a secondary obligor;

  6    (i) Section 9--616, which deals with explanation of the calculation of

  7  a surplus or deficiency;

  8    (j) Section 9--620, 9--621 and 9--622, which deal with  acceptance  of

  9  collateral in satisfaction of obligation;

 10    (k) Section 9--623, which deals with redemption of collateral;

 11    (l) Section 9--624, which deals with permissible waivers; and

 12    (m)  Sections  9--625  and 9--626, which deal with the secured party's

 13  liability for failure to comply with this article.

 14  Section 9--603. Agreement on Standards Concerning Rights and Duties.

 15    (a) Agreed standards.   The parties may  determine  by  agreement  the

 16  standards measuring the fulfillment of the rights of a debtor or obligor

 17  and  the duties of a secured party under a rule stated in Section 9--602

 18  if the standards are not manifestly unreasonable.

 19    (b) Agreed standards inapplicable to breach of peace.  Subsection  (a)

 20  does  not apply to the duty under Section 9--609 to refrain from breach-

 21  ing the peace.

 22  Section 9--604. Procedure if Security Agreement  Covers  Real  Property,

 23                    Fixtures or Cooperative Interests.

 24    (a)  Enforcement: personal and real property.  If a security agreement

 25  covers both personal and real property, a secured party may proceed:

 26    (1) under this part as to the personal  property  without  prejudicing

 27  any rights with respect to the real property; or

                                        194                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  as to both the personal property and the real property in accord-

  2  ance with the rights with respect to the real property,  in  which  case

  3  the other provisions of this part do not apply.

  4    (b)  Enforcement: fixtures.   Subject to subsection (c), if a security

  5  agreement covers goods that are or become fixtures, a secured party  may

  6  proceed:

  7    (1) under this part; or

  8    (2)  in  accordance  with the rights with respect to real property, in

  9  which case the other provisions of this part do not apply.

 10    (c) Removal of fixtures.   Subject to the  other  provisions  of  this

 11  part,  if  a  secured  party holding a security interest in fixtures has

 12  priority over all owners and encumbrancers of  the  real  property,  the

 13  secured  party,  after  default, may remove the collateral from the real

 14  property.

 15    (d) Injury caused by removal.  A secured party that removes collateral

 16  shall promptly reimburse any encumbrancer or owner of the real property,

 17  other than the debtor, for the cost of repair  of  any  physical  injury

 18  caused  by the removal.  The secured party need not reimburse the encum-

 19  brancer or owner for any diminution in value of the real property caused

 20  by the absence of the goods removed or by  any  necessity  of  replacing

 21  them.    A  person  entitled  to  reimbursement may refuse permission to

 22  remove until the secured party gives adequate assurance for the perform-

 23  ance of the obligation to reimburse.

 24    (e) Enforcement: cooperative interests.   A  security  interest  in  a

 25  cooperative interest may be enforced only:

 26    (1) under this part; or

 27    (2) by any available judicial procedure.

 28  Section 9--605. Unknown Debtor or Secondary Obligor.

                                        195                        12020-01-1

  1    A  secured  party  does  not owe a duty based on its status as secured

  2  party:

  3    (a)   to a person that is a debtor or obligor unless the secured party

  4  knows:

  5    (1) that the person is a debtor or obligator;

  6    (2) the identity of the person; and

  7    (3) how to communicate with the person; or

  8    (b) to a secured party or lienholder that has filed a financing state-

  9  ment against a person, unless the secured party knows:

 10    (1) that the person is a debtor; and

 11    (2) the identity of the person.

 12  Section 9--606. Time of Default for Agricultural Lien.

 13    For purposes of this part, a default  occurs  in  connection  with  an

 14  agricultural  lien  at  the  time  the secured party becomes entitled to

 15  enforce the lien in accordance with  the  statute  under  which  it  was

 16  created.

 17  Section 9--607. Collection and Enforcement by Secured Party.

 18    (a)  Collection  and enforcement generally.   If so agreed, and in any

 19  event after default, a secured party:

 20    (1) may notify an account debtor or other person obligated on  collat-

 21  eral to make payment or otherwise render performance to or for the bene-

 22  fit of the secured party;

 23    (2) may take any proceeds to which the secured party is entitled under

 24  Section 9--315;

 25    (3)  may  enforce the obligations of an account debtor or other person

 26  obligated on collateral and exercise  the  rights  of  the  debtor  with

 27  respect  to  the  obligation of the account debtor or other person obli-

 28  gated on collateral to make payment or otherwise render  performance  to

                                        196                        12020-01-1

  1  the  debtor,  and  with  respect  to any property that secures the obli-

  2  gations of the account debtor or other person obligated on  the  collat-

  3  eral;

  4    (4)  if it holds a security interest in a deposit account perfected by

  5  control under Section 9--104(a)(1), may apply the balance of the deposit

  6  account to the obligation secured by the deposit account; and

  7    (5) if it holds a security interest in a deposit account perfected  by

  8  control  under Section 9--104(a)(2) or (3), may instruct the bank to pay

  9  the balance of the deposit account to or for the benefit of the  secured

 10  party.

 11    (b)  Nonjudicial  enforcement  of mortgage.   If necessary to enable a

 12  secured party to exercise under subsection (a)(3) the right of a  debtor

 13  to  enforce  mortgage nonjudicially, the secured party may record in the

 14  office in which a record of the mortgage is recorded:

 15    (1) a copy of the security agreement that creates or  provides  for  a

 16  security interest in the obligation secured by the mortgage; and

 17    (2)  the  secured  party's  sworn affidavit in recordable form stating

 18  that:

 19    (A) a default has occurred; and

 20    (B) the secured party is entitled to enforce the mortgage nonjudicial-

 21  ly.

 22    (c) Commercially reasonable collection and  enforcement.    A  secured

 23  party  shall  proceed in a commercially reasonable manner if the secured

 24  party:

 25    (1) undertakes to collect from or enforce an obligation of an  account

 26  debtor or other person obligated on collateral; and

 27    (2)  is entitled to charge back uncollected collateral or otherwise to

 28  full or limited recourse against the debtor or a secondary obligor.

                                        197                        12020-01-1

  1    (d) Expenses of collection and  enforcement.    A  secured  party  may

  2  deduct  from  the collections made pursuant to subsection (c) reasonable

  3  expenses of collection and enforcement, including reasonable  attorney's

  4  fees and legal expenses incurred by the secured party.

  5    (e)  Duties  to  secured  party  not affected.   This section does not

  6  determine whether an account debtor, bank, or other person obligated  on

  7  collateral owes a duty to a secured party.

  8  Section 9--608. Application  of  Proceeds  of Collection or Enforcement;

  9                    Liability for Deficiency and Right to Surplus.

 10    (a) Application of proceeds, surplus,  and  deficiency  if  obligation

 11  secured.  If a security interest or agricultural lien secures payment or

 12  performance of an obligation, the following rules apply:

 13    (1)   A secured party shall apply or pay over for application the cash

 14  proceeds of collection or enforcement under this section in the  follow-

 15  ing order to:

 16    (A)  the reasonable expenses of collection and enforcement and, to the

 17  extent provided for by agreement and not prohibited by  law,  reasonable

 18  attorney's fees and legal expenses incurred by the secured party;

 19    (B)  the  satisfaction of obligations secured by the security interest

 20  or agricultural lien under which the collection or enforcement is  made;

 21  and

 22    (C) the satisfaction of obligations secured by any subordinate securi-

 23  ty  interest  in or other lien on the collateral subject to the security

 24  interest or agricultural lien under which the collection or  enforcement

 25  is  made  if  the  secured  party  receives  an authenticated demand for

 26  proceeds before distribution of the proceeds is completed.

 27    (2)  If requested by a secured party, a holder of a subordinate  secu-

 28  rity interest or other lien shall furnish reasonable proof of the inter-

                                        198                        12020-01-1

  1  est  or  lien within a reasonable time.  Unless the holder complies, the

  2  secured party need not comply with the holder's demand  under  paragraph

  3  (1)(C).

  4    (3)    A  secured  party  need  not  apply or pay over for application

  5  noncash proceeds of collection and enforcement under this section unless

  6  the failure to do so would be  commercially  unreasonable.    A  secured

  7  party  that  applies or pays over for application noncash proceeds shall

  8  do so in a commercially reasonable manner.

  9    (4)   A secured party shall account  to  and  pay  a  debtor  for  any

 10  surplus, and the obligor is liable for any deficiency.

 11    (b)  No  surplus  or deficiency in sales of certain rights to payment.

 12  If the underlying transaction is a  sale  of  accounts,  chattel  paper,

 13  payment  intangibles, or promissory notes, the debtor is not entitled to

 14  any surplus, and the obligor is not liable for any deficiency.

 15  Section 9--609. Secured Party's Right to Take Possession after Default.

 16    (a) Possession; rendering equipment unusable; disposition on  debtor's

 17  premises.  After default, a secured party:

 18    (1)  may take possession of collateral: and

 19    (2)  without  removal,  may  render  equipment unusable and dispose of

 20  collateral on a debtor's premises under Section 9--610.

 21    (b) Judicial and nonjudicial process.   A secured  party  may  proceed

 22  under subsection (a):

 23    (1) pursuant to judicial process, or

 24    (2)  without  judicial  process, if the proceeds without breach of the

 25  peace.

 26    (c) Assembly of collateral.   If so agreed, and  in  any  event  after

 27  default,  a secured party may require the debtor to assemble the collat-

 28  eral and make it available to the secured party at a place to be  desig-

                                        199                        12020-01-1

  1  nated  by  the  secured  party  which  is  reasonably convenient to both

  2  parties.

  3  Section 9--610. Disposition of Collateral after Default.

  4    (a)  Disposition  after default.  After default, a secured party after

  5  default may sell, lease, license, or otherwise dispose of any or all  of

  6  the  collateral  in  its present condition or following any commercially

  7  reasonable preparation or processing.

  8    (b) Commercially reasonable disposition.  Every aspect of  a  disposi-

  9  tion of collateral, including the method, manner, time, place, and other

 10  terms,  must  be commercially reasonable.  If commercially reasonable, a

 11  secured  party  may  dispose  of  collateral  by   public   or   private

 12  proceedings,  by  one or more contracts, as a unit or in parcels, and at

 13  any time and place and on any terms.

 14    (c) Purchase of secured party.  A secured party may  purchase  collat-

 15  eral:

 16    (1) at a public disposition; or

 17    (2)  at a private disposition only if the collateral is of a kind that

 18  is customarily sold on a recognized market  or  the  subject  of  widely

 19  distributed standard price quotations.

 20    (d) Warranties on disposition.  A contract for sale, lease, license or

 21  other disposition includes the warranties relating to title, possession,

 22  quiet  enjoyment,  and  the  like  which by operation of law accompany a

 23  voluntary disposition of property of the kind subject to the contract.

 24    (e) Disclaimer of warranties.  A secured party may disclaim or  modify

 25  warranties under subsection (d):

 26    (1)  in  a  manner  that  would be effective to disclaim or modify the

 27  warranties in a voluntary disposition of property of the kind subject to

 28  the contract of disposition; or

                                        200                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) by communicating to the purchaser a record evidencing the contract

  2  for disposition and including an express disclaimer or  modification  of

  3  the warranties.

  4    (f)  Record sufficient to disclaim warranties.  A record is sufficient

  5  to disclaim warranties under subsection (e) if it indicates "There is no

  6  warranty relating to title, possession, quiet enjoyment, or the like  in

  7  this disposition" or uses words of similar import.

  8  Section 9--611. Notification Before Disposition of Collateral.

  9    (a) Notification Date.  In this section, "notification date" means the

 10  earlier of the date on which:

 11    (1)  a  secured party sends to the debtor and any secondary obligor an

 12  authenticated notification of disposition; or

 13    (2) the debtor and any secondary obligor waive the right to  notifica-

 14  tion.

 15    (b)  Notification  of  disposition  required.    Except  as  otherwise

 16  provided in subsection (d), a secured party that disposes of  collateral

 17  under  Section  9--610 shall send to the persons specified in subsection

 18  (c) a reasonable authenticated notification of disposition.

 19    (c) Persons to be notified.    To  comply  with  subsection  (b),  the

 20  secured  party  shall  send an authenticated notification of disposition

 21  to:

 22    (1) the debtor;

 23    (2) any secondary obligor; and

 24    (3) if the collateral is other than consumer goods:

 25    (A) any other person from which the secured party has received, before

 26  the notification date, an authenticated notification of a  claim  of  an

 27  interest in the collateral;

                                        201                        12020-01-1

  1    (B)  any  other  secured party or lienholder that, ten days before the

  2  notification date, held a security interest in  or  other  lien  on  the

  3  collateral perfected by the filing of a financing statement that

  4    (i) identified the collateral;

  5    (ii) was indexed under the debtor's name as of that date; and

  6    (iii)  was  filed in the office in which to file a financing statement

  7  against the debtor covering the collateral as of that date; and

  8    (C) any other secured party that, ten  days  before  the  notification

  9  date, held a security interest in the collateral perfected by compliance

 10  with a statute, regulation, or treaty described in Section 9--311(a).

 11    (d)  Subsection  (b)  inapplicable:  perishable collateral; recognized

 12  market.  Subsection (b) does not apply if the collateral  is  perishable

 13  or  threatens  to  decline speedily in value or is of a type customarily

 14  sold on a recognized market.

 15    (e) Compliance with subsection (c)(3)(B).   A secured  party  complies

 16  with the requirement for notification prescribed by subsection (c)(3)(B)

 17  if:

 18    (1)  not later than twenty days or earlier than thirty days before the

 19  notification date, the secured party requests, in a commercially reason-

 20  able manner, information concerning financing statements  indexed  under

 21  the debtor's name in the office indicated in subsection (c)(3)(B); and:

 22    (2) before the notification date, the secured party:

 23    (A) did not receive a response to the request for information; or

 24    (B)  received  a  response  to the request for information and sent an

 25  authenticated notification of disposition to each secured party named in

 26  that response whose financing statement covered the collateral.

 27  Section 9--612. Timeliness of Notification Before Disposition of Collat-

 28                    eral.

                                        202                        12020-01-1

  1    (a) Reasonable time is question of fact.  Except as otherwise provided

  2  in subsection (b), whether a notification is sent  within  a  reasonable

  3  time is a question of fact.

  4    (b) Ten-day period sufficient in non-consumer transaction.  In a tran-

  5  saction other than a consumer transaction, a notification of disposition

  6  sent  after  default  and  ten  days or more before the earliest time of

  7  disposition set forth in the notification is sent  within  a  reasonable

  8  time before the disposition.

  9  Section 9--613. Contents  and Form of Notification Before Disposition of

 10                    Collateral: General.

 11    Except in a consumer goods transaction, the following rules apply:

 12    (a)  The contents of a notification of disposition are  sufficient  if

 13  the notification:

 14    (1) describes the debtor and the secured party;

 15    (2)  describes  the  collateral  that  is  the subject of the intended

 16  disposition;

 17    (3) states the method of intended disposition;

 18    (4) states that the debtor is entitled to an accounting of the  unpaid

 19  indebtedness and states the charge, if any for an accounting; and

 20    (5) states the time and place of a public sale or the time after which

 21  any other disposition is to be made.

 22    (b)    Whether  the  contents  of a notification that lacks any of the

 23  information prescribed in subsection (a) are nevertheless sufficient  is

 24  a question of fact.

 25    (c)  The contents of a notification providing substantially the infor-

 26  mation specified in subsection (a) are sufficient, even if the notifica-

 27  tion includes:

 28    (1) information not specified by subsection (a); or

                                        203                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) minor errors that are not seriously misleading.

  2    (d)  A particular phrasing of the notification is not required.

  3    (e)    The  following  form  of notification and the form appearing in

  4  Section 9--614(c), when completed, each provides sufficient information:

  5                  Notification of Disposition of Collateral

  6    To:  (Name of debtor, obligor, or other person to which the  notifica-

  7  tion is sent)

  8    From:    (Name, address, and telephone number of secured party)

  9    Name of Debtor(s):

 10    (Include only if debtor(s) are not an addressee)

 11    (For a public disposition:)

 12    We  will  sell (or lease or license, as applicable) the      (describe

 13  collateral)     (to the highest qualified bidder) in public as follows:

 14    Day and Date:

 15    Time: ________________________________________________________________

 16    Place: _______________________________________________________________

 17    (For a private disposition:)

 18    We will sell (or lease or license, as applicable) the        (describe

 19  collateral)     privately sometime after     (day and date)    .

 20    You  are  entitled to an accounting of the unpaid indebtedness secured

 21  by the property that we intend to sell (or lease or license, as applica-

 22  ble) (for a charge of $               ).  You may request an  accounting

 23  by calling us at

 24    (telephone number)

 25  Section 9--614. Contents  and Form of Notification Before Disposition of

 26                    Collateral; Consumer Goods Transaction.

 27    In a consumer goods transaction, the following rules apply:

                                        204                        12020-01-1

  1    (a)  A notification of disposition must provide the following informa-

  2  tion:

  3    (1) the information specified in Section 9--613(a)(1);

  4    (2)  a  description of any liability for a deficiency of the person to

  5  which the notification is sent;

  6    (3) a telephone number from which the amount that must be paid to  the

  7  secured  party  to  redeem the collateral under Section 9--623 is avail-

  8  able; and

  9    (4) a telephone number or mailing address from which additional infor-

 10  mation concerning the disposition and the obligation secured  is  avail-

 11  able.

 12    (b)  A particular phrasing of the notification is not required.

 13    (c)    The  following  form  of notification, when completed, provides

 14  sufficient information:

 15    (Name and address of secured party)

 16    (Date)

 17                     Notice of Our Plan to Sell Property

 18    (Name and address of any obligor who is also a debtor)

 19    Subject:       (Identification of Transaction)

 20    We have your      (describe collateral)     , because you broke  prom-

 21  ises in our agreement.

 22    (For a public disposition:)

 23    We  will sell       (describe collateral)      at public sale.  A sale

 24  could include a lease or license.  The sale will be held as follows:

 25    Date: ________________________________________________________________

 26    Time: ________________________________________________________________

 27    Place: _______________________________________________________________

 28    You may attend the sale and bring bidders if you want.

                                        205                        12020-01-1

  1    (For a private disposition:)

  2    We will sell       (describe collateral)      at private sale sometime

  3  after      (date)     .  A sale could include a lease or license.

  4    The  money  that  we  get  from the sale (after paying our costs) will

  5  reduce the amount you  owe.    If  we  get  less  money  than  you  owe,

  6  you      (will or will not, as applicable)      still owe us the differ-

  7  ence.   If we get more money than you owe, you will get the extra money,

  8  unless we must pay it to someone else.

  9    You can get the property back at any time before we sell it by  paying

 10  us  the  full amount you owe (not just the past due payments), including

 11  our expenses.  To learn the exact amount you must pay, call us at (tele-

 12  phone number)     .

 13    If you want us to explain to you in writing how we  have  figured  the

 14  amount  that  you owe us, you may call us at      (telephone number) (or

 15  write us at      (secured party's address)     ) and request  a  written

 16  explanation.  (We will charge you $            for the explanation if we

 17  sent you another written explanation of the amount you owe us within the

 18  last six months.)

 19    If you need more information about the sale call us at      (telephone

 20  number)     (or write us at      (secured party's address)     ).

 21    We  are  sending this notice to the following other people who have an

 22  interest in      (describe collateral)      or who owe money under  your

 23  agreement:

 24    (Names of all other debtors and obligors, if any)

 25    (d)   A notification in the form of subsection (c) is sufficient, even

 26  if additional information appears at the end of the form.

 27    (e)  A notification in the form of subsection (c) is sufficient,  even

 28  if  it  includes  errors  in information not required by subsection (a),

                                        206                        12020-01-1

  1  unless the error is misleading with respect to rights arising under this

  2  article.

  3    (f)    If  a  notification  under  this  section is not in the form of

  4  subsection (c), law other than this article  determines  the  effect  of

  5  including information not required by subsection (a).

  6  Section 9--615. Application  of  Proceeds  of Disposition; Liability for

  7                    Deficiency and Right to Surplus.

  8    (a) Application of proceeds.  A secured party shall apply or pay  over

  9  for application the cash proceeds of disposition under Section 9--610 in

 10  the following order to:

 11    (1)  in  the case of a cooperative organization security interest; the

 12  holder thereof in the amount secured thereby;

 13    (2) the reasonable expenses of retaking, holding, preparing for dispo-

 14  sition, processing, and disposing, and, to the extent  provided  for  by

 15  agreement  and  not  prohibited  by  law, reasonable attorney's fees and

 16  legal expenses incurred by the secured party;

 17    (3) the satisfaction of obligations secured by the  security  interest

 18  or agricultural lien under which the disposition is made;

 19    (4) the satisfaction of obligations secured by any subordinate securi-

 20  ty interest in or other subordinate lien on the collateral if:

 21    (A)  the  secured  party  receives  from the holder of the subordinate

 22  security interest or other lien an  authenticated  demand  for  proceeds

 23  before distribution of the proceeds is completed; and

 24    (B)  in a case in which a consignor has an interest in the collateral,

 25  the subordinate security interest or lien is senior to the  interest  of

 26  the consignor; and

                                        207                        12020-01-1

  1    (5)  a  secured  party  that  is  a consignor of the collateral if the

  2  secured party receives from the consignor an  authenticated  demand  for

  3  proceeds before distribution of the proceeds is completed.

  4    (b) Proof of subordinate interest.  If requested by a secured party, a

  5  holder  of  a  subordinate security interest or other lien shall furnish

  6  reasonable proof of the interest  or  lien  within  a  reasonable  time.

  7  Unless  the  holder  does so, the secured party need not comply with the

  8  holder's demand under subsection (a)(3).

  9    (c) Application of noncash proceeds.  A secured party need  not  apply

 10  or  pay  over for application noncash proceeds of disposition under this

 11  section unless the failure to do so would be commercially  unreasonable.

 12  A  secured  party  that  applies  or  pays  over for application noncash

 13  proceeds shall do so in a commercially reasonable manner.

 14    (d) Surplus or deficiency if obligation  secured.    If  the  security

 15  interest  under  which a disposition is made secures payment or perform-

 16  ance of an  obligation,  after  making  the  payments  and  applications

 17  required by subsection (a) and permitted by subsection (c):

 18    (1)  unless  subsection  (a)(4) requires the secured party to apply or

 19  pay over cash proceeds to a consignor, the secured party  shall  account

 20  to and pay a debtor for any surplus; and

 21    (2) the obligor is liable for any deficiency.

 22    (e)  No  surplus  or deficiency in sales of certain rights to payment.

 23  If the underlying transaction is a  sale  of  accounts,  chattel  paper,

 24  payment intangibles, or promissory notes:

 25    (1) the debtor is not entitled to any surplus; and

 26    (2) the obligor is not liable for any deficiency.

 27    (f)  Calculation  of  surplus  or  deficiency in disposition to person

 28  related to secured party.  The surplus or deficiency following a  dispo-

                                        208                        12020-01-1

  1  sition  is  calculated  based  on the amount of proceeds that would have

  2  been realized in a disposition complying with this part to a  transferee

  3  other  than the secured party, a person related to the secured party, or

  4  a secondary obligor if:

  5    (1)  the  transferee in the disposition is the secured party, a person

  6  related to the secured party, or a secondary obligor; and

  7    (2) the amount of proceeds of the disposition is  significantly  below

  8  the  range  of  proceeds  that a complying disposition to a person other

  9  than the secured party, a person related to  the  secured  party,  or  a

 10  secondary obligor would have brought.

 11    (g)  Cash  proceeds received by junior secured party.  A secured party

 12  that receives cash proceeds of a disposition in good faith  and  without

 13  knowledge  that the receipt violates the rights of the holder of a secu-

 14  rity interest or other lien that is  not  subordinate  to  the  security

 15  interest or agricultural lien under which the disposition is made:

 16    (1)  takes  the  cash  proceeds free of the security interest or other

 17  lien;

 18    (2) is not obligated to apply the proceeds of the disposition  to  the

 19  satisfaction  of  obligations  secured by the security interest or other

 20  lien; and

 21    (3) is not obligated to account to or pay the holder of  the  security

 22  interest or other lien for any surplus.

 23  Section 9--616. Explanation of Calculation of Surplus or Deficiency.

 24    (a) Definitions.  In this section:

 25    (1)  "Explanation" means a writing that:

 26    (A) states the amount of the surplus or deficiency;

 27    (B)  provides  an explanation in accordance with subsection (c) of how

 28  the secured party calculated the surplus or deficiency;

                                        209                        12020-01-1

  1    (C) states, if  applicable,  that  future  debits,  credits,  charges,

  2  including  additional  credit  service  charges  or interest rebates and

  3  expenses may affect the amount of the surplus or deficiency; and

  4    (D)  provides  a  telephone number or mailing address from which addi-

  5  tional information concerning the transaction is available.

  6    (2)  "Request" means a record:

  7    (A) authenticated by a debtor or consumer obligor;

  8    (B) requesting that the recipient provide an explanation; and

  9    (C) sent after disposition of the collateral under Section 9--610.

 10    (b) Explanation of calculation.  In a consumer  goods  transaction  in

 11  which  the  debtor  is  entitled  to  a surplus or a consumer obligor is

 12  liable for a deficiency under Section 9--615, the secured party shall:

 13    (1) send an explanation to the debtor or consumer obligor, as applica-

 14  ble, after the disposition and:

 15    (A) before or when the secured party accounts to the debtor  and  pays

 16  any  surplus or first makes written demand on the consumer obligor after

 17  the disposition for payment of the deficiency; and

 18    (B)  within fourteen days after receipt of a request; or

 19    (2) in the case of a consumer obligor who is liable for a  deficiency,

 20  within  fourteen  days  after receipt of a request, send to the consumer

 21  obligor a record waiving the secured party's right to a deficiency.

 22    (c) Required information.   To comply  with  subsection  (a)(1)(B),  a

 23  writing must provide the following information in the following order:

 24    (1) the aggregate amount of obligations secured by the security inter-

 25  est  under which the disposition was made, and, if the amount reflects a

 26  rebate of unearned interest or credit service charge, an  indication  of

 27  that fact, calculated as of a specified date:

                                        210                        12020-01-1

  1    (A)  if  the secured party takes or receives possession of the collat-

  2  eral after default, not more than thirty-five days  before  the  secured

  3  party takes or receives possession; or

  4    (B)  if  the secured party takes or receives possession of the collat-

  5  eral before default or does not take possession of the  collateral,  not

  6  more than thirty-five days before the disposition;

  7    (2) the amount of proceeds of the disposition;

  8    (3) the aggregate amount of the obligations after deducting the amount

  9  of proceeds;

 10    (4)  the  amount,  in the aggregate or by type, and types of expenses,

 11  including expenses of  retaking,  holding,  preparing  for  disposition,

 12  processing, and disposing of the collateral, and attorney's fees secured

 13  by the collateral which are known to the secured party and relate to the

 14  current disposition;

 15    (5)  the  amount,  in  the aggregate or by type, and types of credits,

 16  including rebates of interest or credit service charges,  to  which  the

 17  obligor  is  known  to  be  entitled  and which are not reflected in the

 18  amount in paragraph (1); and

 19    (6) the amount of the surplus or deficiency.

 20    (d) Substantial compliance.  A particular phrasing of the  explanation

 21  is  not  required.    An  explanation  complying  substantially with the

 22  requirements of subsection (a) is sufficient, even if it includes  minor

 23  errors that are not seriously misleading.

 24    (e)  Charges  for responses.  A debtor or consumer obligor is entitled

 25  without charge to one response to a request under  this  section  during

 26  any  six-month  period  in  which  the secured party did not send to the

 27  debtor or consumer obligor an explanation pursuant to subsection (b)(1).

                                        211                        12020-01-1

  1  The secured party may require payment of a charge not exceeding  twenty-

  2  five dollars for each additional response.

  3  Section 9--617. Rights of Transferee of Collateral.

  4    (a)  Effects of disposition.  A secured party's disposition of collat-

  5  eral after default:

  6    (1) transfers to a transferee for value all of the debtor's rights  in

  7  the collateral;

  8    (2)  discharges  the  security interest under which the disposition is

  9  made; and

 10    (3) discharges any subordinate security interest or other  subordinate

 11  lien  other  than liens created under any law of this state that are not

 12  discharged.

 13    (b) Rights of good faith transferee.  A transferee that acts  in  good

 14  faith  takes  free  of  the rights and interests described in subsection

 15  (a), even if the secured party fails to comply with this article or  the

 16  requirements of any judicial proceeding.

 17    (c) Rights of other transferee.  If a transferee does not take free of

 18  the  rights  and  interests  described in subsection (a), the transferee

 19  takes the collateral subject to:

 20    (1) the debtor's rights in the collateral;

 21    (2) the security interest or agricultural lien under which the  dispo-

 22  sition is made; and

 23    (3) any other security interest or other lien.

 24  Section 9--618. Rights and Duties of Certain Secondary Obligors.

 25    (a)  Rights  and  duties  of  secondary obligor.   A secondary obligor

 26  acquires the rights and becomes obligated to perform the duties  of  the

 27  secured party after the secondary obligor:

                                        212                        12020-01-1

  1    (1)  receives  an  assignment of a secured obligation from the secured

  2  party;

  3    (2)  receives  a  transfer  of  collateral  from the secured party and

  4  agrees to accept the rights and assume the duties of the secured  party;

  5  or

  6    (3)  is  subrogated  to  the rights of a secured party with respect to

  7  collateral.

  8    (b) Effect of assignment, transfer, or subrogation.    An  assignment,

  9  transfer, or subrogation described in subsection (a):

 10    (1) is not a disposition of collateral under Section 9--610; and

 11    (2) relieves the secured party of further duties under this article.

 12  Section 9--619. Transfer of Record or Legal Title.

 13    (a) "Transfer statement".  In this section, "transfer statement" means

 14  a record authenticated by a secured party stating:

 15    (1)  that  the  debtor  has defaulted in connection with an obligation

 16  secured by specified collateral;

 17    (2) that the secured party has exercised  its  post  default  remedies

 18  with respect to the collateral;

 19    (3)  that,  by  reason  of the exercise, a transferee has acquired the

 20  rights of the debtor in the collateral; and

 21    (4) the name and mailing address of the  secured  party,  debtor,  and

 22  transferee.

 23    (b)  Effect  of transfer statement.  A transfer statement entitles the

 24  transferee to the transfer of record of all rights of the debtor in  the

 25  collateral specified in the statement in any official filing, recording,

 26  registration or certificate of title system covering the collateral.  If

 27  a  transfer  statement  is presented with the applicable fee and request

                                        213                        12020-01-1

  1  form to the official or office responsible for maintaining  the  system,

  2  the official or office shall:

  3    (1) accept the transfer statement;

  4    (2) promptly amend its records to reflect the transfer; and

  5    (3) if applicable, issue a new appropriate certificate of title in the

  6  name of the transferee.

  7    (c)  Transfer  not a disposition; no relief of secured party's duties.

  8  A transfer of the record or legal title to collateral to a secured party

  9  under subsection (b) or otherwise is not  of  itself  a  disposition  of

 10  collateral under this article and does not of itself relieve the secured

 11  party of its duties under this article.

 12  Section 9--620. Acceptance of Collateral in Full or Partial Satisfaction

 13                    of Obligation; Compulsory Disposition of Collateral.

 14    (a)  Conditions  to  acceptance in satisfaction.   Except as otherwise

 15  provided in subsection (g), a secured party  may  accept  collateral  in

 16  full or partial satisfaction of the obligation it secures only if:

 17    (1) the debtor consents to the acceptance under subsection (c);

 18    (2)  the  secured party does not receive, within the time set forth in

 19  subsection (d), a notification of objection to the proposal authenticat-

 20  ed by:

 21    (A) a person to which  the  secured  party  was  required  to  send  a

 22  proposal under Section 9--621; or

 23    (B)  any  other  person, other than the debtor, holding an interest in

 24  the collateral subordinate to the security interest that is the  subject

 25  of the proposal;

 26    (3)  if the collateral is consumer goods, the collateral is not in the

 27  possession of the debtor when the debtor consents to the acceptance; and

                                        214                        12020-01-1

  1    (4) subsection (e) does not require the secured party  to  dispose  of

  2  the collateral.

  3    (b) Purported acceptance ineffective.  A purported or apparent accept-

  4  ance of collateral under this section is ineffective unless:

  5    (1)  the  secured party consents to the acceptance in an authenticated

  6  record or sends a proposal to the debtor; and

  7    (2) the conditions of subsection (a) are met.

  8    (c) Debtor's consent.  For purposes of this section:

  9    (1) a debtor consents to an acceptance of collateral in partial satis-

 10  faction of the obligation it secures only if the debtor  agrees  to  the

 11  terms of the acceptance in a record authenticated after default; and

 12    (2) a debtor consents to an acceptance of collateral in full satisfac-

 13  tion of the obligation it secures only if the debtor agrees to the terms

 14  of the acceptance in a record authenticated after default or the secured

 15  party:

 16    (A) sends to the debtor after default a proposal that is unconditional

 17  or  subject only to a condition that collateral not in the possession of

 18  the secured party be preserved or maintained;

 19    (B) in the proposal, proposes to accept collateral in  full  satisfac-

 20  tion of the obligation it secures; and

 21    (C)  does not receive a notification of objection authenticated by the

 22  debtor within twenty days after the proposal is sent.

 23    (d) Effectiveness of notification.  To be effective  under  subsection

 24  (a)(2),  a  notification  of  objection  must be received by the secured

 25  party:

 26    (1) in the case of a person to which the proposal was sent pursuant to

 27  Section 9--621, within twenty days after notification was sent  to  that

 28  person; and

                                        215                        12020-01-1

  1    (2) in other cases:

  2    (A)  within  twenty days after the last notification was sent pursuant

  3  to Section 9--621; or

  4    (B) if a notification was not sent, before the debtor consents to  the

  5  acceptance under subsection (c).

  6    (e) Mandatory disposition of consumer goods.  A secured party that has

  7  taken  possession of collateral shall dispose of the collateral pursuant

  8  to Section 9--610 within the time specified in subsection (f) if:

  9    (1) sixty percent of the cash price has been paid in  the  case  of  a

 10  purchase-money security interest in consumer goods; or

 11    (2)  sixty  percent  of the principal amount of the obligation secured

 12  has been paid in the case of a nonpurchase-money  security  interest  in

 13  consumer goods.

 14    (f)  Compliance  with  mandatory disposition requirements.   To comply

 15  with subsection (e), the secured party shall dispose of the collateral:

 16    (1) within ninety days after taking possession; or

 17    (2) within any longer period to which the  debtor  and  all  secondary

 18  obligors  have  agreed  in  an agreement to that effect entered into and

 19  authenticated after default.

 20    (g) No partial satisfaction in consumer transactions.   In a  consumer

 21  transaction, a secured party may not accept collateral in partial satis-

 22  faction of the obligation it secures.

 23  Section 9--621. Notification of Proposal to Accept Collateral.

 24    (a)  Persons  to  which  proposal  to  be sent.   A secured party that

 25  desires to accept collateral in full  or  partial  satisfaction  of  the

 26  obligation it secures shall send its proposal to:

                                        216                        12020-01-1

  1    (1)  any  person from which the secured party has received, before the

  2  debtor consented to the acceptance, an authenticated notification  of  a

  3  claim of an interest in the collateral;

  4    (2)  any  other secured party or lienholder that, ten  days before the

  5  debtor consented to the acceptance, held a security interest in or other

  6  lien on the collateral perfected by the filing of a financing  statement

  7  that:

  8    (A) identified the collateral;

  9    (B) was indexed under the debtor's name as of that date; and

 10    (C)  was  filed  in the office or offices in which to file a financing

 11  statement against the debtor covering the collateral as  of  that  date;

 12  and

 13    (3) any other secured party that, ten days before the debtor consented

 14  to  the acceptance, held a security interest in the collateral perfected

 15  by compliance with a statute, regulation or treaty described in  Section

 16  9--311(a).

 17    (b)  Proposal to be sent to secondary obligor in partial satisfaction.

 18  A secured party that desires to accept collateral in  partial  satisfac-

 19  tion of the obligation it secures shall send its proposal to any second-

 20  ary obligor in addition to the persons described in subsection (a).

 21  Section 9--622. Effect of Acceptance of Collateral.

 22    (a)  Effect of acceptance.  A secured party's acceptance of collateral

 23  in full or partial satisfaction of the obligation it secures:

 24    (1) discharges the obligation  to  the  extent  consented  to  by  the

 25  debtor;

 26    (2)  transfers  to  the  secured party all of a debtor's rights in the

 27  collateral;

                                        217                        12020-01-1

  1    (3) discharges the security interest or agricultural lien that is  the

  2  subject of the debtor's consent and any subordinate security interest or

  3  other subordinate lien; and

  4    (4) terminates any other subordinate interest.

  5    (b)  Discharge  of subordinate interest notwithstanding noncompliance.

  6  A subordinate interest is discharged or terminated under subsection (a),

  7  even if the secured party fails to comply with this article.

  8  Section 9--623. Right to Redeem Collateral.

  9    (a) Persons that may redeem.  A debtor, any secondary obligor, or  any

 10  other secured party or lienholder may redeem collateral.

 11    (b)  Requirement for redemption.  To redeem collateral, a person shall

 12  tender:

 13    (1) fulfillment of all obligations secured by the collateral; and

 14    (2) the reasonable expenses and attorney's fees described  in  Section

 15  9--615(a)(1).

 16    (c)  When  redemption  may occur.   A redemption may occur at any time

 17  before a secured party:

 18    (1) has collected collateral under Section 9--607;

 19    (2) has disposed of collateral or entered  into  a  contract  for  its

 20  disposition under Section 9--610; or

 21    (3)  has  accepted  collateral  in full or partial satisfaction of the

 22  obligation it secures under Section 9--622.

 23  Section 9--624. Waiver.

 24    (a) Waiver of disposition notification.  A debtor or secondary obligor

 25  may waive the right to notification of disposition of  collateral  under

 26  Section  9--611  only  by  an  agreement to that effect entered into and

 27  authenticated after default.

                                        218                        12020-01-1

  1    (b) Waiver of mandatory disposition.  A debtor may waive the right  to

  2  require  disposition  of  collateral  under Section 9--620(e) only by an

  3  agreement to that effect entered into and authenticated after default.

  4    (c)  Waiver  of  redemption right.   Except in a consumer goods trans-

  5  action, a debtor or secondary obligator may waive the  right  to  redeem

  6  collateral  under  Section  9--623  only  by an agreement to that effect

  7  entered into and authenticated after default.

  8  Section 9--625. Remedies for Secured  Party's  Failure  to  Comply  with

  9                    Article.

 10    (a)  Judicial  orders concerning noncompliance.   If it is established

 11  that a secured party is not proceeding in accordance with this  article,

 12  a court may order or restrain collection, enforcement, or disposition of

 13  collateral on appropriate terms and conditions.

 14    (b)  Damages  for noncompliance.   Subject to subsections (c), (d) and

 15  (f), a person is liable for damages in the amount of any loss caused  by

 16  a  failure  to  comply  with this article.   Loss caused by a failure to

 17  comply with a request under Section 9--210 may  include  loss  resulting

 18  from  the  debtor's inability to obtain, or increased costs of, alterna-

 19  tive financing.

 20    (c) Persons entitled to recover damages; statutory damages in consumer

 21  goods transactions.  Except as otherwise provided in Section 9--628:

 22    (1) a person that, at the time of the failure, was a  debtor,  was  an

 23  obligor,  or held a security interest in or other lien on the collateral

 24  may recover damages under subsection (b) for its loss; and

 25    (2) if the collateral is consumer goods, a person that was a debtor or

 26  a secondary obligor at the time a secured party failed  to  comply  with

 27  this  part  may recover for that failure in any event an amount not less

 28  than the credit service charge plus ten percent of the principal  amount

                                        219                        12020-01-1

  1  of the obligation or the time-price differential plus ten percent of the

  2  cash price.

  3    (d)  Recovery  when  deficiency eliminated or reduced.  A debtor whose

  4  deficiency is eliminated under Section 9--626 may  recover  damages  for

  5  the  loss  of any surplus.  However, a debtor or secondary obligor whose

  6  deficiency is eliminated or reduced under Section 9--626 may not  other-

  7  wise  recover under subsection (b) for noncompliance with the provisions

  8  of this  part  relating  to  collection,  enforcement,  disposition,  or

  9  acceptance.

 10    (e)  Statutory  damages:  noncompliance with specified provisions.  In

 11  addition to any damages recoverable under subsection  (b),  the  debtor,

 12  consumer  obligor,  or  person  named  as a debtor in a filed record, as

 13  applicable, may recover five hundred dollars in each case from a  person

 14  that:

 15    (1) fails to comply with Section 9--208;

 16    (2) fails to comply with Section 9--209;

 17    (3)  files  a  record  that  the  person is not entitled to file under

 18  Section 9--509(a);

 19    (4) fails to cause the secured party of  record  to  file  or  send  a

 20  termination statement as required by Section 9--513(a) or (c);

 21    (5)  fails  to  comply  with Section 9--616(b)(1) and whose failure is

 22  part of a pattern, or consistent with a practice, of noncompliance; or

 23    (6) fails to comply with Section 9--616(b)(2).

 24    (f) Statutory damages: compliance with Section 9--210.   A  debtor  or

 25  consumer  obligor may recover damages under subsection (b) and, in addi-

 26  tion, five hundred dollars in each case  from  a  person  that,  without

 27  reasonable  cause,  fails to comply with a request under Section 9--210.

 28  A recipient of a request under Section 9--210  which  never  claimed  an

                                        220                        12020-01-1

  1  interest  in  the  collateral  or  obligations that are the subject of a

  2  request under that section has a reasonable excuse for failure to comply

  3  with the request within the meaning of this subsection.

  4    (g)  Limitation  of  security  interest:  noncompliance  with  Section

  5  9--210.  If a secured party fails to comply with a request  regarding  a

  6  list  of  collateral or a statement of account under Section 9--210, the

  7  secured party may claim a security interest only as shown in the  state-

  8  ment  included  in  the  request  as against a person that is reasonably

  9  misled by the failure.

 10  Section 9--626. Action in Which Deficiency or Surplus is in Issue.

 11    (a) Applicable rules if amount of deficiency or surplus in issue.   In

 12  an action arising from a transaction, other than a consumer transaction,

 13  in  which the amount of a deficiency or surplus is in issue, the follow-

 14  ing rules apply:

 15    (1)  A secured party need not prove compliance with the provisions  of

 16  this  part  relating to collection, enforcement, disposition, or accept-

 17  ance unless the debtor or a secondary obligor places the secured party's

 18  compliance in issue.

 19    (2)  If the secured party's compliance is placed in issue, the secured

 20  party has the burden of establishing that the  collection,  enforcement,

 21  disposition, or acceptance was conducted in accordance with this part.

 22    (3)    Except  as  otherwise  provided in Section 9--628, if a secured

 23  party fails to prove that the collection, enforcement,  disposition,  or

 24  acceptance  was conducted in accordance with the provisions of this part

 25  relating to collection, enforcement,  disposition,  or  acceptance,  the

 26  liability of a debtor or a secondary obligor for a deficiency is limited

 27  to  an  amount by which the sum of the secured obligation, expenses, and

 28  attorney's fees exceeds the greater of:

                                        221                        12020-01-1

  1    (A) the proceeds  of  the  collection,  enforcement,  disposition,  or

  2  acceptance; or

  3    (B)  the  amount  of  proceeds  that  would have been realized had the

  4  noncomplying secured party proceeded in accordance with  the  provisions

  5  of  this  part  relating  to  collection,  enforcement,  disposition, or

  6  acceptance.

  7    (4)  For purposes of paragraph (3)(B), the  amount  of  proceeds  that

  8  would  have been realized is equal to the sum of the secured obligation,

  9  expenses, and attorney's fees unless the secured party proves  that  the

 10  amount is less than that sum.

 11    (5)  If a deficiency or surplus is calculated under Section 9--615(f),

 12  the  debtor or obligor has the burden of establishing that the amount of

 13  proceeds of the disposition is significantly below the range  of  prices

 14  that a complying disposition to a person other than the secured party, a

 15  person  related  to the secured party, or a secondary obligor would have

 16  brought.

 17    (b) Non-consumer transactions; no inference.   The limitation  of  the

 18  rules in subsection (a) to transactions other than consumer transactions

 19  is  intended to leave to the court the determination of the proper rules

 20  in consumer transactions.  The court may not infer from that  limitation

 21  the  nature of the proper rule in consumer transactions and may continue

 22  to apply established approaches.

 23  Section 9--627. Determination  of  Whether  Conduct   Was   Commercially

 24                    Reasonable.

 25    (a) Greater amount obtainable under other circumstances; no preclusion

 26  of commercial reasonableness.  The fact that a greater amount could have

 27  been  obtained  by a collection, enforcement, disposition, or acceptance

 28  at a different time or in a different method from that selected  by  the

                                        222                        12020-01-1

  1  secured  party is not of itself sufficient to preclude the secured party

  2  from establishing that  the  collection,  enforcement,  disposition,  or

  3  acceptance was made in a commercially reasonable manner.

  4    (b)  Dispositions  that are commercially reasonable.  A disposition of

  5  collateral is made in a commercially reasonable manner if  the  disposi-

  6  tion is made:

  7    (1) in the usual manner on any recognized market;

  8    (2)  at  the price current in any recognized market at the time of the

  9  disposition; or

 10    (3) otherwise in conformity with reasonable commercial practices among

 11  dealers in the type of property that was the subject of the disposition.

 12    (c) Approval by court or  on  behalf  of  creditors.    A  collection,

 13  enforcement, disposition, or acceptance is commercially reasonable if it

 14  has been approved:

 15    (1) in a judicial proceeding;

 16    (2) by a bona fide creditors' committee;

 17    (3) by a representative of creditors; or

 18    (4) by an assignee for the benefit of creditors.

 19    (d)  Approval  under subsection (c) not necessary; absence of approval

 20  has no effect. Approval under subsection (c) need not be  obtained,  and

 21  lack  of approval does not mean that the collection, enforcement, dispo-

 22  sition, or acceptance is not commercially reasonable.

 23  Section 9--628. Nonliability and  Limitation  on  Liability  of  Secured

 24                    Party; Liability of Secondary Obligor.

 25    (a)  Limitation  of  liability of secured party for noncompliance with

 26  article.  Unless a secured party knows that a  person  is  a  debtor  or

 27  obligor,  knows the identity of the person, and knows how to communicate

 28  with the person:

                                        223                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) the secured party is not liable to the person,  or  to  a  secured

  2  party  or  lienholder  that  has filed a financing statement against the

  3  person, for failure to comply with this article; and

  4    (2)  the  secured party's failure to comply with this article does not

  5  affect the liability of the person for a deficiency.

  6    (b) Limitation of liability based on  status  as  secured  party.    A

  7  secured party is not liable because of its status as secured party:

  8    (1)  to a person that is a debtor or obligor, unless the secured party

  9  knows:

 10    (A) that the person is a debtor or obligor;

 11    (B) the identity of a person; and

 12    (C) how to communicate with the person; or

 13    (2) to a secured party or lienholder that has filed a financing state-

 14  ment against a person, unless the secured party knows:

 15    (A) that the person is a debtor; and

 16    (B) the identity of the person.

 17    (c) Limitation of liability if good faith belief that transaction  not

 18  a  consumer  goods transaction or consumer transaction.  A secured party

 19  is not liable to any person, and a person's liability for  a  deficiency

 20  is  not  affected,  because  of  any  act or omission arising out of the

 21  secured party's reasonable belief that a transaction is not  a  consumer

 22  goods  transaction  or  a  consumer  transaction  or  that goods are not

 23  consumer goods, if the secured party's belief is based on:

 24    (1) a debtor's representation concerning the purpose for which collat-

 25  eral was to be used, acquired, or held; or

 26    (2) an obligor's representation concerning the  purpose  for  which  a

 27  secured obligation was incurred.

                                        224                        12020-01-1

  1    (d) Limitation of liability for statutory damages.  A secured party is

  2  not  liable  to any person under Section 9--625(c)(2) for its failure to

  3  comply with Section 9--616.

  4    (e) Limitation of multiple liability for statutory damages.  A secured

  5  party  is  not  liable  under  Section  9--625(c)(2) more than once with

  6  respect to any one secured obligation.

  7                                   PART 7

  8                                 TRANSITION

  9  Section 9--701. Effective Date.

 10          9--702. Savings Clause.

 11          9--703. Security Interest Perfected Before Effective Date.

 12          9--704. Security Interest Unperfected Before Effective Date.

 13          9--705. Effectiveness of Action Taken Before Effective Date.

 14          9--706. When Initial Financing Statement  Suffices  to  Continue

 15                    Effectiveness of Financing Statement.

 16          9--707. Persons  Entitled to File Initial Financing Statement or

 17                    Continuation Statement.

 18          9--708. Priority.

 19  Section 9--701. Effective Date.

 20    This article takes effect July first, two thousand one.

 21  Section 9--702. Savings Clause.

 22    (a) Pre-effective date transactions or liens.    Except  as  otherwise

 23  provided  in  this  part,  this article applies to a transaction or lien

 24  within its scope, even if the transaction or lien was  entered  into  or

 25  created before this article takes effect.

 26    (b)  Continuing validity.   Except as otherwise provided in subsection

 27  (c) and Sections 9--703 through 9--708:

                                        225                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) transactions and liens that were not governed by former Article 9,

  2  were validly entered into or created before this article  takes  effect,

  3  and  would  be  subject to this article if they had been entered into or

  4  created after this article takes effect, and  the  rights,  duties,  and

  5  interests  flowing  from those transactions and liens remain valid after

  6  this article takes effect; and

  7    (2) the transactions and liens may be terminated,  completed,  consum-

  8  mated,  and  enforced as required or permitted by this article or by the

  9  law that otherwise would apply if this article had not taken effect.

 10    (c) Pre-effective date proceedings.  This article does not  affect  an

 11  action, case, or proceeding commenced before this article takes effect.

 12  Section 9--703. Security Interest Perfected Before Effective Date.

 13    (a)  Continuing  priority  over lien creditor: perfection requirements

 14  satisfied. If a security interest is enforceable immediately before this

 15  article takes effect and would have priority over the rights of a person

 16  that becomes a lien creditor at that time is perfected security interest

 17  under this article if, when this article takes  effect,  the  applicable

 18  requirements  for  enforceability  and perfection under this article are

 19  satisfied without further action.

 20    (b) Continuing priority over lien  creditor:  perfection  requirements

 21  not  satisfied.    Except  as  otherwise  provided in Section 9--705 and

 22  subsection (c), if, immediately before  this  article  takes  effect,  a

 23  security interest is enforceable and would have priority over the rights

 24  of  a person that becomes a lien creditor at that time, but the applica-

 25  ble requirements for enforceability or perfection under this article are

 26  not satisfied when this article takes effect, the security interest:

 27    (1) is perfected security interest for one  year  after  this  article

 28  takes effect;

                                        226                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  remains  enforceable  thereafter  only  if  the security interest

  2  becomes enforceable under Section 9--203 before the year expires; and

  3    (3)  remains  perfected thereafter only if the applicable requirements

  4  for perfection under this article are satisfied before the year expires.

  5    (c) Special rule for cooperative  interests;  perfection  requirements

  6  not  satisfied.    If,  immediately  before this article takes effect, a

  7  security interest in a cooperative interest  is  enforceable  and  would

  8  have  priority  over the rights of a person that becomes a lien creditor

  9  at that time, but the applicable requirements for perfection under  this

 10  article  are  not satisfied when this article takes effect, the security

 11  interest:

 12    (1) is a perfected security interest for five years after this article

 13  takes effect; and

 14    (2) remains perfected thereafter only if the application  requirements

 15  for  perfection  under  this article are satisfied before the five years

 16  expire.

 17  Section 9--704. Security Interest Unperfected Before Effective Date.

 18    A security interest that is enforceable immediately before this  arti-

 19  cle  takes  effect  but  which  would  be subordinate to the rights of a

 20  person that becomes a lien creditor at that time:

 21    (a) remains an enforceable security interest for one year  after  this

 22  article takes effect;

 23    (b)  remains  enforceable  thereafter if the security interest becomes

 24  enforceable under Section 9--203 when this article takes effect or with-

 25  in one year thereafter; and

 26    (c) becomes perfected:

                                        227                        12020-01-1

  1    (1) without further action, when this  article  takes  effect  if  the

  2  applicable  requirements for perfection under this article are satisfied

  3  before or at that time; or

  4    (2)  when  the applicable requirements for perfection are satisfied if

  5  the requirements are satisfied after that time.

  6  Section 9--705. Effectiveness of Action Taken Before Effective Date.

  7    (a) Pre-effective  date  action;  one-year  perfection  period  unless

  8  reperfected.  If action, other than the filing of a financing statement,

  9  is  taken  before  this  article  takes effect and the action would have

 10  resulted in priority of a security interest over the rights of a  person

 11  that  becomes a lien creditor had the security interest become enforcea-

 12  ble before this article takes effect, the action is effective to perfect

 13  a security interest that attaches under this  article  within  one  year

 14  after  this article takes effect.  An attached security interest becomes

 15  unperfected one year after this article takes effect unless the security

 16  interest becomes a perfected security interest under this article before

 17  the expiration of that period.

 18    (b) Pre-effective date filing.  The filing of  a  financing  statement

 19  before  this  article  takes  effect  is effective to perfect a security

 20  interest to the extent the filing would satisfy the applicable  require-

 21  ments for perfection under this article.

 22    (c)  Pre-effective  date  filing  in  jurisdiction  formerly governing

 23  perfection.   This article does  not  render  ineffective  an  effective

 24  financing statement that, before this article takes effect, is filed and

 25  satisfies  the  applicable  requirements for perfection under the law of

 26  the jurisdiction governing perfection  as  provided  in  former  Section

 27  9--103.    However,  except as otherwise provided in subsections (d) and

                                        228                        12020-01-1

  1  (e) and Section 9--706, the financing statement ceases to  be  effective

  2  at the earlier of:

  3    (1) the time the financing statement would have ceased to be effective

  4  under the law of the jurisdiction in which it is filed; or

  5    (2) June thirtieth, two thousand six.

  6    (d)  Continuation  statement.   The filing of a continuation statement

  7  filed after this article takes effect does not continue  the  effective-

  8  ness  of the financing statement filed before this article takes effect.

  9  However, upon the timely filing of a continuation statement  after  this

 10  article  takes effect and in accordance with the law of the jurisdiction

 11  governing perfection as provided in  Part  3,  the  effectiveness  of  a

 12  financing statement filed in the same office in that jurisdiction before

 13  this  article  takes  effect  continues  for the period provided by that

 14  jurisdiction.

 15    (e) Application of subsection (c)(2) to transmitting utility financing

 16  statement.  Subsection (c)(2) applies to  a  financing  statement  that,

 17  before this article takes effect,  is filed against a transmitting util-

 18  ity  and  satisfies the applicable requirements for perfection under the

 19  law of the jurisdiction  governing  perfection  as  provided  in  former

 20  Section 9--103 only to the extent that Part 3 provides that the law of a

 21  jurisdiction other than jurisdiction in which the financing statement is

 22  filed governs perfection of a security interest in collateral covered by

 23  the financing statement.

 24    (f)  Application  of  Part  5.   A financing statement that includes a

 25  financing statement filed before this article takes effect and a contin-

 26  uation statement filed after this article takes effect is effective only

 27  to the extent that it satisfies the requirement of Part 5 for an initial

 28  financing statement.

                                        229                        12020-01-1

  1  Section 9--706. When Initial Financing Statement  Suffices  to  Continue

  2                    Effectiveness of Financing Statement.

  3    (a)  Initial  financing  statement  in lieu of continuation statement.

  4  The filing of an initial financing statement in the office specified  in

  5  Section  9--501  continues  the  effectiveness  of a financing statement

  6  filed before this article takes effect if:

  7    (1) the filing of an financing  statement  in  that  office  would  be

  8  effective to perfect a security interest under this article;

  9    (2)  the pre-effective date financing statement was filed in an office

 10  in another state or another office in this State; and

 11    (3) the initial financing statement satisfies subsection (c).

 12    (b) Period of continued effectiveness.    The  filing  of  an  initial

 13  financing  statement under subsection (a) continues the effectiveness of

 14  the pre-effective date financing statement:

 15    (1) if the initial financing statement is filed  before  this  article

 16  takes  effect,  for  the  period  provided in former Section 9--403 with

 17  respect to a financing statement; and

 18    (2) if the initial financing statement is  filed  after  this  article

 19  takes  effect, for the period provided in Section 9--515 with respect to

 20  an initial financing statement.

 21    (c) Requirements for initial financing statement under subsection (a).

 22  To be effective for purposes of subsection  (a),  an  initial  financing

 23  statement must:

 24    (1) satisfy the requirements of Part 5 for an initial financing state-

 25  ment;

 26    (2)  identify the pre-effective date financing statement by indicating

 27  the office in which the financing statement was filed and providing  the

 28  dates of filing and file numbers, if any, of the financing statement and

                                        230                        12020-01-1

  1  of  the  most  recent  continuation  statement filed with respect to the

  2  financing statement; and

  3    (3)  indicate  that the pre-effective date financing statement remains

  4  effective.

  5  Section 9--707. Persons Entitled to File Initial Financing Statement  or

  6                    Continuation Statement.

  7    A  person  may  file  an initial financing statement or a continuation

  8  statement under this part if:

  9    (a) the secured party of record authorizes the filing; and

 10    (b) the filing is necessary under this part:

 11    (1) to continue the  effectiveness  of  a  financing  statement  filed

 12  before this article takes effect; or

 13    (2) to perfect or continue the perfection of a security interest.

 14  Section 9--708. Priority.

 15    (a)  Law  governing priority.  This article determines the priority of

 16  conflicting claims to collateral.  However, if the  relative  priorities

 17  of  the claims were established before this article takes effect, former

 18  Article 9 determines priority.

 19    (b) Priority if security interests become  enforceable  under  Section

 20  9--203.    For purposes of Section 9--322(a), the priority of a security

 21  interest that becomes enforceable under Section 9--203 of this  article,

 22  dates  from  the time this article takes effect if the security interest

 23  is perfected under this article by the filing of a  financing  statement

 24  before  this article takes effect which would not have been effective to

 25  perfect the security interest under former Article 9.   This  subsection

 26  does  not  apply  to  conflicting  security  interests  each of which is

 27  perfected by the filing of such a financing statement.

                                        231                        12020-01-1

  1    § 36. Rule 4525 of the civil practice law and rules, as added by chap-

  2  ter 729 of the laws of 1965, is amended to read as follows:

  3    Rule  4525.  Copies  of  statements  under article nine of the uniform

  4  commercial code. A copy of a statement which is noted or certified by  a

  5  filing  officer  pursuant  to  section  9-407 (1)  9--523 of the uniform

  6  commercial code and which states that the copy is a true copy  is  prima

  7  facie  evidence of the facts stated in the notation or certification and

  8  that the copy is a true copy of a statement filed in the office  of  the

  9  filing officer.

 10    §  37.  Subdivision  (b) of section 5234 of the civil practice law and

 11  rules, as amended by chapter 59 of the laws of 1993 and such section  as

 12  renumbered  by  chapter  315  of the laws of 1962, is amended to read as

 13  follows:

 14    (b) Priority among execution creditors. Where two or  more  executions

 15  or  orders  of attachment are issued against the same judgment debtor or

 16  obligor and delivered to the same enforcement officer or issued  by  the

 17  support  collection  unit  designated by the appropriate social services

 18  district, they shall be satisfied out of the proceeds of personal  prop-

 19  erty  or  debt  levied  upon by the officer or by the support collection

 20  unit in the order in which they  were  delivered,  such  executions  for

 21  child  support  shall  have  priority over any other assignment, levy or

 22  process. Where two or more executions or orders of attachment are issued

 23  against the same judgment debtor or obligor and delivered  to  different

 24  enforcement officers, and personal property or debt is levied upon with-

 25  in  the jurisdiction of all of the officers, the proceeds shall be first

 26  applied in satisfaction of the execution or order of  attachment  deliv-

 27  ered  to  the  officer  who  levied,  and thereafter shall be applied in

 28  satisfaction of the executions or  orders  of  attachment  delivered  to

                                        232                        12020-01-1

  1  those  of  the  other officers who, before the proceeds are distributed,

  2  make a demand upon the officer who levied, in the order of such demands,

  3  except that such executions for child support shall have  priority  over

  4  any  other  assignment,  levy  or  process. Where there is more than one

  5  past-due child support order, the  proceeds  shall  be  applied  to  the

  6  orders  in  proportion  to  the  amount  each order's claim bears to the

  7  combined total.  Nothing herein shall be deemed to defeat or impair  the

  8  rights  of  any secured party as such term is defined in paragraph  (m) 

  9  seventy-two of subsection  one  (a) of  section   9-105   9-102  of  the

 10  uniform commercial code. An execution or order of attachment returned by

 11  an  officer  before a levy or delivered to him after the proceeds of the

 12  levy have been distributed shall not be satisfied out of those proceeds.

 13    § 38. Paragraph (a) of section  13-2.2  of  the  estates,  powers  and

 14  trusts law, as amended by chapter 686 of the laws of 1967, is amended to

 15  read as follows:

 16    (a) Every conveyance, assignment or other transfer of, and every mort-

 17  gage,  security  interest in or other charge upon the interest, situated

 18  in this state, of a person in the estate of a decedent, which  is  situ-

 19  ated  in  this  state, shall be in writing and acknowledged or proved in

 20  the manner prescribed by the laws of this state for the recording  of  a

 21  conveyance  of  real  property.  Any  such instrument may be recorded as

 22  hereinafter provided, and if not so recorded, it  is  void  against  any

 23  subsequent  purchaser  or  mortgagee of such interest, in good faith and

 24  for valuable consideration, whose conveyance or mortgage is  first  duly

 25  recorded.  If  such  interest  is entirely in the personal property of a

 26  decedent, the conveyance or mortgage may be recorded in  the  office  of

 27  the  surrogate granting letters on such decedent's estate or, if no such

 28  letters have been granted, in the office of the surrogate having  juris-

                                        233                        12020-01-1

  1  diction  to  grant them. If a security interest, subject to article 9 of

  2  the uniform commercial code, is created by a  transaction  described  in

  3  this  paragraph,  a  financing  statement  shall be filed as required by

  4  section   9-401   9-526  of  such  code. If such interest is in both the

  5  personal and the real property of a decedent, the conveyance or mortgage

  6  may be recorded in the office of such surrogate and in the office of the

  7  recording official of the county in which the real property is  situated

  8  and, if a security interest in personal property is created, a financing

  9  statement shall be filed in accordance with section 9-401 of the uniform

 10  commercial  code. Such a conveyance or mortgage, when so recorded, shall

 11  be indexed under the name of the decedent in a book to be kept for  that

 12  purpose by each recording officer.

 13    §  39.  Section  25 of the general business law, as amended by chapter

 14  552 of the laws of 1962, is amended to read as follows:

 15    § 25. Records to be kept by auctioneers.  Every auctioneer  or  person

 16  engaged  in  the business of selling goods at auction, whether acting in

 17  his own behalf or as the officer, agent or  representative  of  another,

 18  shall,  upon  the  receipt  or  acceptance  by  him of any goods for the

 19  purpose of sale at auction, and before offering the  same  or  any  part

 20  thereof  for  sale at auction, write or cause to be written in a book to

 21  be kept by him for the purpose, the name and address of the  person  who

 22  employed  him to sell such goods at auction, the name and address of the

 23  person for whose benefit, behalf or account such goods are to be sold at

 24  auction; the name and address of the person from  whom  such  auctioneer

 25  received  or accepted such goods; the name and address of the person who

 26  was the owner, the authorized agent of the owner  or  the  consignor  of

 27  such  goods  immediately  prior  to  the  receipt  or acceptance for the

 28  purpose of sale at auction of the same by such auctioneer; the location,

                                        234                        12020-01-1

  1  with street and number, if any, of such goods immediately prior  to  the

  2  receipt  or acceptance of the same by such auctioneer for the purpose of

  3  sale at auction; the date of the receipt or acceptance by  such  auctio-

  4  neer  of  such goods for the purpose of sale at auction; the place, with

  5  street and number, if any, in which such goods are to be held,  kept  or

  6  stored until sold or offered for sale at auction; the place, with street

  7  and  number,  if  any, in which such goods are to be sold or offered for

  8  sale at auction; a description of such goods, the quantity  thereof  and

  9  the  distinctive  marks  thereon,  if any; the terms and conditions upon

 10  which such auctioneer  receives  or  accepts  such  goods  for  sale  at

 11  auction.  The  expression  "goods" as used in this section signifies any

 12  goods, wares, works of art,  commodity,  compound  or  thing,  chattels,

 13  merchandise  or  personal property which may be lawfully kept or offered

 14  for sale, but shall not include goods damaged at sea or by fire and sold

 15  or to be sold for the benefit of the owners, insurers or for the account

 16  of whom it may concern or goods sold by virtue of judicial  decree.  The

 17  word  "person"  as  used  in this section includes a corporation, joint-

 18  stock association or copartnership.  Nothing herein shall apply  to  the

 19  sale  of  real  property at auction.   The foregoing records shall be in

 20  addition to any other records required to be kept pursuant  to   section

 21  6-108 of  the uniform commercial code.

 22    §  40.  Subdivision  1  of  section 84 of the general business law, as

 23  amended by chapter 562 of the laws  of  2000,  is  amended  to  read  as

 24  follows:

 25    1. It is unlawful for the holder of a license, issued under this arti-

 26  cle,  or  for  any employee of such licensee, knowingly to commit any of

 27  the following acts within or without the state of New York:  to  incite,

 28  encourage,  or  aid  in the incitement or encouragement of any person or

                                        235                        12020-01-1

  1  persons who have become a party to  any  strike,  to  do  unlawful  acts

  2  against the person or property of any one, or to incite, stir up, create

  3  or  aid  in  the  inciting  of  discontent  or dissatisfaction among the

  4  employees  of any person, firm, limited liability company or corporation

  5  with the intention of having them strike; to interfere or prevent lawful

  6  and peaceful picketing during strikes; to interfere with,  restrain,  or

  7  coerce  employees in the exercise of their right to form, join or assist

  8  any labor organization of their own choosing; to interfere or hinder the

  9  lawful or peaceful collective bargaining between employees  and  employ-

 10  ers;  to  pay, offer, or give any money, gratuity, favor, consideration,

 11  or other thing of value, directly or indirectly, to any person  for  any

 12  verbal  or  written  report of the lawful activities of employees in the

 13  exercise of their right of self-organization, to form, join,  or  assist

 14  labor  organizations and to bargain collectively through representatives

 15  of their own choosing; to advertise for, recruit, furnish or replace  or

 16  offer  to  furnish  or replace for hire or reward, within or without the

 17  state of New York, any help  or  labor,  skilled  or  unskilled,  or  to

 18  furnish or offer to furnish armed guards, other than armed guards there-

 19  tofore  regularly  employed  for the protection of payrolls, property or

 20  premises, for service upon property which is being  operated  in  antic-

 21  ipation  of  or  during  the course or existence of a strike, or furnish

 22  armed guards upon the highways, for persons involved in  labor  disputes

 23  or  to  furnish  or  offer  to furnish to employers or their agents, any

 24  arms, munitions, tear gas implements, or any other weapons; or  to  send

 25  letters or literature to employers offering to eliminate labor unions or

 26  distribute  or circulate any list of members of a labor organization, or

 27  to advise any person of the membership  of  an  individual  in  a  labor

 28  organization  for  the  express purpose of preventing those so listed or

                                        236                        12020-01-1

  1  named from obtaining or retaining employment. The violation  of  any  of

  2  the  provisions of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall

  3  be punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred  dollars,  or  one

  4  year's  imprisonment or both. It is unlawful for the holder of a license

  5  to collect or offer or attempt to  collect  or  directly  or  indirectly

  6  engage  in  the  business  of collecting of debts or claims of any kind,

  7  excepting that the taking possession,  on  behalf  of  a  secured  party

  8  having  the  right  to  do so under section  9-503  9-609 of the uniform

  9  commercial code, of property in the  possession  of  a  debtor  who  has

 10  defaulted  in  the  performance  of a security agreement secured by such

 11  property, shall not be  considered  a  violation  of  this  section  and

 12  excepting  further  that the secretary of state may grant exemption from

 13  this prohibition in the collection of debts to licensees who are princi-

 14  pally engaged in the business of credit investigation and credit report-

 15  ing. It is unlawful for the holder of a license to  furnish  or  perform

 16  any  services  described in subdivisions one and two of section seventy-

 17  one of this article on a contingent or percentage basis or  to  make  or

 18  enter  into any agreement for furnishing services of any kind or charac-

 19  ter, by the terms or conditions of which agreement the  compensation  to

 20  be  paid  for  such  services to the holder of a license is partially or

 21  wholly contingent or based upon a percentage of the amount of  money  or

 22  property  recovered or dependent in any way upon the result achieved. It

 23  shall be unlawful for a holder of a license to use, display, cause to be

 24  printed or distributed, cards, letter-heads, circulars, brochures or any

 25  other advertising material or advertisement in which any name or indicia

 26  of the license status of the licensee is set forth in any  manner  other

 27  than  the name under which the licensee is duly licensed. It is unlawful

 28  for a licensed private investigator or bail enforcement  agent  to  own,

                                        237                        12020-01-1

  1  have  or  possess or in any manner to wear, exhibit or display, a shield

  2  or badge of any material, kind, nature or description, in  the  perform-

  3  ance  of  any of the activities as private investigator or bail enforce-

  4  ment  agent,  as distinguished from watch, guard or patrol agency, under

  5  this article. It is unlawful for a licensed private investigator or bail

  6  enforcement agent to issue to any person employed by  such  licensee,  a

  7  badge  or shield of any material, kind, nature or description, and it is

  8  unlawful for any person employed by such licensee to possess,  carry  or

  9  display  a badge or shield of any description provided that any licensed

 10  private investigator or bail enforcement agent who also engages  in  the

 11  business of watch, guard or patrol agency may possess, use or display or

 12  issue  to employees in the conduct of such business, a rectangular metal

 13  or woven insignia to be worn on the outer clothing and approved  by  the

 14  department of state, which insignia shall not be larger than three inch-

 15  es  high  or four inches wide with an inscription thereon containing the

 16  word "watchman", "guard", "patrol" or "special service" and the name  of

 17  the  licensee. It shall be unlawful for any licensee to publish or cause

 18  to be published any advertisement, letter-head, circular,  statement  or

 19  phrase  of  any  sort  which  suggests  that the licensee is an official

 20  police or investigative agency or any other  agency  instrumentality  of

 21  the  state of New York or any of its political subdivisions. It shall be

 22  unlawful for any licensee to make any statement which  would  reasonably

 23  cause another person to believe that the licensee is a police officer or

 24  official  investigator  of the state of New York or any of its political

 25  subdivisions. It shall be unlawful for a licensee to  offer,  by  radio,

 26  television, newspaper advertisement or any other means of communication,

 27  to  perform  services  at any location which is merely the location of a

                                        238                        12020-01-1

  1  telephone answer service unless full disclosure of that fact is made  in

  2  the advertisement.

  3    §  41.  Subdivision 3 of section 5-526 of the general obligations law,

  4  as added by chapter 844 of the laws of  1984,  is  amended  to  read  as

  5  follows:

  6    3.  For  purposes of this section, the loan or forbearance transaction

  7  must  either (a)  create a security interest as  set  forth  in  section

  8   9-102   9-103 of the uniform commercial code and must be filed pursuant

  9  to article nine of such code unless filing is not required  pursuant  to

 10  section  9-302  9-310 of such code, or (b) must create a security inter-

 11  est  set  forth  in   subdivision  (a) of  section  9-104  9-110 of such

 12  code.

 13    § 42. Subdivision 1-c of section 7-101 of the general obligations law,

 14  as added by chapter 451 of the laws of  1998,  is  amended  to  read  as

 15  follows:

 16    1-c.  This  section  shall  apply  to  money  deposited or advanced on

 17  contracts for the use or rental of personal  property  as  security  for

 18  performance  of  the  contract  or  to  be applied to payments upon such

 19  contract when due, only if (a) such contract is governed by the laws  of

 20  this  state as the result of a choice of law provision in such contract,

 21  in accordance with section 1-105 of the uniform commercial code (subject

 22  to the limitations on choice of law by the parties to a  consumer  lease

 23  under  section 2-A-106 of the uniform commercial code), or such contract

 24  is otherwise governed by the laws  of  this  state  in  accordance  with

 25  applicable  conflict  of  laws  rules,  and  (b)  the  lessee under such

 26  contract is located within this state, within the meaning  of  paragraph

 27  (d)  of  subdivision  three  of section 9-103  of the uniform commercial

 28  code (with respect to the location of debtors), except  that  a  foreign

                                        239                        12020-01-1

  1  air  carrier  under  the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, shall

  2  not be deemed located in this state solely  as  a  result  of  having  a

  3  designated  office  of an agent upon whom service of process may be made

  4  located in this state.

  5    §  43.  Section  140 of the lien law, as amended by chapter 552 of the

  6  laws of 1962, is amended to read as follows:

  7    § 140. Lien for labor performed in  quarrying,  mining,  dressing  and

  8  cutting  stone.    A  person employed in a quarry, mine, yard or dock at

  9  excavating, quarrying, mining, dressing or cutting  sandstone,  granite,

 10  cement  stone,  limestone,  bluestone or marble, may have a lien on such

 11  sandstone, cement stone, granite, limestone, bluestone  or  marble,  for

 12  the  amount  due for the labor expended thereon, upon filing a notice of

 13  lien in each office of each filing officer as section  9-401   9-526  of

 14  the  uniform  commercial code requires to perfect a security interest in

 15  such sandstone, cement stone, granite, limestone, bluestone  or  marble.

 16  Such  notice  must  be  filed within thirty days after the completion of

 17  such labor and must state the amount due therefor, the  name  and  resi-

 18  dence  of  the lienor, and the name of the person for whom the labor was

 19  performed, the quantity and description of the sandstone, cement  stone,

 20  granite,  bluestone, limestone or  mable  marble against which the claim

 21  is made. Such notice of lien shall be marked, filed and indexed  by  the

 22  filing officer in the same manner as a financing statement, and the same

 23  fees  shall be charged therefor.  A copy of the notice so filed shall be

 24  served upon the owner of such sandstone, cement  stone,  granite,  lime-

 25  stone,  bluestone  or marble or upon the person in charge of the quarry,

 26  mine, yards or docks wherein such services were  performed  within  five

 27  days after the filing thereof.

                                        240                        12020-01-1

  1    §  44.  Section  160 of the lien law, as amended by chapter 751 of the

  2  laws of 1963, is amended to read as follows:

  3    §  160.  Lien on mare and foal, or on cow and calf.  On complying with

  4  the provisions of this article, the owner of a stallion  or  bull  shall

  5  have a lien on each mare or cow served together with the foal or calf of

  6  such mare or cow from such service, for the amount agreed on at the time

  7  of service, or if no agreement was made, for the amount specified in the

  8  statement  hereinafter  required  to  be  filed, if within twenty months

  9  after such service he files a notice of such lien with the proper  offi-

 10  cers  and in the same manner as is required to perfect a security inter-

 11  est under  paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of  section  9-401  9-526  of

 12  the  uniform  commercial  code. Such notice of lien shall be in writing,

 13  specifying the person against whom the claim is made, the amount of  the

 14  same  and  a description of the property upon which the lien is claimed,

 15  and such lien shall terminate at the end of  eighteen  months  from  the

 16  date  of such filing, unless within that time an action is commenced for

 17  the enforcement thereof, as provided in sections two hundred   and   six

 18  to two hundred  and  ten, both inclusive, of this chapter, for the fore-

 19  closure of a lien on chattels.

 20    §  45.  Section  190 of the lien law, as amended by chapter 476 of the

 21  laws of 1964, is amended to read as follows:

 22    § 190. Corporate mortgages against real and personal property.   1.  A

 23  mortgage  creating a lien upon real and personal property, executed by a

 24  corporation as security  for  the  payment  of  bonds,  notes  or  other

 25  evidences  of  indebtedness,  issued  by  such  corporation or any other

 26  corporation, or executed by any telegraph,  telephone,  electric  light,

 27  railroad, street railway or omnibus corporation, and recorded as a mort-

 28  gage of real property in each county where such real property is located

                                        241                        12020-01-1

  1  or  through  which the line or route of such telegraph, telephone, elec-

  2  tric light, railroad, street railway or omnibus corporation  runs,  need

  3  not  be filed or refiled as a chattel mortgage or perfected by filing in

  4  accordance  with part  four  five of article nine of the uniform commer-

  5  cial code in any county where the mortgage is recorded,  but  filing  in

  6  accordance with that part in the department of state only is required to

  7  perfect a security interest in the personal property or fixtures covered

  8  by such a mortgage hereafter recorded.

  9    2. When any such original mortgage provides or provided for the inclu-

 10  sion  of  property,  either  personal,  or real and personal, thereafter

 11  acquired, a mortgage of such  after-acquired  property  supplemental  to

 12  such  mortgage  may  be  recorded as a mortgage of real property in each

 13  county where the original mortgage is recorded and in each county  where

 14  such  after-acquired  real property is located and when so recorded need

 15  not be filed or refiled as a chattel mortgage or perfected by filing  in

 16  accordance  with part  four  five of article nine of the uniform commer-

 17  cial code in any county where both the  original  and  the  supplemental

 18  mortgage  are  recorded,  but filing in accordance with that part in the

 19  department of state only is required to perfect a security  interest  in

 20  the  personal  property or fixtures covered by such a supplemental mort-

 21  gage hereafter recorded.

 22    3. This section does not require the recording of a supplemental mort-

 23  gage or filing in accordance with part  four  five of  article  nine  of

 24  the  uniform  commercial  code  in  the department of state to perfect a

 25  mortgage of or security interest in  after-acquired  property  when  any

 26  such  original  mortgage  provides or provided for the inclusion of such

 27  after-acquired property and decisional law prior  to  the  enactment  or

 28  amendment  of  this section, or of former section two hundred thirty-one

                                        242                        12020-01-1

  1  of this chapter, recognized the validity or  enforceability  of  such  a

  2  provision  in such an original mortgage without the execution or record-

  3  ing of a supplemental mortgage covering  such  after-acquired  property,

  4  nor  does   subsection  (4)  of   section   9-302   9-301 of the uniform

  5  commercial code require the perfection of a security interest in railway

  6  rolling stock under section twenty-c of title forty-nine of  the  United

  7  States  code  (as  added  by the act of July sixteenth, nineteen hundred

  8  fifty-two, chapter eight hundred eighty-one, 66 Stat.  724)  as  now  in

  9  force or as hereafter amended.

 10    §  46.  Subdivision  1  of  section 241 of the lien law, as amended by

 11  chapter 561 of the laws of 1990, is amended to read as follows:

 12    1. When a notice of federal lien or a  notice  of  revocation  of  any

 13  certificate  described  in subdivision one of section two hundred forty-

 14  two is presented to the secretary of state for filing, he or  she  shall

 15  cause  such notice to be marked, held and indexed in accordance with the

 16  provisions of  subsection four of  section  9-403  9-512 of the  uniform

 17  commercial  code as if such notice were a financing statement within the

 18  meaning of the uniform commercial code; provided however that an accept-

 19  able alternative to filing such notice in a paper format  shall  be  the

 20  filing  of such notice by computerized methods established by the secre-

 21  tary of state such that each notice shall constitute a unique  computer-

 22  ized  informational  record  and  each  such  record shall be assigned a

 23  consecutive file number, held and indexed in accordance with  subsection

 24  four of section  9-403  9-512 of the uniform commercial code.

 25    §  47.  Section  315 of the personal property law, as added by chapter

 26  602 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:

 27    § 315. Claim for deficiency after default  and  repossession.    If  a

 28  buyer  defaults  on any instalment of the time sale price and the holder

                                        243                        12020-01-1

  1  obtains possession of the motor vehicle and disposes of it  as  provided

  2  by section  9-504  9-610 of the uniform commercial code, the buyer shall

  3  be  liable  to  the  holder for any deficiency to the extent provided in

  4  that  section;  provided,  however,  that in calculating such deficiency

  5  there shall be deducted from the amount thereof as  prescribed  by  such

  6  section   9-504   9-610,  an  amount equal to that portion of the refund

  7  credit to which the buyer would have been entitled under  section  three

  8  hundred  five of this chapter if, at the time the holder disposed of the

  9  motor vehicle, the buyer had not been in default and had prepaid in full

 10  the balance of the time sale price  as  the  amount  realized  upon  the

 11  disposition  of  the motor vehicle bears to the balance of the time sale

 12  price.

 13    § 48. Subdivision 3-a of section 413 of the personal property law,  as

 14  added by chapter 566 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

 15    3-a. No  retail  instalment  credit agreement or guarantee of a retail

 16  instalment credit agreement shall provide for a security interest in any

 17  investment  property,  as  defined  in  paragraph   (f)   forty-nine  of

 18  subsection   one  (a) of section  9-115  9-102 of the uniform commercial

 19  code, that is pledged as collateral,  unless  (a)  the  contract  either

 20  specifically identifies the investment property as collateral or (b) the

 21  secured  party  is  a  securities  intermediary, as defined in paragraph

 22  fourteen of subsection (a) of section 8-102 of  the  uniform  commercial

 23  code, or commodity intermediary, as defined in paragraph  (d)  seventeen

 24  of  subsection  one  (a) of section  9-115  9-102 of the uniform commer-

 25  cial code, with respect to the investment property.  The  identification

 26  of  an account shall include the name of the holder, account number, and

 27  name of the entity holding the investment property. In the event that  a

                                        244                        12020-01-1

  1  retail  instalment  credit  agreement  or guarantee does not comply with

  2  this section, the security interest in the investment property is void.

  3    §  49.  Paragraph (c) of subdivision 12 of section 413 of the personal

  4  property law, as added by chapter 485 of the laws of 1996, is amended to

  5  read as follows:

  6    (c) Except for motor vehicles as defined in article nine of this chap-

  7  ter, or goods which the seller knows or reasonably should  know  are  or

  8  are likely to be so affixed to a motor vehicle or to realty as to become

  9  a part thereof, a retail seller, or financing agency which enters into a

 10  retail  installment  credit agreement with a retail buyer on behalf of a

 11  retail seller named in the agreement, may  take  or  retain  a  purchase

 12  money  security  interest,  as  that  term is defined in section  9-107 

 13  9-103 of the  uniform  commercial  code,  in  any  item  of  merchandise

 14  purchased  at a price of not less than two hundred dollars pursuant to a

 15  retail installment credit agreement until the  purchase  price  of  such

 16  merchandise  is  fully  paid,  but  in no event shall any purchase money

 17  security interest created hereunder be valid or enforceable for a period

 18  greater than five years from the  date  a  purchase  is  posted  to  any

 19  account which may  be used to purchase an item of merchandise at a price

 20  less  than two hundred dollars. In the event such a purchase money secu-

 21  rity interest is taken or retained by a retail seller or financing agen-

 22  cy, payments shall  be  applied  to  the  purchase  in  the  order  such

 23  purchases  are  posted  to  the  account  after  such payments are first

 24  applied to any finance, late, or other charges  imposed  by  the  retail

 25  seller  or  financing agency.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section

 26   9-503  9-609 of the uniform commercial code, repossession  of  merchan-

 27  dise  subject to a purchase money security interest permitted under this

 28  subdivision shall be prohibited unless and until payment on the  account

                                        245                        12020-01-1

  1  shall  be in default for a period of at least thirty days and thereafter

  2  a notice of default be mailed to the buyer providing an additional thir-

  3  ty days time in which to cure the default on the account. In  the  event

  4  of  repossession without judicial process, a substantially contemporane-

  5  ous writing signed by the buyer indicating the buyer's agreement to such

  6  repossession shall be required.

  7    § 50. Section 422 of the personal property law, as  added  by  chapter

  8  602 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:

  9    § 422. Claim for deficiency after default and repossession. If a buyer

 10  defaults on any instalment of the time sale price under a retail instal-

 11  ment  contract, and the holder obtains possession of the goods which are

 12  the subject matter of such  contract  and  disposes  of  such  goods  as

 13  provided  by  section  9-504  9--610 of the uniform commercial code, the

 14  buyer shall be liable to the holder for any  deficiency  to  the  extent

 15  provided  in  that  section; provided, however, that in calculating such

 16  deficiency there shall be deducted from the amount thereof as prescribed

 17  by such section  9-504  9--610, an amount equal to that portion  of  the

 18  refund  credit to which the buyer would have been entitled under section

 19  four hundred eight of this chapter if, at the time the  holder  disposed

 20  of such goods, the buyer had not been in default and had prepaid in full

 21  the  balance  of  the  time  sale  price as the amount realized upon the

 22  disposition of the goods bears to the balance of the time sale price.

 23    § 51. Subdivision 3 of section 472 of the private housing finance law,

 24  as added by chapter 786 of the laws of  1987,  is  amended  to  read  as

 25  follows:

 26    3.  The  agency  in its discretion may require that the owner-occupant

 27  execute, acknowledge and deliver a  uniform  commercial  code  financing

 28  statement  for  the  real property improvement to be in such form as the

                                        246                        12020-01-1

  1  agency shall specify and in accordance with the requirements of  section

  2   9-402  9--502l of the uniform commercial code of the state of New York.

  3  Said  financing  statement  shall be filed or recorded without charge in

  4  accordance  with the provisions of section  9-401  9--526 of the uniform

  5  commercial code, and from the date of such filing the municipality shall

  6  have a lien against  said  real  property  improvement  for  the  amount

  7  advanced or so much thereof as remains unpaid together with the interest

  8  thereon.    Upon  payment  of  all sums advanced by the municipality and

  9  interest thereon, and upon demand of the then record owner of  the  real

 10  property,  the  agency  shall  deliver a copy of the financing statement

 11  with an endorsement thereon that the lien is satisfied. Upon  filing  of

 12  such copy in the office where the financing statement was filed and upon

 13  payment of the proper fee therefor, the lien of such financing statement

 14  shall be discharged.

 15    §  52. Section 63 of the rural elective cooperative law, as amended by

 16  chapter 552 of the laws of 1962, is amended to read as follows:

 17    § 63. Recordation of mortgages; effect thereof. In  case  of  conflict

 18  between  this  section  and article nine of the uniform commercial code,

 19  the provisions of this section shall control.   Any  mortgage,  deed  of

 20  trust  or  other  instrument executed by a cooperative or foreign corpo-

 21  ration doing business in this state  pursuant  to  this  chapter,  which

 22  affects  real  and  personal  property and which is recorded in the real

 23  property records in any county in which such property is located  or  is

 24  to  be  located, shall have the same force and effect as if the security

 25  interest created by such  mortgage  in  the  personal  property  thereby

 26  affected,  had  been  perfected  by  filing  in  accordance with section

 27   9--401  9--526 of the uniform commercial code. All after-acquired prop-

 28  erty of such cooperative or foreign corporation described or referred to

                                        247                        12020-01-1

  1  as being mortgaged or pledged in any such mortgage,  deed  of  trust  or

  2  other  instrument,  shall become subject to the lien thereof immediately

  3  upon the acquisition of such property by  such  cooperative  or  foreign

  4  corporation,  whether  or not such property was in existence at the time

  5  of the execution of such mortgage, deed of trust  or  other  instrument.

  6  Recordation  of  any  such  mortgage,  deed of trust or other instrument

  7  shall constitute notice and otherwise have the same effect with  respect

  8  to  such  after-acquired  property  as it has under the laws relating to

  9  recordation, with respect to  property  owned  by  such  cooperative  or

 10  foreign  corporation at the time of the execution of such mortgage, deed

 11  of trust or other instrument and therein described  or  referred  to  as

 12  being mortgaged or pledged thereby.

 13    The  security  interest in personal property created by any such mort-

 14  gage, deed of trust or other instrument shall, after recordation  there-

 15  of, continue perfected and of record without the filing of any continua-

 16  tion  statement  as  required  by section  9--403  9--512 of the uniform

 17  commercial code.

 18    § 53. Subsection 39 of section 1-201 of the uniform  commercial  code,

 19  as  amended  by  chapter 1003 of the laws of 1963, is amended to read as

 20  follows:

 21    (39) "Signed" includes any symbol executed or adopted by a party  with

 22  present intention to authenticate a writing. Without limiting the gener-

 23  ality  of  the  preceding  sentence, any financing or other statement or

 24  security agreement filed pursuant to Part   4   5  of  Article  9  which

 25  contains  a  copy,  however made, of the signature of a secured party or

 26  his representative, or of a debtor or his representative, is "signed" by

 27  the secured party or the debtor, as the case may be.

                                        248                        12020-01-1

  1    § 54. Subsections 2 and 3 of section 2-A-307 of the uniform commercial

  2  code, as added by chapter 114 of the laws of 1994, are amended  to  read

  3  as follows:

  4    (2)  Except  as  otherwise  provided in subsections (3) and (4) and in

  5  Sections 2-A-306 and 2-A-308, a creditor of a lessor  takes  subject  to

  6  the lease contract unless:

  7    (a)  the  creditor  holds a lien that attached to the goods before the

  8  lease contract became enforceable;

  9    (b) the creditor holds a security interest in the goods and the lessee

 10  did not give value and receive delivery of the goods  without  knowledge

 11  of the security interest; or

 12    (c)  the  creditor  holds  a  security  interest in the goods that was

 13  perfected (Section  9-303  9--301)  before  the  lease  contract  became

 14  enforceable.

 15    (3)  A  lessee  in the ordinary course of business takes the leasehold

 16  interest free of a security interest in the goods created by the  lessor

 17  even  though the security interest is perfected (Section  9-303  9--301)

 18  and the lessee knows of its existence.

 19    § 55. Paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of section 2-A-309 of the  uniform

 20  commercial code, as added by chapter 114 of the laws of 1994, is amended

 21  to read as follows:

 22    (b)  A  "fixture filing" is the filing, in the office where a mortgage

 23  on the real estate would be filed or recorded, of a financing  statement

 24  covering  goods that are or are to become fixtures and conforming to the

 25  requirements of Section  9-402(5)  9--502;

 26    § 56. Paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of section 7--503 of  the  uniform

 27  commercial code is amended to read as follows:

                                        249                        12020-01-1

  1    (a)  delivered  or  entrusted  them  or any document of title covering

  2  them to the bailor or his nominee with actual or apparent  authority  to

  3  ship,  store or sell or with power to obtain delivery under this Article

  4  (Section 7--403) or with power of disposition under this  Act  (Sections

  5  2--403 and  9--307  9--320) or other statute or rule of law; nor

  6    §  57. Paragraph (c) of subsection 2 and paragraph (e) of subsection 3

  7  of section 13-102 of the  uniform  commercial  code,  paragraph  (c)  as

  8  amended and paragraph (e) of subsection 3 as added by chapter 868 of the

  9  laws  of  1965 and such section as renumbered by chapter 866 of the laws

 10  of 1977, are amended to read as follows:

 11    (c) which was perfected when this Act takes effect without any filing,

 12  refiling or recording, and for the perfection of which the filing  of  a

 13  financing  statement  would  be  required if this Act applied, continues

 14  until and will lapse twelve months after this Act takes  effect  if  the

 15  security  interest is in accounts or, otherwise, thirty-six months after

 16  this Act takes effect;

 17  unless, in each case, a continuation statement is filed by  the  secured

 18  party  before  the  perfection  of the security interest would otherwise

 19  lapse. Any such continuation statement must be  signed  by  the  secured

 20  party,  identify  the  security  agreement, statement or notice, however

 21  denominated in any statute or other law repealed  or  modified  by  this

 22  Act,  state the office where and the date when the last filing, refiling

 23  or recording, if any, was made with  respect  thereto,  and  the  filing

 24  number, if any, or book and page, if any, of recording and further state

 25  that  the  security agreement, statement or notice, however, denominated

 26  in any statute or other law repealed or modified by this Act,  is  still

 27  effective.  Section  9-401(1) 9--501 determines the proper place to file

 28  such a continuation statement. Except as specified  in  this  subsection

                                        250                        12020-01-1

  1  and  except that the perfection of the security interest will lapse five

  2  years after the filing of a continuation statement  in  accordance  with

  3  this  subsection  unless  another continuation statement is filed within

  4  six  months  prior  to such lapse, the provisions of Section  9--403(3) 

  5  9--515 apply to such a continuation statement.

  6    (e) A security interest which was perfected when this Act took  effect

  7  and  the  perfection  of  which  was  or is continued by the filing of a

  8  continuation statement in accordance with subsection (2) is a  perfected

  9  security  interest  for  the  purposes  of   subsection  (2) of  Section

 10   9--302  9--310.

 11    § 58. Subdivision (e) of section 2118 of the vehicle and traffic  law,

 12  as  added  by  chapter  322  of  the laws of 1993, is amended to read as

 13  follows:

 14    (e) After a certificate of title has been issued in this state  for  a

 15  vehicle  which  is  a mobile home or a manufactured home, and as long as

 16  the vehicle which is a mobile home or a manufactured home is subject  to

 17  any  security  interest  perfected pursuant to this section, the commis-

 18  sioner shall not revoke the certificate of title, and, in any event, the

 19  validity and priority of any security  interest  perfected  pursuant  to

 20  this  section shall continue, notwithstanding the provision of any other

 21  law, including but not limited to  paragraph (d) of subsection  one  of 

 22  section  9-302  9--303 and section 9-313 of the uniform commercial code.

 23    § 59.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.

 24                                   PART M

 25    Section 1. Section 807-b of the education law, as added by chapter 766

 26  of  the laws of 1964, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 16 of the laws

                                        251                        12020-01-1

  1  of 1970, subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 258 of the  laws  of  1983,

  2  subparagraphs 4 and 5 of paragraph a of subdivision 3 and subdivision 12

  3  as  amended  by chapter 264 of the laws of 1971, paragraph b of subdivi-

  4  sion 3 and subdivisions 5 and 6 as amended by chapter 465 of the laws of

  5  1979,  subdivision  4  as amended by chapter 225 of the laws of 1979 and

  6  subdivision 7 as amended by chapter 40 of the laws of 1965,  is  amended

  7  to read as follows:

  8    § 807-b. College  fire  inspections.    1. It shall be the duty of the

  9  college authorities in general charge of the operation of any public  or

 10   private  independent college to cause the buildings under the jurisdic-

 11  tion  of  such  college  containing  classroom, dormitory, fraternities,

 12  sororities,  laboratory,  physical  education,  dining  or  recreational

 13  facilities  for  student  use to be inspected at least annually for fire

 14  hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers and employ-

 15  ees therein.  Inspections of all public and independent  college  build-

 16  ings,  with  the exception of those within a city having a population of

 17  one million or more, shall be conducted by  the  state  office  of  fire

 18  prevention and control or a designee of the state fire administrator. An

 19  inspection  report  shall  be produced by the inspecting agency for each

 20  building inspected.

 21    2. The annual fire inspection  for  public  and  independent  colleges

 22  shall  be  made   between  the first day of January and the first day of

 23  June of every year, and the  reports  thereof  shall  be  filed  by  the

 24  college  authorities  in the places required by subdivision five of this

 25  section no later than the sixteenth day of June of each year. The annual

 26  fire inspection for public colleges shall be made between the first  day

 27  of  June  and the last day of May of every year, and the reports thereof

 28  shall be filed by the college authorities  in  the  places  required  by

                                        252                        12020-01-1

  1  subdivision  five  of  this  section no later than ninety days after the

  2  date of the fire inspection  when the college is in session.

  3    3.   a. The college authorities shall cause any fire inspection pursu-

  4  ant to this section to be made by one of the following methods,  or  any

  5  combination of such methods:

  6    (1)  Employing,  either  regularly  or  specially, persons who, in the

  7  judgment of the college authorities,  are  qualified  to  make  such  an

  8  inspection or any phase thereof.

  9    (2) Contracting for the making of such inspections, or any phase ther-

 10  eof,  by  persons  who,  in the judgment of the college authorities, are

 11  qualified.

 12    (3) Requesting inspection by the fire department of  any  city,  town,

 13  village or fire district in which the building is located.

 14    (4)  Requesting  inspection  by a fire corporation which is subject to

 15  the provisions of section fourteen hundred  two  of  the  not-for-profit

 16  corporation  law,  if such building is located within the area described

 17  in the certificate of incorporation of any such corporation.

 18    (5) Requesting inspection by the county fire coordinator, or the offi-

 19  cer performing the powers and duties of a county fire coordinator pursu-

 20  ant to a local law, of the county in which the building is  located,  or

 21  by any deputy county fire coordinator or deputy of such other officer so

 22  performing the powers and duties of a county fire coordinator designated

 23  to  make  the  inspection  by  the county fire coordinator or such other

 24  officer so performing the powers and duties of a county  fire  coordina-

 25  tor,  if  the building is located outside a city, town, village, or fire

 26  district, which has  its  own  fire  department  and  outside  the  area

 27  described  in  the  certificate of incorporation of any fire corporation

                                        253                        12020-01-1

  1  which is subject to the provisions of section fourteen  hundred  two  of

  2  the not-for-profit corporation law.

  3    b.  No  such  inspection, or phase thereof, is to be made by either of

  4  the methods specified in subparagraphs (1) and (2)  of  paragraph  a  of

  5  this  subdivision,  until after the college authorities have requested a

  6  fire inspection by the methods of subparagraph (3), (4) or (5) of  para-

  7  graph  a  of  this  subdivision and the persons or agencies empowered to

  8  perform such inspections pursuant to those subparagraphs have failed  to

  9  do  so  within  a  reasonable  time  after such request was made and the

 10  college authorities shall give reasonable notice of the  date  and  time

 11  such inspection is to be made to the chief, or other comparable officer,

 12  of  any fire department, or fire corporation, which has the regular duty

 13  of fighting fire in the building to be inspected. Such officer,  or  any

 14  subordinate  designated by him, may be present during the inspection and

 15  may also file a report of inspection in  the  manner  provided  in  this

 16  section.  The  provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to college

 17  authorities of public colleges which are annually inspected by the divi-

 18  sion of fire prevention and control within the department of state.

 19    c. If any fire department or fire corporation  described  in  subpara-

 20  graphs  (3)  and  (4)  of  paragraph a of this subdivision shall fail or

 21  refuse to make a fire inspection promptly after having been requested to

 22  do so by the college authorities, the college  authorities  may  request

 23  the  county  fire  coordinator, or the officer performing the powers and

 24  duties of a county fire coordinator pursuant to  a  local  law,  of  the

 25  county in which the building is located to make such inspection. If such

 26  county  fire  coordinator or such other officer so performing the powers

 27  and duties of a county fire coordinator shall fail or refuse to  make  a

 28  fire  inspection  promptly  after  having been requested to do so by the

                                        254                        12020-01-1

  1  college authorities, it shall be the duty of the college authorities  to

  2  cause  such  fire  inspection  to  be made by either method described in

  3  subparagraph (1) or (2) of paragraph a of this subdivision.

  4    d.  Regardless  of  the  method  or  methods  used  to  accomplish the

  5  inspection required by this section, the person  making  the  inspection

  6  shall file the report thereof with the college authorities no later than

  7  the  first  day  of  June.  The office of fire prevention and control is

  8  authorized to adopt rules and regulations establishing minimum standards

  9  for the content and frequency of such inspections  in  order  to  ensure

 10  compliance   with   applicable  fire  safety  standards.  In  the  event

 11  violations of applicable codes, rules and regulations pertaining to fire

 12  safety are found during inspections, the office of fire  prevention  and

 13  control  is  authorized  to  take  appropriate  actions  to  ensure that

 14  violations are promptly remedied.

 15    4. The state fire administrator shall prescribe the  form   format  of

 16  the  fire  inspection  report   and  the commissioner of education shall

 17  furnish a supply of such form to college  authorities .  In  prescribing

 18  such  form  format the state fire administrator shall consider standards

 19  for  fire safety set forth in the  state building construction code, the

 20  state building conservation and fire prevention  uniform fire prevention

 21  and building code and other applicable fire safety standards.

 22    5.  The  Within ninety days of completing such inspection, the  office

 23  of  fire prevention and control or its designee shall file a copy of the

 24  report  of any fire inspection shall be filed in  with the office of the

 25  college authorities and with the commissioner of education.    All  such

 26  reports  so  filed   in  any  public  office   shall be kept as  public 

 27  records for at  least  three  years  after  which  period  they  may  be

 28  destroyed.   In the case of fire reports prepared by persons making such

                                        255                        12020-01-1

  1  inspections pursuant  to  paragraph  b  of  subdivision  three  of  this

  2  section,  one  A copy of such report shall also be filed with the  divi-

  3  sion of fire prevention and control, one copy with the county fire coor-

  4  dinator  and  one  copy with the  chief, or other comparable officer, of

  5  any fire department or fire corporation which has the  regular  duty  of

  6  fighting fire in the building inspected.

  7    6.  It shall be the duty of the commissioner of education to ascertain

  8  annually  whether the inspections of buildings under the jurisdiction of

  9  a college required by this section have been made and the reports of the

 10  inspection have been filed in their respective offices.  The commission-

 11  er of education shall review the reports of inspection filed pursuant to

 12  this section and may  The office of fire prevention and control  or  its

 13  designee  shall  make  recommendations  to  the college authorities with

 14  respect to any problems relating to building fire safety noted  in  such

 15  reports.  The  commissioner  of  education  may  inspect  or cause to be

 16  inspected at any reasonable time for fire prevention and fire protection

 17  purposes the buildings required to be inspected  by  this  section.  The

 18  commissioner   of  education   may  impose  a fine of up to five hundred

 19  dollars per day upon any public or independent college  which  fails  to

 20   timely  comply with the filing requirements of this section  remedy, to

 21  the satisfaction of the office  of  fire  prevention  and  control,  any

 22  violation  noted  in  a report within thirty days of receiving a copy of

 23  such report.

 24    7. Every public or  private  independent college building required  to

 25  be  inspected  as hereinabove provided  by the office of fire prevention

 26  and control or its designee may also be  inspected  examined  for   fire

 27  prevention and  fire protection purposes at any reasonable time by

                                        256                        12020-01-1

  1    a. the chief of the fire department of the city, town, village or fire

  2  district in which the college building is located,

  3    b.  the  chief of a fire corporation having its headquarters outside a

  4  village or fire district, if the college building is located in the area

  5  described in the certificate of incorporation of such company,

  6    c. the chief of the fire department or  fire  company  affording  fire

  7  protection  to  a fire district, fire protection district, or fire alarm

  8  district pursuant to a contract, if the college building is  located  in

  9  any such district,

 10    d.  the  member of any fire department or fire company listed in para-

 11  graphs a, b or c of this subdivision assigned by the chief  thereof  the

 12  duty of inspecting college buildings .

 13    8.  Any  person, or any public or other corporation for which any such

 14  persons acts, shall not be liable for any error,  omission  or  lack  of

 15  thoroughness  in  the  making  of  the inspection and report required or

 16  permitted by this section.

 17    9. The term "college authorities", as used in this section, means  the

 18  board  of  trustees,  board  of  directors,  or other governing board in

 19  general charge of the operation of any such college.

 20    10. The term "public college" shall  means  mean and  include  "state-

 21  operated  institutions", "statutory or contract colleges" and "community

 22  colleges" as defined in section three hundred fifty of this chapter.

 23    11. The term " private  independent college" shall mean colleges other

 24  than those included within subdivision ten of this section.

 25     12. This section shall not apply to buildings under the  jurisdiction

 26  of  a  college  located  in  the cities of New York, Buffalo, Rochester,

 27  Syracuse, Yonkers and Albany. 

                                        257                        12020-01-1

  1    § 2. The executive law is amended by adding a  new  section  156-d  to

  2  read as follows:

  3    § 156-d. College fire safety. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any

  4  law  to  the contrary, the office of fire prevention and control, by and

  5  through the state fire administrator or their duly  authorized  officers

  6  and  employees, shall have the responsibility to annually inspect build-

  7  ings under the jurisdiction of public colleges and independent colleges,

  8  as these terms are defined in  section  eight  hundred  seven-b  of  the

  9  education  law,  for  compliance with and violations of the uniform fire

 10  prevention and building code; or any  other  applicable  code,  rule  or

 11  regulation  pertaining  to  fire safety. Buildings subject to inspection

 12  are all buildings under the  jurisdiction  of  such  colleges  used  for

 13  classroom,  dormitory, fraternity, sorority, laboratory, physical educa-

 14  tion, dining, recreational or other purposes.

 15    2. a. The office of fire prevention and control shall have  the  power

 16  to issue a notice of violation and orders requiring the remedying of any

 17  condition  found  to  exist  in,  on  or  about  any such building which

 18  violates the uniform fire prevention and building  code,  or  any  other

 19  code,  rule  or regulation pertaining to fire safety, fire safety equip-

 20  ment and fire safety devices.   Such office  is  further  authorized  to

 21  promulgate  regulations regarding the issuance of violations, compliance

 22  with orders, and providing for time for compliance, reinspection  proce-

 23  dures, and issuance of certificates of conformance.

 24    b.  Where  any college authority in general charge of the operation of

 25  any public or independent college buildings is served personally  or  by

 26  registered  or  certified  mail  with  an  order  of  the office of fire

 27  prevention and control to remedy any violation and fails to comply  with

 28  such  order  immediately  or  within such other time as specified in the

                                        258                        12020-01-1

  1  order, the office of fire prevention and control may avail itself of any

  2  or all of the following remedies: (1) assess a civil penalty  of  up  to

  3  five hundred dollars per day until the violation is corrected; (2) order

  4  immediate  closure  of  the building, buildings or parts thereof where a

  5  violation exists that poses an imminent  threat  to  public  health  and

  6  safety;  (3)  exercise all of the authority conferred upon the secretary

  7  of state pursuant to article eighteen of this chapter to obtain  compli-

  8  ance  with  its orders; or (4) refer violations to the appropriate local

  9  government authorities for enforcement pursuant to article  eighteen  of

 10  this chapter.

 11    c. The office of fire prevention and control by and through the secre-

 12  tary of state is authorized to commence necessary proceedings in a court

 13  of  competent  jurisdiction seeking enforcement of any of its orders and

 14  payment of assessed penalties.

 15    3. a. Except as provided herein, any county, city,  town  or  village,

 16  pursuant to resolution of their respective legislative bodies, may apply

 17  to  the  office  of fire prevention and control for delegation of all or

 18  part of the duties, rights and powers conferred upon the office of  fire

 19  prevention and control by this section and section eight hundred seven-b

 20  of  the  education law.  Upon acceptable demonstration of adequate capa-

 21  bility, resources and commitment on the  part  of  the  applicant  local

 22  government,  the  office  of  fire  prevention and control may make such

 23  delegation, in which case the local government shall also  have  all  of

 24  the  rights,  duties and powers provided to local governments in article

 25  eighteen of this chapter and in any city charter or code. The  authority

 26  granted  in  this  section  to  assess civil penalties, order closure of

 27  buildings and take action possessed by  the  secretary  of  state  under

 28  article  eighteen  of  this chapter, shall not be delegated to the local

                                        259                        12020-01-1

  1  government. Such powers shall continue in the office of fire  prevention

  2  and  control  which  may exercise them in the case of violations, on its

  3  own volition or at the request of  the  delegee  local  government.  The

  4  delegation  shall  expire  after  three years, and may be renewed at the

  5  discretion of the office of fire prevention and control. All  inspection

  6  reports conducted pursuant to a delegation of authority shall be prompt-

  7  ly  filed  with  the office of fire prevention and control. In the event

  8  any such report is not filed or reasonable grounds exist to believe that

  9  inspections or enforcement are inadequate or ineffective, the office  of

 10  fire  prevention  and  control  may revoke the delegation or continue it

 11  subject to  terms  and  conditions  specified  by  the  office  of  fire

 12  prevention and control.

 13    b.  The  authorities  in  a city having a population of one million or

 14  more shall exercise all of the rights, powers and duties  pertaining  to

 15  inspection  of  independent and public college buildings and enforcement

 16  provided in this section and section eight hundred and  seven-b  of  the

 17  education  law, without impairing any existing authority of such city. A

 18  copy of all inspection reports shall be filed with the  office  of  fire

 19  prevention and control by the authorities conducting inspections.

 20    §  3.  The  penal  law is amended by adding three new sections 145.75,

 21  145.80 and 145.85 to read as follows:

 22  § 145.75 Tampering with a fire protection device; fire protection device

 23             defined.

 24    For the purposes of sections 145.80 and 145.85 of this article,  "fire

 25  protection  device"  means  any  apparatus  that is designed to detect a

 26  fire, activate a fire alarm, extinguish or control a  fire,  control  or

 27  manage  smoke or products of a fire, or any combination thereof, includ-

 28  ing, but not limited to, an alarm  bell,  alarm  sounding  device,  pull

                                        260                        12020-01-1

  1  station  or  other  manual alarm initiating device, single station fire,

  2  smoke or carbon monoxide detector, integrated  fire  or  smoke  detector

  3  system,  individual  sprinkler  head, integrated sprinkler system, stand

  4  pipe,  stand  pipe  system,  portable  fire extinguisher, fire emergency

  5  hose, fire hydrant, fire hydrant system, fire  warning,  directional  or

  6  assistive sign or light.

  7  § 145.80 Tampering with a fire protection device in the second degree.

  8    A  person  is guilty of tampering with a fire protection device in the

  9  second degree when, having no right to do so nor any  reasonable  ground

 10  to believe that he or she has such right, such person knowingly damages,

 11  alters or removes a fire protection device or a component thereof, under

 12  circumstances  evincing  knowledge that such conduct may increase a risk

 13  of physical injury to, or damage to the property of, another person.

 14    Tampering with a fire protection device in  the  second  degree  is  a

 15  class A misdemeanor.

 16  § 145.85 Tampering with a fire protection device in the first degree.

 17    A  person  is guilty of tampering with a fire protection device in the

 18  first degree when he or she commits the crime of tampering with  a  fire

 19  protection device in the second degree and:

 20    1. has previously been convicted of the crime of tampering with a fire

 21  protection  device  in  the first or second degree or a crime defined in

 22  section 120.20, 120.25, 145.00, 145.05, 145.10, 145.12, 150.05,  150.10,

 23  150.15 or 150.20 of this chapter; or

 24    2. another person is physically injured as a result thereof; or

 25    3.  the  property  of another person is damaged in an amount exceeding

 26  two hundred fifty dollars as a result thereof.

 27    Tampering with a fire protection device in the first degree is a class

 28  E felony.

                                        261                        12020-01-1

  1    § 4. This act shall take effect January 1,  2002,  provided  that  the

  2  office  of fire prevention and control shall have the authority to adopt

  3  such rules and regulations and take any actions in advance of such  date

  4  which are necessary to implement the provisions of this act.

  5                                   PART N

  6    Section  1.  Section 3 of chapter 428 of the laws of 1999 amending the

  7  executive law and the criminal procedure law, relating to expanding  the

  8  geographic  area of employment of certain police officers, is amended to

  9  read as follows:

 10    § 3. This act shall take effect on the  first  day  of  November  next

 11  succeeding  the  date  on  which  it shall have become a law , and shall

 12  remain in effect until the first day of November, 2001,  when  it  shall

 13  expire and be deemed repealed .

 14    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

 15                                    PART O

 16    Section  1. Section 54 of the state finance law is amended by adding a

 17  new subdivision 9 to read as follows:

 18    9. a. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this section or of

 19  any other provision of law to  the  contrary,  the  payment  of  general

 20  purpose local government aid for the support of local government for the

 21  state  fiscal  year  commencing  April first, two thousand one and every

 22  fiscal year thereafter,  shall be paid from an  appropriation  made  for

 23  such  purposes  pursuant  to  the general government budget  in a manner

 24  consistent with this subdivision.   Subdivisions one  through  eight  of

 25  this  section shall not be applicable to the payment of per capita state

 26  aid for the support of local government.

                                        262                        12020-01-1

  1    b.  Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of article five of  the

  2  general  construction  law,   in the fiscal year of the state commencing

  3  April first, two thousand one and every fiscal year thereafter, any city

  4  having a population of one million or more shall be entitled to  receive

  5  the same amount of general purpose local government aid that it received

  6  for  such purpose pursuant to chapter fifty of the laws of two thousand,

  7  constituting the general government budget, and  section  fifty-four  of

  8  the  state  finance  law,  as  added  by  section twelve of chapter four

  9  hundred thirty of the laws of nineteen hundred ninety-seven, as  if  the

 10  provisions  of such section fifty-four were in full force and effect for

 11  the entire state fiscal year commencing April first,  two  thousand  one

 12  and  every  fiscal year thereafter. Except as provided in paragraph c of

 13  this subdivision, each city, other than any city having a population  of

 14  one  million  or  more,  town  and village that was appropriated general

 15  purpose local government aid pursuant to chapter fifty of  the  laws  of

 16  two  thousand  shall  be entitled to receive a total of one hundred five

 17  percent of the amount of aid that it would be entitled to receive  under

 18  section  fifty-four of the state finance law, as added by section twelve

 19  of chapter four hundred thirty of the laws of nineteen  hundred  ninety-

 20  seven,  as  if  the  provisions  of such section fifty-four were in full

 21  force and effect for the  entire  state  fiscal  year  commencing  April

 22  first,  two  thousand  one  and every fiscal year thereafter.   Such aid

 23  shall be paid in the same "on or before month and day" manner as  speci-

 24  fied  in  chapter  fifty  of  the  laws  of nineteen hundred ninety-six,

 25  constituting the general government budget.

 26    c.  Consolidations, mergers, or dissolutions - entitlement to  general

 27  purpose  local  government  aid.    In the case where any city, town, or

 28  village consolidates, merges or dissolves, and the  resulting  successor

                                        263                        12020-01-1

  1  government  has filed with the office of the state comptroller a certif-

  2  icate of any such consolidation, merger, or dissolution, such  successor

  3  government  shall be entitled to receive any payments of general purpose

  4  local  government  aid  which  would  have been otherwise payable to the

  5  individual cities, towns, or villages who were  party  to  such  consol-

  6  idation, merger, or dissolution in addition to the general purpose local

  7  government  aid  such successor government is entitled to receive had no

  8  such consolidation, merger, or dissolution occurred.  The annual  amount

  9  of  general  purpose  local government aid any city, town, or village in

 10  which a municipality has consolidated, merged,  or  dissolved  shall  be

 11  eligible  to  receive on the date such city, town, or village is consol-

 12  idated, merged, or dissolved shall continue to be  paid  for  the  first

 13  state  fiscal  year following the date of such consolidation, merger, or

 14  dissolution and payments shall thereafter continue to  be  paid  for  an

 15  additional four state fiscal years in reduced amounts as follows: in the

 16  second  year  following  consolidation,  merger,  or dissolution, eighty

 17  percent of such annual amount; in the third year, sixty percent; in  the

 18  fourth year, forty percent; in the fifth year, twenty percent; and ther-

 19  eafter  such payments shall cease to be paid.  In instances where only a

 20  portion of a city, town, or village is party to a consolidation, merger,

 21  or dissolution, general purpose local  government  aid  payable  to  the

 22  resulting  successor  government  shall include only a pro rata share of

 23  the aid otherwise due and payable to such city, town, or village.   Such

 24  pro  rata share shall be based on a ratio of the nineteen hundred ninety

 25  federal decennial census population of the portion consolidated, merged,

 26  or dissolved as compared to the total nineteen  hundred  ninety  federal

 27  decennial  census population of the city, town, or village party to such

 28  consolidation, merger, or dissolution.

                                        264                        12020-01-1

  1    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and  shall  be  deemed  to

  2  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001.

  3                                    PART P

  4    Section  1.  Subdivisions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of section 92-i of the

  5  state finance law, subdivisions 6, 8, 10 and 11, as added by chapter 878

  6  of the laws of 1977, subparagraph 1 of paragraph (a) of  subdivision  6,

  7  as  amended by chapter 789 of the laws of 1978 and subdivisions 7 and 9,

  8  as amended by chapter 724 of the laws of 1979, are amended  to  read  as

  9  follows:

 10    6.   (a)  (1)  For the period beginning August first, nineteen hundred

 11  seventy-eight and ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  seventy-nine,

 12  on  the  last business day of each of the months of September, December,

 13  March and June, the commissioner of taxation and finance  shall  certify

 14  to  the  comptroller  the  amount  of  the  tax  imposed by this article

 15  collected during the three month period ending on each such  last  busi-

 16  ness  day, except that on September thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventy-

 17  eight, the commissioner shall  certify  only  the  amount  of  such  tax

 18  collected on and after August first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight. The

 19  state  comptroller  shall  pay  forthwith an amount equal to one-half of

 20  twenty-five percent of the amount so certified from the general fund  of

 21  the  state  of New York to the extent that moneys have been appropriated

 22  and made available therefor; provided, however, that in no  event  shall

 23  the  amount  so  paid exceed sixteen million dollars in the state fiscal

 24  year beginning April first, nineteen hundred seventy-eight.

 25    (2) Upon receipt of each certification of the commissioner of taxation

 26  and finance provided for in subdivision four of  this  section,  on  and

 27  after  December  thirty-first,  nineteen  hundred seventy-nine and on or

 28  before September thirtieth, nineteen hundred  eighty,  the  state  comp-

                                        265                        12020-01-1

  1  troller  shall  forthwith  pay an amount equal to one-half of the amount

  2  certified by such commissioner as rebates allowable under the provisions

  3  of clause (i) of subdivision three of this section from the general fund

  4  of  the  state of New York to the fund created pursuant to this section,

  5  to the extent that moneys have  been  appropriated  and  made  available

  6  therefor. Upon receipt of the certification of the commissioner of taxa-

  7  tion  and  finance  provided for in subdivision four of this section, on

  8  and after October first, nineteen hundred eighty, the state  comptroller

  9  shall forthwith pay an amount equal to one-half of the amounts certified

 10  by such commissioner as rebates allowable under the provisions of claus-

 11  es  (i)  and  (ii) of subdivision three of this section from the general

 12  fund of the state of New York, to the  fund  created  pursuant  to  this

 13  section to the extent that moneys have been appropriated and made avail-

 14  able therefor.

 15    (b)  Provided, however, that the amounts paid from the general fund of

 16  the state of New York under paragraph (a) of  this  subdivision  in  the

 17  state  fiscal  year beginning April first, nineteen hundred seventy-nine

 18  shall not exceed fifty million dollars; and in  the  state  fiscal  year

 19  beginning  April  first,  nineteen hundred eighty such amounts shall not

 20  exceed ninety million dollars and in the  state  fiscal  year  beginning

 21  April  first, nineteen hundred eighty-one and in every state fiscal year

 22  thereafter such amounts shall not  exceed  one  hundred  twenty  million

 23  dollars.

 24    (c)  Notwithstanding  the provisions of paragraph (b) of this subdivi-

 25  sion, the  The state comptroller shall , in addition to the payments  to

 26  be  made  under  paragraph  (a)  of this subdivision, also  pay from the

 27  general fund to the credit of the fund created pursuant to this  section

 28  an  amount  equal  to   one-half  of   the  costs deducted by  such  the

                                        266                        12020-01-1

  1  commissioner of taxation and finance for the costs  of   the  state  tax

  2  commission in  administering and making distributions in accordance with

  3  the provisions of subdivision four of section ninety-two-b of this chap-

  4  ter.

  5    7.   If  on the day the commissioner of taxation and finance makes the

  6  determinations required under subdivision  three  of  this  section,  he

  7  determines  that, as a result of the payments made into the stock trans-

  8  fer incentive fund  pursuant  to  subdivisions  five  and  six  of  this

  9  section, the amounts in such fund exceed the amounts determined pursuant

 10  to  clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of subdivision three of this section for

 11  the three calendar months ending on the next-to-the-last business day of

 12  the month in which such determination is made, the amount of such excess

 13  shall be paid forthwith to the chief fiscal officer of the city  of  New

 14  York for support of local government.

 15    8.   Notwithstanding  any  provision  of general or special law to the

 16  contrary, all moneys of such fund shall be deposited by the commissioner

 17  of taxation and finance in any responsible bank, banking house or  trust

 18  company  as may be approved by the comptroller. All amounts so deposited

 19  shall be kept separate and apart and shall not be  commingled  with  any

 20  other moneys in the custody of the commissioner of taxation and finance.

 21  All  deposits  of moneys of such fund shall be secured by obligations of

 22  the United States or of the state having a market  value  equal  at  all

 23  times to the amount of the deposit and all banks and trust companies are

 24  authorized to give security for such deposits. Any such moneys deposited

 25  in  such fund may, in the discretion of the commissioner of taxation and

 26  finance, be invested in obligations of the United States or of the state

 27  or in other obligations, the principal of  and  interest  on  which  are

 28  guaranteed by the United States or by the state.

                                        267                        12020-01-1

  1     9.   8.  Out  of  such  moneys  deposited in the fund created by this

  2  section, the commissioner of taxation  and  finance  shall,  except  for

  3  rebates  payable  in  the manner described in subdivision six of section

  4  two hundred eighty-a of the tax law, make the payments  required  to  be

  5  paid on claims for rebates made pursuant to section two hundred eighty-a

  6  of  the tax law, but in no event shall such rebates be paid prior to the

  7  last business day of each of the months of  September,  December,  March

  8  and  June with respect to taxes paid during the period of three calendar

  9  months ending on each such last business day and in no event  shall  the

 10  rebates  allowable under subdivision two-a of section two hundred eight-

 11  y-a of the tax law, be paid prior to the last day of June  with  respect

 12  to  taxes paid during the preceding October first to September thirtieth

 13  period except with respect to the  period  April  seventeenth,  nineteen

 14  hundred  seventy-eight  through  September  thirtieth,  nineteen hundred

 15  seventy-eight such rebates allowable under such subdivision two-a  shall

 16  not be paid prior to the last day of June, nineteen hundred seventy-nine

 17  preceding  such last day. Out of moneys deposited in the fund created by

 18  this section, the commissioner of taxation and finance shall pay to each

 19  exchange, affiliated clearing corporation  or  authorized  agency  which

 20  shall have remitted amounts to the  tax commission  commissioner, in the

 21  manner  set  forth in subdivision six of section two hundred eighty-a of

 22  the tax law, the rebate payable pursuant to subdivisions one and two  of

 23  such section, the rebates payable in the manner described in subdivision

 24  six  of  section  two hundred eighty-a of the tax law not later than the

 25  day after the day the tax equal to the amount of such rebates is  remit-

 26  ted to the  tax commission  commissioner under such subdivision and paid

 27  to  the  fund  created  by this section from the stock transfer tax fund

                                        268                        12020-01-1

  1  pursuant to section ninety-two-b of this chapter. Upon such payment  the

  2  liability of the state therefor shall be fully discharged.

  3     10.  In  the  event that moneys deposited in the fund created by this

  4  section are insufficient to pay such rebates, the city of New York shall

  5  pay any such deficiency to such fund in accordance with local law.

  6    11.  9. The commissioner of taxation and finance  shall  not  be  held

  7  liable for any inaccuracy in any certification under this section.

  8    § 2. This act shall take effect April 1, 2001.

  9                                    PART Q

 10    Section  1. The state comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to

 11  loan money in accordance with the provisions set forth in subdivision  5

 12  of  section  4  of  the  state finance law to the following funds and/or

 13  accounts:

 14    1. Tuition reimbursement fund (050):

 15    a. Proprietary vocational school supervision account (02).

 16    2. Local government records management improvement fund (052).

 17    3. Health facilities capital improvement fund (071).

 18    4. Dedicated highway and bridge trust fund (072).

 19    5. State parks infrastructure trust fund (076).

 20    6. Clean water/clean air implementation fund (079).

 21    7. State lottery fund (160).

 22    8. Medicaid management information system escrow fund (179).

 23    9. Federal USDA-food and nutrition services fund (261):

 24    a. 2000 child and adult food care grant account.

 25    b. 2001 child and adult food care grant account.

 26    c. 2000 federal food and nutrition services account.

 27    d. 2001 federal food and nutrition services account.

 28    10. Federal health and human services fund (265):

                                        269                        12020-01-1

  1    a. Miscellaneous agencies (80).

  2    b. 2000 children's health insurance account (4W).

  3    c. 2001 children's health insurance account.

  4    11. Federal block grant fund (269):

  5    a. 2000 community services block grant (M6).

  6    b. 2001 community services block grant (N6).

  7    c. 2002 community services block grant.

  8    d. 2000 maternal and child health services block grant (M4).

  9    e. 2001 maternal and child health services block grant.

 10    f. 2000 preventive health and human services block grant (M5).

 11    g. 2001 preventive health and human services block grant.

 12    h. 2000 abstinence education grant (M8).

 13    i. 2001 abstinence education grant.

 14    j. 2000 individuals with disabilities education act-part c (52).

 15    k. 2001 individuals with disabilities education act-part c.

 16    12. Federal operating grants fund (290):

 17    a. National recreation trail act grants (07).

 18    b. State side land and water conservation act (08).

 19    c. Historic preservation grants (13).

 20    d. Division of human rights federal housing assistance (19).

 21    e. Division of military and naval affairs training sites (30).

 22    f.  Division  of  military  and  naval affairs army and national guard

 23  contract (35).

 24    g. Division of military and naval affairs air national guard  contract

 25  (36).

 26    h.  Division of military and naval affairs air national guard security

 27  guards (38).

                                        270                        12020-01-1

  1    i. Division of military and naval affairs emergency management account

  2  (72).

  3    j. HUD - emergency shelter grants (75).

  4    k. Federal library services technology act account (90).

  5    l. Federal energy management account - state heating oil program (AE).

  6    m. State side marine & recreational vehicle program (AJ).

  7    n. HUD - HOPWA automated (AK).

  8    o. Federal McKinney homeless grant program (AY).

  9    p. National park rehab (A1).

 10    q. Encon ISTEA (A9).

 11    r. Division of veterans' affairs - veterans' education account (B5).

 12    s. FTA program management account  (FT).

 13    t. Division of human rights federal equal opportunity (G1).

 14    u. Land and water conservation act grants (H6)

 15    v. National community service fund (JA).

 16    w. Rural and small urban transit aid account (L2).

 17    x. Federal housing and urban development account-local planning (L3).

 18    y.  Urban  mass  transportation  administration account-local planning

 19  (L4).

 20    z. Federal fund for pipeline safety account   - 1983  pipeline  safety

 21  grant (L8).

 22    aa. Foster care and adoption (W6).

 23    bb. Encon Agriculture (Y1).

 24    cc. Encon commerce (Y2).

 25    dd. Wildlife restoration (Y3).

 26    ee. Encon EPA (Y4).

 27    ff. Interior non wildlife (Y7).

 28    gg. Air pollution control (Y8).

                                        271                        12020-01-1

  1    hh. Hazardous waste (Y9).

  2    ii. Army (YO).

  3    jj. COPSMORE 98 grant (2P).

  4    kk. 1999 Safe drinking water (2Q).

  5    ll. 2000 Safe drinking water (2U).

  6    mm. 2001 Safe drinking water.

  7    nn. 1999 State indoor radon (2R).

  8    oo. 2000 State indoor radon (2V).

  9    pp. 2001 State indoor radon.

 10    qq. 1999 Asbestos compliance monitoring (2T).

 11    rr. 2000 Asbestos compliance monitoring (2W).

 12    ss. 2001 Asbestos compliance monitoring.

 13    tt. 2000 pollution prevention for the health care industry.

 14    uu. 2001 pollution prevention for the health care industry.

 15    vv. 2000 hazardous air pollutants and acute asthma in urban areas.

 16    ww. 2001 hazardous air pollutants and acute asthma in urban areas.

 17    xx. 2000 summer food grant.

 18    yy. 2001 summer food grant.

 19    zz. OCA - federal grants for drug court accounts.

 20    aaa. HUD small cities community development.

 21    bbb. Lead based paint program account (CH).

 22    ccc. Manufacturing extension partnership account.

 23    ddd. Violent offender incarceration and truth in sentencing account.

 24    13. Federal capital projects fund (291).

 25    14. Environmental conservation special revenue fund (301):

 26    a. Hazardous bulk storage account (F7).

 27    b. Utility environmental regulation account (H4).

 28    c. Low level radioactive waste siting account (K5).

                                        272                        12020-01-1

  1    d. Recreation account (K6).

  2    e. Conservationist magazine account (S4).

  3    f. Environmental regulatory account (S5).

  4    g. Mined land reclamation program account (XB).

  5    15. Environmental protection and oil spill compensation fund (303).

  6    16. Hazardous waste remedial fund (312):

  7    a. Site investigation and construction account (12).

  8    17. Clean air fund (314).

  9    18. Centralized services account (323).

 10    19. Suburban transportation fund (327).

 11    20. Agency enterprise fund (331):

 12    a. OGS convention center account (55).

 13    21. Agencies internal service fund (334).

 14    22. Miscellaneous special revenue fund (339):

 15    a. Adoption information registry account (01).

 16    b. Statewide planning and research cooperative system account (03).

 17    c. Energy office utility conservation activities account (06).

 18    d. New York state thruway authority account (08).

 19    e. Office of mental retardation and developmental disabilities nonper-

 20  sonal service patient income account (10).

 21    f. Empire state plaza arts center corporation account (12).

 22    g. Civic center account (14).

 23    h. Financial control board account (15).

 24    i. Tri-state federal account (17).

 25    j. Food assistance program account (19).

 26    k. Quality of care account (20).

 27    l. Continuing care retirement community account (28).

 28    m. Surplus commodity container account (40).

                                        273                        12020-01-1

  1    n. Hospital and nursing home management account (44).

  2    o. State university dormitory income reimbursable account (47).

  3    p. Energy research account (60).

  4    q. Criminal justice improvement account (62).

  5    r. New York fire academy account (72).

  6    s. Environmental laboratory reference fee account (81).

  7    t. Clinical laboratory reference fee account (90).

  8    u. Minority and women's business development account (91).

  9    v. Public employment relations board account (93).

 10    w. Radiological health protection account (95).

 11    x. Legal technology account (A1).

 12    y. Teacher certification program account (A4).

 13    z. Banking department account (A5).

 14    aa. Cable television account (A6).

 15    bb. Small business administration account (A8).

 16    cc. Hospital based grants program account (AF).

 17    dd. Indirect cost recovery account (AH).

 18    ee. High school equivalency program account (AI).

 19    ff. DOH administration account (AP).

 20    gg. Rail safety inspection account (AQ).

 21    hh. Administrative reimbursement account (AR).

 22    ii. Insurance department account (B6).

 23    jj. Workers' compensation account (B7).

 24    kk. Bell jar account (BJ).

 25    ll. Industry and utility service account (BK).

 26    mm. Energy efficient rebate account (BL).

 27    nn. Auditing services refund account (BN).

 28    oo. Real property disposition account (BP).

                                        274                        12020-01-1

  1    pp. Parking account (BQ).

  2    qq. Procurement revenue account (BR).

  3    rr. Asbestos safety training program account (BW).

  4    ss. Improvement of real property tax administration account (BZ).

  5    tt. Public service account (C3).

  6    uu. State central register account (CY).

  7    vv. Plant industry account (CZ).

  8    ww. Batavia school for the blind account (D9).

  9    xx. Surplus property account (DE).

 10    yy. Financial oversight account (DI).

 11    zz. Medicaid fraud control account (DL).

 12    aaa. Regulation of indian gaming account (DT).

 13    bbb. Special conservation activities account (DU).

 14    ccc. Office of the professions account (E3).

 15    ddd. Rome school for the deaf account (E6).

 16    eee. Seized assets account (E8).

 17    fff. Administrative adjudication account (E9).

 18    ggg. Federal salary sharing account (EC).

 19    hhh. Transportation regulation account (F1).

 20    iii. Local services account (G3).

 21    jjj.  Division  of  housing  and community renewal housing information

 22  systems special revenue account (H1).

 23    kkk. Housing special revenue account (H2).

 24    lll. Triplicate prescription forms account (H5).

 25    mmm. Department of motor vehicles compulsory insurance account (H7).

 26    nnn. Housing credit agency application fee account (J5).

 27    ooo. EPIC premium account (J6).

 28    ppp. Adult cystic fibrosis program account (L5).

                                        275                        12020-01-1

  1    qqq. Federal gasoline and diesel fuel excise tax account (L6).

  2    rrr. Administrative reimbursement account (L7).

  3    sss. Maternal and child HIV services account (LC).

  4    ttt. Low income housing credit monitoring fee account (NG).

  5    uuu. Procurement opportunities newsletter account (P4).

  6    vvv. Corporation administration account (P6).

  7    www. Excelsior capital corporation reimbursement account (R1).

  8    xxx. Motor fuel quality account (R4).

  9    yyy. Weights and measures account (R5).

 10    zzz. Deferred compensation administration account (R7).

 11    aaaa. Batavia medicaid income account (S1).

 12    bbbb. Rent revenue account (S8).

 13    cccc. Rent revenue other account.

 14    dddd. Transportation safety account (T1).

 15    eeee. Transportation aviation account (T5).

 16    ffff. Solid waste management account (W3).

 17    gggg. Occupational health clinics account (W4).

 18    hhhh. Examination and miscellaneous revenue account.

 19    iiii. State student financial aid audit account.

 20    jjjj. Montrose veteran's home account (Q6).

 21    kkkk. Child support incentive revenue account (AX).

 22    llll. Telemarketer do not call account.

 23    mmmm. Margaret Chapman closedown account.

 24    nnnn. Small cities community development program account.

 25    23. State university income fund (345):

 26    a. State university general income offset account (11).

 27    24. State police and motor vehicle law enforcement fund (354):

 28    a. State police motor vehicle law enforcement account (02).

                                        276                        12020-01-1

  1    25. Youth facilities improvement fund (357).

  2    26. Highway safety program fund (362).

  3    27. Drinking water program management and administration fund (366).

  4    28. New York city county clerks offset fund (368).

  5    29. Housing assistance fund (374).

  6    30. Housing program fund (376).

  7    31. Department of transportation - engineering services fund (380).

  8    32. Miscellaneous capital projects fund (387):

  9    a. Clean air capital account (08).

 10    33. CUNY capital projects fund (388).

 11    34. Mental hygiene facilities capital improvement fund (389).

 12    35. Joint/labor management administration fund (394):

 13    a. Joint labor/management administration fund (01).

 14    36. Audit and control revolving fund (395):

 15    a. Executive direction internal audit account (04).

 16    37. Health insurance internal service fund (396).

 17    38. Correctional industries revolving fund (397).

 18    39. Correctional facilities capital improvement fund (399).

 19    §  2.  The  comptroller  is  authorized and directed to deposit to the

 20  general fund - state purposes account reimbursements from moneys  appro-

 21  priated  or  reappropriated  to  the correctional facilities improvement

 22  fund (399) by a chapter of the laws of 2001.   Reimbursements  shall  be

 23  available  for  spending  from  appropriations made to the department of

 24  correctional services in the general fund - state purposes account by  a

 25  chapter of the laws of 2001 for costs associated with the administration

 26  and security of capital projects and for other costs which are attribut-

 27  able, according to a plan, to such capital projects.

                                        277                        12020-01-1

  1    §  3. Section 97-rrr of the state finance law, as added by section 7-a

  2  of part A of chapter 56 of the laws of 1998, is amended by adding a  new

  3  subdivision 5 to read as follows:

  4    5. Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred seventy-one-a

  5  of  the  tax  law or any other provisions of law to the contrary, during

  6  each fiscal year the state comptroller is hereby authorized and directed

  7  to deposit into the school tax relief  fund  created  pursuant  to  this

  8  section from amounts collected pursuant to article twenty-two of the tax

  9  law  the  amounts  necessary  to meet the purposes of such fund for each

 10  fiscal year pursuant to a schedule submitted  by  the  director  of  the

 11  budget.

 12    §  4. Subdivision 1 of section 94 of the state finance law, as amended

 13  by chapter 62 of the laws of 1988, is amended to read as follows:

 14    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 15  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

 16  fund to be known as the "court facilities incentive aid fund."

 17    Within such fund there is hereby established  a  special  account  for

 18  each  political  subdivision  of  the state to which state assistance is

 19  apportioned and payable pursuant to section fifty-four-j of  this  chap-

 20  ter.

 21    §  5. Subdivision 1 of section 94-a of the state finance law, as added

 22  by chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:

 23    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 24  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

 25  fund to be known as the "New York city county clerks' operations  offset

 26  fund."

 27    §  6. Subdivision 1 of section 94-b of the state finance law, as added

 28  by chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:

                                        278                        12020-01-1

  1    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

  2  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

  3  fund to be known as the "judiciary data processing offset fund."

  4    §  7. Subdivision 1 of section 94-d of the state finance law, as added

  5  by chapter 205 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows:

  6    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

  7  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

  8  fund to be known as the "New York state collectible series fund."

  9    § 8. Subdivision 1 of section 97-h of the state finance law, as  added

 10  by chapter 617 of the laws of 1987, is amended to read as follows:

 11    1. There is hereby established in the custody of the state comptroller

 12  a  special revenue  fund to be known as the Lake George park trust fund.

 13    §  9. Subdivision 1 of section 97-l of the state finance law, as added

 14  by chapter 565 of the laws of 1989, is amended to read as follows:

 15    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 16  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

 17  fund to be known as the "sewage treatment program management and  admin-

 18  istration fund".

 19    §  10.  Subdivision  1  of  section 97-bb of the state finance law, as

 20  added by chapter 62 of the laws of 1989, is amended to read as follows:

 21    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 22  troller and the commissioner of the department of taxation and finance a

 23   special revenue  fund to be known as the "criminal justice  improvement

 24  account".

 25    §  11.  Subdivision  1  of  section 97-mm of the state finance law, as

 26  added by chapter 55 of the laws of 1992, is amended to read as follows:

 27    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 28  troller and the commissioner of taxation and  finance  a   miscellaneous

                                        279                        12020-01-1

  1  special revenue  fund to be known as the "state police motor vehicle law

  2  enforcement account".

  3    §  12.  Subdivision  1  of  section 97-oo of the state finance law, as

  4  added by chapter 554 of the laws of 1993, is amended to read as follows:

  5    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

  6  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

  7  fund to be known as the biodiversity stewardship and research fund which

  8  shall consist of a state land biodiversity  stewardship  account  and  a

  9  biodiversity research account.

 10    §  13.  Subdivision  1  of  section 97-qq of the state finance law, as

 11  added by section 37 of part E of chapter 58 of  the  laws  of  1998,  is

 12  amended to read as follows:

 13    1. There is hereby established in the custody of the state comptroller

 14  a   special  revenue   fund  to be known as the "New York state wireless

 15  telephone emergency service account".

 16    § 14. Subdivision 1 of section 97-ss of  the  state  finance  law,  as

 17  added by chapter 309 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows:

 18    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 19  troller and the commissioner of the department of taxation and finance a

 20   special revenue  fund to be known as the "tax proceedings fee account".

 21    §  15.  Subdivision  1  of section 97-ddd of the state finance law, as

 22  added by chapter 432 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

 23    1. There is hereby established in joint custody  of  the  state  comp-

 24  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

 25  fund  to be known as the "drinking water program management and adminis-

 26  tration fund".

 27    § 16. Subdivision 1 of section 97-eee of the  state  finance  law,  as

 28  added by chapter 432 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read as follows:

                                        280                        12020-01-1

  1    1.  There  is  hereby  established in joint custody of the state comp-

  2  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

  3  fund to be known as the "clean water/clean air implementation fund."

  4    §  17.  Subdivision  1  of section 97-lll of the state finance law, as

  5  added by section 88 of part A of chapter 436 of the  laws  of  1997,  is

  6  amended to read as follows:

  7    1.    There  is  hereby  established in the joint custody of the state

  8  comptroller and the commissioner  of  the  department  of  taxation  and

  9  finance a  special revenue  fund to be known as the vocational rehabili-

 10  tation fund.

 11    § 18. Subdivision 1 of section 99-d of the state finance law, as added

 12  by chapter 309 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows:

 13    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 14  troller  and the commissioner of taxation and finance an account  in the

 15  miscellaneous special revenue fund  to be known as the  city  university

 16  stabilization account.

 17    §  19.  Subdivision  1  of  section  99-f of the state finance law, as

 18  amended by chapter 612 of the laws  of  1999,  is  amended  to  read  as

 19  follows:

 20    1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the state comp-

 21  troller and the commissioner of taxation and finance a  special revenue 

 22  fund to be known as the "spinal cord injury research trust fund".

 23    §  20.  Subdivision  2  of section 550 of the labor law, as amended by

 24  chapter 460 of the laws of 1971, is amended to read as follows:

 25    2. Custodian of funds. The state commissioner of taxation and  finance

 26  and  the  state  comptroller  shall be the  custodian  custodians of the

 27  funds received upon requisition by the industrial commissioner from  the

 28  unemployment  trust fund and, subject to audit by the state comptroller,

                                        281                        12020-01-1

  1  the industrial commissioner shall direct the disbursement  thereof.  The

  2  state  commissioner  of  taxation and finance, notwithstanding any other

  3  provision of law, may for the purpose of such disbursement authorize any

  4  depository  of  the fund to make payments out of any moneys therein upon

  5  drafts on the fund issued by the industrial  commissioner  and  counter-

  6  signed by the state comptroller.  The state commissioner of taxation and

  7  finance  may deposit any portion of such funds which he deems not needed

  8  for immediate use in the manner and subject to all the provisions of law

  9  respecting the deposit of other state funds by him.  Interest earned  by

 10  such  portion of such funds deposited by the state commissioner of taxa-

 11  tion and finance shall be collected by him and placed to the  credit  of

 12  the fund.

 13    § 21. Section 96 of the state finance law is REPEALED.

 14    § 22. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 3-a of section 378 of the education

 15  law is REPEALED.

 16    § 23. Section 92-m of the state finance law is REPEALED.

 17    § 24. Section 94-c of the state finance law is REPEALED.

 18    § 25. Section 97-o of the state finance law is REPEALED.

 19    § 26. Section 97-n of the state finance law is REPEALED.

 20    §  27.  (1)  Pursuant  to  various chapters of the laws of 2001 making

 21  appropriations for capital projects, such appropriations shall be deemed

 22  to provide all costs necessary and pertinent to accomplish the intent of

 23  the appropriation including apportionments to departments,  agencies  or

 24  corporations  for  the  purposes  of  the  specific appropriation or for

 25  payment to  the  construction  management  account  of  the  centralized

 26  services  fund  of the New York state office of general services for the

 27  preparation and review of plans,  specifications,  estimates,  services,

 28  construction    management   and   supervision,   inspection,   studies,

                                        282                        12020-01-1

  1  appraisals, surveys, testing and environmental  statements  relating  to

  2  existing or proposed facilities.

  3    Appropriations  from the capital projects fund, the city university of

  4  New York capital projects fund, the mental hygiene  capital  improvement

  5  fund,  the department of health facilities capital improvement fund, the

  6  correctional facilities capital improvement fund, the  youth  facilities

  7  improvement fund, the housing assistance fund, the housing program fund,

  8  the  engineering  services  fund, the dedicated highway and bridge trust

  9  fund, the suburban transportation fund, the state  parks  infrastructure

 10  fund, the passenger facility charge fund, the state university residence

 11  hall  rehabilitation  fund,  the state university capital projects fund,

 12  the New York state canal system development fund, the financial security

 13  fund, the natural resources damages fund, the federal  capital  projects

 14  fund, and the regional aviation fund are appropriated in accordance with

 15  the  provisions of section 93 of the state finance law. Moneys appropri-

 16  ated from each such fund type for  CCP's,  for  agency  purposes  within

 17  CCP's, and for projects sharing the same agency purpose within a CCP may

 18  be transferred among projects within a CCP in accordance with paragraphs

 19  (a)  through (g) of subdivision 4 of section 93 of the state finance law

 20  and may be transferred among purposes within a CCP subject to the  limi-

 21  tations  of  paragraph  (e)  of subdivision 4 of section 93 of the state

 22  finance law.

 23    Notwithstanding the provisions of any  general  or  special  law,  the

 24  provisions  of paragraphs (a) through (g) of subdivision 4 of section 93

 25  of the state finance law which relate to the transfer of a portion of  a

 26  capital appropriation to another capital appropriation shall be applica-

 27  ble to appropriations from each fund.

                                        283                        12020-01-1

  1    (2)  The  following funds are eligible to be reimbursed from miscella-

  2  neous receipts or the proceeds of notes or bonds sold by public authori-

  3  ties, as specified in this subdivision:

  4    (a)  the health facilities capital improvement fund, from the proceeds

  5  of the sale of notes or bonds issued by the  New  York  state  dormitory

  6  authority;

  7    (b)  the  dedicated  highway and bridge trust fund, from miscellaneous

  8  receipts or the proceeds of the sale of notes or bonds issued by the New

  9  York state thruway authority;

 10    (c) the youth facilities improvement fund and the correctional facili-

 11  ties capital improvement fund, from the proceeds of the sale of notes or

 12  bonds issued by the New York state urban development corporation;

 13    (d) the housing assistance fund and the housing program fund, from the

 14  proceeds of the sale of notes or bonds issued  by  the  housing  finance

 15  agency;

 16    (e)  the  mental  hygiene  capital  facilities  improvement fund, from

 17  miscellaneous receipts or the proceeds of the sale  of  notes  or  bonds

 18  issued  by  the  New  York state dormitory authority as successor to the

 19  medical care facilities financing agency pursuant to chapter 83  of  the

 20  laws of 1995;

 21    The  comptroller  shall receive such reimbursements for deposit in the

 22  funds so specified.

 23    (3) The comptroller is  hereby  authorized  and  directed  to  deposit

 24  moneys received, as specified below:

 25    (a)  the  engineering  services fund shall receive reimbursements from

 26  various capital appropriations;

                                        284                        12020-01-1

  1    (b) the financial security fund  shall  receive  moneys  recovered  in

  2  accordance  with  various  required  financial security arrangements for

  3  environmental projects;

  4    (c)  the natural resources damages fund shall receive moneys recovered

  5  from successful natural resource damage claims and related  settlements;

  6  and

  7    (d)  the regional aviation fund shall receive moneys from the lease of

  8  Stewart Airport, including any payments due to the  state  from  related

  9  settlements or agreements.

 10    (4) The comptroller shall certify monthly to the director of the budg-

 11  et  and  the  chairs  of  the senate finance and assembly ways and means

 12  committees, the total disbursements  from  the  correctional  facilities

 13  capital  improvement  fund  (399),  the  department of health facilities

 14  capital improvement fund (071), the housing assistance fund  (374),  the

 15  youth facilities improvement fund (357), the housing program fund (376),

 16  and  the  mental  hygiene  capital  improvement  fund  (389),  the total

 17  reimbursements to such funds from  bond  proceeds,  and  the  amount  of

 18  disbursements  from  such  funds  remaining  to  be  financed  with bond

 19  proceeds. Once a year, as soon as practicable after March 31, the  comp-

 20  troller  shall  certify  to the director of the budget and the chairs of

 21  the senate finance and assembly  ways  and  means  committees,  for  the

 22  fiscal year just ended, total disbursements from the correctional facil-

 23  ities  capital  improvement  fund,  the  department of health facilities

 24  capital improvement fund, the youth  facilities  improvement  fund,  the

 25  housing  assistance  fund,  the  housing  program  fund,  and the mental

 26  hygiene capital improvement fund any amounts transferred from the  capi-

 27  tal projects fund to such funds for nonbondable disbursements, the total

 28  reimbursements  to  such  funds  from  bond  proceeds, and the amount of

                                        285                        12020-01-1

  1  disbursements from  such  funds  remaining  to  be  financed  with  bond

  2  proceeds.

  3    (5)  The  dormitory authority of the state of New York and the depart-

  4  ment of health shall report quarterly to the director of the budget  the

  5  amounts  expended from appropriations in the capital projects fund which

  6  are eligible for reimbursement from the proceeds  of  the  bonds.    The

  7  housing finance agency in conjunction with the affordable housing corpo-

  8  ration, the homeless housing assistance corporation and the commissioner

  9  of  the  office  of temporary and disability assistance, and the housing

 10  trust fund corporation shall report quarterly to  the  director  of  the

 11  budget  on  the  amounts  disbursed  from  appropriations in the housing

 12  program fund and the housing assistance  fund  which  are  eligible  for

 13  repayment from the proceeds of the bonds. The dormitory authority of the

 14  state  of  New  York,  as successor to the facilities development corpo-

 15  ration pursuant to chapter 83 of the laws of  1995  and  the  office  of

 16  mental  health, the office of mental retardation and developmental disa-

 17  bilities, and the office of  alcoholism  and  substance  abuse  services

 18  shall  report  quarterly  to  the  director of the budget on the amounts

 19  disbursed from appropriations in the mental hygiene capital  improvement

 20  fund  which  are  eligible  for  reimbursement  from the proceeds of the

 21  bonds. Such reports shall be submitted to the director of the budget  no

 22  later  than  July 30, October 31, January 30, and April 30 of each state

 23  fiscal year. The director of the budget shall review these  reports  and

 24  then  certify  to  the comptroller amounts expended from these appropri-

 25  ations which are reimbursable from bond proceeds. Until such time as the

 26  director of the budget determines that the amounts disbursed  from  such

 27  funds  are  not  reimbursable from bond proceeds, all such disbursements

 28  shall be considered to be reimbursable from bond proceeds.    Upon  such

                                        286                        12020-01-1

  1  certifications  for  the  housing  assistance  fund, the housing program

  2  fund, and the mental hygiene capital improvement fund,  the  comptroller

  3  is  hereby authorized to transfer from the capital projects fund, pursu-

  4  ant  to an appropriation, an amount equal to the amount of disbursements

  5  from these appropriations which have not been certified    as  repayable

  6  from bond proceeds.

  7    § 28. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

  8  ry,  the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to the

  9  credit of the capital projects fund reimbursement from the  proceeds  of

 10  notes and bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a

 11  capital  appropriation  for  $27,452,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the

 12  laws of 1996 to the  department  of  environmental  conservation  for  a

 13  payment  of  a  portion  of the state's match for federal capitalization

 14  grants for the water pollution control revolving loan fund.

 15    § 29. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

 16  ry, the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to  the

 17  credit  of  the capital projects fund reimbursement from the proceeds of

 18  notes and bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a

 19  capital appropriation for $29,960,000 authorized by chapter  55  of  the

 20  laws  of  1997  to  the  department  of environmental conservation for a

 21  payment of a portion of the state's  match  for  federal  capitalization

 22  grants for the water pollution control revolving loan fund.

 23    § 30. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

 24  ry,  the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to the

 25  credit of the capital projects fund, reimbursement from the proceeds  of

 26  notes and bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a

 27  capital  appropriation  for  $20,241,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the

 28  laws of 1998 to the  department  of  environmental  conservation  for  a

                                        287                        12020-01-1

  1  payment  of  a  portion  of the state's match for federal capitalization

  2  grants for the water pollution control revolving loan fund.

  3    § 31. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

  4  ry,  the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to the

  5  credit of the capital projects fund, reimbursement from the proceeds  of

  6  notes and bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a

  7  capital  appropriation  for  $22,404,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the

  8  laws of 1999 to the department of environmental conservation for payment

  9  of a portion of the state's match for federal capitalization grants  for

 10  the  water  pollution  control  revolving  loan fund, reimbursements for

 11  spending from various appropriations for projects  related  to  the  New

 12  York  City Watershed, reimbursement from the proceeds of notes and bonds

 13  issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a capital  appro-

 14  priation for $22,500,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the laws of 1999 to

 15  the  environmental  facilities  corporation for payment for the jobs two

 16  thousand pipeline for jobs program, reimbursement from the  proceeds  of

 17  notes  and  bonds  issued by the dormitory authority of the state of New

 18  York for a capital appropriation for $47,500,000 authorized  by  chapter

 19  55 of the laws of 1999 to the office of science, technology and academic

 20  research  for  payment  for  the  jobs  two  thousand capital facilities

 21  program, reimbursement from the proceeds of notes and  bonds  issued  by

 22  the dormitory authority of the state of New York for a capital appropri-

 23  ation  for  $145,000,000 authorized by chapter 53 of the laws of 1999 to

 24  the state education  department  for  payment  of  capital  construction

 25  grants  to school districts pursuant to the rebuilding schools to uphold

 26  education program, reimbursement from the proceeds of  notes  and  bonds

 27  issued  by the urban development corporation for a capital appropriation

 28  for $25,000,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the  laws  of  1999  to  all

                                        288                        12020-01-1

  1  state  agencies  for  payment  of costs related to economic development,

  2  land acquisition, and heritage trail  projects,  and  for  reimbursement

  3  from  the  proceeds of notes and bonds issued by the dormitory authority

  4  of  the  state  of  New York for a capital appropriation for $15,000,000

  5  authorized by chapter 53 of the laws of 1999 to the office  of  children

  6  and  family  services  for  payment  of  costs related to the child care

  7  facilities development program.

  8    § 32. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

  9  ry, the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to  the

 10  credit  of the capital projects fund, reimbursement from the proceeds of

 11  notes or bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for  a

 12  capital  appropriation  for  $43,383,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the

 13  laws of 2000 to the department of environmental conservation for payment

 14  of a portion of the state's match for federal capitalization grants  for

 15  the  water  pollution control revolving loan fund, to reimburse spending

 16  from various appropriations for certain projects related to the New York

 17  City Watershed, and reimbursement from the proceeds of notes  and  bonds

 18  issued  by  the  urban development corporation or other financing source

 19  for a capital appropriation for $25,000,000 authorized by chapter 50  of

 20  the  laws of 2000 to the office of general services for payment of capi-

 21  tal construction costs for the department of transportation  region  one

 22  headquarters  building located in the city of Schenectady, reimbursement

 23  from the proceeds of notes and bonds issued  by  the  urban  development

 24  corporation  for  a  capital appropriation for $15,000,000 authorized by

 25  chapter 55 of the laws of 2000 to the urban development corporation  for

 26  payment  of costs related to a sports facility in the city of Rochester,

 27  reimbursement from the proceeds of notes and bonds issued by  the  urban

 28  development corporation of the state of New York for a capital appropri-

                                        289                        12020-01-1

  1  ation  for  $50,000,000  authorized by chapter 55 of the laws of 2000 to

  2  the urban development  corporation  for  payment  of  costs  related  to

  3  economic  development  projects  in  the downtown Buffalo or the Buffalo

  4  inner harbor area, reimbursement from proceeds of notes and bonds issued

  5  by  the  urban  development  corporation,  the  environmental facilities

  6  corporation or the dormitory authority, of the state of New York  for  a

  7  capital  appropriation  for $225,000,000 authorized by chapter 55 of the

  8  laws of 2000 to all state agencies for payment of costs related  to  the

  9  strategic  investment  program, reimbursement from the proceeds of notes

 10  and bonds issued by the dormitory authority of the state of New York for

 11  a capital appropriation for $50,000,000 authorized by chapter 53 of  the

 12  laws  of  2000  to the state education department for payment of capital

 13  construction grants to  school  districts  pursuant  to  the  rebuilding

 14  schools to uphold education program, for reimbursement from the proceeds

 15  of notes and bonds issued by the dormitory authority of the state of New

 16  York  for  a capital appropriation for $15,000,000 authorized by chapter

 17  53 of the laws of 2000 to the office of children and family services for

 18  payment of costs  related  to  the  child  care  facilities  development

 19  program,  and  for  reimbursement  from  the proceeds of notes and bonds

 20  issued by the dormitory authority of the state of New York for a capital

 21  appropriation for $10,000,000 authorized by chapter 55 of  the  laws  of

 22  2000  to  the  office  of  science, technology and academic research for

 23  payment of costs related to  biomedical  research  and/or  manufacturing

 24  facilities.

 25    § 33. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

 26  ry,  the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to deposit to the

 27  credit of the capital projects fund, reimbursement from the proceeds  of

 28  notes  or bonds issued by the environmental facilities corporation for a

                                        290                        12020-01-1

  1  capital appropriation for $29,772,000 authorized by  a  chapter  of  the

  2  laws of 2001 to the department of environmental conservation for payment

  3  of  a portion of the state's match for federal capitalization grants for

  4  the  water pollution control revolving loan fund, reimbursement from the

  5  proceeds of notes and bonds issued by the urban development  corporation

  6  for  a capital appropriation for $100,000,000 authorized by a chapter of

  7  the laws of 2001 to  the  urban  development  corporation  for  economic

  8  development  projects  and  reimbursement from the proceeds of notes and

  9  bonds issued by the urban development  corporation  or  other  financing

 10  source for a capital appropriation for $68,000,000 authorized by a chap-

 11  ter of the laws of 2001 to the office of general services for payment of

 12  capital  construction  costs  for  the  Alfred  E. Smith office building

 13  located in the city of Albany.

 14    § 34. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contra-

 15  ry, the state comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to  use  any

 16  balance remaining in the mental health services fund debt service appro-

 17  priation,  after  payment by the state comptroller of all obligations of

 18  the  facilities  development  corporation,  or  any  successor   agency,

 19  required  pursuant to any lease, sublease or other financing arrangement

 20  between the facilities development corporation, the dormitory  authority

 21  of the state of New York as successor to the New York state medical care

 22  facilities  financing  agency and the facilities development corporation

 23  pursuant to chapter 83 of the laws of 1995 and the department of  mental

 24  hygiene for the purpose of making payments to such agency for the amount

 25  of  the  earnings  for  the investment of monies deposited in the mental

 26  health services fund that such agency determines will or may have to  be

 27  rebated  to  the  federal  government  pursuant to the provisions of the

 28  internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, in order to enable such agen-

                                        291                        12020-01-1

  1  cy to maintain the exemption from federal income taxation on the  inter-

  2  est  paid  to  the  holders  of such agency's mental services facilities

  3  improvement revenue bonds.   On or before June  30,  2002,  such  agency

  4  shall certify to the state comptroller, its determination of the amounts

  5  received  in  the mental health services fund as a result of the invest-

  6  ment of monies deposited therein that will or may have to be rebated  to

  7  the federal government pursuant to the provisions of the internal reven-

  8  ue code of 1986, as amended.

  9    § 35. Section 66-b of the state finance law is amended by adding a new

 10  subdivision 9 to read as follows:

 11    9.  The  maximum  amount  of  certificates of participation or similar

 12  instruments representing periodic payments due from  the  state  of  New

 13  York,  issued  on  behalf  of  state  departments and agencies, the city

 14  university of New York and any other state  entity  otherwise  specified

 15  after  March  thirty-first,  two  thousand  one,  shall be three hundred

 16  million dollars.   Such amount shall be  exclusive  of  certificates  of

 17  participation  or  similar  instruments issued to fund a reserve fund or

 18  funds, costs of issuance  and  to  refund  outstanding  certificates  of

 19  participation.

 20    §  36.  Pursuant  to  article  5-A of the state finance law, the total

 21  amount of certificates of participation to be issued in the state fiscal

 22  year beginning April 1, 2001, to finance and, where appropriate to refi-

 23  nance, personal property purposes including the  cost  of  issuance  and

 24  related  costs,  shall not exceed $140,425,000 for installment purchases

 25  and/or lease purchases of all state departments and agencies,  units  of

 26  the  state  university  of New York and city university of New York, and

 27  the unified court system.

                                        292                        12020-01-1

  1    § 37. Pursuant to article 5-A of the  state  finance  law,  the  total

  2  amount of certificates of participation to be issued in the state fiscal

  3  year beginning April 1, 2001, to finance and, where appropriate to refi-

  4  nance,  personal  property  purposes  including the cost of issuance and

  5  related  costs,  shall not exceed $167,075,000 for installment purchases

  6  and/or lease purchases of the office of children  and  family  services,

  7  the  department of labor, the office of temporary and disability assist-

  8  ance, and the department of health.

  9    § 38. 1. Notwithstanding any other law, rule,  or  regulation  to  the

 10  contrary,  the state comptroller shall at the commencement of each month

 11  certify to the director of the budget, the commissioner of environmental

 12  conservation, the chair of the senate finance committee, and  the  chair

 13  of  the assembly ways and means committee the amounts disbursed from all

 14  appropriations for hazardous waste site  remediation  disbursements  for

 15  the month preceding such certification.

 16    2.  Notwithstanding  any law to the contrary, prior to the issuance by

 17  the comptroller of bonds authorized pursuant to subdivision a of section

 18  4 of the environmental quality bond act of nineteen hundred  eighty-six,

 19  as  enacted  by  chapter 511 of the laws of 1986, disbursements from all

 20  appropriations for that purpose shall first be  reimbursed  from  moneys

 21  credited  to  the  hazardous waste remedial fund, site investigation and

 22  construction account,  to  the  extent  moneys  are  available  in  such

 23  account.  For  purposes of determining moneys available in such account,

 24  the commissioner of environmental  conservation  shall  certify  to  the

 25  comptroller  the  amounts  required  for administration of the hazardous

 26  waste remedial program.

 27    3. The comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to  transfer  any

 28  balance above the amounts certified by the commissioner of environmental

                                        293                        12020-01-1

  1  conservation  to  reimburse disbursements pursuant to all appropriations

  2  from such site investigation and construction account, provided,  howev-

  3  er,  that  if  such  transfers  are  determined by the comptroller to be

  4  insufficient  to  assure  that  interest  paid to holders of state obli-

  5  gations issued for hazardous waste purposes  pursuant  to  the  environ-

  6  mental  quality  bond  act of nineteen hundred eighty-six, as enacted by

  7  chapter 511 of the laws of 1986, is exempt from federal income taxation,

  8  the comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from  such

  9  site  investigation  and  construction  account to the general fund, the

 10  amount necessary to redeem bonds in an amount necessary  to  assure  the

 11  continuation  of such tax exempt status. Prior to the making of any such

 12  transfers, the comptroller shall notify the director of  the  budget  of

 13  the amount of such transfers.

 14    § 39. Subdivision 1 of section 16 of part D of chapter 389 of the laws

 15  of  1997,  relating  to  the  financing  of  the correctional facilities

 16  improvement fund and the youth facility improvement fund, as amended  by

 17  section  30  of  part H of chapter 56 of the laws of 2000, is amended to

 18  read as follows:

 19    1. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18 of chapter 174 of  the

 20  laws of 1968, the New York state urban development corporation is hereby

 21  authorized  to  issue bonds, notes and other obligations in an aggregate

 22  principal amount not to exceed  four billion five hundred fifty  million

 23  six hundred ninety-three thousand dollars ($4,550,693,000)  four billion

 24  seven  hundred  seventy-eight million five hundred ninety-three thousand

 25  dollars ($4,778,593,000), and shall include all bonds, notes  and  other

 26  obligations  issued  pursuant  to  chapter  56  of  the laws of 1983, as

 27  amended or supplemented. The proceeds of  such  bonds,  notes  or  other

 28  obligations  shall be paid to the state, for deposit in the correctional

                                        294                        12020-01-1

  1  facilities capital improvement fund to pay for all or any portion of the

  2  amount or amounts paid by the state from appropriations  or  reappropri-

  3  ations  made to the department of correctional services from the correc-

  4  tional  facilities  capital  improvement  fund for capital projects. The

  5  aggregate amount of bonds, notes or other obligations authorized  to  be

  6  issued  pursuant  to  this  section  shall exclude bonds, notes or other

  7  obligations issued to refund or otherwise repay bonds,  notes  or  other

  8  obligations  theretofore  issued, the proceeds of which were paid to the

  9  state for all or a portion of the amounts expended  by  the  state  from

 10  appropriations or reappropriations made to the department of correction-

 11  al  services;  provided, however, that upon any such refunding or repay-

 12  ment the total aggregate principal amount of outstanding bonds, notes or

 13  other obligations may be greater than  four billion five  hundred  fifty

 14  million six hundred ninety-three thousand dollars ($4,550,693,000)  four

 15  billion  seven  hundred  seventy-eight million five hundred ninety-three

 16  thousand dollars ($4,778,593,000), only if  the  present  value  of  the

 17  aggregate  debt  service  of  the refunding or repayment bonds, notes or

 18  other obligations to be issued shall not exceed the present value of the

 19  aggregate debt service of the bonds, notes or other obligations so to be

 20  refunded or repaid. For the purposes hereof, the present  value  of  the

 21  aggregate  debt  service  of  the refunding or repayment bonds, notes or

 22  other obligations and of the aggregate debt service of the bonds,  notes

 23  or  other  obligations  so  refunded  or  repaid, shall be calculated by

 24  utilizing the effective interest rate  of  the  refunding  or  repayment

 25  bonds,  notes  or other obligations, which shall be that rate arrived at

 26  by doubling the semi-annual  interest  rate  (compounded  semi-annually)

 27  necessary  to  discount  the  debt  service payments on the refunding or

 28  repayment bonds, notes or other obligations from the payment dates ther-

                                        295                        12020-01-1

  1  eof to the date of issue of the refunding or repayment bonds,  notes  or

  2  other  obligations  and  to  the  price  bid including estimated accrued

  3  interest or proceeds received by  the  corporation  including  estimated

  4  accrued interest from the sale thereof.

  5    §  40.  Paragraph  (a) of subdivision 2 of section 47-e of the private

  6  housing finance law, as amended by section 39 of part H of chapter 56 of

  7  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

  8    (a) In order  to  enhance  and  encourage  the  promotion  of  housing

  9  programs  and thereby achieve the stated purposes and objectives of such

 10  housing programs, the agency shall have the power and is hereby  author-

 11  ized  from  time  to  time to issue negotiable housing program bonds and

 12  notes in such principal amount as shall be necessary to  provide  suffi-

 13  cient funds for the repayment of amounts disbursed pursuant to a chapter

 14  of  the  laws of two thousand one making capital appropriations or reap-

 15  propriations for the purposes of the housing program, provided, however,

 16  that the agency may issue such bonds and notes in an aggregate principal

 17  amount not exceeding one billion two hundred   thirty-five   eighty-five

 18  million  dollars,  plus  a  principal amount of bonds issued to fund the

 19  debt service reserve fund in accordance with the  debt  service  reserve

 20  fund  requirement  established  by  the  agency  and  to  fund any other

 21  reserves that the agency reasonably deems necessary for the security  or

 22  marketability  of  such bonds and to provide for the payment of fees and

 23  other charges and expenses, including  underwriters'  discount,  trustee

 24  and rating agency fees, bond insurance, credit enhancement and liquidity

 25  enhancement  related to the issuance of such bonds and notes. No reserve

 26  fund securing the housing program bonds shall be entitled or eligible to

 27  receive state funds apportioned or appropriated to maintain  or  restore

 28  such  reserve  fund at or to a particular level, except to the extent of

                                        296                        12020-01-1

  1  any deficiency resulting directly or indirectly from a  failure  of  the

  2  state to appropriate or pay the agreed amount under any of the contracts

  3  provided for in subdivision four of this section.

  4    §  41.  Paragraph  (a) of subdivision 5 of section 47-e of the private

  5  housing finance law, as amended by section 40 of part H of chapter 56 of

  6  the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

  7    (a) Upon the issuance of housing program bonds or  notes,  the  agency

  8  shall  apply  such amount of the proceeds thereof as shall be designated

  9  and specified in the bond or note resolution or resolutions  authorizing

 10  the  issuance  of  such  bonds  or  notes  to  the specific funds and/or

 11  accounts of one or more housing programs. The bond resolution or  resol-

 12  utions  authorizing the issuance of such bonds or notes shall only allo-

 13  cate net proceeds of bonds or notes to a particular fund or account of a

 14  housing program if the legislature has authorized in a  chapter  of  the

 15  laws  of  two  thousand  one  an advance to such fund or account and the

 16  amount of such bond or note  proceeds  so  allocated  to  such  fund  or

 17  account  shall not exceed the total amount so authorized to be advanced.

 18  Such proceeds shall be disbursed to such a fund or account in accordance

 19  with such allocation only for application to the repayment  of  advances

 20  previously  or  thereupon  made and not previously repaid. Such proceeds

 21  may not be transferred from an entity authorized to administer a housing

 22  program to the state or a fund of the state except in repayment of  such

 23  advances.  Except  in  the  case  of refunding bonds or notes authorized

 24  hereunder, any net proceeds not  so  allocated  or  disbursed  shall  be

 25  utilized  first  to pay debt service on the applicable bonds or notes in

 26  the current or the succeeding fiscal year and second to  the  redemption

 27  of  such bonds, provided that such application may be adjusted to comply

 28  with applicable federal law as to federal tax exemption. For purposes of

                                        297                        12020-01-1

  1  this paragraph, earnings from the investment of net  proceeds  shall  be

  2  treated as net proceeds.

  3    §  42. Section 17 of part D of chapter 389 of the laws of 1997, relat-

  4  ing to the financing of the correctional facilities improvement fund and

  5  the youth facility improvement fund, as amended by section 41 of part  H

  6  of chapter 56 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

  7    § 17. Youth facilities bond program. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions

  8  of  section  18  of  chapter 174 of the laws of 1968, the New York state

  9  urban development corporation is hereby authorized to issue bonds, notes

 10  and other obligations in an aggregate principal  amount  not  to  exceed

 11   three  hundred  twenty-eight  million  five  hundred  fifteen  thousand

 12  dollars ($328,515,000)  three hundred  thirty-nine  million  sixty-eight

 13  thousand  dollars  ($339,068,000),  which  authorization  increases  the

 14  aggregate principal amount of bonds, notes and other obligations author-

 15  ized by section 40 of chapter 309 of the laws of 1996, and shall include

 16  all bonds, notes and other obligations issued pursuant to chapter 211 of

 17  the laws of 1990, as amended  or  supplemented.  The  proceeds  of  such

 18  bonds, notes or other obligations shall be paid to the state, for depos-

 19  it  in  the  youth  facilities  improvement  fund, to pay for all or any

 20  portion of the amount or amounts paid by the state  from  appropriations

 21  or  reappropriations  made to the office of children and family services

 22  from the youth facilities improvement fund  for  capital  projects.  The

 23  aggregate  amount of bonds, notes and other obligations authorized to be

 24  issued pursuant to this section shall  exclude  bonds,  notes  or  other

 25  obligations  issued  to  refund or otherwise repay bonds, notes or other

 26  obligations theretofore issued, the proceeds of which were paid  to  the

 27  state  for  all  or  a portion of the amounts expended by the state from

 28  appropriations or reappropriations made to the office  of  children  and

                                        298                        12020-01-1

  1  family  services;  provided,  however,  that  upon any such refunding or

  2  repayment the total aggregate principal  amount  of  outstanding  bonds,

  3  notes  or  other  obligations may be greater than  three hundred twenty-

  4  eight  million  five  hundred  fifteen  thousand dollars ($328,515,000) 

  5  three  hundred  thirty-nine   million   sixty-eight   thousand   dollars

  6  ($339,068,000),  only if the present value of the aggregate debt service

  7  of the refunding or repayment bonds, notes or other  obligations  to  be

  8  issued  shall not exceed the present value of the aggregate debt service

  9  of the bonds, notes or other obligations so to be  refunded  or  repaid.

 10  For the purposes hereof, the present value of the aggregate debt service

 11  of  the  refunding or repayment bonds, notes or other obligations and of

 12  the aggregate debt service of the bonds, notes or other  obligations  so

 13  refunded  or  repaid,  shall  be  calculated  by utilizing the effective

 14  interest rate of the refunding or repayment bonds, notes or other  obli-

 15  gations, which shall be that rate arrived at by doubling the semi-annual

 16  interest  rate (compounded semi-annually) necessary to discount the debt

 17  service payments on the refunding or repayment  bonds,  notes  or  other

 18  obligations  from  the payment dates thereof to the date of issue of the

 19  refunding or repayment bonds, notes or  other  obligations  and  to  the

 20  price  bid  including estimated accrued interest or proceeds received by

 21  the corporation including estimated accrued interest from the sale ther-

 22  eof.

 23    2. For purposes of this section, the following provisions shall  apply

 24  to  powers  in  connection with financing and refinancing of the design,

 25  acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation  and  improve-

 26  ment of facilities for the office of children and family services by the

 27  New York state urban development corporation.

                                        299                        12020-01-1

  1    (a) The New York state office of general services shall be responsible

  2  for  the  undertaking  of  studies,  planning, site acquisition, design,

  3  construction, reconstruction, renovation and development of youth facil-

  4  ities, including the making of any purchases therefor, on behalf of  the

  5  New York state office of children and family services.

  6    (b)  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of any general or special law to

  7  the contrary, and subject to the making of annual appropriations  there-

  8  for  by  the  legislature,  in  order to assist the New York state urban

  9  development corporation in the financing and refinancing of the  design,

 10  acquisition,  construction,  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improve-

 11  ment of facilities for the office of children and family  services,  the

 12  director  of  the budget is authorized in any state fiscal year to enter

 13  into one or more service contracts, none of which  shall  exceed  thirty

 14  years  in  duration,  with  the  New York state urban development corpo-

 15  ration, upon such terms as the director of the budget and the  New  York

 16  state urban development corporation agree;

 17    (c)  Any  service  contract  entered into pursuant to paragraph (a) of

 18  this subdivision or any payments made or to be made  thereunder  may  be

 19  assigned and pledged by the New York state urban development corporation

 20  as security for its bonds and notes;

 21    (d) Any such service contract shall provide that the obligation of the

 22  director  of  the  budget  or of the state to fund or to pay the amounts

 23  therein provided for shall not constitute a debt of the state within the

 24  meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision in  the  event  the

 25  New  York state urban development corporation assigns or pledges service

 26  contract payments as security for its bonds or notes and shall be deemed

 27  executory only to the extent moneys are available and that no  liability

 28  shall  be  incurred  by  the  state  beyond the moneys available for the

                                        300                        12020-01-1

  1  purpose, and that such obligation is subject to annual appropriation  by

  2  the legislature;

  3    (e) Any service contract or contracts for projects entered into pursu-

  4  ant  to  this subdivision shall provide for state commitments to provide

  5  annually to the New York state urban development corporation  a  sum  or

  6  sums,  upon  such terms and conditions as shall be deemed appropriate by

  7  the director of the budget,  to  fund,  or  to  fund  the  debt  service

  8  requirements  of, any bonds or notes, including bonds issued to fund any

  9  required debt service reserve requirement for bonds,  of  the  New  York

 10  state  urban development corporation issued to pay to the state all or a

 11  portion of the amounts expended by  the  state  from  appropriations  or

 12  reappropriations  made to the office of children and family services for

 13  capital projects.

 14    3. (a) The provisions of section 17 of the public officers  law  shall

 15  apply to directors, officers, employees and agents of the New York state

 16  urban  development  corporation  in  connection with any and all claims,

 17  demands, suits, actions or proceedings which  may  be  made  or  brought

 18  against  any  of  them arising out of any determinations made or actions

 19  taken or omitted to be taken in compliance with any obligations under or

 20  pursuant to the terms of this section. The provisions of  this  subdivi-

 21  sion  shall be in addition to and shall not supplant any indemnification

 22  or other benefits heretofore  or  hereafter  conferred  upon  directors,

 23  officers  and employees of the corporation by subdivision 3-a of section

 24  4 of chapter 174 of the laws of 1968,  as  amended  by  action  of  such

 25  corporation, or otherwise.

 26    (b)  The  state shall and hereby agrees to and does indemnify and save

 27  harmless the New York  state  urban  development  corporation  from  and

 28  against  any  and  all  liability, loss, damage, interest, judgments and

                                        301                        12020-01-1

  1  liens, and any and all costs and expenses (including,  but  not  limited

  2  to,  counsel  fees  and  disbursements)  arising  out  of or incurred in

  3  connection  with  any  and  all  claims,  demands,  suits,  actions   or

  4  proceedings  which  may  be made or brought against such corporation (1)

  5  arising out of any determinations made or actions taken or omitted to be

  6  taken or compliance with any obligations under or pursuant to the  terms

  7  of  this act, or (2) for or in relation to any injuries, including death

  8  at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by a person or persons, or on

  9  account of damage to or loss of property, through theft or otherwise, to

 10  the extent the same arises out of  or  in  consequence  of  the  design,

 11  acquisition,  construction,  reconstruction, rehabilitation and improve-

 12  ment of facilities for the  office  of  children  and  family  services,

 13  including  the  furnishing  and equipping thereof, but in each such case

 14  only to the extent that such corporation is  not  otherwise  compensated

 15  therefor by insurance.

 16    § 43. Subdivision 2 of section 219-a of the judiciary law, as added by

 17  chapter 613 of the laws of 1999, is amended to read as follows:

 18    2.  The  chief administrator of the courts may enter into an agreement

 19  jointly with the dormitory authority and with any  other  person,  firm,

 20  association, corporation or agency pursuant to which facilities for such

 21  institute  shall  be  constructed  or  otherwise provided and thereafter

 22  maintained. The maximum amount of bonds that  may  be  issued  for  such

 23  institute  is  sixteen million one hundred five thousand dollars, exclu-

 24  sive of bonds issued to fund any reserve fund or  funds,  pay  costs  of

 25  issuance  and  refund  bonds.  Expenses  of  the unified court system in

 26  relation to this agreement shall be paid out of funds appropriated  from

 27  the  court  facilities  incentive  aid  fund  to  the judiciary for that

 28  purpose.

                                        302                        12020-01-1

  1    § 44. Paragraph e of subdivision 27 of  section  1680  of  the  public

  2  authorities law, as added by chapter 202 of the laws of 1990, is amended

  3  to read as follows:

  4    e.  The  dormitory  authority  shall  not  issue  obligations  for the

  5  provision of a facility for the education department  unless  a  certif-

  6  icate  of  availability  has been approved by the director of the budget

  7  and an appropriation for such facility has been  enacted.    Except  for

  8  notes  or  bonds  issued  to refund outstanding bonds, no notes or bonds

  9  shall be issued for the purposes authorized by  this  subdivision  after

 10  the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred ninety-nine.

 11    §  45.  Subdivision 1 of section 1290 of the public authorities law is

 12  amended by adding a new paragraph (e) to read as follows:

 13    (e) Notwithstanding any other law to  the  contrary,  the  corporation

 14  shall  not issue any notes or bonds on behalf of any state department or

 15  agency to fund the removal, disposal and remediation of petroleum  stor-

 16  age  tanks and the remediation of the sites thereof or for the making of

 17  loans for purposes of  section  twelve  hundred  eighty-five-j  of  this

 18  title, after the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred ninety-six.

 19  This  limitation  shall  not  apply  to bonds and notes issued to refund

 20  bonds issued for such purposes.

 21    § 46. Subdivision 2 of section 1680 of the public authorities  law  is

 22  amended by adding a new paragraph j to read as follows:

 23    j.  The  maximum  amount  of  bonds and notes to be issued after March

 24  thirty-first, two thousand one  for  a  housing  unit  for  the  use  of

 25  students  at  a  state-operated  institution  or  statutory  or contract

 26  college under the jurisdiction of the state university of New York shall

 27  be four hundred five million dollars. Such amount shall be exclusive  of

 28  bonds and notes issued to fund any reserve fund or funds, costs of issu-

                                        303                        12020-01-1

  1  ance,  and to refund any outstanding bonds and notes relating to a hous-

  2  ing unit under the jurisdiction of the state university of New York.

  3    §  47. Section 1680 of the public authorities law is amended by adding

  4  a new subdivision 10-a to read as follows:

  5    10-a. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the  contrary,

  6  the  maximum  amount of bonds and notes to be issued after March thirty-

  7  first, two thousand one, on behalf of the  state,  in  relation  to  any

  8  locally  sponsored  community college, shall be one hundred seventy-five

  9  million dollars. Such amount shall  be  exclusive  of  bonds  and  notes

 10  issued  to  fund  any  reserve  fund  or funds, costs of issuance and to

 11  refund any outstanding bonds and notes, issued on behalf of  the  state,

 12  relating to a locally sponsored community college.

 13    § 48. Subdivision 2-b of section 376 of the public authorities law, as

 14  amended  by  chapter  55  of  the  laws  of  1992, is amended to read as

 15  follows:

 16    2-b. From time to time to enter into agreements with the  commissioner

 17  of  transportation  to  finance the capital costs of projects authorized

 18  pursuant to section eighty-eight-b of the  state  finance  law,  and  to

 19  issue  bonds  and  notes  for  capital projects approved by metropolitan

 20  planning organizations or transportation coordinating committees  pursu-

 21  ant to the provisions of such section eighty-eight-b. All the provisions

 22  of  this  title  relating  to bonds and notes which are not inconsistent

 23  with the provisions of this section shall apply to the bonds  and  notes

 24  authorized  by  this section.  No bonds or notes shall be issued for the

 25  purposes authorized by this subdivision after the  thirty-first  day  of

 26  March, two thousand.

 27    §  49.  Chapter  152  of  the laws of 1964 relating to authorizing the

 28  commissioner of general services to contract on behalf of the state with

                                        304                        12020-01-1

  1  counties in the state of New York for the construction of buildings  and

  2  other  public  improvements  in such counties is amended by adding a new

  3  section 8-a to read as follows:

  4    § 8-a. The state commissioner of general services shall not enter into

  5  a  contract  with any county in the state as authorized by this chapter,

  6  after the thirty-first day of March, two thousand.

  7    § 50. Section 97-rrr of the state finance law, as amended  by  section

  8  45  of  part  H of chapter 56 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as

  9  follows:

 10    § 97-rrr. Debt reduction reserve fund. 1. There is hereby  established

 11  in the joint custody of the comptroller and the commissioner of taxation

 12  and  finance a fund to be known as the debt reduction reserve fund. Such

 13  fund shall be established as a  capital projects  debt service fund.

 14    2. Such fund shall consist of all monies credited or transferred ther-

 15  eto from the general fund or from any other fund or sources pursuant  to

 16  law.

 17    3. The monies in such fund, following appropriation by the legislature

 18  and allocation by the director of the budget, shall be available for the

 19  following purposes:

 20    (a)  for  the  payment of principal, interest, and related expenses on

 21  general obligation bonds, lease purchase payments, or special contractu-

 22  al obligation payments, or for the purposes  of  retiring  or  defeasing

 23  bonds previously issued, including any accrued interest thereon, for any

 24  state-supported bonding program or programs, and;

 25    (b)  for  the  funding of capital projects, equipment acquisitions, or

 26  similar expenses which have  been  authorized  by  law  to  be  financed

 27  through the issuance of bonds, notes, or other obligations.

                                        305                        12020-01-1

  1    § 51. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 18 of the New York

  2  state  urban  development  corporation act, the urban development corpo-

  3  ration is hereby authorized to issue bonds  or  notes  in  one  or  more

  4  series  in  an  aggregate  principal  amount  not to exceed $72,000,000,

  5  excluding  bonds  issued to fund one or more debt service reserve funds,

  6  to pay costs of issuance of such bonds, and bonds  or  notes  issued  to

  7  refund or otherwise repay such bonds or notes previously issued, for the

  8  purpose  of financing the Alfred E. Smith office building located in the

  9  city of Albany, including the reimbursement of  any  disbursements  made

 10  from the state capital projects fund. Such bonds and notes of the corpo-

 11  ration  shall  not  be a   debt of the state, and the state shall not be

 12  liable thereon, nor shall they be payable out of any  funds  other  than

 13  those  appropriated by the state to the corporation for debt service and

 14  related expenses pursuant to any service contracts executed pursuant  to

 15  subdivision  (b)  of this section and such bonds and notes shall contain

 16  on the face of thereof a statement to such effect.  Except for  purposes

 17  of  complying with the internal revenue code, any interest income earned

 18  on bond proceeds shall only be used to pay debt service on such bonds.

 19    (b) Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, in order to

 20  assist the corporation in undertaking the administration  and  financing

 21  of  the  project authorized pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section,

 22  the director of the budget is hereby authorized to  enter  into  one  or

 23  more  service contracts with the corporation, none of which shall exceed

 24  more than thirty years in duration, upon such terms  and  conditions  as

 25  the  director of the budget and the corporation agree, so as to annually

 26  provided to the corporation in the aggregate, a sum not  to  exceed  the

 27  annual debt service payments and related expenses required for the bonds

 28  and  notes issued pursuant to this section. Any service contract entered

                                        306                        12020-01-1

  1  into pursuant to this subdivision shall provide that the  obligation  of

  2  the state to pay the amount therein provided shall not constitute a debt

  3  of  the  state  within  the  meaning  of any constitutional or statutory

  4  provision  and  shall  be  deemed executory only to the extent of monies

  5  available and that no liability shall be incurred by  the  state  beyond

  6  the  monies available for such purposes, subject to annual appropriation

  7  by the legislature. Any such contract or any payments made or to be made

  8  thereunder may be assigned and pledged by the  corporation  as  security

  9  for its bonds and notes, as authorized by this section.

 10    §  52.  Paragraphs a and b of subdivision 4 of section 57 of the state

 11  finance law, paragraph a as amended by chapter 219 of the laws  of  1999

 12  and paragraph b as amended by section 21 of part F of chapter 405 of the

 13  laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:

 14    a.  Such  bonds  shall  be  sold  at par, at par plus a premium not to

 15  exceed five percent in the case of refunding bonds or five-tenths of one

 16  percent in the case of all other bonds, or at a discount to  the  bidder

 17  offering  the  lowest  interest cost to the state, taking into consider-

 18  ation any premium or discount and, in the case of refunding  bonds,  the

 19  bona  fide  initial  public  offering price, not less than four nor more

 20  than fifteen days, Sundays excepted, after a notice  of  such  sale  has

 21  been  published  at  least once in a definitive trade publication of the

 22  municipal bond industry published on each business day in the  state  of

 23  New  York  which is generally available to participants in the municipal

 24  bond industry, which notice shall state the terms  of  the  sale.    The

 25  comptroller  may  not change the terms of the sale unless notice of such

 26  change is sent via a definitive trade wire service of the municipal bond

 27  industry which, in general, makes available information regarding activ-

 28  ity and sales of municipal bonds and is generally available  to  partic-

                                        307                        12020-01-1

  1  ipants  in  the  municipal  bond industry, at least one day prior to the

  2  date of the sale as set forth in the original  notice  of  sale.  In  so

  3  changing  the  terms  or  conditions  of a sale the comptroller may send

  4  notice by such wire service that the sale will be delayed by up to thir-

  5  ty days, provided that wire notice of the new sale date will be given at

  6  least one business day prior to the new time when bids will be accepted.

  7  In  such event, no new notice of sale shall be required to be published.

  8  Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred five of the  state

  9  technology  law  or  any  other  law,  if  the notice of sale contains a

 10  provision that bids will only be accepted electronically in  the  manner

 11  provided  in  such notice of sale, the comptroller shall not be required

 12  to accept non-electronic bids in any form. Advertisements shall  contain

 13  a provision to the effect that the state comptroller, in his discretion,

 14  may reject any or all bids made in pursuance of such advertisements, and

 15  in  the  event of such rejection, the state comptroller is authorized to

 16  negotiate a private sale or readvertise for bids in the form and  manner

 17  above  described  as many times as, in his judgment, may be necessary to

 18  effect a satisfactory sale. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions  of

 19  this  paragraph,  whenever in the judgment of the comptroller the inter-

 20  ests of the state will be served thereby, he may  sell  state  bonds  at

 21  private sale at par, at par plus a premium not to exceed five percent in

 22  the case of refunding bonds or five-tenths of one percent in the case of

 23  all  other  bonds,  or  at  a discount. The comptroller shall promulgate

 24  regulations governing the terms  and  conditions  of  any  such  private

 25  sales,  which  regulations shall include a provision that he give notice

 26  to the governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the  speaker

 27  of  the  assembly,  of  his intention to conduct a private sale of obli-

                                        308                        12020-01-1

  1  gations pursuant to this section not less than five days prior  to  such

  2  sale or the execution of any binding agreement to effect such sale.

  3    b.  Notwithstanding  paragraph  a of this subdivision, whenever in the

  4  judgment of the comptroller the interests of the state  will  be  served

  5  thereby,  such bonds may be sold at public or private sale in accordance

  6  with the procedures set forth in paragraph a of this  subdivision,  with

  7  interest  rates  that vary in accordance with a formula or procedure set

  8  forth or referred to in the bonds and may provide  the  holders  thereof

  9  with  such  rights  to require the state or other persons to purchase or

 10  redeem such bonds or renewals thereof from the proceeds  of  the  resale

 11  thereof  or  otherwise  from time to time prior to the final maturity of

 12  such bonds as the comptroller may determine and the state may resell, at

 13  any time prior to final maturity, any such bonds acquired as a result of

 14  the exercise of such rights, provided, however, that as of  the  initial

 15  date  of  each  issuance of such bonds with interest rates that vary the

 16  total principal amount of bonds then outstanding pursuant to this  para-

 17  graph  and  paragraph (b) of subdivision four of section sixty shall not

 18  exceed twenty percent of the total principal amount of  all  bonds  then

 19  outstanding  which  carry  the  full  faith  and  credit  of  the state.

 20   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the  The holders of bonds sold  pursuant

 21  to  this paragraph  shall not  may be provided with the right to require

 22  the state to repurchase or redeem the bonds prior to the final  maturity

 23  thereof   unless   if  the  state has entered into one or more letter of

 24  credit agreements or other liquidity facility  agreements  entered  into

 25  for  the  express purposes of such sale and which shall require a finan-

 26  cially responsible party or parties  to  the  agreement  or  agreements,

 27   other  than   which  may be the state, to purchase or redeem all or any

 28  portion of such bonds tendered by the holders thereof for repurchase  or

                                        309                        12020-01-1

  1  redemption  prior  to the final maturity of such bonds. Such requirement

  2  to purchase or redeem bonds shall continue until such time as the  right

  3  of the holders of such bonds to require repurchase or redemption of such

  4  bonds  prior  to  the  final maturity thereof shall cease. A financially

  5  responsible party or parties, for purposes of this paragraph, shall mean

  6  a person or persons determined by the comptroller to have sufficient net

  7  worth and liquidity to purchase and pay for on a timely basis all of the

  8  bonds which may be tendered for repurchase or redemption by the  holders

  9  thereof.

 10    §  53.  Paragraphs  (a)  and (b) of subdivision 4 of section 60 of the

 11  state finance law, paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 219 of  the  laws

 12  of  1999 and paragraph (b) as amended by section 22 of part F of chapter

 13  405 of the laws of 1999, are amended to read as follows:

 14    (a) Such bonds shall be sold at par, at par  plus  a  premium  not  to

 15  exceed five percent in the case of refunding bonds or five-tenths of one

 16  percent  in  the case of all other bonds, or at a discount to the bidder

 17  offering the lowest interest cost to the state,  taking  into  consider-

 18  ation  any  premium or discount and, in the case of refunding bonds, the

 19  bona fide initial public offering price, not less  than  four  nor  more

 20  than  fifteen  days,  Sundays  excepted, after a notice of such sale has

 21  been published at least once in a definitive trade  publication  of  the

 22  municipal  bond  industry published on each business day in the state of

 23  New York which is generally available to participants in  the  municipal

 24  bond  industry,  which  notice  shall  state the terms of the sale.  The

 25  comptroller may not change the terms of the sale unless notice  of  such

 26  change is sent via a definitive trade wire service of the municipal bond

 27  industry which, in general, makes available information regarding activ-

 28  ity  and  sales of municipal bonds and is generally available to partic-

                                        310                        12020-01-1

  1  ipants in the municipal bond industry, at least one  day  prior  to  the

  2  date  of  the  sale  as  set forth in the original notice of sale. In so

  3  changing the terms or conditions of a  sale  the  comptroller  may  send

  4  notice by such wire service that the sale will be delayed by up to thir-

  5  ty days, provided that wire notice of the new sale date will be given at

  6  least one business day prior to the new time when bids will be accepted.

  7  In  such event, no new notice of sale shall be required to be published.

  8  Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred five of the  state

  9  technology  law  or  any  other  law,  if  the notice of sale contains a

 10  provision that bids will only be accepted electronically in  the  manner

 11  provided  in  such notice of sale, the comptroller shall not be required

 12  to accept non-electronic bids in any form. Advertisements shall  contain

 13  a provision to the effect that the state comptroller, in his discretion,

 14  may reject any or all bids made in pursuance of such advertisements, and

 15  in  the  event of such rejection, the state comptroller is authorized to

 16  negotiate a private sale or readvertise for bids in the form and  manner

 17  above  described  as many times as, in his judgment, may be necessary to

 18  effect a satisfactory sale. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions  of

 19  this subdivision, whenever in the judgment of the comptroller the inter-

 20  ests  of  the  state  will be served thereby, he may sell state bonds at

 21  private sale at par, at par plus a premium not to exceed five percent in

 22  the case of refunding bonds or five-tenths of one percent in the case of

 23  all other bonds, or at a  discount.  The  comptroller  shall  promulgate

 24  regulations  governing  the  terms  and  conditions  of any such private

 25  sales, which regulations shall include a provision that he  give  notice

 26  to  the governor, the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker

 27  of the assembly of his intention to conduct  a  private  sale  of  obli-

                                        311                        12020-01-1

  1  gations  pursuant  to this section not less than five days prior to such

  2  sale or the execution of any binding agreement to effect such sale.

  3    (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subdivision, whenever in the

  4  judgment  of  the  comptroller the interests of the state will be served

  5  thereby, such bonds may be sold at public or private sale in  accordance

  6  with the procedures set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, with

  7  interest  rates  that vary in accordance with a formula or procedure set

  8  forth or referred to in the bonds and may provide  the  holders  thereof

  9  with  such  rights  to require the state or other persons to purchase or

 10  redeem such bonds or renewals thereof from the proceeds  of  the  resale

 11  thereof  or  otherwise  from time to time prior to the final maturity of

 12  such bonds as the comptroller may determine and the state may resell, at

 13  any time prior to final maturity, any such bonds acquired as a result of

 14  the exercise of such rights, provided, however, that as of  the  initial

 15  date  of  each  issuance of such bonds with interest rates that vary the

 16  total principal amount of bonds then outstanding pursuant to this  para-

 17  graph  and  paragraph b of subdivision four of section fifty-seven shall

 18  not exceed twenty percent of the  total  principal  of  all  bonds  then

 19  outstanding  which  carry  the  full  faith  and  credit  of  the state.

 20   Notwithstanding the foregoing, the  The holders of bonds sold  pursuant

 21  to  this paragraph  shall not  may be provided with the right to require

 22  the state to repurchase or redeem the bonds prior to the final  maturity

 23  thereof   unless   if  the  state has entered into one or more letter of

 24  credit agreements or other liquidity facility  agreements  entered  into

 25  for  the  express  purpose of such sale and which shall require a finan-

 26  cially responsible party or parties  to  the  agreement  or  agreements,

 27   other  than   which  may be the state, to purchase or redeem all or any

 28  portion of such bonds tendered by the holders thereof for repurchase  or

                                        312                        12020-01-1

  1  redemption  prior  to the final maturity of such bonds. Such requirement

  2  to purchase or redeem bonds shall continue until such time as the  right

  3  of the holders of such bonds to require repurchase or redemption of such

  4  bonds  prior  to  the  final maturity thereof shall cease. A financially

  5  responsible party or parties, for purposes of this paragraph, shall mean

  6  a person or persons determined by the comptroller to have sufficient net

  7  worth and liquidity to purchase and pay for on a timely basis all of the

  8  bonds which may be tendered for repurchase or redemption by the  holders

  9  thereof.

 10    §  54. Section 51 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a

 11  new subdivision 1-a to read as follows:

 12    1-a. Board approval shall not be required for indebtedness incurred by

 13  a public benefit corporation subject to the provisions of this  section,

 14  for the purpose of refunding state supported debt, as defined by section

 15  sixty-seven-a  of  the  state  finance  law, issued to finance a project

 16  previously approved by the board.

 17    § 55. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, and in accordance  with

 18  section 4 of the state finance law, the comptroller is hereby authorized

 19  and  directed  to transfer moneys, in the first instance, from the state

 20  university collection fund (344), SUNY  Stony  Brook  hospital  account,

 21  SUNY Brooklyn hospital account and SUNY Syracuse hospital account to the

 22  state  university  income  fund (345), state university hospitals income

 23  reimbursable account (22) in the event sufficient funds are  not  avail-

 24  able  in the state university income fund (345), state university hospi-

 25  tals income reimbursable account (22) to  transfer  moneys,  in  amounts

 26  sufficient  to  permit the full transfer of moneys authorized for trans-

 27  fer, to the general debt service fund (311) for payment of debt  service

 28  related  to the SUNY hospitals. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary,

                                        313                        12020-01-1

  1  the comptroller is also  hereby  authorized  and  directed  to  transfer

  2  moneys  from the state university income fund (345) to the state univer-

  3  sity income fund (345), state university hospitals  income  reimbursable

  4  account  (22) in the event insufficient funds are available in the state

  5  university income fund (345), state university  hospitals  income  reim-

  6  bursable  account  (22)  to  pay hospital operating costs or to transfer

  7  moneys, in amounts sufficient to permit  the  full  transfer  of  moneys

  8  authorized  for  transfer,  to  the  general debt service fund (311) for

  9  payment of debt service related to the SUNY hospitals.

 10    § 56. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the dormi-

 11  tory authority of the  state  of  New  York  is  hereby  authorized  and

 12  directed, upon request of the director of the budget, to pay $28,000,000

 13  to  the  state comptroller. Upon receipt from the dormitory authority of

 14  the state of New York, the state comptroller is authorized and  directed

 15  to deposit $15,200,000 to the credit of the state university income fund

 16  (345), state university general income offset account (11) for the first

 17  installment  of  the  state's  share  of  repayment of the STIP loan and

 18  $12,800,000 to the credit of the state  university  income  fund  (345),

 19  state  university  hospitals  income reimbursable account (22) for costs

 20  attributable to the SUNY hospitals' state agency status.

 21    § 57. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section  97-xxx

 22  to read as follows:

 23    §  97-xxx. Additional mass transportation assistance fund. 1. There is

 24  hereby established in the joint custody of the state comptroller and the

 25  commissioner of tax and finance a fund to be  known  as  the  additional

 26  mass transportation assistance fund.

 27    2.  Moneys in the additional mass transportation assistance fund shall

 28  be used for the payment of  operating  assistance  to  the  metropolitan

                                        314                        12020-01-1

  1  transportation  authority  for the operating expenses of the Long Island

  2  rail road company and the Metro-North commuter  railroad  company  which

  3  includes  the  New  York  state  portion of Harlem, Hudson, Port Jervis,

  4  Pascack,  and  the  New  Haven  commuter railroad services regardless of

  5  whether the services are provided directly or pursuant to joint  service

  6  agreements.

  7    §  58.  Paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision  2  of section 94 of the state

  8  finance law, as amended by section 18 of part H of  chapter  56  of  the

  9  laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows:

 10    (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, moneys in the fund in excess of the

 11  amount  credited  to the accounts established for political subdivisions

 12  pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision shall be  (1)  transferred

 13  by the state comptroller to the general debt service fund for payment of

 14  the  judiciary's  expenses  in  relation  to the New York state judicial

 15  institute as provided in the agreement specified in subdivision  two  of

 16  section  two  hundred nineteen-a of the judiciary law provided, however,

 17  that such transfer shall not  exceed  amounts  actually  paid  for  such

 18  expenses;  and  (2) available, subject to appropriation, for payments by

 19  the judiciary for operation and maintenance expenses related to the  New

 20  York state judicial institute.

 21    §  59.  Notwithstanding  any  law  to the contrary, the New York state

 22  housing finance agency is directed to pay to  the  comptroller  and  the

 23  comptroller  is  directed to deposit, on or before March 31, 2002, up to

 24  $1,000,000 to the miscellaneous special revenue fund (339) federal small

 25  cities community development program account.

 26    § 60. Severability.  If any clause, sentence, paragraph,  subdivision,

 27  section  or part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent

 28  jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgement shall not affect, impair,  or

                                        315                        12020-01-1

  1  invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation

  2  to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section or part thereof

  3  directly  involved in the controversy in which such judgement shall have

  4  been  rendered.   It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legisla-

  5  ture that this  act  would  have  been  enacted  even  if  such  invalid

  6  provisions had not been included herein.

  7    §  61.  This  act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed to

  8  have been in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2001, provided,

  9  however, that sections one through  two,  twenty-seven  through  thirty-

 10  four,  thirty-six  through thirty-eight and fifty-nine of this act shall

 11  be deemed in full force and effect through March  31,  2002,  when  upon

 12  such date such sections shall expire and be deemed repealed.

 13                                    PART R

 14    Section  1.  The  state finance law is amended by adding a new section

 15  92-z to read as follows:

 16    § 92-z. Revenue bond tax fund.  1. There is hereby established in  the

 17  joint  custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxation

 18  and finance a fund within the general debt service fund to be  known  as

 19  the revenue bond tax fund.

 20    2. Such fund shall consist of twenty-five percent of receipts deposit-

 21  ed  to the general fund pursuant to section one hundred seventy-one-a of

 22  the tax law from the imposition of personal  income  taxes  pursuant  to

 23  article twenty-two of the tax law.

 24    3.  On  or  before  the twelfth day of each month, the commissioner of

 25  taxation and finance shall certify to the state comptroller the  amounts

 26  specified  in  subdivision two of this section relating to the preceding

 27  month and, in addition, no later than March thirty-first of each  fiscal

 28  year the commissioner of taxation and finance shall certify such amounts

                                        316                        12020-01-1

  1  relating to the last month of such fiscal year. The amounts so certified

  2  shall  be  deposited  by  the  state comptroller in the revenue bond tax

  3  fund.

  4    4.  Moneys  in  the  revenue  bond tax fund shall be kept separate and

  5  shall not be commingled with any other moneys  in  the  custody  of  the

  6  state  comptroller  and  the  commissioner  of taxation and finance. All

  7  deposits of such revenues shall, if required by the  state  comptroller,

  8  be  secured by obligations of the United States or of the state having a

  9  market value equal at all times to the amount of such deposits  and  all

 10  banks  and  trust  companies  are  authorized  to give security for such

 11  deposits. Any such moneys in such fund may, in  the  discretion  of  the

 12  state  comptroller,  be invested in obligations in which the state comp-

 13  troller is authorized to invest pursuant to  section  ninety-eight-a  of

 14  this article.

 15    5.  (a) The state comptroller shall from time to time, but in no event

 16  later than the fifteenth day of each month (other than the last month of

 17  the fiscal year) and no later than the  thirty-first  day  of  the  last

 18  month  of each fiscal year, pay over and distribute to the credit of the

 19  general fund of the state treasury all moneys in the  revenue  bond  tax

 20  fund, if any, in excess of the aggregate amount required to be set aside

 21  for  the  payment of cash requirements pursuant to paragraph (b) of this

 22  subdivision, provided that an appropriation has been  made  to  pay  all

 23  amounts  specified  in  any certificate or certificates delivered by the

 24  director of the budget pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision  as

 25  being  required  by  each  authorized  issuer as such term is defined in

 26  section sixty-eight-a of this chapter for the payment of  cash  require-

 27  ments  of  such  issuers  for such fiscal year. Subject to the rights of

 28  holders of debt of the state, in no event shall  the  state  comptroller

                                        317                        12020-01-1

  1  pay  over  and  distribute any moneys on deposit in the revenue bond tax

  2  fund to any person other than an  authorized  issuer  pursuant  to  such

  3  certificate  or  certificates  (i) unless and until the aggregate of all

  4  cash requirements certified to the state comptroller as required by such

  5  authorized  issuers  to  be  set aside pursuant to paragraph (b) of this

  6  subdivision for such fiscal year shall have been  appropriated  to  such

  7  authorized  issuers  in  accordance  with  the schedule specified in the

  8  certificate or certificates filed by the director of the budget or  (ii)

  9  if,  after  having  been  so  certified  and  appropriated,  any payment

 10  required to be made pursuant to paragraph (b) of  this  subdivision  has

 11  not  been made to the authorized issuers which was required to have been

 12  made pursuant to such certificate or  certificates;  provided,  however,

 13  that  no  person,  including  such  authorized issuers or the holders of

 14  revenue bonds, shall have any lien on moneys on deposit in  the  revenue

 15  bond  tax  fund.  Any  agreement entered into pursuant to section sixty-

 16  eight-c of this chapter  related  to  any  payment  authorized  by  this

 17  section shall be executory only to the extent of such revenues available

 18  to  the state in such fund.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law,

 19  if the state has appropriated and paid to  the  authorized  issuers  the

 20  amounts  necessary for the authorized issuers to meet their requirements

 21  for the current fiscal year pursuant to the certificate or  certificates

 22  submitted  by  the  director  of the budget pursuant to paragraph (b) of

 23  this section, the state comptroller shall,  on  the  last  day  of  each

 24  fiscal  year, pay to the general fund of the state all sums remaining in

 25  the revenue bond tax fund on such date except such amounts as the direc-

 26  tor of the budget may certify are needed to meet the  cash  requirements

 27  of authorized issuers during the subsequent fiscal year.

                                        318                        12020-01-1

  1    (b)  No  later  than thirty days after the submission of the executive

  2  budget in accordance with article seven of the constitution, the  direc-

  3  tor  of the budget shall prepare a certificate of the amount of receipts

  4  anticipated to be deposited pursuant to subdivision two of this  section

  5  during  the fiscal year beginning April first of that year together with

  6  the monthly amounts necessary to be set aside from the receipts of  such

  7  fund,  as  shall  be  sufficient  to meet the total cash requirements of

  8  authorized issuers, as defined by section sixty-eight-a of this  chapter

  9  during  such fiscal year, based on information that shall be provided by

 10  such authorized issuers. Such monthly set asides shall  equal  not  less

 11  than  the cumulative amount of one-twelfth of the total amount estimated

 12  by the director of the budget as necessary  to  meet  such  requirements

 13  during  the  fiscal  year  multiplied  by the number of months since the

 14  start of such fiscal year. The state comptroller  shall  set  aside  all

 15  such  moneys  as  received in the revenue bond tax fund until the amount

 16  set aside is equal to the monthly amount of cash requirements, as certi-

 17  fied by the director of the budget.   Notwithstanding subdivision  three

 18  of  section  seventy-two  of this article or any other provision of law,

 19  all moneys set aside in the revenue debt tax fund  to  meet  the  annual

 20  cash  requirements  of  authorized  issuers pursuant to a certificate or

 21  certificates as required in this paragraph shall remain in  the  revenue

 22  debt  tax  fund  until  needed  for  payment  to  authorized issuers, as

 23  provided in this section.   For the  purpose  of  meeting  any  required

 24  payment  on  any  issue of revenue bonds of an authorized issuer that is

 25  due on a monthly or more frequent basis, the state comptroller shall set

 26  aside all receipts deposited  pursuant  to  subdivision  three  of  this

 27  section as received until the amount so set aside is, in accordance with

 28  the  schedule  set forth for such purpose by the director of the budget,

                                        319                        12020-01-1

  1  sufficient to pay the required payment on such issue and any other  such

  2  issue  with  a payment date on or before such payment date. In the event

  3  that the amount set aside by the  state  comptroller  pursuant  to  this

  4  paragraph  is  not  sufficient  to  meet  the cash requirements required

  5  pursuant to a certificate or certificates submitted by the  director  of

  6  the  budget,  the  state comptroller shall immediately transfer from the

  7  general fund to the revenue bond tax fund an amount which, when combined

  8  with the amount set aside pursuant to this paragraph,  shall  be  suffi-

  9  cient  to  meet  the  payment  required  pursuant to such certificate or

 10  certificates.  The director of the budget may revise such  certification

 11  at  such times as shall be necessary, provided, however, that the direc-

 12  tor of the budget shall, as necessary,  revise  such  certification  not

 13  later  than thirty days after the issuance of any revenue bonds, includ-

 14  ing refunding bonds,  and  after  the  adoption  of  any  interest  rate

 15  exchange  or other financial arrangement affecting the cash requirements

 16  of the authorized issuers. In no event shall the  state  comptroller  be

 17  held liable for the failure to set aside an amount sufficient to pay any

 18  required payment of an authorized issuer.

 19    6. All payments of moneys from the revenue bond tax fund shall be made

 20  on the audit and warrant of the state comptroller.

 21    7. Notwithstanding sections eight, seventy, seventy-one, seventy-one-a

 22  and seventy-five of this chapter, and any other law to the contrary, for

 23  accounting  purposes  only, the state comptroller shall consider (a) all

 24  moneys deposited in the revenue bond tax fund as revenues of the general

 25  fund, and (b) all moneys necessary to  meet  the  cash  requirements  of

 26  authorized issuers as provided for in this section as transfers from the

 27  general fund to the general debt service fund.

                                        320                        12020-01-1

  1    §  2.  The state finance law is amended by adding a new article 5-C to

  2  read as follows:

  3                                  ARTICLE 5-C

  4                       REVENUE BOND FINANCING PROGRAM

  5  Section 68-a. Definitions.

  6          68-b. Issuance of bonds and notes.

  7          68-c. Payments to authorized issuers.

  8    § 68-a.  Definitions.  1. "Authorized issuer" shall mean the following

  9  public  authorities  and public benefit corporations, and any successors

 10  thereto:

 11    (a) the dormitory authority of the state of New York;

 12    (b) the urban development corporation;

 13    (c) the New York state thruway authority;

 14    (d) the New York state environmental facilities corporation;

 15    (e) the New York state housing finance agency;

 16    2. "Authorized purpose" for purposes of this article and section nine-

 17  ty-two-z of this chapter shall mean any purposes  for  which  state-sup-

 18  ported debt, as defined by section sixty-seven-a of this chapter, may or

 19  has  been  issued  except  debt  for which the state is constitutionally

 20  obligated thereunder to pay  debt  service  and  related  expenses,  and

 21  except  (a) as authorized in paragraph (b) of subdivision one of section

 22  three hundred eighty-five of the public authorities law, (b) as  author-

 23  ized for the department of health of the state of New York facilities as

 24  specified  in  paragraph a of subdivision two of section sixteen hundred

 25  eighty of the public authorities law, (c) state university of  New  York

 26  dormitory  facilities  as  specified  in  subdivision  eight  of section

 27  sixteen hundred seventy-eight of the public authorities law, and (d)  as

                                        321                        12020-01-1

  1  authorized  for  mental  health services facilities by section nine-a of

  2  section one of chapter three hundred ninety-two of the laws of  nineteen

  3  hundred  seventy-three  constituting  the  New  York  state medical care

  4  facilities financing act.

  5    3.  "Revenue bonds" for the purposes of this article and section nine-

  6  ty-two-z of this chapter shall mean  any  bonds,  notes  or  obligations

  7  issued or incurred pursuant to section sixty-eight-b of this article.

  8    §  68-b. Issuance of bonds and notes.  1. (a) Authorized issuers shall

  9  have the power and are hereby authorized from  time  to  time  to  issue

 10  revenue  bonds, in such principal amount or amounts, subject to subdivi-

 11  sion eight of this section and as  the  director  of  the  budget  shall

 12  determine  to  be  necessary, to provide sufficient funds for authorized

 13  purposes, the establishment of reserves to secure  such  revenue  bonds,

 14  the payment of amounts required under revenue bonds or agreements relat-

 15  ing  thereto,  and the payment of all costs of issuance of their revenue

 16  bonds.

 17    (b) The authorized issuers shall have the power and are hereby author-

 18  ized from time to time to issue (i) revenue bonds to renew  notes,  (ii)

 19  revenue  bonds to pay notes, and (iii) whenever it deems refunding expe-

 20  dient, to refund any bonds, notes, or other obligations  issued  for  an

 21  authorized  purpose  or  purposes, by the issuance of new revenue bonds,

 22  including bonds, notes, or other obligations that were issued  prior  to

 23  the  enactment of this article, whether the bonds, notes, or other obli-

 24  gations to be refunded have or have not matured, and  to  issue  revenue

 25  bonds  in  part  to  refund  bonds,  notes,  or  other  obligations then

 26  outstanding and in part for any of its other authorized purposes.    The

 27  refunding  revenue  bonds  may  be  exchanged for bonds, notes, or other

 28  obligations to be refunded, or sold and  the  proceeds  applied  to  the

                                        322                        12020-01-1

  1  purchase,  redemption  or  payment  of such bonds, notes, or other obli-

  2  gations.

  3    (c)  Except  as  may  otherwise be expressly provided by an authorized

  4  issuer, every issue of revenue bonds of an authorized issuer pursuant to

  5  this section shall be special obligations of the authorized issuer paya-

  6  ble solely out of any revenues paid over to such authorized issuer  from

  7  the  revenue bond tax fund, established pursuant to section ninety-two-z

  8  of this chapter.

  9    (d) All of the provisions of  the  enabling  acts  of  the  authorized

 10  issuers relating to bonds and notes, which are not inconsistent with the

 11  provisions  of  this  section,  may, at the discretion of the authorized

 12  issuer, apply to revenue bonds authorized by this section.

 13    (e) The revenue bonds of the authorized  issuers  authorized  by  this

 14  section  shall  not  be  a  debt of the state and the state shall not be

 15  liable thereon, nor shall they be payable out of any  funds  other  than

 16  those of the authorized issuers pledged therefor; and such revenue bonds

 17  shall  contain  on the face thereof a statement to such effect. In addi-

 18  tion, any agreements entered into by any  entity  pursuant  to  sections

 19  sixty-eight-c and ninety-two-z of this chapter on behalf of the state to

 20  effect  the implementation of any of the activities financed in whole or

 21  in part with proceeds of the revenue bonds  of  the  authorized  issuers

 22  authorized  in  this  section  do not constitute or create a debt of the

 23  state, nor a contractual obligation in excess of the  amounts  appropri-

 24  ated therefor, and the state has no continuing legal or moral obligation

 25  to appropriate money for payments due under any such agreement.

 26    (f) (i) Revenue bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the author-

 27  ized  issuers,  be  in  such  denominations, bear such date or dates and

                                        323                        12020-01-1

  1  mature at such time or times, as such resolution or other agreement  may

  2  provide.

  3    (ii)  Revenue bonds shall be subject to such terms of redemption, bear

  4  interest at such rate or rates, be payable at such  times,  be  in  such

  5  form, either coupon, registered or book entry form, carry such registra-

  6  tion  privileges,  be executed in such manner, be payable in such medium

  7  of payment at such place or places, and be subject  to  such  terms  and

  8  conditions as such resolution may provide.

  9    (g)  Revenue  bonds  authorized  hereunder shall be sold by authorized

 10  issuers, at public or private sale, at  such  price  or  prices  as  the

 11  authorized  issuers  may  determine.  Revenue  bonds  of  the authorized

 12  issuers shall not be sold by the authorized  issuers  at  private  sales

 13  unless  such  sale and the terms thereof have been approved by the state

 14  comptroller.

 15    2. Consistent with the provisions of this article, and subject to  the

 16  approval  of  the director of the budget, any resolution or other agree-

 17  ment  authorizing  revenue  bonds  or  any  issue  thereof  may  contain

 18  provisions, which shall be a part of the contract with the holders ther-

 19  eof, as to:

 20    (a)  pledging  all or any part of the revenues received by the author-

 21  ized issuers pursuant to section sixty-eight-c of this article to secure

 22  the payment of the bonds or notes or of any issue  thereof,  subject  to

 23  such agreements with holders of revenue bonds as may then exist;

 24    (b)  pledging  all or any part of the assets of the authorized issuers

 25  to secure the payment of the revenue bonds or of any  issue  of  revenue

 26  bonds  subject  to  such agreements with holders of revenue bonds as may

 27  then exist;

                                        324                        12020-01-1

  1    (c) the setting aside of reserves or sinking funds and the  regulation

  2  and disposition thereof;

  3    (d)  limitations  on  the  purposes  to  which the proceeds of sale of

  4  revenue bonds, may be applied and pledging such proceeds to  secure  the

  5  payment of the revenue bonds or of any issue thereof;

  6    (e)  limitations on the issuance of additional revenue bonds the terms

  7  upon which additional revenue bonds may be issued and  secured  and  the

  8  refunding of outstanding or other revenue bonds;

  9    (f)  the  procedure,  if  any, by which the terms of any contract with

 10  holders of revenue bonds may be amended  or  abrogated,  the  amount  of

 11  revenue  bonds  the holders of which must consent thereto and the manner

 12  in which such consent may be given;

 13    (g) vesting in a trustee, as described  in  subdivision  six  of  this

 14  section,  such  property,  rights,  powers  and  duties  in trust as the

 15  authorized issuers may determine, which may include any or  all  of  the

 16  rights,  powers  and  duties  of the trustee appointed by the holders of

 17  revenue bonds of the respective  authorized  issuers  pursuant  to  this

 18  article, and limiting or abrogating the right of such revenue bond hold-

 19  ers  to  appoint  a  trustee  under  this  title or limiting the rights,

 20  powers, and duties of such trustee;

 21    (h) the acts or omissions to act which shall constitute a  default  in

 22  the  obligations  and duties of the authorized issuers to the holders of

 23  the revenue bonds and providing for the rights and remedies of the hold-

 24  ers of the revenue bonds in event of such default, including  the  right

 25  to  appointment  of  a receiver; provided, however, that such rights and

 26  remedies shall not be inconsistent with the  other  provisions  of  this

 27  article;

                                        325                        12020-01-1

  1    (i)  any  other  matters, of like or different character, which in any

  2  way affect the security or protection of  the  holders  of  the  revenue

  3  bonds; and

  4    (j) the application of any of the foregoing provisions to any provider

  5  of any applicable bond, note or other financial facility.

  6    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  authorized issuers shall not be

  7  authorized to make any covenant, pledge, promise, or agreement  purport-

  8  ing  to  bind  the  state except as otherwise specifically authorized by

  9  this article.

 10    3. Any pledge made by the respective authorized issuers shall be valid

 11  and binding from the time when the pledge is made. The revenues or prop-

 12  erty so pledged and thereafter received  by  the  respective  authorized

 13  issuers  shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without

 14  any physical delivery thereof or further act, and the lien of  any  such

 15  pledge  shall  be valid and binding as against all parties having claims

 16  of any kind in  tort,  contract  or  otherwise  against  the  respective

 17  authorized  issuers,  irrespective  of  whether such parties have notice

 18  thereof. Neither the resolution nor any  other  instrument  by  which  a

 19  pledge is created need be recorded or filed to protect such pledge.

 20    4.  Neither the directors or members of the authorized issuers nor any

 21  other person executing the revenue bonds of the authorized issuers shall

 22  be liable personally thereon or be subject to any personal liability  or

 23  accountability solely by reason of the issuance thereof.

 24    5.  The authorized issuers, subject to such agreements with holders of

 25  revenue bonds as may then exist, or with the providers of any applicable

 26  bond or note or other financial or agreement facility, shall have  power

 27  out  of  any  funds  available therefor to purchase revenue bonds of the

                                        326                        12020-01-1

  1  authorized issuers, which may or may not thereupon  be  canceled,  at  a

  2  price not exceeding:

  3    (a)  if  the  revenue  bonds are then redeemable, the redemption price

  4  then applicable, including any accrued interest;

  5    (b) if the revenue bonds are not then redeemable, the redemption price

  6  and accrued interest applicable on the first date  after  such  purchase

  7  upon which the revenue bonds become subject to redemption.

  8    6.  In the discretion of the authorized issuers, the revenue bonds may

  9  be secured by a trust indenture by and between  the  authorized  issuers

 10  and  a  corporate trustee, or a corporate trustee may be appointed under

 11  the resolution as provided in subdivision two of this section.

 12    7. Whether or not the revenue bonds are of such form and character  as

 13  to  be  negotiable instruments under the terms of the uniform commercial

 14  code, the revenue bonds are hereby made  negotiable  instruments  within

 15  the  meaning of and for all the purposes of the uniform commercial code,

 16  subject only to the provisions of the revenue bonds for registration  or

 17  any book-entry-only system.

 18    8.  Revenue  bonds  may  only  be  issued  for authorized purposes, as

 19  defined in section sixty-eight-a of this article.   Notwithstanding  the

 20  foregoing, any authorized issuer may issue revenue bonds in place of (a)

 21  housing program bonds or notes as authorized by section forty-seven-e of

 22  the  private  housing  finance law, (b) bonds to finance the state match

 23  for federal capitalization grants for the purpose of the water pollution

 24  control revolving fund as authorized by paragraph (a) of subdivision one

 25  of section twelve hundred ninety of the public authorities law  and  (c)

 26  certificates  of  participation  as authorized by article five-a of this

 27  chapter. The authorized issuers shall not issue any revenue bonds in  an

 28  amount  in  excess  of  statutory  authorizations  for  such  authorized

                                        327                        12020-01-1

  1  purposes. Authorizations for such authorized purposes shall  be  reduced

  2  in  an  amount  equal  to  the  amount  of revenue bonds issued for such

  3  authorized purposes under this article. Such reduction shall not be made

  4  in  relation  to revenue bonds issued to fund reserve funds, if any, and

  5  costs of issuance, if these items are not counted under existing author-

  6  izations, nor shall revenue bonds issued to refund  bonds  issued  under

  7  existing authorizations reduce the amount of such authorizations.

  8    9. Except upon the amendment of the New York state constitution allow-

  9  ing  the  issuance  or  assumption  of bonds, notes or other obligations

 10  secured by revenues, which may include  the  revenues  securing  revenue

 11  bonds  of  authorized  issuers,  and  the affirmative assumption of such

 12  bonds, notes or other obligations by the state, the revenue bonds of the

 13  authorized issuers authorized by this section shall not be a debt of the

 14  state and the state shall not be liable thereon, nor shall they be paya-

 15  ble out of any funds other than those of the authorized issuers  pledged

 16  therefor;  and  such  revenue  bonds shall contain on the face thereof a

 17  statement to such effect. In addition, any agreements  entered  into  by

 18  any  entity  pursuant to sections sixty-eight-c and ninety-two-z of this

 19  chapter on behalf of the state to effect the implementation  of  any  of

 20  the  activities  financed in whole or in part with proceeds of the obli-

 21  gations of the authorized issuers authorized  in  this  section  do  not

 22  constitute  or  create a debt of the state, nor a contractual obligation

 23  in excess of the amounts appropriated therefor  and  the  state  has  no

 24  continuing  legal  or moral obligation to appropriate money for payments

 25  due under any such agreement.

 26    10. Nothing in this article shall affect the authority of each of  the

 27  authorized  issuers  to  issue  or  incur  indebtedness for any purposes

 28  otherwise authorized by law and nothing in this article shall be  deemed

                                        328                        12020-01-1

  1  to  alter or affect the rights of outstanding bondholders or noteholders

  2  of any authorized issuer.

  3    11.  The authorization, sale and issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to

  4  this section shall not be deemed an action as such term  is  defined  in

  5  article  eight of the environmental conservation law for the purposes of

  6  such article. Such exemption shall be strictly limited in  its  applica-

  7  tion  to  such  financing activities of the authorized issuers hereunder

  8  and does not exempt any other entity from compliance with such article.

  9    § 68-c. Payments to authorized issuers.  1. The state, acting  through

 10  the  director  of  the  budget,  and  authorized issuers may enter into,

 11  amend, modify, or rescind one or more financing agreements providing for

 12  the specific manner, timing, and amount of payments  to  be  made  under

 13  this section, but only in conformity with this section.

 14    2.  No  later  than October first of each year, the authorized issuers

 15  shall certify to  the  director  of  the  budget  the  anticipated  cash

 16  requirements related to revenue bonds during the subsequent state fiscal

 17  year in such detail as the director may require.

 18    3.  Upon  receipt  of  a voucher from any authorized issuer requesting

 19  payment for such amount or amounts certified  by  the  director  of  the

 20  budget  pursuant to paragraph (a) of subdivision five of section ninety-

 21  two-z of this chapter, the state comptroller shall pay  such  amount  or

 22  amounts to the authorized issuer from appropriations for such purpose.

 23    4.  The  agreement  of  the  state  contained in this section shall be

 24  deemed executory only to the  extent  of  appropriations  available  for

 25  payments  under  this  section,  and no liability on account of any such

 26  payment shall be incurred by the state beyond such appropriations.

 27    5. Nothing contained in this article shall be deemed to  restrict  the

 28  right  of the state to amend, repeal, modify or otherwise alter statutes

                                        329                        12020-01-1

  1  imposing or relating to the taxes imposed pursuant to article twenty-two

  2  of the tax law. The authorized issuers  shall  not  include  within  any

  3  resolution,  contract  or  agreement  with  holders of the revenue bonds

  4  issued  under  this  article any provision which provides that a default

  5  occurs as a result of the state exercising its right to  amend,  repeal,

  6  modify  or otherwise alter the taxes imposed pursuant to article twenty-

  7  two of the tax law.

  8    6. Any resolution or other agreement authorizing revenue  bonds  under

  9  this article shall reserve the right of the state, upon amendment of the

 10  New  York  state  constitution  allowing  the  issuance or assumption of

 11  bonds, notes or other obligations secured by revenues, which may include

 12  the revenues securing revenue bonds of authorized issuers (a) to assume,

 13  in whole or in part, revenue bonds of the  authorized  issuers,  (b)  to

 14  extinguish  the existing lien of such resolution, or other agreement and

 15  (c) to substitute security for  the  revenue  bonds  of  the  authorized

 16  issuers, in each case only so long as such assumption, extinguishment or

 17  substitution  is done in accordance with such resolution or other agree-

 18  ment.

 19    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.

 20    § 2. Severability clause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivi-

 21  sion, section or part of this act shall be  adjudged  by  any  court  of

 22  competent  jurisdiction  to  be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,

 23  impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall  be  confined  in

 24  its  operation  to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section

 25  or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judg-

 26  ment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of

 27  the legislature that this act would  have  been  enacted  even  if  such

 28  invalid provisions had not been included herein.

                                        330                        12020-01-1

  1    §  3.  This  act shall take effect immediately provided, however, that

  2  the applicable effective date of Parts A through R of this act shall  be

  3  as specifically set forth in the last section of such Parts.